Summer Training Day Activity Monday Run Tuesday Yoga, Core

Summer Training
Yoga, Core
Cycle, stretch/core
Running Options –
Over the Summer period you can afford to make your runs a little longer but you will still get great
benefit from keeping them interval based. Here are 10 different options for a running session.
2 Mins hard, 1 minute easy jog x 10
6 minutes strong steady pace, 3 minutes rest x 3 (try and get the same distance each run)
40 minute strong run
5 Minutes strong steady pace, 2 minutes rest x 4 (try and get the same distance each run)
Rapaki Track or steep hill: Solid run up or intervals – 2minutes on 1 min walk
Rapaki Stairs or other stairs: Hard and fast up to the top, rest coming down, work for 30 mins
80 sec run hard 1 min rest, 60 sec run hard 1 min rest, 40 sec run hard 1 min rest, 20 sec run
hard 1 min rest x 4-5 sets
4 Minutes strong steady pace, 2 minutes rest x5
Hill run eg: Mt pleasant Rd – up 2 lamp posts hard running, jog down 1 – work for 30-40 mins
Run around the block – 2 lamp posts fast, 1 lamp post easy jog – work for 30 – 40 mins
Cycle Options –
These are all interval based, you could also do a steady bike for 30-40 minutess at a medium to hard
Option 1
5 minute Warm Up
8 x 20 seconds Max Effort (highest load you can maintain 120RPM for 20 seconds)/10 seconds easy spin
Recovery spin 3 minutes
8 x 20 seconds Max Effort (maximum load you can maintain 120RPM for 20 seconds)/10 seconds easy
Recovery spin 3 minutes
8 x 20 seconds Max Effort (maximum load you can maintain 120RPM for 20 seconds)/10 seconds easy
Recovery spin 3 minutes
2 minutes maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/60 seconds easy spin x 10
5 minutes cool down
Option 2
5 minute Warm Up
30 seconds maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
60 seconds maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
90 seconds maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
2 minutes maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
2m 30 seconds maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
Repeat x 5
5 minute cool down
Option 3
5 minutes warm up
5 minutes maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
4 minutes maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
3 minutes maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
2 minutes maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
1 minutes maximum load you can maintain 90RPM/30 seconds easy spin
Repeat 3x
5 minute cool down
Option 4
5 minutes warm up
2 minutes seated maximum load you can maintain 90RPM
60 seconds out of seated climbing under heavy load 60RPM
30 seconds sprint maximum load you can maintain 120RPM
90 seconds comfortable spin moderate level
Repeat 10x
5 minute cool down
Option 5
5 minutes warm up
20 seconds 120 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 40 seconds easy spin x 10 reps
30 seconds 115 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 30 seconds easy spin x 10 reps
40 seconds 110 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 20 seconds easy spin x 10 reps
60 seconds 100 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 30 seconds easy spin x 10 reps
5 minute cool down
Option 6
5 minutes warm up
20 seconds 120 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 40 seconds easy spin x 5 reps
30 seconds 115 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 30 seconds easy spin x 5 reps
40 seconds 110 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 20 seconds easy spin x 5 reps
60 seconds 100 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 30 seconds easy spin x 5 reps
2 minutes seated maximum load you can maintain 90RPM
60 seconds out of seated climbing under heavy load 60RPM
30 seconds sprint maximum load you can maintain 120RPM
90 seconds comfortable spin moderate level
x 5 reps
5 minute cool down
Option 6
5 minutes warm up
90 seconds 90 RPM on maximum load possible
60 seconds 75 RPM on same load as above
30 seconds 100 RPM on same load as above
60 seconds 60 RPM Level 1
x 6 reps
50 seconds 90 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 10 seconds easy spin
40 seconds 100 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 20 seconds easy spin
30 seconds 110 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 30 seconds easy spin
20 seconds 120 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 40 seconds easy spin
10 seconds 120 RPM+ on maximum load possible / 50 seconds easy spin
x 5 reps
5 minute cool down
Core –
Focus on your main core muscles, you can youtube a lot of different options. Don’t rush these exercises
and try to keep focus.
Circuit Circuits can be a mixture of exercises and depending on how you feel you can make them harder or a bit
easier. A really easy way to complete a circuit is by doing body weight exercises. You can also add
running or biking into the circuit. Here are two examples of circuits which you can do and try to beat
your time each time you complete the circuit.
1000m bike
10 burpees
10 press ups
100 skips
30 (15 each leg) mountain climbers
20 sit ups
30 star jumps
Complete 4-5 rounds
Bodyweight Squats x200, Press ups x100, Horizontal Pull ups x100, Kettlebell swings
x100, Sit ups x100, Bench dips x100, med ball squat and press x 100
Complete for time and then try to beat it next time: