H2IWG Acronym Glossary A AG’s (Office) State Attorney General’s (Office) B C CC Community College CFCP California Fuel Cell Partnership CFC Customer Facility Charge (HIDOT) CNG Compressed Natural Gas CODEL Congressional Delegation COTS Commercial Off The Shelf DBEDT Hawaii State Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism DC Direct Current DLNR Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources DOTA Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Airports Division DOTH Hawaii State Department of Transportation, Harbors Division EMS Hawaii Department of Health, State Emergency Medical Services and Injury Prevention Systems Branch EV Electric Vehicles FTZ #9 Hawaii Foreign Trade Zone Number Nine FCEV Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle GSA Government Services Administration (Federal) H2 Hydrogen H2O Water D E F G H H2IWG Hawaii Hydrogen Implementation Working Group HCATT Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies HCEI Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative HIC Hydrogen Implementation Coordinator HIDOT Hawaii State Department of Transportation HNEI Hawaii Natural Energy Institute HRS Hawaii Revised Statutes HTDC High Tech Development Corporation, State of Hawaii ICE Internal Combustion Engine IUNC International Union for the Conservation of Nature (aka Conservation Congress) IA Implementation Authority JBPHH Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam LNG Liquid Natural Gas LOX Liquid Oxygen NELHA Natural Energy Laboratory Hawaii Authority NREL National Renewable Energy Lab, U.S. Dept. of Energy O2 Oxygen ONR Office of Naval Research PEM Polymer Electrolyte Membrane PV Photo Voltaic (solar panels) I J K L M N O P Q R S SCD Hawaii State Civil Defense STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (curriculum) USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture USDOE U.S. Department of Energy ZEV (State) Zero Emission Vehicle State T U V W X Y Z