AUGUST 8, 1978
National Institute for
Biotechnology &
Genetic Engineering
Department of
Biological Sciences
Department of
Jinnah College for
Women, Peshawar
Frontier College for
Women, Peshawar
Beaconhouse Public
School, Peshawar
A Grade
A Grade
1 st Division
A Grade
A Grade
A Grade
M. Idrees Zaidi, Christy Munir, Ikhtiar Khan and Alvina Gul, “Transition
Element used as Extractant of Nicotine from Nicotiana Tabacum Leaves”,
Scientific Khyber, 12(1): 81-86, 1999.
2. M. Idrees Zaidi, Christy Munir and Alvina Gul, “Nickel And Copper used as
Extractant of Nicotine from Nicotiana Tabacum Leaves”, Sarhad Journal of
Agriculture, 15(1), 55-56, 1999.
3. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul. ‘Antibacterial Activity of Harmaline, Mercury(II) chloride and their Complex’. Scientific Khyber, 17(1): 101-106, 2004.
4. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul. “Antifungal Activity of Nicotine and its Zinc
Complex”, Scientific Khyber, 17(2): 189-193, 2004.
5. M. Idrees Zaidi, Alvina Gul and Riaz A. Khattak. “Antibacterial Activity of nicotine and its Mercury Complex”, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 26(2), 619-
622, 2004.
6. M. Idrees Zaidi, Alvina Gul and Shaukat Ali. “Antifungal Activity of Harmine,
and its Complex”, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 26(2), 623-626, 2004.
7. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul. “Antifungal Activity of Nicotine and its
Cadmium Complex”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 24(1): 81-86,
8. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul. “Antibacterial Activity of Harmine, Mercury(II) chloride and their Complex”. Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, 24(2),
23-28, 2005.
9. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul, “Antibacterial Activity of Nicotine and its
Cobalt Complex”, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 21(3): 287-291. 2005.
10. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul, “Cytotoxicity studies of Harmine, Harmaline and their Complexes”, Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, 21(3): 401-406. 2005.
11. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul, “Antifungal Activity of Nicotine and its Cobalt
Complex”, Journal of Science and Technology, 29(1): 43-47, 2005.
12. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul, “Pharmacological Activity of Nicotine and its
Nickel Complex”, Hamdard Medicus, LX.2, 70-76, 2005.
13. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul. “Antifungal Activity of Nicotine and its
Copper Complex”, Hamdard Medicus, LX.2, 76-81, 2005.
14. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul. “Antibacterial Activity of Nicotine and its
Copper Complex”, Journal of Science and Technology. 29(1): 45-49, 2005.
15. M. Idrees Zaidi and Alvina Gul, “Antifungal Activity of Hamaline, HgCl
and their Complex”, Journal of Physical Chemistry. 15: 13-16, 2006.
16. Mujeeb-Kazi, A., Alvina Gul, J. Ahmad and J.I. Mirza. 2006. A simplified and effective protocol for production of bread wheat haploids (n = 3x = 21, ABD) with some application areas in wheat improvement. Pakistan Journal of
Botany. 38(2): 393 – 406.
17. Mujeeb-Kazi, A., Alvina Gul, J. Ahmad and J. I. Mirza. 2006. Haploid production variation in several durum wheat cultivars and their synthetic hexaploid derivatives. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 38(2): 407 – 415.
Mujeeb-Kazi, A., G. Fuentes-Davilla, Alvina Gul and J. I. Mirza. 2006. Karnal bunt resistance in synthetic hexaploid wheats (SH) derived from durum wheat x Aegilops tauschii combinations and in some SH x bread wheat derivatives.
Cereal Research Communications. 34(4), 1199-1205.
19. Mujeeb-Kazi, A., Alvina Gul, M. Farooq, S. Rizwan and J. I. Mirza. 2007.
Genetic diversity of Aegilops variabilis (2n = 4x = 28; UUSS) for Wheat
Improvement: Morpho-cytogenetic characterization of some derived amphiploids and their practical significance. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 39(1):
20. Mujeeb-Kazi, A., Alvina Gul, M. Farooq, S. Rizwan and J. I. Mirza. 2007.
Cytogenetics of some Triticum aestivum and T. turgidum x Aegilops variabilis hybrids and their derived amphiploids. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 39(2): 415-
21. Mujeeb-Kazi, A., Alvina Gul, I. Ahmad, M. Farooq, S. Rizwan, H. Bux, S.
Iftikhar, S. Asad and R. Delgado. 2007. Aegilops tauschii as a Spot blotch
( Cochliobolus sativus) resistance source for bread wheat improvement.
Pakistan Journal of Botany.
39: 1207-1216.
22. Mujeeb-Kazi, A., Alvina Gul, S. Rizwan, M. Farooq, H. Bux, I. Ahmad, J. I.
Mirza, R. Delgado, V. Rosas and A. Cortes. 2007. Cytogenetics of intergeneric hybrids between durum wheat ( Triticum turgidum L.) with Thinopyrum intermedium and sub-species acutum, glaucum, pulcherrimum, trichophorum varnense. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 39: 1217-1227.
23. Mujeeb-Kazi, A. and Alvina Gul. 2007. Germplasm development and use of
Biotechnology in Wheat breeding. In: “Proceedings of International Wheat
Seminar”, eds: A. Khan. Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad, Feb
19-20, 2006. pp. 330-338.
24. Mujeeb-Kazi, A., Alvina Gul, M. Farooq, S. Rizwan and I. Ahmad. 2008.
Rebirth of Synthetic Hexaploids with global implications for Wheat
Improvement. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research.
25. Mujeeb-Kazi A., A. Cortes, Alvina Gul, M. Farooq, F. Majeed, I. Ahmad, H.
Bux, M. William, V. Rosas and R. Delgado. 2008. Production and Cytogenetics of a new Thinopyrum elongatum / Triticum aestivum hybrid, its amphiploid and backcross derivatives. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 40:565-580.
26. Amna Bibi, Ghulam Shabbir, Awais Rasheed, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul
Mujeeb-Kazi. 2011. High Molecular Weight glutenin subunit composition of the elite II Synthetic hexaploid wheat subset ( Triticum turgidum x Aegilops tauschii, 2n=6x=42; AABBDD). Plant Genetic Resources. IN PRESS
27. Alvina Gul Kazi, Awais Rasheed, Tariq Mehmood and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi.
2011. Molecular and Morphological diversity with biotic stress resistances of high 1000-grain weight Synthetic hexaploid wheats. Pakistan Journal of
Botany. 43(6): IN PRESS
28. Awais Rasheed, Tariq Mehmood, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi.
2011. Allelic variation and composition of HMW-GS in some advanced
derivatives from Bread wheat x Synthetic hexaploid wheat cross combinations. Plant Genetic Resources. SUBMITTED
29. Awais Rasheed, Tania Safdar, Alvina Gul Kazi, Tariq Mehmood, Zahid Akram and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 2011. Characterization of HMW-GS and evaluation of their diversity in elite Synthetic hexaploid wheats. Journal of Cereal Science.
Mujeeb-Kazi A., Alvina Gul, I. Ahmad, M. Farooq, Y. Rauf, A. Rahman and H.
Riaz. 2008. Genetic resources for some wheat abiotic stress tolerances. In:
Salinity and Water Stress: Improving Crop Efficiency. (eds) M. Ashraf, M.
Ozturk and H. R. Athar, Springer. pp. 149-163.
Hadi Bux, M. Ashraf, Abdul S. Mumtaz, Awais Rasheed, Dipak Sharma
Poudyal, Alvina G. Kazi and Muhammad Afzaal. 2011. Molecular basis of disease resistance in cereal crops: a review. Crop production for Agricultural
Springer. pp. 1-273.
Ogbonnaya, F, A. Mujeeb-Kazi, Alvina G. Kazi, Evans L. Lagudah, Steven S.
Xu and David Bonnett. 2011 for 2012. Synthetic hexaploid in wheat improvement. In: Jules Janick Eds. Plant Breeding Reviews (IN PRESS)
Mujeeb-Kazi, A., Alvina G. Kazi, Francis Ogbonnaya, Awais Rasheed,
Mohammad Ashraf, Matthew Reynolds and Steven S. Xu. 2011 for 2012.
Genetic diversity for wheat improvement as a conduit to food security. In:
Donald Sparks Eds. Advances in Agronomy (IN PRESS)
Hadi Bux, Alvina G. Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 2011. Utilization of
Synthetic Hexaploids for Wheat Improvement; PART 1. Lambert Academic,
Mujeeb-Kazi, A. Alvina Gul and A. N. Siddique. 2005. Doubled haploidy in
Wheat: Current status and perceptions for Pakistan. In: Biotechnology
Workshop for Wheat and Sugarcane Improvement. March. 16. 2005.
2. A. Mujeeb-Kazi, J. L. Diaz De-Leon, Alvina Gul and R. Delgado. Current
Status of Salinity tolerance in Wheat: Conventional and distant species
progenitor genetic resources. International Conference on Biotechnology for
Salinity and Drought Tolerance in Plants, 28-31 March, 2005.
3. A. Mujeeb-Kazi, R. Trethowan, Alvina Gul and R. Delgado. Aegilops tauschii and drought tolerance in bread wheat: Germplasm development and utilization (Conventional strategy with molecular inputs). International
Conference on Biotechnology for Salinity and Drought Tolerance in Plants, 28-
31 March, 2005.
4. A. Mujeeb-Kazi and Alvina Gul. Contribution of genetic diversity for improvement of some abiotic stresses in Wheat. International Conference on
Biotechnology for Salinity and Drought tolerance in Plants, 28-31 March,
5. A. Mujeeb-Kazi and Alvina Gul. Germplasm development and use of
Biotechnology in Wheat breeding. In “International Wheat Seminar”, Ayub
Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad. February 17-20, 2006.
6. A. Mujeeb-Kazi, Alvina Gul, M. Farooq, S. Rizwan and I. Ahmad. Rebirth of
Synthetic Hexaploids with global implications for Wheat Improvement. First
Synthetic Hexaploid Symposium, Horsham, Australia, 04-06 September, 2006.
7. A. Mujeeb-Kazi and Alvina Gul. Chromosomal exchanges targeted for wheat yield enhancement. In: International Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. September 14, 2006.
8. A. Mujeeb-Kazi and Alvina Gul. Genetic resources that address abiotic stresses impacting wheat improvement. In: International Symposium on
“Strategies for Crop Improvement against Abiotic Stresses”. Department of
Botany, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. September 17-19, 2006.
9. A. Mujeeb-Kazi and Alvina Gul. Future Wheat Varieties for Food Security. In:
National Seminar on Wheat Production Technology, WRI, Faisalabad,
September 18, 2006.
10. A. Mujeeb-Kazi and Alvina G. Kazi. Abiotic Stress Tolerances and Food
Security: A Holistic Approach using Pakistan’s Wheat Improvement Model.
International Thematic Workshop on Recent Advances in Plant Abiotic Stress
Tolerance. 9-11 October, 2009.
11. Alvina Gul Kazi. Seminar delivered in Karachi University on “Enhanced
Wheat Breeding Efficiency aided by Molecular Diagnostics”. 2010.
12. Ali Raza Gurmani, Sami Ullah Khan, Jalal-ud-Din, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul
Mujeeb-Kazi. Screening of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines/synthetics based on physiological characters contributing towards salinity tolerance. 13 th
Congress of Soil Science on Efficient Resource Management for Sustainable
Agriculture. Soil Science Society of Pakistan. 24-27 March, 2011.
13. Ali Raza Gurmani, S. H. Khan, J. Din, G. Kubra, M. Azhar Shah, Alvina Gul
Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. Utilization of Modern Agriculture Technology in
Changing Environmental Perspectives. International Science Conference on
Utilization of Modern Agriculture Technology in Changing Environmental
Perspectives. University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Faculty of Agriculture
Rawalakot. 15-17 July, 2011.
Editor: J. Raupp, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA.
The development of a Wheat Wide Cross Program in Pakistan. 2009. A.
Mujeeb-Kazi, Alvina G. Kazi and Iqbal Ayub Khan. 55: 149-151.
In vitro screening of double haploid mapping population developed for Spot blotch (Cochliobolus sativus) resistance with selective molecular characterization. 2009. Hummera Nazir, Alvina G. Kazi, Shehzad Asad,
Shamim Iftikhar, Usman Rahim and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 55: 168-169.
Molecular fingerprinting of some advanced bread wheat breeding lines resistant to stem rust (Ug99) and their utilization in wheat production. 2009.
Syeda Irum Yasmin, Alvina G. Kazi, Farrukh Bashir, Nadeem Ahmed and A.
Mujeeb-Kazi. 55: 170-173.
Phenotypic evaluation and molecular characterization of selected wheat landraces of Pakistan. 2009. Rabia Amir, Alvina G. Kazi, Aziz-ur-Rehman,
Rumana Keyani, Attiq-ur-Rehman, Farrukh Bashir and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 55:
Screening of a Synthetic hexaploid wheat subset to Spot blotch (Cochliobolus sativus). 2009. Amber Kazmi, Alvina G. Kazi, Shamim Iftikhar, Shehzad
Asad, Muhammad Noman and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 55: 164-166.
Molecular and phenological identification of diversity in some durum resources. 2009. Mah Jabeen Tariq, Alvina G. Kazi, Hafiz Asim Ayaz,
Muhammad Faheem and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 55: 161-164.
Evaluation of Elite-II Synthetic hexaploid wheats against Barley Yellow Dwarf
Virus and their molecular diversity. 2009. Huma Saffdar, Alvina G. Kazi,
Shahid Hameed, Attiq-ur-Rehman and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 55: 159-161.
Evaluation of Wheat germplasm for resistance against Karnal bunt in Pakistan.
2009. Muhammad Zakria, Javed Iqbal Mirza, Alvina G. Kazi and Abdul
Mujeeb-Kazi. 55: 152.
New stem rust virulence detected in Pakistan: a potential threat to adopted bread wheat breeding strategy against Ug-99. 2009. Javed Iqbal Mirza,
Alvina G. Kazi and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 55: 154-155.
In vitro screening of Synthetic hexaploid lines against Cochliobolus sativus in
Pakistan. 2009. Shamim Iftikhar, Shehzad Asad, Alvina G. Kazi and A.
Mujeeb-Kazi. 55: 156-157.
Screening of mapping population against powdery mildew under field and glass house conditions in Pakistan. 2009. Shehzad Asad, Alvina G. Kazi,
Yahya Rauf and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 55: 155-156.
Pakistan’s Wheat Scenario: The Way Forward. 2010. Alvina G. Kazi and
Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 131-132.
Evaluation of A and B wheat genome based amphiploids for powdery mildew resistance: Morpho-molecular characterization, diversity and utilization potential for wheat improvement. 2010. Khola Rafique, Farah Naz, Alvina G.
Kazi, Shehzad Asad, Iqbal Ayub Khan and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 132-140.
Evaluation of D-genome based Synthetic hexaploids and their advanced derivatives for powdery mildew resistance: Morpho-molecular characterization, diversity and utilization potential for wheat improvement.
2010. Khola Rafique, Abdul Rauf, Alvina G. Kazi, Shehzad Asad, Iqbal Ayub
Khan and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 141-151.
Genetic diversity for some yield and quality traits in selected lines of 4EBWYT.
2010. Saqib Arif, Qurrat-ul-Ain Afzal, Mubarik Ahmed, Manzoor Hussain, Awais
Rasheed, Alvina G. Kazi, Usman Rahim and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 152-155.
Physio-chemical characterization in relation to bread making quality of some candidate wheat genotypes. 2010. Saqib Arif, Qurrat-ul-Ain Afzal, Mubarik
Ahmed, Awais Rasheed, Alvina G. Kazi and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 155-157.
Allelic variation and composition of HMW-GS in bread wheat / synthetic derivatives. 2010. Awais Rasheed, Abdul Ghafoor, Alvina G. Kazi, Iqbal Ayub
Khan and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 157-166.
Potential of A-genome amphiploids (2n=6x=42; AAAABB) to improve breadmaking quality; Allelic variation at Glu-1 and Glu-3 loci. 2010. Awais
Rasheed, Alvina G. Kazi and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 166-169.
Characterization of HMW-GS in Synthetic hexaploid wheats and their durum parents. 2010. Tania Safdar, Zahid Akram, Awais Rasheed, Abdul Ghafoor,
Alvina G. Kazi and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 169-173.
A comprehensive report on attack of foliar blight on wheat in Pakistan in the
2008-09 wheat crop cycle. 2010. Manzoor Hussain, Shehzad Asad, Attiq
Rattu, Wajid Rafiq, M. Aslam Arain, Najeeb Ullah Ghoomro, Alvina G. Kazi and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 173-174.
Stripe rust resistance and genetic diversity of some “A” genome diploid progenitor resources of wheat. 2010. Sania Ahmed, M. Inam ul Haq, Alvina
G. Kazi, Attiq-ur-Rehman Rattu, Usman Rahim, Abdul Rauf and A. Mujeeb-
Kazi. 56: 175-179.
Phenological and molecular characterization of D-genome Synthetic hexaploid wheats targeted for drought tolerance. 2010. M. Faheem, Talat Mahmood,
Alvina G. Kazi, Hafiz Asim Ayaz and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 179-183.
Molecular and morphological evaluation of diversity for drought tolerance in a
D-genome based double haploid mapping population, its parents and local drought tolerant cultivars of wheat using SSRs. 2010. Misbah Safdar, Zahid
Akram, Alvina G. Kazi, Hafiz Asim Ayaz and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 183-186.
Evaluation of wheat germplasm for salt tolerance. 2010. Ali Raza Gurmani,
Sami Ullah Khan, Jalal ud Din, Azhar Shah, Alvina G. Kazi and A. Mujeeb-
Kazi. 56: 186-188.
New sources of salt tolerance identified in landrace wheat genotypes evaluated at different growth stages and environments. 2010. Armghan
Shahzad, M. Shahid Masood, Munir Ahmed, M. Iqbal, Iftikhar Ahmed, M.
Usman, Alvina G. Kazi and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 188-189.
Phenological characterization and SSR based diversity estimation of conventional and novel wheat germplasm with salinity tolerance. 2010. Rabia
Sultan, M. Munir, Alvina G. Kazi, Ali Raza Gurmani, Saif Ullah Ajmal, Azhar
Shah and A. Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 189-193.
Phenotypic evaluation of D-genome based genetic diversity assessment of winter synthetic wheat germplasm using SSR primers. 2010. Uzma Hanif, M.
Munir, Alvina G. Kazi, Iqbal Ayub Khan, Ghulam Shabbir, Tom Payne and A.
Mujeeb-Kazi. 56: 193-198.
Wheat Wide Crosses and General Wheat Improvement Trends: Initiatives and the Course ahead. 2011. A. Mujeeb-Kazi and Alvina Gul Kazi. 57:80-83.
Evaluation of Elite-1 Synthetic hexaploid germplasm for various phenological, molecular and disease attributes. 2011. Alvina Gul Kazi. Awais Rasheed,
Farrukh Bashir, Hadi Bux, Abdul Aziz Napar and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:83-
A Genome Based Diversity Status and its Practical Utilization In Wheat. 2011.
Alvina Gul Kazi, Awais Rasheed, Farrukh Bashir, Hadi Bux, Abdul Aziz Napar and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:92-114.
Cytological, Phenological And Molecular Characterization Of B-Genome
Synthetic Hexaploids. 2011. Alvina Gul Kazi, Farrukh Bashir, Hadi Bux,
Awais Rasheed, Rabia Sultan, Abdul Aziz Napar and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi.
Molecular and Phenological Study and Disease Screening of various Aegilops tauschii accessions in similar Durum Wheat background. 2011. Alvina Gul
Kazi, Sadia Latif, Bilal Haider Abbasi, Awais Rasheed, Hadi Bux, Arsalan
Ahmed and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:123-131.
Phenological and Molecular Characterization of Synthetic hexaploids derived from same Ae. tauschii accessions and diverse durum cultivars. 2011. Alvina
Gul Kazi, Hadi Bux, Awais Rasheed, Farrukh Bashir, Arsalan Ahmed and
Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:132-139.
Analysis of Cytoplasmic influence across durum and Ae. tauschii pairs for diversity and other traits. 2011. Alvina Gul Kazi, Awais Rasheed, Farrukh
Bashir, Hadi Bux, Arsalan Ahmed and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:139-149.
The Practicality of Transferring Alien Genes to Wheat. 2011. Alvina Gul
Kazi, Rabia Sultan, Awais Rasheed, Farrukh Bashir, Hadi Bux, Arsalan Ahmed and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:150-156.
Cytological and Morphological Characterization of Th. bessarabicum amphiploid and its addition lines. 2011. Alvina Gul Kazi, Rabia Sultan, Awais
Rasheed, Hadi Bux, Usman Rahim, Abdul Aziz Napar and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi.
Production of New Breadwheat / Synthetic Hexaploid Advanced Derivatives.
2011. Alvina Gul Kazi, Farrukh Bashir, Hadi Bux, Awais Rasheed and Abdul
Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:162-174.
Phenotypic and molecular characterization of candidate wheat varieties and their resistance evaluation to key biotic stresses. 2011. Alvina Gul Kazi,
Awais Rasheed, Farrukh Bashir and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:174-176.
Genetic discrimination for some quality attributes in genotypes with
T1BL.1RS. 2011. Saqib Arif, Qurrat-ul-ain Afzal, Mubarik Ahmad, Awais
Rasheed, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:176-178.
Pasting Properties of wheat flours of eight Hard White spring wheat cultivars.
2011. Saqib Arif, Qurrat-ul-ain Afzal, Tahira Mohsin Ali, Awais Ahmed, Atif
Warsi, Mubarik Ahmed, Abid Hasnain, Awais Rasheed, Alvina Gul Kazi,
Abdul Mujeeb Kazi. 57:178-180.
The arabinoxylan levels in hard wheats from various origins. 2011. Saqib Arif,
Qurrat-ul-ain Afzal, Zubala Lutfi, Mubarik Ahmed, Abid Hasnain, Awais
Rasheed, Alvina Gul Kazi, Abdul Mujeeb Kazi. 57:180-181.
HMW glutenin subunit variation in B-genome amphiploids (2n=6x=AABBBB).
2011. Awais Rasheed, Alvina Gul Kazi, Mubarik Ahmad, Saqib Arif, Hadi Bux and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:182
Bread quality of hard white spring wheat cultivars grown at two locations.
2011. Saqib Arif, Qurrat-ul-Ain Afzal, Zubala Lutfi, Mubarik Ahmed, Abid
Hasnain, Awais Rasheed, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb Kazi. 57:183-
Marker assisted selection for stripe rust resistance genes and allelic variation at Glu-1 loci in synthetic derived advanced lines. 2011. Zeeshan Khan, Awais
Rasheed, Alvina Gul Kazi, Mubarik Ahmad, Saqib Arif and Abdul Mujeeb-
Kazi. 57:184-188.
Grain quality characteristics of synthetic derived genotypes advanced by doubled haploidy. 2011. Awais Rasheed, Saqib Arif, Qurat-ul-Ain Afzal, Alvina
Gul Kazi, Mubarik Ahmad and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:188-190.
Unique HMW-GS assemblage in synthetic hexaploids to bridge the gap at Glu-
D1 locus. 2011. Amna Bibi, Saif Ullah Ajmal, Awais Rasheed, Alvina Gul
Kazi, Mubarik Ahmad, Saqib Arif, Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:191-192.
QTL based phenotyping of molecular mapping population for salinity tolerance in wheat. 2011. Tauseef Taj Kiani, Zahid Akram, Ali Raza Gurmani, Alvina
Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:192-199.
Cytological and Molecular characterization of elite Pakistani wheat germplasm for the T1BL.1RS chromosome translocation. 2011. Romesa Tahir, Saif Ullah
Ajmal, Rabia Sultan, Farrukh Bashir, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi.
QTL Analysis of a Wheat Double Haploid Mapping Population for Salinity
Tolerance. 2011. Ghulam Kubra, Asghari Bano, Ali Raza Gurmani, Alvina Gul
Kazi, Awais Rasheed, Farrukh Bashir and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:207-213.
Evaluation of high temperature tolerance of bread wheat germplasm. 2011.
Munazza Nazir, Asghari Bano, Jalal-ud-din, Sami Ullah Khan, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:214-226.
Salinity tolerance potential of some durum cultivars and their derived Dgenome synthetic hexaploid wheats. 2011. Maria Anwar, Abdul Waheed, Ali
Raza Gurmani, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:227-236.
Phenological and Molecular Characterization of International Triticeae
Mapping Initiative Wheat Population for Salinity Tolerance. 2011. Shumaila
Abbas, Abdul Waheed, Ali Raza Gurmani, Alvina Gul Kazi, Awais Rasheed and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. 57:236-246.
Drought Tolerance Studies in Diverse Wheats Involving Land Races, Local
Cultivars And Novel Exotic Germplasm. 2012. Misbah Sehar, Ghulam Shabbir,
Sami Ullah, Jalal-Ud-Din, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi.
in vitro Studies for the Evaluation of Elite D Genome Synthetic Hexaploid
Wheat for Drought Tolerance. 2012. Rabia Farid, Abdul Waheed, Sami Ullah,
Jalal-ud-Din, Alvina Gul Kazi, Zaheer Ahmed, Mamoona Ilyas and Abdul
Mujeeb-Kazi. ACCEPTED
Evaluation of Molecular Mapping Population from wheat/Synthetic hexaploid cross for drought tolerance. 2012. Waqas Hussain, Zahid Akram, Memoona
Ilyas, Jalal-ud-din, Sami Ullah Khan, Hafiz Asim Ayaz, Azher Shah, Alvina Gul
Kazi, Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. ACCEPTED
Molecular Validation and Utilization Of T1BL.1RS Wheat and its Isogenic lines in Wheat Breeding. 2012. Maria Batool, Saif Ullah Ajmal, Alvina Gul Kazi,
Rabia Sultan, Farrukh Bashir and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. ACCEPTED
Cytological Studies of Genetic stocks from Triticum aestivum/Thinopyrum bessarabicum intergeneric hybrid for wheat improvement. 2012. Anber
Hamdani, Saif Ullah Ajmal, Rabia Sultan, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-
Response of wheat germplasm derived from primary and tertiary Triticeae gene pool for Karnal bunt resistance. 2012. Muhammad Ifnan Khan, Nasir
Mahmood Minhas, Muhammad Zakria, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-
Screening of Wheat and Thinopyrum bessarabicum amphiploid and its disomic chromosome addition lines for salt tolerance. 2012. Ammara Shakir, Zahid
Akram, Ali Raza Gurmani, Saif Ullah Ajmal, Rabia Sultan, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. ACCEPTED
Characterization of wheat genotypes for salinity tolerance based on physiological attributes. 2012. Ali Raza Gurmani, Jalal-Ud-Din, Sami Ullah
Khan, Yaqoob Mujahid, Saddar Uddin Siddiqui, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul
Mujeeb-Kazi. ACCEPTED
Genotypic differences in drought tolerance of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. 2012. Jalal-ud-Din, Sami Ullah Khan, Ali Raza Gurmani, Yaqoob
Mujahid, Alvina Gul Kazi and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi. ACCEPTED
Doubled haploid production, immature embryo and anther culture at Agribiotechnology Institute (ABRI) in Ayub Agriculture Research Institute (AARI),
Faisalabad, Pakistan. 2006.
Molecular fingerprinting using RAPDs and SSRs primers at Plant Biotechnology
Division, National Institute for biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
(NIBGE), Faisalabad, Pakistan. 2006.
International training on Wheat rusts, Gene Mapping and MAS for three months at
Plant Breeding Institute, Cobbity, University of Sydney, Australia during
September till December, 2008.
In-country training on Conventional and Molecular Cytogenetics was attended by Mr.
Alejandro Cortes, Wheat Wide Crosses, CIMMYT, Mexico for three weeks in May
Attended a Training Workshop on Rusts in Wheat conducted by CDRP, NARC in
An International Stem Rust Symposium was conducted during 12-13 th August,
2009 at NARC, Islamabad funded by USDA.
Attended Two-day workshop on “Applications of Biotechnology for Wheat
Improvement” organized by National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic
Engineering (NIBGE), Faisalabad. May 09-10, 2011.
Worked as Research Fellow in Wheat Wide Crosses, NARC, Islamabad from
January, 2009 till June, 2010 in a project entitled “Securing some key biotic stress resistances in wheat varieties of Pakistan around gene and varietal deployment strategies with emphasis on recombination breeding aided by molecular technologies”.
Expertise in wheat research and production supported by multidisciplinary aspects of the crop’s improvement dependent upon basic, strategic and applied scenarios have provided grounds to embrace the submitted project in a holistic manner. This expertise allowed the handling of numerous exotic genetic resources since 2005 until the present time based in NARC, Islamabad. The research findings have been presented at various forums and also published. Having served as a Research
Manger since 2005 until June 2010 on 5 competitive grant projects provided excellent experience for executing projects in a timely manner and also gave a good
idea regarding report writing, submission protocols etc. Highlighted below are the specialty areas that are blended with my experience on wheat.
The current research emphasis and expertise are related to wheat improvement under the following categories:
Wheat Wide Crosses / Pre-breeding / Breeding
Conventional and Molecular Cytogenetics
Doubled Haploidy
Tissue culture techniques including immature embryo culture
Molecular Fingerprinting using RAPDs and SSRs primers
Marker Assisted Selection (MAS)
Gene Mapping
Stripe, Leaf and Stem rust screening at seedling and adult plant stage
Karnal bunt screening
Powdery mildew screening at seedling and adult plant stage