01 10 00 Summary of Work - WP

SECTION 01 10 00
This Section summarizes the Work required for construction of the Port Angeles Landfill (PALF) Cell
Stabilization Project in Port Angeles, Washington.
A. The Work is defined by the following elements:
1. East 304 Landfill Relocation and Repair
2. New On-Site Disposal at 351 Landfill
3. Seawall and Dry Creek Scour Protection
B. Work to be completed as part of the East 304 Landfill Relocation and Repair includes all
grading, compacting, trenching, installing interim and final geomembrane cover systems,
erosion and sedimentation control, installing geosynthetic materials and pipes, soils
processing, and any related Work necessary for construction of the following features as
described by the Contract Documents:
1. Refuse and contaminated soil removal, inspection, and relocation on-site
2. Synthetic turf geomembrane cover system
3. Landfill gas and leachate collection system
4. Contaminated surface water management and controls
5. Surface water management controls
6. Slope stabilization including Mechanically Reinforced Earth system
7. Operating Temporary Environmental Control Facilities including:
a. Temporary cover systems
b. Contaminated Storm Water (CSW) control facilities and discharge
“Clean” stormwater facilities.
d. Landfill Gas control facilities
C. Work to be completed as part of the new on-site disposal at the 351 Landfill includes all
grading, compacting, trenching, installing interim and final geomembrane cover systems,
erosion and sedimentation control, installing geosynthetic materials and pipes, soils
processing, and any related Work necessary for construction of the following features as
described by the Contract Documents:
1. Removing existing cover soils and geomembranes
2. Placing and compacting relocated 304 Landfill refuse and contaminated soil
3. Synthetic turf geomembrane cover system
4. Landfill gas and leachate collection system
5. Contaminated surface water management and controls
6. Surface water management controls
7. Operating Temporary Environmental Control Facilities including:
a. Temporary cover systems
Contract No. SW02-2012
Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
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§01 10 00
Summary of Work
b. Contaminated Storm Water (CSW) control facilities and discharge
“Clean” stormwater facilities.
d. Landfill Gas control facilities
D. Work to be completed as part of the Seawall and Dry Creek scour protection includes all
grading, compacting, installing erosion control structures, erosion and sedimentation control,
installing geosynthetic materials and pipes, soils processing, and any related Work necessary
for construction of the following features as described by the Contract Documents :
1. Seawall end protection rock;
2. Seawall end protection walls;
3. Seawall access road and retaining wall;
4. Dry Creek wood structures and rock protection.
E. The Primary Design (included in Base Bid) shall consist of removal approximately 248,000 cy
of refuse from the 304 Landfill and relocating it to the 351 Landfill. This relocation of refuse
has an incentive if completed within the terms of Milestone 1.1.
F. The Alternate Design (included in Alternate Bid A) shall consist of complete refuse removal
from the 304 Landfill and relocation to the 351 Landfill. This relocation of refuse shall has an
incentive if completed within the terms of Milestone 1.2.
Additive Work (described in Additive Bid B) for additional refuse removal from the 304
Landfill and relocating it to the 351 Landfill in the 2015 construction season may also be
exercised as an Option by the City.
H. Landfill final covers, final site stabilization, Dry Creek, and Seawall work shall occur in 2015,
unless authorized to be done earlier by Owner.
A. Contract Documents include, but are not limited to,
1. Volume 1: Division 0-Bidding Requirements, Forms, and Terms and Conditions;
Technical Specifications; Appendices to the Specifications.
2. Volume 2: Construction Drawings
A. The Owner’s Representatives designated for this project are as follows:
1. Engineer or Design Engineer: The Technical Specifications and Drawings of this project
were prepared by the following:
a. Herrera Environmental Consultants, 2200 6th Avenue, Suite 1100, Seattle, WA 98178
(Design Manager, Tom Bourque, P.E.)
2. Construction Manager / CQA Construction Manager: Observation of the Work,
monitoring and documentation of Work progress, submittal reviews, measurements of bid
items for payment, and quality assurance functions will be performed by Mike Roberts,
P.E., CCM, Anchor QEA
3. City of Port Angeles Project Manager: Project management, review and processing of
progress payments, contract management and contract closeout will be performed by the
City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department located at 321 E. 5 th Street,
Port Angeles, WA 98362 (Project Manager, James Burke, Assistant Engineer).
4. Construction Resident Engineer: Supervising construction progress and scheduling,
supervises field personnel, schedules survey work, materials laboratory, and quality
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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
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Summary of Work
control testing. Responsible for construction quality in accordance with the Contract
Documents. (Resident Engineer: Rick Goode, P.E. Anchor QEA).
The Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with Section 01 10 11 – Contract Time.
A. Work shall meet the requirements of applicable laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances, and
safety regulations of Federal, State, and county jurisdictions and as may be further
referenced in the Contract Documents.
B. Comply with provisions of Federal, State, and local statutes, ordinances, and regulations
dealing with the prevention of environmental pollution of natural resources that affect the
A. The Owner may have obtained permits associated with the Work if listed in Section 01 41 00
Permits and Easements.
B. The Contractor shall secure and pay for all other temporary and permanent permits,
certifications, tests, inspections, connection or "hook-up" charges, and other legal or usual
charges or fees required by government agencies and private utilities having jurisdiction over
the Work either directly or under contract. The Contractor shall determine prior to bidding
what these charges, if any, will be.
C. If the law or ordinance of any public authority requires any Work to be tested, approved, or
inspected, in addition to the testing required by Section 01 43 00 – Quality Control, the
Contractor shall arrange for and pay all costs related to such testing, inspections, and/or
D. The Contractor shall implement adequate fire prevention measures and ensure that these
measures are observed by all employees, agents, and subcontractors. The Contractor shall
coordinate hours of Work with fire prevention measures.
A. The Contractor shall perform the Work in accordance with Section 01 43 00 – Quality Control.
A. Contractor's Staging Area: Area(s) will be set aside on the project property for the
Contractor's use as a staging area for workers, equipment, and materials. Restore the
staging area to its original condition at the conclusion of Work.
B. Disposal of Waste Material: Burning will not be permitted on the site. Remove material from
the site, which cannot be placed in waste areas as determined by the City. Dispose of waste
in accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws relating to fire prevention, air pollution
control, and other restrictions. Waste shall be removed from the site daily and taken to an
appropriate disposal facility. The City may approve use of the on-site waste disposal facilities
by the Contractor.
C. Fire Prevention and Protection: the Contractor shall perform all Work in a fire-safe manner,
and comply with applicable local and State fire prevention regulations.
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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
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§01 10 00
Summary of Work