
Jeopardy Questions
● Vitals
○ What is the normal respiratory rate for a resting adult horse? 12-16 breaths
○ What is the normal temperature range for a horse? 99-102 degrees
○ What is the normal resting heart rate for an adult horse? 28-44 bpm
○ How does the normal resting heart rate and respiratory rate of foals differ
from an adults and why? Often higher because their bodies and systems
are smaller.
○ Where are 2 locations we can check a horse’s heart rate or pulse?
■ Heart girth with a stethoscope, behind knee, behind fetlock, and
under jaw
● Colic
○ What is colic?
■ A blanket term to describe when a horse has a stomach ache from a
number of causes
○ What are 3 signs of colic?
■ Excessive rolling, Pawing, Biting at sides, Not eating, No gut sounds
○ Which type of colic is caused by painful lesions in the stomach?
■ Gastric Ulcers
○ What are three categories of colic?
■ Gas, Impaction, Twisted, Strangulation
○ If your horse is showing signs of colic and has been eatting out of sandy
pastures what might you suspect your horse has? Why?
■ Sand Colic
● Showing signs of colic
● Sand may have been consumed
First Aid
○ What are 4 items that can be found in a first aid kit?
■ antibiotic ointment, betadine, bucket, ducktape, elastikon, Epsom
Salt, First Aid Tape, Flash Light, etc.
○ You should perform this monthly and if you suspect something is wrong with your
■ Basic exam
○ What is involved in a basic exam?
■ TPR, Skin pinch, check membranes
○ Why should every barn have a first aid kit?
■ So animals can receive treatment for minor injuries or pre-treatment while
waiting for vet to arrive
○ What 2 key pieces of information about your veterinarian should you have in your
first aid kit?
■ Contact information
■ Directions to the office
Emergency Situations
○ Why is it important to know what is normal for your horse in an emergency
medical situation?
■ So you can tell the vet in more detail what is going on with your horse
○ What is laminitis?
■ Inflammation and swelling of tissues inside the horses hoof.
○ What do you do if your horse is bleeding?
■ Hold sterile pad or clean towel and apply pressure to stop bleeding
then call vet.
○ If your horse comes in with a foreign object should you remove it without
the vet? Why or why not?
■ No because removal of the object can cause further blood loss and
○ Why can allergic reactions require immediate veterinary care?
■ When the neck and such swells it can impact the flow of air through
the respiratory system
Abnormal Signs
○ This abnormality is indicated by pale gums and mucous membranes?
■ Shock
○ This is indicated by a thermometer reading of greater than 102 degrees F
■ Fever
○ Sudden changes in these things can be one of the first indicators of illness or
■ Attitude
■ Appetite
○ This abnormality is indicated by gums and membranes colored brick red
■ Overall distress, infection, blood poisoning
○ Your horse lives in a field with five other horses, everyone is by the gate grazing
but he if across the field by himself, and he looks dull and tired instead of spunky,
should you be concerned and why?
■ Yes, horses are herd animals and he has isolated himself, his attitude has
changed as well