
DRAFT 3 - Press Release
For Immediate Release – 18 October 2013
Contact: Sylvia.spalding@noaa.gov or (808) 522-5341 or 383-1069
US Should Refuse Any Quota Reduction for Hawaii Bigeye Tuna, Fishery Council Says
HONOLULU (18 October 2013) The United States should not accept a reduction in the bigeye tuna limit for
the Hawaii longline fishery, according to the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, which
concluded a four-day meeting in Honolulu today. Authorized by Congress to manage fisheries seaward of
State and Territorial waters in the US Pacific Islands, the Council noted that the Hawaii longline fishery
operates several thousand miles from the equatorial Pacific, where nearly 90 percent of bigeye tuna fishing
mortality occurs.
The tuna quotas for the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) are internationally formulated by the
Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), of which the United States is a member. The
WCPFC is scheduled to meet Dec. 2 to 6, 2013, in Cairns, Australia. The priority agenda item is the
management of tropical tunas, particularly bigeye tuna, which has been experiencing overfishing for about
two decades. A proposal developed by a WCPFC working group that met in August in Japan would have the
Hawaii longline fishery quota for bigeye reduced by 45 percent. If approved and implemented, the measure
could shut the Hawaii bigeye tuna fishery about July each year.
The Council noted that the WCPFC’s previous conservation and management measures (CMMs) have failed
to prevent increases in fleet capacity, fishing effort and total catch of tropical tunas. Further, bigeye
overfishing continues in the WCPO primarily from its incidental catch by the purse-seine fishery when fishing
on fish aggregation devices (FADs). The Council noted its continued concern about the effectiveness of the
proposed purse-seine measures to achieve effective reductions of juvenile bigeye fishing morality. It said that
the WCPFC’s treatment of purse seine and longline fisheries is inequitable and scientifically unjustified. The
WCPFC has imposed bigeye quotas on the longline fishery and fishing day limits for the purse-seine fishery.
The purse-seine take of bigeye tuna has increased under this approach.
The Council directed its staff to work with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to develop spatial
management approaches for bigeye tuna for incorporation in future US CMM proposals to the WCPFC. The
Council also recommended that the following research and education/outreach activities related to tuna
management be undertaken:
The University of Hawaii’s Pelagic Fisheries Research Program complete and publish its bigeye
otolith stable isotope study, which helps to resolve spatial distribution and connectivity of Hawaii
yellowfin tuna, and expand the bigeye study to include sampling of otoliths from the northwestern
Pacific and other locations not yet sampled.
Convene a workshop to design a collaborative study of bigeye movements in the Pacific and the
data requirements to support such a study.
Collect the reports of various Hawaii tuna tagging projects and summarize and disseminate the
findings in an accessible format to the public.
The Council also made the following recommendations, among others:
That a shark fishery resource assessment in the Mariana Archipelago be conducted to include the
Council, NMFS and Mariana fishermen. Council members from Guam and the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) said shark depredation has escalated. Sharks are attacking
artificial lures and are following vessels and waiting for fish to be hooked.
That the NOAA Assistant Administrator for Fisheries be reminded that, regarding the Billfish
Conservation Act, the intent of Congress is to maintain the ability of Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam
and CNMI fisheries to send billfish to the US mainland for sale as well as allow billfish landed in
American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI by foreign vessels to be sold in Hawaii.
A Council authorized by the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976
1164 Bishop Street, Suite 1400, Honolulu, Hawaii • Tel (808) 522-8220 • Fax (808) 522-8226 • www.wpcouncil.org
Fishery Council 2-2-2-2-2
That the US Coast Guard prioritize patrols of the US exclusive economic zone (EEZ) to detect
foreign fishing violations and acquire or direct additional patrol assets for the Western Pacific Region.
That a Fishery Data Collection and Research Committee be formed as a committee of the Council
and be comprised of the heads of the Council, the American Samoa Department of Marine and
Wildlife Resources, Guam Department of Agriculture, CNMI Department of Land and Natural
Resources, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Guam Bureau of Statistics and
Plans and NMFS Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, as well as a representative from US Fish
and Wildlife Service.
That NMFS be notified of the Council’s concurrence with the positive 90-day finding in response to
the petition to delist the North Pacific humpback whale population under the Endangered Species
Act. The Council reiterated its previous recommendation to recognize the recovery and delist the
North Pacific humpback whales and looks forward to a timely 12-month finding from NMFS.
That the Department of Defense (DOD) and Joint-Region Marianas be reminded of the fishermen’s
concerns regarding the expansion of the closure around Farallon de Medinilla, a prime bottomfish
ground, and the military’s plans for the islands of Tinian and Pagan.
That Council staff reviews the current CNMI bottomfish fishery and its existing management regime
and develop an options paper for Council consideration that would remove the large vessel area
closure for bottomfish in the southern portion of the archipelago.
That Council staff assist the Governor of American Samoa in reviewing America Samoa’s Deeds of
Cession to determine applicability to the Rose Atoll Marine National Monument, National Marine
Sanctuary of American Samoa and other federally managed areas.
That Council staff assists the American Samoa government in developing standards to prevent
illegal seafood imports, which currently may be undercutting the price of locally caught fish, and to
develop seafood safety and handling training programs and other marketing strategies to promote
local seafood markets. This would benefit the local economy and enhance food security.
The Council concluded its meeting by reappointing its 2013 officers as its officers for 2014, i.e., Arnold
Palacios (CNMI) as chair and Michael Duenas (Guam), Edwin Ebisui (Hawaii), Richard Seman (CNMI) and
William Sword (American Samoa) as vice chairs.
The Western Pacific Fishery Management Council was established by Congress to manage fisheries in
offshore waters around Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
and the US Pacific remote island areas. Serving as a bridge between the local communities, fishermen, and
the federal government, the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council continues its
commitment to keep fisheries sustainable, protecting the fishing industry and the local communities that that
depend on it. For more information, visit www.wpcouncil.org or email info.wpcouncil@noaa.gov; phone (808)
522-8220, or fax (808) 522-8226.
Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council: Appointees by the Secretary of Commerce from
nominees selected by American Samoa, CNMI, Guam and Hawaii governors: Michael Duenas, Guam
Fishermen’s Cooperative Association (Guam) (vice chair) ; William Sword, recreational fisherman (American
Samoa) (vice chair); Edwin Ebisui (Hawaii) (vice chair); Richard Seman, education and outreach specialist
(CNMI) (vice chair); Michael Goto, United Fishing Agency Ltd. (Hawaii); Julie Leialoha, biologist (Hawaii); Dr.
Claire Tuia Poumele, Port Administration (American Samoa); and McGrew Rice, commercial and charter
fisherman (Hawaii). Designated state officials: Arnold Palacios, CNMI Department of Land & Natural
Resources (chair); Mariquita Taitague, Guam Department of Agriculture; William Aila, Hawaii Department of
Land & Natural Resources; and Dr. Ruth Matagi-Tofiga, American Samoa Department of Marine and Wildlife
Resources. Designated federal officials: Michael Tosatto, NMFS Pacific Islands Regional Office; Susan
White, Pacific Reefs National Wildlife Refuges Complex; RAdm Cari B. Thomas, U.S. Coast Guard 14th
District; and Bill Gibbons-Fly, US Department of State.
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