Sample psychological contract

Lancaster DclinPsy XXXXX Placement – xxx Name of service xxxx
Psychological Contract (sample)
Trainee: XXXXXX
Supervisor(s): XXXXXXXXX
Placement dates: XXXXXXXXX – XXXXXXX
1. Practicalities and Boundaries of Supervision
 (Name of trainee) will meet with (name of Supervisor) for weekly supervision for at least 1
1/2 hours (separately for 1 hour each if two supervisors).
 If either (Name of trainee) or a (name of Supervisor) cannot make the arranged
supervision notice should be given (where possible) and a new time negotiated.
 Both (name of Supervisor) and (Name of trainee) should be on time and prepared for
 Supervision should be used effectively to cover relevant issues including clinical, personal
and professional, and organisational issues.
 Any personal issues relevant to supervision should be confidential between Supervisor and
(Name of trainee)
 Responsibility for work should be shared, though ultimate responsibility for clients in line
with BPS requirements, is the responsibility of the Supervisor.
2. Style of Supervision:
 To use a combination of didactic and Socratic supervision. To the start of placement more
guidance may be necessary but this can be reviewed throughout the placement.
 (Name of trainee) will be responsible for taking notes during supervision and providing
copies for the Supervisor(s).
 (Name of trainee) will prepare for supervision and have an agenda to present/negotiate at
the start of supervision.
 We (supervisor and trainee) should each provide verbal feedback during supervision which
should not be overly critical and should, where possible, suggest alternatives and ways
forward. We should react constructively to this and negotiate the best way forward.
Changes made due to this feedback should then be discussed in future supervision.
 No new issues should be raised at the mid or end of placement reviews; there should be
time to raise and discuss these issues in supervision first.
3. Supervisory Relationship:
Conditions that will help the relationship to work well:
 Having enough time allocated for supervision and being flexible to be approached outside
of ‘formal’ supervision time.
 Give regular constructive and where appropriate positive feedback.
 Being open and honest re: development, abilities, progress, workload etc.
 Having time to discuss what will be raised at the mid placement review.
How we will deal with any difficulties:
 Both Supervisors and (Name of trainee) should talk as openly as possible about any
difficulties encountered.
 Where appropriate difficulties within a particular relationship should be shared with the
other supervisor (if 2 supervisors) to help discuss ways forward and so all parties are aware
of important issues/ processes.
 Disagreements should be dealt with professionally and responsibility should be shared.
 Concerns can be raised with the placement co-ordinator/Clinical Tutor (tutor name), but
should be raised wherever possible in supervision first.
Signed: Supervisor…………………………… Trainee………………………………………………...
Lancaster DclinPsy XXXXX Placement – xxx Name of service xxxx
More ‘informal’ Psychological Contract (sample)
Trainee: XXXXXX
Supervisor(s): XXXXXXXXX
Placement dates: XXXXXXXXX – XXXXXXX
1. Best Hopes for Supervision
Build a good supervisory relationship
Learn new things and feel more confident
Feel more confident about working in XXXXX setting – including assessment, formulation and
Become and feel part of the team
Develop skills working indirectly
2. Worse Fears
Being told I’m no good
Feeling out of my depth or alternatively not challenged
3. Supervisory Relationship:
I would like to discuss my work in an informal manner, with opportunities for reflection and
discussion. I would like to have it presented as joint working, to allow me to develop towards being
a qualified practitioner.
I would like informal positive and negative feedback following observed sessions to allow me to
consolidate skills I’ve demonstrated and to develop further skills. Both trainee and supervisor to
have time to consider feedback if required and act on it if appropriate
Conditions to help the relationship work well would be an open and honest relationship. To allow
trainee to openly reflect on clients and her own thoughts and feelings as well as commitment to
supervision and a commitment to try and complete all duties needed.
If something awful should happen, trainee or supervisor to request a supervision session (if
supervision too far away), or at next supervision session to request it be put on the agenda to be
discussed. Trainee and supervisor to be aware that, as with clients, the discussions are confidential.
However should something be serious enough for further action to be required (e.g. involvement of
the university) then trainee and supervisor to try and discuss this before it is taken to another
4, Practicalities and boundaries of supervision
Supervision is planned for TIME/DAY in XXXXX office. Supervision will formally be weekly.
On some occasions supervision will not be possible at this time. On these occasions trainee and
supervisor to liaise and organise another time that is appropriate for both.
Boundaries – the boundaries of the supervisory relationship are to be decided day to day on an
informal basis. Should either trainee or supervisor feel that their personal boundaries have been
crossed this should be raised during supervision to allow discussion.
Trainee should take day to day responsibilities and ownership for her work, ensuring that all rules,
regulations, boundaries and requirements are met. Should the trainee be unsure of something it is
her responsibility to ask her supervisor or the appropriate person
Signed: Supervisor…………………………… Trainee………………………………………………...
Date: ………………………………………………..