Draft Environmental Impact Statement – Volume 1, Summary Proposed Revised Land Management Plans iv for the Blue Mountains National Forests Table S-1. Comparison of how each alternative addresses the issue ISSUE Alternative B Alternative C Alternative D Alternative E Alternative F • Road density changed • Road density changed • Road density changed • Road density changed • Road density changed Access Ecological resilience from a standard and guideline to a desired condition. • Designates the most backcountry limited motor vehicle use management areas (618,800 acres) and some backcountry nonmotorized (78,600 acres). • No wildlife corridor designated. from a standard and guideline to a desired condition. • Management areas feature backcountry nonmotorized (586,300 acres) and wildlife connectivity (502,000 acres). • No backcountry motorized. • One mile per square mile open route density in wildlife corridor. from a standard and guideline to a desired condition. • Retains the areas that currently are generally suitable for motor vehicle use, resulting in more area suitable for summer and winter motor vehicle use compared to the other alternatives. from a standard and guideline to a desired condition. • Management areas feature backcountry nonmotorized (228,100 acres), backcountry motorized (425,200 acres), and connective wildlife corridors (28,100 acres). from a standard and guideline to a desired condition. • Management areas feature backcountry nonmotorized (228,100 acres), backcountry motorized (425,200 acres), and connective wildlife corridors (28,100 acres). • Moderate level of management actions to restore ecological resilience. • No change to treatments to restore forested vegetation. • The combination of vegetation treatments, roads treatments, and grazing practices results in improvements in watershed condition in 423 sub-watersheds. • Highest level of resource-specific objectives for managing some wildland fires to meet desired landscape conditions and watershed restoration. • Emphasizes improving hydrologic function and connectivity within anadromous and bull trout Key Watersheds. • Highest level of resource-specific objectives for forest vegetation restoration. • Management allocations emphasize areas where active forest management may occur. • Higher level of objectives for watershed restoration and emphasis on improving hydrologic function and connectivity within anadromous and bull trout Key Watersheds. • Includes specific objectives for managing wildland fires to meet desired landscape conditions and aggressive objectives for treating invasive plants. • Higher level of objectives for watershed restoration and emphasis on improving hydrologic function and connectivity within anadromous and bull trout Key Watersheds. • Includes specific objectives for managing wildland fires to meet desired landscape conditions and aggressive objectives for treating invasive • Predicted annual timber harvest: 47 MMBF, 288 jobs. • Expected number of jobs from timber, range, ecosystem restoration:2,822. • Predicted annual timber harvest: 243 MMBF, 2,040 jobs. • Expected number of jobs from timber, range, ecosystem restoration: 5,413. • Predicted annual timber harvest: 162 MMBF, 1,330 jobs. • Expected number of jobs from timber, range, ecosystem restoration: 4,496 • Predicted annual timber harvest: 107 MMBF, 838jobs. • Expected number of jobs from timber, range, ecosystem restoration: 3,909 • Predicted annual Economic and social well-being timber harvest: 87 MMBF, 650 jobs. • Expected number of jobs from timber, range, ecosystem restoration: 3,737. Issue Livestock grazing/ grazing land vegetation Old forest Wilderness Alternative B Alternative C Alternative D • Slightly lower objective levels than existing numbers and locations for cattle and sheep. • Reduces the risk of disease spread from domestic sheep to big horn sheep. • Significantly reduces the number of cattle and sheep AUMs. • Classifies riparian areas and subwatersheds with habitat for listed fish species as generally unsuitable for cattle grazing. • Objective levels similar to existing numbers and locations for cattle and sheep. • Reduces the risk of disease spread from domestic sheep to big horn sheep, but allows grazing to occur in previously vacant allotments. • Livestock levels the same as the proposed action. • Standards and guidelines for sage grouse protection are included. Alternative E • Livestock levels the same as the proposed action. • Standards and guidelines for sage grouse protection are included. Alternative F • No designated old forest management areas. • Old forest managed where it occurs on the landscape. • Desired conditions provide old forest management direction. • Restrictions on large tree harvest (trees greater than 21-inch d.b.h.) are included but exceptions allowed for safety, wildland-urban interface, maintaining open ponderosa pine stands, as well as reducing competition in hardwood stands and special habitats. • Designates old forest management areas (390,900 acres). • Only trees 8 inches d.b.h. or less authorized for timber harvest in this management area. • Management activities outside old forest stands retain live old forest trees (greater than 21-inch d.b.h.). • Desired conditions provide old forest management direction. • Vegetation treatments emphasize wildland fire (wildfires or prescribed fires) rather than mechanical treatments rather than. • No designated old forest management areas. • Old forest managed where it occurs on the landscape. • No standard or guideline prohibiting the harvest of trees greater than 21-inch d.b.h. or trees with old forest characteristics. • Desired conditions provide old forest management direction. • Vegetation treatments emphasize mechanical treatments rather than wildland fire (wildfires or prescribed fires). • No designated old forest management area. • Retains trees with old forest characteristics across the landscape. • No standard or guideline prohibiting the harvest of trees greater than21 inch d.b.h. • Desired conditions provide old forest management direction. • Vegetation treatments would emphasize both mechanical treatments and prescribed fire. • No designated old forest management area. • Retains trees >150 years old. • No standard or guideline prohibiting the harvest of trees greater than21 inch d.b.h. • Desired conditions provide old forest management direction. • Vegetation treatments would emphasize both mechanical treatments and prescribed fire. • Recommended wilderness:13,400 acres • Recommended wilderness: 505,000 acres • No wilderness recommended. • Recommended wilderness: 91,000 acres • Recommended wilderness: 91,000 acres