SNC 2D Frog Dissection Lab Activity Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to observe the internal structures (cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems) of a frog’s anatomy, and to determine the function of the internal structure. Materials: Preserved Frog Dissection tray Dissecting pins Gloves Dissection kits (scissors, scalpel, forceps, probes) Safety glasses Magnifying glasses Procedure: Part 1: 1. Collect your frog specimen and then rinse in water. 2. Place the frog on its dorsal side (back) and pin its limbs to the tray using 4 pins. 3. Complete the following incisions on the ventral side of the frog (as seen on the diagram below). Use the forceps to lift the skin and use the scalpel to cut through the skin. BE CAREFUL TO ONLY CUT THE SKIN 4. Use the forceps to pull back the skin and use the scalpel to help separate the skin from the muscle. Pin the skin flaps to the tray. RECORD THE APPEARANCE OF THE MUSCLES; CAN YOU IDENTIFY DIFFERENT MUSCLE GROUPS Part 2: 5. Repeat the three incisions you made in step 3, but this time you need to cut through the muscle and bone layers. Figure 1: Diagram showing a) Use the dissection scissors to cut through the muscles. Be careful to initial incisions for dissecting a only cut the muscle and not the organs underneath. frog. (Magnification 0.3x) b) Separate the muscle flaps from the organs using the forceps and scalpel (similar to the process with the skin). Pin the muscle back with the skin flaps. YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE ALL OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS AFTER YOU PIN BACK THE MUSCLES c) Use the dissection scissors to cut through the bones of the chest. When you reach the front legs, turn the scissors sideways so that you only cut through the bones. REMOVE ANY BONE LAYERS FROM THE CHEST SO THAT YOU CAN SEE ALL OF THE ORGANS UNDERNEATH Diagram 1: 6. On blank paper, draw a diagram of the ventral side of the frog, labelling the liver, heart, stomach and pancreas. 7. Use the forceps and probes to hold up the liver and heart, moving them to the side. Use the labelled Figures 2 and 3 to help locate the remaining organs of the respiratory and circulatory systems: a) Artery e) Liver i) Stomach b) Right Atrium f) Gall Bladder j) Esophagus c) Left Atrium g) Large Intestine k) Pancreas d) Ventricle h) Small Intestine Figure 2: Diagram showing internal digestive and respiratory organs. (Magnification 0.3x) Figure 3: Diagram showing internal organ systems of the frog. (Magnification 0.3x) Diagram 2: 8. On a second piece of paper, draw a diagram of the organs of the Ventral view of the circulatory system of the frog. Diagram 3: 9. On a third piece of paper, draw a diagram of the organs of the Ventral view of the respiratory and digestive systems of the frog. 10. After you have completed your dissection, dispose of your specimen as instructed by the teacher. 11. Rinse and clean all equipment, returning to the proper location. For all diagrams: use a blank piece of paper and a pencil. have one diagram per page and draw to the same size as your specimen. label each diagram using straight lines. place a figure number and a descriptive title below each diagram Conclusion: 1. Complete a table to describe the appearance and function of each of the following organs: pancreas, liver, gall bladder, heart, and lungs. (K/U) 2. Frogs eat insects. Create a flowchart that shows the organs that the fly will move through as it moves through the digestive system, from mouth to anus. (K/U) 3. You are a researcher, studying the health of frogs in a lake environment. You notice that many frogs are being found with abnormalities in the structure of its legs, heart and lungs. Explain and describe which types of medical imaging technologies you might select to try to screen living frogs to examine those specific organs. (A) SNC 2D Frog Dissection Rubric Criteria K/U Conclusion Questions 1, 2 Diagrams: T/I Required components Diagrams, C A labelling, and titles Conclusion Question 3 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Name: ____________________ Level 4 Limited completion of chart describing organs. Includes a limited attempt to organize the digestive system. Includes diagrams that are not complete, missing some detail. Some completion of chart describing organs. Includes an attempt to organize the digestive system. Includes diagrams that are nearly complete, with almost all details. Good completion of chart describing organs. Includes a good attempt to organize the digestive system. Includes diagrams that are complete, with good detail. Thorough completion of chart describing organs. Includes a detailed, accurate organization of the digestive system. Includes diagrams that are complete, with high attention to detail. Poor attempt at creating titles, with improper and incomplete labelling. Adequate attempt at creating titles, with acceptable labelling. Successful attempt at creating titles, with good labelling. Excellent attempt at creating titles, with flawless labelling. More reflection needed to explain the use of medical imaging technology. Acceptable attempt to explain the use of medical imaging technology. Competently explains the use of medical imaging technology. Insightfully explains the use of medical imaging technology.