Supporting Information Table S1. Complete list of studies identified through the literature review of Web of Science database ( of population-level consequences of resource bottlenecks (limitations of water, food or habitat) linked to extreme weather and climate events. Extreme event Taxonomic group Impact category Decline in fecundity Bird Population decline <25% Population decline >25% Cyclone Invertebrate Mammal Reptile Range contraction Population decline <25% Population decline <25% Population extinction Range shift Decline in fecundity Population decline >25% Reference Leberg et al. 2007 Watts & Byrd 2007 Raynor et al. 2013 Shepherd et al. 1991 Torres & Leberg 1996 Tossas 2006 Yaukey 2008 Ramirez-Barajas et al. 2012 Walter et al. 2013 Munroe et al. 2013 Pavelka et al. 2003 Klinger 2007 Pries et al. 2009 Engeman et al. 2006 Selman & Qualls 2008 Journal Animal Conservation Condor Waterbirds Colonial Waterbirds Condor Carribbean Journal of Science Condor Biotropica Journal of Coastal Research Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science International Journal of Primatology Journal of Tropical Ecology Journal of Mammalogy Wildlife Research Herpetological Conservation and Biology Extreme event Taxonomic group Amphibian Bird Invertebrate Impact category Reference Decline in fecundity Population decline <25% Population decline >25% Decline in survival Population decline >25% Population extinction Decline in survival Scheele et al. 2012 McMenamin et al. 2008 Stewart 1995 Robinson et al. 2007 Marone 1992 Ehrlich et al. 1980 Foley et al. 2008 Corfield 1973 Hillman & Hillman 1977 Scholes 1985 Seabrook et al. 2011 Walker et al. 1987 Trillmich & Limberger 1985 Zylstra et al. 2013 Seigel et al. 1995 Ludwig et al. 1993 Peresbarbosa & Mellink 2001 Tryjanowski et al. 2009 van de Pol et al. 2010 Viera et al. 2006 Turley and Holthuijzen 2005 Benson et al. 2010 Yoon et al 2011 Poirrier et al. 2008 Drought Mammal Population decline <25% Population decline >25% Reptile Decline in survival Population extinction Decline in fecundity Bird Flood Population decline <25% Fish Invertebrate Population decline >25% Population decline <25% Population decline >25% Journal Ecosphere PNAS Journal of Herpetology Ibis Journal of Field Ornithology Oecologia Biology Letters African Journal of Ecology African Journal of Ecology Book chapter Wildlife Research Journal of Applied Ecology Oecologia Oecologia Herpetologica Journal of Great Lakes Research Waterbirds Basic and Applied Ecology Journal of Applied Ecology Polar Biology Western North American Naturalist Wetlands Limnology Estuaries and Coasts Extreme event Heat wave Taxonomic group Bird Invertebrate Impact category Decline in fecundity Decline in survival Population extinction Decline in survival Bird Population decline >25% Severe winter Mammal Population decline <25% Population decline >25% Reference Bolger et al. 2005 Jiguet et al. 2006 Becker et al. 1997 Piessens et al. 2009 Moynahan et al. 2006 Sanz-Aguilar et al. 2012 Jiguet & Williamson 2013 Lambeck et al. 1991 Gates et al. 1986 Bocci et al. 2010 Journal Oecologia Ecology Letters Journal of Ornithology Oecologia Ecological Applications Journal of Animal Ecology Bird Study Environmental Pollution Arctic Annales Zoologici Fennici References Becker, P.H., Troschke, T., Behnke, A. & Wagener, M. (1997) Starvation of common tern (Sterna hirundo) fledglings during heat waves. Journal Fur Ornithologie, 138, 171-182. Benson, T.J. & Bednarz, J.C. (2010) Short-term effects of flooding on understory habitat and presence of Swainson's warblers. Wetlands, 30, 29-37. Bocci, A., Monaco, A., Brambilla, P., Angelini, I. & Lovari, S. (2010) Alternative strategies of space use of female red deer in a mountainous habitat. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 47, 57-66. Bolger, D.T., Patten, M.A. & Bostock, D.C. (2005) Avian reproductive failure in response to an extreme climatic event. Oecologia, 142, 398-406. Corfield, T.F. (1973) Elephant mortality in Tsavo National Park, Kenya. African Journal of Ecology, 11, 339-368. Ehrlich, P., Murphy, D., Singer, M., Sherwood, C., White, R. & Brown, I. (1980) Extinction, reduction, stability and increase: the responses of checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas) populations to the California drought. Oecologia, 46, 101-105. Engeman, R.M., Martin, R.E., Smith, H.T., Woolard, J., Crady, C.K., Constantin, B., Stahl, M. & Groninger, N.P. (2006) Impact on predation of sea turtle nests when predator control was removed midway through the nesting season. Wildlife Research, 33, 187-192. Foley, C., Pettorelli, N. & Foley, L. (2008) Severe drought and calf survival in elephants. Biology Letters, 4, 541-544. Gates, C., Adamczewski, J. & Mulders, R. (1986) Population dynamics, winter ecology and social organization of Coats Island caribou. Arctic, 39, 216-222. Hillman, J.C. & Hillman, A.K. (1977) Mortality of wildlife in Nairobi National Park, during the drought of 1973–1974. African Journal of Ecology, 15, 1-18. Jiguet, F. & Williamson, T. (2013) Habitat-dependent population recovery in the Dartford warbler (Sylvia undata) following a severe winter episode. Bird Study, 60, 391-398. Jiguet, F., Julliard, R., Thomas, C.D., Dehorter, O., Newson, S.E. & Couvet, D. (2006) Thermal range predicts bird population resilience to extreme high temperatures. Ecology Letters, 9, 1321-1330. Klinger, R. (2007) Catastrophes, disturbances and density-dependence: population dynamics of the spiny pocket mouse (Heteromys desmarestianus) in a neotropical lowland forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 23, 507-518. Lambeck, R.H.D., Nieuwenhuize, J. & Vanliere, J.M. (1991) Polychlorinated-biphenyls in oystercatchers (Haematopus ostralegis) from the Oosterschelde (dutch delta area) and the western Wadden Sea, that died from starvation during severe winter weather. Environmental Pollution, 71, 1-16. Leberg, P.L., Green, M.C., Adams, B.A., Purcell, K.M. & Luent, M.C. (2007) Response of waterbird colonies in southern Louisiana to recent drought and hurricanes. Animal Conservation, 10, 502-508. Ludwig, J.P., Auman, H.J., Kurita, H., Ludwig, M.E., Campbell, L.M., Giesy, J.P., Tillitt, D.E., Jones, P., Yamashita, N., Tanabe, S. & Tatsukawa, R. (1993) Caspian tern reproduction in the saginaw bay ecosystem following a 100-year flood event. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 19, 96-108. Marone, L. (1992) Seasonal and year-to-year fluctuations of bird populations and guilds in the monte desert, Argentina. Journal of Field Ornithology, 63, 294-308. McMenamin, S.K., Hadly, E.A. & Wright, C.K. (2008) Climatic change and wetland desiccation cause amphibian decline in Yellowstone National Park. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, 16988-16993. Moynahan, B.J., Lindberg, M.S. & Thomas, J.W. (2006) Factors contributing to process variance in annual survival of female greater sage-grouse in Montana. Ecological Applications, 16, 1529-1538. Munroe, D., Tabatabai, A., Burt, I., Bushek, D., Powell, E. & Wilkin, J. (2013) Oyster mortality in Delaware Bay: Impacts and recovery from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 135, 209-219. 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