Unified School District # 286 Board of Education held its Regular

A Public Hearing for Unified School District # 286 2014/2005 Budget was called to order
by Vice President Patrick Steward at 7:15 p.m. with the following being present:
Jennifer Unruh
Rodney Dickens
Randy Clark
Jack Rutledge
Heath Joslin Jenny Loyd, Board Clerk
Nathan Hinrichs, Supt.
Nathan Hinrichs reviewed with the board the changes and adjustments that were made to
the budget since the last board meeting. There being no further comments the Public
Hearing ended at 7:23 p.m.
Unified School District # 286 Board of Education held its Regular Meeting on August 11,
2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the District Office. Vice President Patrick Steward called the
meeting to order with the following present:
Jennifer Unruh
Rodney Dickens
Chris Jeffery
Randy Clark
Jack Rutledge
Kay Hill
Heath Joslin Jenny Loyd, Board Clerk
Nathan Hinrichs, Supt.
Jill Gray was noted as absent.
Motion was made by Rodney Dickens to approve the Agenda. Motion seconded by
Randy Clark. Motion passed 6-0.
Motion was made by Jennifer Unruh to approve the minutes of the previous meeting of
July 14, 2014 as presented. Motion seconded by Jack Rutledge. Motion passed 6-0.
Motion was made by Randy Clark to approve the bills as presented. Motion seconded by
Heath Joslin. Motion passed 6-0.
Comments from Audience.
No comments presented.
Principal Reports
Chris Jeffery, Elementary Principal reported on preparations being made for the new
school year.
Mary Warren reported on the success of the summer school program this year.
Kay Hill, MS/HS Principal reported on items and activities for the middle & high school.
Rick Brooks reported on the new bus that was purchased, substitute drivers and radios for
the buses.
At this time, Jill Gray was available by speaker phone.
Superintendent Report
Nathan Hinrichs reported on the new sign being finished at the baseball field and issues
with the lights there. He also discussed projects that were done and finished around the
There will also be a lunch for the district staff and the Sedan Area Chamber of Commerce
on Tuesday, August 19, 2014. Mr. Hinrichs extended invitations to all board members.
Unfinished Business
Motion was made by Jennifer Unruh to approve a total stipend of 4% for all faculty and
staff for 2014/2015. Motion seconded by Rodney Dickens. Motion passed 7-0.
Classified staff salaries were discussed. Motion was made by Patrick Steward to approve
substitute driver pay to increase to $10.00/hour and cooks and route drivers $.50/hour
effective with the August payroll. Motion seconded by Jill Gray. Motion passed 7-0.
New Business
Motion was made by Heath Joslin to accept the resignation from Damon Wolfe. Motion
seconded by Randy Clark. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Jennifer Unruh to approve Adam Bentley for HS Math Bowl and
Matt Phillips for MS Math Bowl sponsors, Kevin Fogerty as a substitute bus driver and
Carmen Loftin as evening custodian. Motion seconded by Rodney Dickens. Motion
passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Jennifer Unruh to approve the following out of district students.
Motion seconded by Heath Joslin. Motion passed 7-0. Student approved:
Travis Ward
Justin Baum,Kaylie Baum
Levi Goode, Wyatt Goode
Maximus McCoy
Natalie Thorne, Mackenzie Thorne
Violet Norris, Justus Norris
Hailey Wood
Anna Spradling, Jason Spradlin
Karlie Jarboe, Kord Jarboe
Trinity Lewis
Rebekah Osburn, Daniel Osburn, James Osburn
Karlie Hart, Solan Hart, Justice Hart
Alexus Haughn
Kaitlyn Uhls, Jaden Uhls, Kobe Uhls
Motion was made by Patrick Steward to approve the purchase of a new copier for the
high school from Galaxie Business Equipment in the amount of $16, 215.00. Motion
seconded by Randy Clark. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Heath Joslin to approve the QPA Collection Criteria. Motion
seconded by Jennifer Unruh. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Heath Joslin to approve the facility request from Rosie Sweaney for
the Bike a Thon, August 23, 2014. Motion seconded by Rodney Dickens. Motion passed
Motion was made by Rodney Dickens to approve the Resolution adopting the Southeast
Kansas (Homeland Security Region H) Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Motion seconded
by Jack Rutledge. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Jennifer Unruh to approve the 2014/2015 Budget as published.
Motion seconded by Randy Clark. Motion passed 7-0.
Motion was made by Patrick Steward to go into Executive Session with the Board,
Nathan Hinrichs and Jenny Loyd to discuss nonelected personnel to protect the privacy
interests of the individual for 15 minutes. Motion seconded by Rodney Dickens. Motion passed
7-0. The meeting went into Executive Session at 8:56 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at the proper time of 9:11 p.m.
Motion was made by Jack Rutledge to adjourn. Motion seconded by Heath Joslin.
Motion passed 7-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
The next Regular Meeting will be September 8, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the district office.
Patrick Steward, Vice President
Jenny Loyd, Board Clerk