LOUGH ERNE FISHERY MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSULTATION RESPONSE DOCUMENT RESPONDENT INFORMATION Please Note this form must be returned with your response to ensure that we handle your response appropriately. 1. Name / Organisation Organisation Name (If applicable). Ulster Angling Federation 6500 Anglers Title Mr x Ms Mrs Miss Dr Please tick as appropriate Surname Marshall Forename Robbie 2. Postal Address 14 Gleneden Park Newtownabbey Co Antrim Postcode BT37 0QL Phone 90864564 Email rob_f_marshall@hotmail.com 1. Proposal for the removal of the imaginary line defining the coarse and game areas of Lower Lough Erne and to allow the use of maggots and ground bait in designated areas of the Lower Lough shore. DCAL to review the legislation and simplify it where possible. Your comments: The removal of the imaginary line was something DCAL agreed to do many years ago but failed to carry this through, and we were of the understanding that the lake would then be treated as a game fishery. We welcome the removal of the line. It was never agreed that ground baiting and maggots could be used on the Lower Lough. This flies in the face of the precautionary approach, where is the scientific evidence to show this will not have a detrimental effect on fish and water quality? We would not agree to this when there is no mention of which areas would be designated. For example the Maho shore is a productive trout drift for boats and any development there would restrict trout angling. 2. DCAL to review of the cost and number of available commercial and angling licences Your comments: We welcome the fact that DCAL are to review commercial licences and we would support the idea to allow additional licence holders to commence commercial fishing. The cost of an angling licence has nothing to do with a Fishery Management Plan. 3. DCAL to review the policy on permits for commercial fishermen on Lough Erne Your comments:We welcome the fact that DCAL are to review the policy for permits for commercial fisherman. This long established commercial fishery must be allowed to continue and younger people encouraged to go into commercial fishing. 4. DCAL propose to hold regular meetings with commercial fishermen Your comments: We welcome this proposal. 5. DCAL to consider mechanisms to improve the return rate of annual angling catch returns Your comments: This is essential to ensure the success of a Fishery Management Plan. We also believe that DCAL should request the catch records from local clubs for their competitions and recognise these as an indicator of fish stocks. The UAF would be happy to coordinate this with their clubs. 6. DCAL to consider the introduction of a single licence to allow both game and coarse angling Your comments: No comment. 7. DCAL to allow up to 2 rods per angler with a maximum of 4 rods allowed per boat for trolling on Lough Erne Your comments: We welcome this proposal, however this needs to be made clear that it applies to boat angling on Lough Erne only. As it stands it could mean that an angler could take 2 rods to a local river and fish both of them. 8. Proposal to develop angling infrastructure for coarse anglers in deeper areas of Lough Erne Your comments: We need more information on this proposal. Does this apply to the Lower Lough or Upper Lough. We cannot agree to this if it means additional infrastructure on the Lower Lake or indeed where is it likely to occur. If it does apply to the Lower Lough why is no development being proposed for the Upper Lough? 9. Co-ordinate the promotion and development of angling on the Lough Erne catchment with the relevant statutory and non-statutory stakeholders Your comments: Again there is insufficient information to make an informed decision. Who are the relevant statutory and nonstatutory stakeholders? 10. DCAL to work with the stakeholders to maximise the economic returns from both recreational angling and commercial fishing Your comments: There is insufficient information to make a decision on this proposal. What stakeholders? What does the phrase “maximise the economic returns from both recreational angling and commercial fishing” mean? DCAL need to set out their proposals on how they intend to work with local councils and how they intend to deliver these returns. 11. DCAL to consider the commercial exploitation of perch fish stock on Lough Erne by carrying out some assessments using a variety of non lethal methods to inform the policy: Your comments: Once again DCAL need to advise which of the lakes this proposal refers to? We reserve comment until we know which. 12. DCAL to ensure an effective enforcement programme is in place to protect fish stocks and their habitat, which will include training and support for Private Water Bailiffs: Your comments: DCAL need to advise how they intend to do this when they only have 9 bailiffs on the ground for Northern Ireland. There would be little support from Private Water Bailiffs if the Lower Lough is not treated as a designated brown trout fishery. Anglers advise that the patrol boat was rarely out during 2015 season at present this is a DCAL responsibility. What are DCAL plans to ensure effective enforcement? 13. DCAL to promote the education of stakeholders to improve compliance with the legislation: Your comments: This clause was not included in the original proposals. We feel this approach will send out the wrong message and lead to greater problems in the long run. While we appreciate that some leeway would always be available to officers, we do not feel that publishing this as a policy and then acting upon same will achieve the desired result. There should be a concentration on making the regulations well known and then applying them in the field. 14. Proposal that DCAL does not permit the use of commercial nets in Upper Lough Erne: Your comments: It is the understanding of the Federation that there are 2 commercial licences on the Upper Lough, what is the purpose of closing this fishery down? What evidence have DCAL to suggest no commercial netting. 15. To increase the minimum takeable size for rod-caught trout to 35.5cm for Lough Erne and introduce a minimum takeable size for trout of 25.4cm for all its tributaries and all waters in the DCAL area. DCAL propose a daily bag limit of 3 trout per angler per day to apply to Lough Erne and all other trout fisheries: Your comments: Many of our member clubs have been operating this size limit on a voluntary basis for many years. However when this was discussed with Robert Rossell the trout clubs were advised that such changes would have little to no effect on trout stocks. Please provide the scientific evidence to back up this proposal. The proposal to introduce a daily bag limit of 3 trout per angler per day is welcomed, however we do not believe that all other fisheries can be included in a Fishery Management Plan for Lough Erne. The other fisheries should be the subject of a separate review as they have nothing to do with Lough Erne. 16. DCAL to improve fisheries habitat, remove fish barriers or improve fish passage at barriers in the tributaries of the Erne Catchment: Your comments: This is essential for the success of any Fishery Management Plan. 17. DCAL to review stocking policy under-pinned by further scientific analysis: Your comments: Whilst DCAL are saying they have not closed the Marble Arch hatchery, it is their lack of uncertainty around stocking which has forced the Directors to look at closing the hatchery when there are sufficient funds to do so. How then can DCAL propose to review stocking policy under-pinned by further scientific analysis when no more indigenous trout will be available. We recommend that future assistance is provided to EMEC until such times as the scientific evidence is available so a proper informed decision can be made. DCAL also need to advise how they will stock tributaries in the Lough Erne catchment with indigenous fish (as per the recent EU ruling) in the event of a critical pollution incident or other such like incidents. 18. To continue to allow commercial fishing for pike on Lough Erne using existing regulations, but to restrict it to a maximum catch of 10 tonnes per annum: Your comments: The biggest part of the problem with trout fishing on the Lower lake is that pike have displaced the trout from the shallows. Research by Robert Rossell confirmed this. With trout now in the deeper water they cannot be targeted by fisherman and as such catches are now at an all time low. It is like looking for a needle in a haystake to find trout in the deeps. If the proposal to restrict the maxium catch of pike to 10 tonnes when in the past 30 tonnes were removed the problem will get worse. Again where is the scientific evidence to show that only up to 10 tonne is sufficient to allow trout fishing to be sustainable? 19. DCAL to commission regular scientific monitoring of fish stocks on Lough Erne and its tributaries to provide long term datasets to identify trends in fish populations: Your comments: This proposal is welcomed. 20. DCAL to collect Catch per unit effort (CPUE) data on rod caught fish: Your comments: Could this not be incorporated into the proposal to improve the return rate of annual angling catch returns? 21. To collect data on trout stocks in deeper areas of the Lough: Your comments: DCAL need to explain the reason for collecting data on trout stocks in deeper water. If trout remain in deeper water then game angling will continue to suffer and anglers will go elsewhere to fish. 22. To collect information on salmon movements and spawning areas in the Erne catchment to help assess stocks levels: Your comments: This proposal is welcomed. 23. DCAL to commission more genetic research on brown trout stocks in the Erne catchment: Your comments: What is the purpose of this proposal when the hatchery which was producing Lough Erne indigenous trout will be closed and stocks will not be available? We also think the proposal should read “DCAL to commission more genetic research on brown trout stocks in the rivers in the Erne catchment”. 24. DCAL to commission more research on bream stocks in the Erne catchment: Your comments: No comment As there is nowhere on the form for additional comments please ensure you read our additional comments send as an appendix.