ELD Lesson (SIOP EL small group)

Teacher Candidate ______Kourtnie Schlacter___________________
Grade Level _3___ Title ______ELD= English Language Development____
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
Contextual Factors: 7 students, 2 boys 5 girls (2 girls should be in RSP, I plan for them just in case
they do not have RSP for some reason today.)
Classroom environment: Small group of all EL students ( 1- beginner, 3- early intermediate, and 1intermediate)
WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be
able to do?)
State Standard/Objective (from Unit Plan):
Students will read the 2nd half of Rug Weavers and write details from the story using a graphic organizer.
(SIOP 3- content concepts appropriate for age level)
Content Walk-Away:
Students will review and practice comprehending details from a story. ( SIOP 1- content objective)
Language Walk-Away:
Students will read aloud their section of the story and talk amongst their group members to brainstorm details
about Rug Weavers. (SIOP 2- language objective)
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to
show the students have learned the Walk-Away? )
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the
lesson): * Questioning
 Constantly reviewing vocabulary and skills from whole class
lessons (guiding questions).
Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
Students will show understanding by writing details using a graphic
Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
I will listen to student conversation during their brainstorm activity
and scaffold as needed.
Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE,
etc.). Note: Provide a brief
description for each. Do not
simply list SIOP 4,5,12, etc.
*Review all components of ELD board.
Activate/Building Background Knowledge
Summarize the 1st half of the Rug Weavers. Also point out details that are
key for connecting main selection story and ELD story. (SIOP 7- concepts
explicitly linked)
Formative assessment: Student response. (SIOP 30- assessment of student
comprehension and learning)
Modification/accommodations: Make sure all students are attentive and listening.
Focus Lesson (“I do it”)
Before we begin reading, who can give me a summary of what we have read so far?
Fill in as needed. Excellent, let’s begin reading on page 12. Stop to emphasize
vocabulary. (SIOP9- key vocabulary) Stop after every page to summarize. ( SIOP 8-
links explicity made between past learning and new concepts)
Formative Assessment: Student response of summary. (SIOP 30)
Modification/accommodations: Repeat the correct sentence and word usage of
English after response to model for EL.
Guided Instruction (“We do it”)
Discuss how the main selection story, The Talking Cloth, is similar to the
Rug Weavers. (SIOP 16- frequent discussion opportunities) Wait for student
response. (scaffold as needed) ( SIOP 14- scaffolding techniques) (SIOP 15- a
variety of questions or tasks that promote higher-order thinking skills) (SIOP 18sufficient wait time for student responses) Now, we are going to do an activity.
First, all of you as a group are going to brainstorm or think about specific details we
read about Aunt Gloria in our story Rug Weavers. Each one of you needs to
participate and add at least one detail to the graphic organizer. You will each have a
different color so I can see that you all participated. You have 5-7 minutes to
complete this graphic organizer, do your best. (SIOP 20- hands-on materials to
practice content knowledge) (SIOP 21- activities for students to apply content and
language knowledge) ( SIOP 22- activity integrates all language skills) (SIOP 11Clear explanation of academic tasks)
Formative Assessment: Student response (SIOP 30- assessment of student
comprehension and learning)
Modification/accommodations: Make sure all have something to compare or
contrast on their level. All must participate.
Collaborative/Cooperative (“You do it together”)
Now that you have brainstormed together, let’s see what you came up with.
Discuss their findings. Revise as needed. Praise for great details. (SIOP 29regular feedback) Each student will write on a blank graphic organizer to
make a final copy. (SIOP 13- ample opportunities provided for students to use
learning strategies) (SIOP 12- a variety of techniques used to make content
concepts clear) (SIOP 6- meaningful activities)
Formative Assessment: Look to see if all students participated in the brainstorming
Modification/accommodations: Be aware of different leveled EL’s.
Independent (“You do it alone”)
N/A for this ELD lesson- These students complete independent work in
whole group lessons.
Comprehensible review of content and vocabulary
Quickly, let’s review our vocabulary words.
Rachel M. is working
on speaking and
reading louder. (level
2= early intermediate)
Allan must be closest to
me because he is hard
of hearing. (level 2=
early intermediate)
Ariana is distracted
easily. ( level 2= early
Karla is continuing to
develop the English
Language (1-beginner)
Oliverio is
strengthening his
comprehension and
vocabulary. (level 3=
(SIOP 5- adaptation of
content= ELD)
Formative/Summative Assessment: Student response, correct when needed.
All students’ attention.
Tell me one thing you learned from reading this story. (SIOP 28comprehensive review of key content concepts)
Formative/Summative Assessment: responses
Make sure it’s legitimately from this story.
**** The remaining 16 students that are not in small group (ELD), are put in ability
groups with review activities to enhance their learning in either a struggling area or
to challenge the higher students. 4 groups of 4 students each, one vocabulary
activity, one noting details activity, one synonym activity, and one singular and
plurals activity.
What do I need to remember to do?
Be explicit.
Materials to have ready?
* Graphic organizer
* pencils
Approximate time needed for lesson?
30 minutes