The Preparation of University Documentation relating to Academic Quality and Standards Document Reference: Identifier: Version: Quality and Standards Documentation QH: A2 1 05 Date: Jul 15 Approved By: Originator: ULTAC LEAP Responsibilities: All authors of University of Hull documentation relating to quality and standards Contacts: Applications for exemptions to: Report Exemptions to: ULTAC ULTAC Summary/ Description: To promote understanding, the University Learning Teaching and Assessment Committee has issued the following code of practice on the format and language of University of Hull quality and standards documentation. This must be followed for all revisions of existing documentation and all new documentation. Documents are published as the University’s Quality Handbook. Version 1 05 (Jul 15) introduced the following additions: Updated to reflect changes from CDTE to LEAP Version 1 04 (Sep 13) introduced the following additions: Paragraph 20 provides guidance on identifying and detailing the changes that need to be made Paragraph 21 outlines the reporting mechanism for the proposed amended document Replaces Quality Office with Curriculum Development and Teaching Enhancement, and Academic Board with University Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee. Version 1 02 (Jan 09) introduces the following changes: Reference to the approval requirements for each type of document (para. 6) Removal of ‘Policy’ as a document classification to reflect established practice (para. 6) Explicit recognition that for some documents the language convention is inappropriate (para. 7) Removal of reference to the Marketing Toolkit (as that document has now been superseded) (para. 9) Introduction of advice on the use of Explanatory Notes (para. 10) Removal of reference to ‘date for review’ (cover sheet) - review dates are now shown in the QSC-approved five year rolling action plan rather than on the cover sheet of each document (see QH:A2) (para. 13) Explicit reference to application to collaborative provision (para. 15) Removal of the advice on document summaries New section on approval of documents Explicit reference to the means of publication and notification to staff of publication through Quality and Standards Updates Version 1 01 (Sep 05) introduced minor amendments. Further information Quality and Standards Documentation Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice Version 1 05 – Jul 15 QH:A2:1 This document should be read in the context of the University’s strategy for managing quality and standards: Approach to Quality and Standards (A2Q) (published as QH:A1). Annexe 1 of A2Q provides a five year rolling action plan for reviewing the contents of the Quality Handbook. This document is available in alternative formats from Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice Contents Introduction....................................................................................................................... 3 Aims of university documentation ..................................................................................... 3 Document classification .................................................................................................... 3 Use of language ............................................................................................................... 3 Layout of documents ........................................................................................................ 4 Cover sheet ...................................................................................................................... 4 Application to collaborative provision ................................................................................ 5 Use of the footer ............................................................................................................... 5 Use of annexes................................................................................................................. 5 Proposed amendments to codes of practice and regulations ............................................ 6 Version control.................................................................................................................. 6 Approval of documents ..................................................................................................... 6 Publication ........................................................................................................................ 6 Quality and standards updates ......................................................................................... 6 Quality and Standards Documentation Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice Version 1 05 – Jul 15 QH:A2:2 The Preparation of University Documentation relating to Academic Quality and Standards INTRODUCTION 1. The following document aims to explain and demonstrate the template for University documentation relating to the management of academic quality and standards. This will promote usability and coherence of documents enabling them to be better communicated across the University. 2. This document reflects the University’s commitment set out in Approach to Quality and Standards (QH:A1) to achieving a quality and standards framework which is clear and accessible. 3. The key factors are: 4. a cover sheet use of language introduction of document summaries use of the footer layout of documents use of annexes. Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice provides a template which meets the criteria set out in this code of practice. AIMS OF UNIVERSITY DOCUMENTATION 5. Following QAA guidelines documentation should: give clear definitions of responsibilities be clear, explicit and applied consistently with proper regard to fairness, equality of opportunity and public confidence be up to date and accessible both physically and content wise be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis be clear about to whom they are directed be clear about who is responsible for monitoring and review. DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION 6. All documents should fall into one of two categories; Regulations or University Codes of Practice (UCPs). The distinction between each is summarised below. Regulation A breach of a regulation may give rise to disciplinary action or official sanction; they may confer rights and obligations. Regulations require Senate approval. Code of Practice Agreed procedures for undertaking action. Users should at least demonstrate that consideration has been given to the course of action outlined as it represents best practice. Codes require approval from the University Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee. USE OF LANGUAGE 7. To ensure that individual documents and the requirements and guidance they set out are clear the following language convention must be used in all new or revised Quality and Standards Documentation Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice Version 1 05 – Jul 15 QH:A2:3 documents (unless the convention is clearly inapplicable). This convention recognises three specific terms: 8. Mandatory Denoted by the word must - there is no discretion whether to take the action in question. Such a clause can be relied upon by others. Failure to comply with such a clause leaves individuals/ departments/ faculties liable to sanction. Advisable Denoted by the word should - denotes good practice. A justification will be required for not taking the action advised. Desirable Denoted by the word may - taking the action is discretionary but evidence will be required to demonstrate that taking the action has been considered. Use of the incorrect term will lead to confusion and room for interpretation, therefore phrases such as ‘it would be helpful if...’ ‘departments are requested to...’ must not be used. A ‘must’ in a code of practice is just as ‘mandatory’ as a ‘must’ in a regulation. LAYOUT OF DOCUMENTS 9. Arial 11 pt should be used for the main text in documents. 10. Explanatory notes may be used. These do not form part of the regulations/code of practice but help explain the rationale behind a provision, especially where a change is being introduced. The note should indicate the date the note was included. 11. The following provides an example of an explanatory note: Explanatory note (revised Sep 08): Para 70: Approved by QSC and Academic Board for implementation in Sep 08 (QSC 7 Nov 07) replacing paras 71-74 of version 2 00 Implementation – the new provision is applicable as follows from Sep 08 (1) applies with full effect to students registering for the first time Sep 08 onwards (Pre-Cert, Cert and direct entry); departmental conventions superseded (2) students who were on a stage in 07/08 which contributed to degree classification are entitled to the best outcome of the new provision and the previous departmental convention (3) any other case – if Programme Board identifies risk of unjust outcome, refer to SPC for guidance For Taught Masters degrees there is no concept of a borderline. Candidates who do not meet the threshold for a distinction must not be awarded a distinction unless there are valid mitigating circumstances which have not previously been considered (QH:B7, reg. 40). COVER SHEET 12. Initially conceived as a useful tool through the Committee process, the retention of the cover sheet on any documentation once it enters general circulation will enhance version control and transparency, provide useful and relevant further links and contact details for users. 13. The cover sheet must have: the university logo along the top the document title in full [Arial 14pt bold] version number and date [mmm yy] approved by [committee] application to collaborative provision [see below] Quality and Standards Documentation Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice Version 1 05 – Jul 15 QH:A2:4 define authority to approve exemptions originator [office/ title not an individual’s name] brief summary /rationale of the document – to include a bullet point summary of changes if the document is a revised version contacts for further information further reference information [if applicable] any definitions or caveats the ‘alternative formats’ declaration in 16pt Arial bold. The details will be updated as the document passes through the approvals process (and see version control below). 14. The use of a contents page, immediately after the cover sheet, is advisable. APPLICATION TO COLLABORATIVE PROVISION 15. To ensure clarity for University and partner institution staff each set of regulations and each code of practice must make clear their application to collaborative provision. For quality and standards purposes, collaborative provision is defined as provision delivered in whole or in part by a partner institution (see further QH:G1). 16. In developing each document the author must give consideration to the appropriate classification and ensure that appropriate consultation is conducted. Consultees should include Collaborative Provision Forum. University Learning Teaching and Assessment Committee will be responsible for advising Senate. The following classifications must be used: Mandatory The regulations/code of practice must apply (minor modifications may be appropriate, subject to ULTAC approval) Advisable The regulations/code of practice should be applied (clear justification being required for not applying them) Desirable The regulations/code of practice may be applied Information The regulations/code of practice are available for information Not applicable The regulations/code of practice are not relevant or not appropriate for application to collaborative provision. USE OF THE FOOTER 17. All documents must have the following information in the footer: 18. title or document reference originator/ author of the document [office and/ or title not name] version number and date page number. The footer is used in order to allow committee section to use the header as the document goes through the approvals process. The footer must be in Arial 9pt in 50% grey. USE OF ANNEXES 19. Forms, templates and examples of good practice should be annexed to the main document and suitably referenced. Annexes must not be excessive. Any other Quality and Standards Documentation Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice Version 1 05 – Jul 15 QH:A2:5 documents referred to in the main body of the text should be referenced but not annexed unless it is considered strictly necessary. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO CODES OF PRACTICE AND REGULATIONS 20. Codes and regulations proposed for amendment should make clear what the proposed changes are using either grey highlighting for additional text/strikethrough for deletions. 21. Codes and regulations proposed for amendment, with the proposed changes shown, must be submitted to the Regulations, Codes and Processes Committee for consideration. VERSION CONTROL 22. Draft documents must be version 0 xx with the xx being the number of draft. On first approval the document becomes version 1 00. Thereafter updates will be indicated either by increasing the first number – 2 00 (to indicate a major revision), or by increasing the second/third numbers – 1 01 (to indicate a minor revision). 23. The current version number will be indicated in the footer of each page, and by inclusion in the title of the file using the format: Document number – Document title – version number – date (mmm yy) last updated. APPROVAL OF DOCUMENTS 24. The University’s scheme of delegation provides that: 25. Regulations require the approval of Senate University Codes of Practice require the approval of ULTAC or UREC (for those relating to research degree provision) Amendments to Codes which constitute ‘housekeeping’ must be reported to ULTAC/UREC; changes to annexes are normally deemed ‘housekeeping’. Documents included in the Quality Handbook may also be approved by other committees of equivalent level, following consultation with a Quality Manager. PUBLICATION 26. Documents relating to the management of academic quality and standards together constitute the University’s quality and standards framework. They are published as the University’s Quality Handbook. University Learning, Teaching and Assessment Committee (on the advice of LEAP) is the arbiter of which documents will be published in the Quality Handbook, including documents which may not meet the standards requirements set out in this code. (For example, documents may be produced for other purposes – e.g. to meet external requirements – but be deemed appropriate for inclusion to facilitate communication). 27. The Quality Handbook is only published electronically at: and forms part of the University’s Register of Regulations, Policies and Procedures. LEAP is responsible for its publication. QUALITY AND STANDARDS UPDATES 28. Following approval of a new or revised document, staff will be informed of the publication of an update through the Quality and Standards Updates published by LEAP on the LEAP:Quality website ( Quality and Standards Documentation Learning Enhancement & Academic Practice Version 1 05 – Jul 15 QH:A2:6