Updated May, 2015 SELECTED FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS IN HISTORY If you are interested in finding external funding to support your research, it is our hope that this list will help you to quickly determine which of the agencies might fund your current project, find more information about the application process by visiting their websites, and then develop an applications timeline you can use to keep yourself on-track for developing your proposals in a timely manner. The opportunities listed are for individual scholarship. To navigate, keep the document in layout view, scroll to the table of contents, then click on the page number of the agency or program in which you’re interested. This will take you directly to that entry. If you then wish to learn more, click on the agency’s website address (URL), which you will find near the bottom of the entry. If clicking doesn’t work, copy the URL, paste it into the address line of your web browser, and type return. Always check for new and more detailed application information on any opportunity in which you’re interested. Humanities and area studies centers sometimes have themes that change periodically and agency programs, application requirements, deadlines, and focus areas are subject to change. Verify deadlines and other critical information by visiting the sponsoring institution’s website or contacting the agency via e-mail or telephone prior to beginning an application. This is especially true for agencies that had not posted new deadlines when we created this list (we’ve noted such cases on the list). In the current economy we’re seeing programs temporarily suspended or reduced so it is especially important now to check the agencies’ websites before starting applications, and to keep checking frequently as you work on your proposals. Most agencies have deadlines only once each year and take from three to eight months to announce results. Therefore, it is advisable think long-term when planning your grant development strategies. Preparing a viable proposal takes effort and organization, so please give yourself the time you will need to develop an application that will be competitive. For fellowships, that means starting the process at least six weeks before the deadline, Although this list is extensive, it is not exhaustive. If you know of sources that we have not included that you believe will appeal to numerous history graduate students, please let us know. We’re always seeking new funding sources. If you find nothing here that might help you, go to http://pivot.cos.com and conduct a search specific to your needs. This service is free to KU graduate students and faculty courtesy of the KU Center for Research and offers the most comprehensive and dependable compilation of funding opportunities available. You can access it from any KU computer or, if KU is your service provider, from your computer at home. We hope you will find this list useful as you consider external funding for your work both as a graduate student and in your early post doctorate years. Humanities Grant Development Office Hall Center for the Humanities Bobbi Rahder, Research Development Specialist brahder@ku.edu • 785/864-7833 hgdo@ku.edu • 785/864-7887 http://hallcenter.ku.edu/humanities-grant-development-office Table of Contents General Funding Opportunities ............................................................................................................ 1 American Association of University Women ..................................................................................................... 1 The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) ........................................................................................ 1 American Historical Association ........................................................................................................................ 1 American Philosophical Society ......................................................................................................................... 1 Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) ............................................................................. 1 Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) ..................................................................................... 2 Duke University Rubenstein Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Grants and Fellowships .......... 2 Fulbright Awards for US Graduate Students, US Department of State .............................................................. 2 Fulbright-Hays Grants for Graduate Research ................................................................................................... 2 Huntington Library Fellowships and Research Grants ....................................................................................... 3 Short-Term Awards ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Long-Term Awards ......................................................................................................................................... 3 J. Paul Getty Trust .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Newberry Library Short-Term Resident Fellowships for Individual Research .................................................. 3 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program ..................................................................................................... 3 Social Science Research Council (SSRC) International Dissertation Research Fellowships (IRDF) ................ 3 The Society for the History of Technology Kranzberg Fellowship .................................................................... 4 Winterthur Library .............................................................................................................................................. 4 American History.................................................................................................................................... 4 American Antiquarian Society (AAS) ................................................................................................................ 4 Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute............................................................................................................ 4 Friends of the Longfellow House ....................................................................................................................... 4 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library ................................................................................................................... 5 The Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter ............................................................... 5 The Gerald R. Ford Travel Grant Program ................................................................................................... 5 Harry S. Truman Library Institute / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) ......................... 5 Research Grants ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Dissertation Year Fellowships........................................................................................................................ 5 The Institute for Political History (IPH) ............................................................................................................. 5 James Madison Memorial Foundation Fellowship Program .............................................................................. 5 John Carter Brown Library Fellowships ............................................................................................................. 6 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library and Museum ................................................................................................. 6 Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) ...... 6 Harry Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies ..................................................................................... 6 Moody Research Grants ................................................................................................................................. 6 McNeil Center for Early American Studies Dissertation Fellowship Program .................................................. 6 Organization of American Historians ................................................................................................................. 7 Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) ...................................................................... 7 Thomas Jefferson Foundation / Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies ............................ 7 Ancient/ Medieval History ..................................................................................................................... 7 American School of Classical Studies at Athens ................................................................................................ 7 The M. Alison Frantz Fellowship ................................................................................................................... 7 Medieval Academy of America .......................................................................................................................... 7 Birgit Baldwin Fellowship .............................................................................................................................. 7 Medieval Academy Dissertation Grants ......................................................................................................... 8 Schallek Fellowship and Awards .................................................................................................................... 8 Warburg Institute: Research Fellowships in Cultural and Intellectual History .................................................. 8 British/ Imperial History ........................................................................................................................ 8 Kanner Fellowship in British Studies ................................................................................................................. 8 Table of Contents – 1 North American Council on British History Dissertation Year Fellowships...................................................... 8 Yale University: Visiting Fellowships ................................................................................................................ 8 East Asian History .................................................................................................................................. 9 Association for Asian Studies (AAS) ................................................................................................................. 9 The Center for Historical Studies, University of Maryland Research Awards ................................................... 9 History of Women and Gender ............................................................................................................. 9 Coordinating Council for Women’s History Ida B. Wells Award and Berkshire Award................................... 9 Massachusetts Historical Society........................................................................................................................ 9 National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) ............................................................................................... 9 Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies....................................................... 10 Indigenous Nations/Native American History ................................................................................... 10 American Philosophical Society ....................................................................................................................... 10 John Carter Brown Library Fellowships ........................................................................................................... 10 Jewish History ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies ........................................................................................................... 10 Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives ........................................................................ 10 Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture International Doctoral Fellowship for Studies Specializing in Jewish Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Latin American History ....................................................................................................................... 11 Conference on Latin American History ............................................................................................................ 11 James R. Scobie Memorial Award For Preliminary PhD. Research ........................................................... 11 Lydia Cabrera Awards in Cuban Historical Studies .................................................................................... 11 Indiana University Lilly Library Mendel Fellowship ....................................................................................... 11 John Carter Brown Library Fellowships ........................................................................................................... 12 The Stansifer Fellowship .................................................................................................................................. 12 Modern European History ................................................................................................................... 12 American Council on Germany Goldman Fellowship and Hunt Fellowship ................................................... 12 Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) ...................................................................................... 12 French Embassy, United States ........................................................................................................................ 12 Institut Français de Washington ....................................................................................................................... 13 Institute for European History—Residential Fellowships ................................................................................ 13 Leo Baeck Institute ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Russian / East-European History ........................................................................................................ 13 Kennan Institute ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Table of Contents – 2 General Funding Opportunities These opportunities may be useful for historians in any area of concentration, so be sure to check these listings as well as those listed under an applicable concentration listing. American Association of University Women American Fellowships / Dissertation Fellowships are available to women graduate students who will finish their dissertations during the fellowship period. To qualify, applicants must have completed all course work, passed all required preliminary examinations, and received approval for their research proposal or plan by the application deadline. Students holding any fellowship for writing a dissertation in the year prior to the AAUW Educational Foundation fellowship year are not eligible. Open to applicants in all fields of study. Scholars engaged in researching gender issues are encouraged to apply. Amount: $20,000. URL: http://www.aauw.org/what-we-do/educational-funding-and-awards/american-fellowships/ Deadline: November 15 The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Dissertation Completion Fellowship. This fellowship assists graduate students in the humanities and related social sciences in the final year of their PhD dissertation writing. Appropriate fields of specialization include, but are not limited to: the study of dance and theater, the humanities, linguistics, and the social sciences. Proposals in the social science fields are eligible only if they employ predominantly humanistic approaches (e.g., economic history). Amount: up to $38,000 (a stipend of $30,000, plus funds for research costs of up to $3,000 and for university fees of up to $5,000). URL: http://www.acls.org/programs/dcf/ Deadline: October 22 (last known deadline) American Historical Association AHA offers grants and fellowships to advanced doctoral students. Only members of the Association are eligible. Grants and fellowships are awarded for study in a variety of subjects, ranging from colonial American history to African and Asian history. URL: http://www.historians.org/prizes/index.cfm. Deadlines: Varies by program (All research grant deadlines: February 15) American Philosophical Society The Library Resident Research fellowships support research in the Society's collections. Applicants must demonstrate a need to work in the Society's collections for a minimum of one month, and a maximum of three months. The fellowships are open to both US citizens and foreign nationals who are holders of the PhD or the equivalent, PhD candidates who have passed their preliminary examinations, and independent scholars. Contact the APS for further details and application materials. Amount: $3,000/month for up to three months. URL: http://www.amphilsoc.org/grants/resident Deadline: March 2 Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) The program is open to US doctoral candidates and scholars who have already earned their PhD in fields in the humanities, social sciences, or allied natural sciences and wish to conduct research of regional or trans-regional significance. Fellowships require scholars to conduct research in more than one country, at least one of which hosts a participating American overseas research center. Applicants must be U.S. citizens. Amount: Up to 9 awards will be given for up to $10,500 each. URL: http://www.caorc.org/programs/index.html#!fellowships/c17cq 1 Deadline: January 31 Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Offers fellowships funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for dissertation research in the humanities in original sources. The purposes of this fellowship program are to enable dissertation writers to do research wherever relevant sources may be, rather than just where financial support is available; encourage more extensive and innovative uses of original sources in libraries, archives, museums, historical societies, and related repositories in the US and abroad; and provide insight from the viewpoint of doctoral candidates into how scholarly resources can be developed for access most helpful in the future. Fellows may use stipends to meet living expenses, travel costs, and other expenses that enable dissertation research to be carried out, but not to defray tuition. To be eligible, an applicant will be enrolled in a doctoral program in a graduate school in the United States (master's thesis research is not eligible), plan to do dissertation research primarily in original source material in the holdings of archives, libraries, historical societies, museums, related repositories, or a combination, write the dissertation and receive the PhD degree in a field of the humanities or in a related element of the social sciences. Amount: Maximum-$25,000. URL: http://www.clir.org/fellowships/mellon/mellon.html Deadline: November 17 (last known deadline) Duke University Rubenstein Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Grants and Fellowships Open to any faculty member, graduate or undergraduate student, or independent scholar. Awarded for travel and research costs at the Bingham Center (Women’s History and Culture), the Franklin Collection (African and African-American), the Hartman Center (Sales, Advertising, and Marketing History), and the Jantz Collection (German Baroque Literature and German Americana). Amount: $1,000. The library also offers two fellowships of $1,500 for scholars interested in using the German Studies and Jewish Studies collections. See website for specific information about the awards. URL: http://library.duke.edu/rubenstein/research/grants-and-fellowships Deadline: January 30 Fulbright Awards for US Graduate Students, US Department of State This program offers scholarships for foreign study at the pre-doctoral level in over 120 countries. This opportunity allows graduate students to engage in full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies. Only US citizens at the time of application are eligible. Applicants must submit their proposals through their campus Fulbright Program Adviser, Sue Lorenz, Office of International Programs, slorenz@ku.edu or 785-864-6161. Fulbright URL: http://www.iie.org/fulbright/ Deadline: October 14 (KU internal deadline is earlier) Fulbright-Hays Grants for Graduate Research *Note: Although the last deadline was June 2014, the application deadline usually occurs in the fall. Check website frequently for competition announcement. This program funds full-time dissertation research abroad in modern foreign languages and studies that focus on one or more of the following: Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, South Asia, the Near East, East Central Europe and Eurasia, and the Western Hemisphere (Central and South America and the Caribbean). Projects focusing on Australia, Canada, and Western Europe are ineligible. Students must apply through their institutions. At KU, students must submit their completed individual applications to the KU Office of International Programs. If interested, contact Sue Lorenz, Office of International Programs, slorenz@ku.edu, (785) 864-6161. Amount: $15,000-$60,000. URL: http://www2.ed.gov/programs/iegpsddrap/applicant.html Citizenship Restrictions: U.S. Citizens or permanent residents only. Deadline: Unknown (June 24, last known deadline) 2 Huntington Library Fellowships and Research Grants Short-Term Awards The Huntington offers fellowships for graduate students and recent PhD recipients to conduct research at the Library. The holdings will be of interest to scholars studying British and American history, literature, theater, art history, and history of science and medicine (11th century to present day). Short-term fellowships (1-5 months) are available for doctoral candidates and PhDs. Amount: up to $3,000 per month (short-term fellowship awards) Deadline: November 15 URL: http://www.huntington.org/WebAssets/Templates/content.aspx?id=566 Long-Term Awards The Huntington offers several different long-term fellowships for graduate students and recent PhD recipients to conduct research at the Library. The holdings will be of interest to scholars studying British and American history, literature, theater, art history, and history of science and medicine (11th century to present day). Amount: up to $50,000. Deadline: November 15 URL: http://www.huntington.org/WebAssets/Templates/content.aspx?id=566 J. Paul Getty Trust Offers fellowships based on an annual theme. Pre-doctoral fellowships are available for applicants who have advanced to candidacy and expect to complete their dissertations during the fellowship period. Applications are welcome from scholars of all nationalities who are working in the arts, humanities, or social sciences. Pre-doctoral fellows are in residence for the entire academic year (from September to June), and receive a stipend of $25,000. Fellowships provide an office at the Research Institute, airfare to Los Angeles, an apartment in the Getty scholar housing complex, and health benefits. URL: http://www.getty.edu/grants/research/scholars/research_pre_post_fellows.html Deadline: November 1 (last known deadline) Newberry Library Short-Term Resident Fellowships for Individual Research These short-term fellowships provide access to the Newberry's collections for PhD candidates or postdoctoral scholars. The tenure of short-term fellowships varies from one week to two months. A majority of fellowships will be for one month or less. Amount: $2,000. URL: http://www.newberry.org/research/felshp/short-term.html Deadline: January 15 Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program The Smithsonian Institute offers Fellowships to graduate students and ABD PhD candidates to conduct research in one of the Smithsonian areas of research. Amount: $6,500 to $30,000 depending on award. URL: http://www.si.edu/ofg/fell.htm Deadline: January 15 Social Science Research Council (SSRC) International Dissertation Research Fellowships (IRDF) The IDRF program supports distinguished graduate students in the humanities and social sciences conducting dissertation research outside the United States. The IDRF program is committed to empirical and site-specific research that advances knowledge about non-US cultures and societies (involving fieldwork, research in archival or manuscript collections, or quantitative data collection). The program promotes research that is situated in a specific discipline and geographical region and is engaged with interdisciplinary and cross-regional perspectives. Amount: $20,000. URL: http://www.ssrc.org/fellowships/idrf-fellowship/ Deadline: November 3 (last known deadline) 3 The Society for the History of Technology Kranzberg Fellowship The Melvin Kranzberg Dissertation Fellowship is presented annually to a doctoral student engaged in the preparation of a dissertation on the history of technology, broadly defined. The $4,000 award is unrestricted and may be used in any way that the winner chooses to advance the research and writing of his or her dissertation. Possible uses include underwriting the costs of travel to archival collections; photocopying or microfilming; translation of documents; and so on. The award may not be used for university tuition or fees. URL: http://www.historyoftechnology.org/awards/kranzberg.html Deadline: April 15 Winterthur Library The Winterthur Museum, Garden, and Library offers several graduate fellowships. Amount: $7,000 per semester for one or two semesters for doctoral candidates conducting dissertation research and writing; and $1,750 per month for one- to three-month fellowships for academic, independent, and museum scholars. URL: http://www.winterthur.org/ Deadline: January 15 (last known deadline) American History American Antiquarian Society (AAS) The Society offers short- and long-term visiting academic research fellowships for work in American culture and history. The library’s collections focus on the life of America's people from the colonial era through the Civil War and Reconstruction. Short-term fellowships are available for dissertation research and postdoctoral work; long-term fellowships are available only for applicants holding a PhD. Amount: up to $1,850 per month for short-term, and $35,000 for long-term fellowships. URL: http://www.americanantiquarian.org/ Deadlines: Long-term: October 15 and January 15 Short-term: January 15 Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute supports a program of small grants-in-aid, not to exceed $2,500, in support of research on the "Roosevelt years" or clearly related subjects. Grants are intended to defray living, travel, and related expenses incurred while conducting research at the Roosevelt Library. This program is intended to encourage younger scholars to do research that will expand knowledge and understanding of the Roosevelt period and to support for research in the Roosevelt years by scholars from the emerging democracies and the Third World. There is no citizenship restriction. URL: http://www.rooseveltinstitute.org/projects/research-support Deadline: November 15 Friends of the Longfellow House The collections of the Longfellow National Historic Site in Cambridge, Massachusetts, include an archive of materials (letters, photographs, material objects) on from the 17th to early 20th century. These have the potential to enrich our understanding of local, regional, national, and international literary, cultural and political history. Two annual Fellowships with stipends of $1200 are offered. Both stipends are intended to help defray the living or travel expenses of researchers who wish to come to the Cambridge/Boston area to use the Longfellow House archives/collections as well as related archives such as those in the Houghton Library at Harvard or at the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston. Recipients are requested to be in residence in the Cambridge/Boston area for at least a two-week period. URL: http://www.friendsoflongfellowhouse.org/2010/05/fellowship-program.html Deadline: April 7 4 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library The Gerald R. Ford Scholar Award in Honor of Robert M. Teeter This award is offered to doctoral students for dissertation research and writing in any field related to the study of the US political process and public policy during the last half of the 20th century. Of special interest is the role and analysis of public opinion in that process. Applications from doctoral students in Political Science, History, Public Policy, Foreign Relations, or American Studies are especially encouraged. Recipients must conduct at least part of their research at the library. Amount: $5,000. URL: http://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/fsa.asp Deadline: March 31 The Gerald R. Ford Travel Grant Program These grants help to defray travel, living, and photocopy expenses of a research trip to the Ford Library do research on an aspect of the US political process during the latter part of the 20th century in any field related to the study of the US political process. Overseas applicants are welcome to apply, but will be responsible for the costs of travel between their home country and North America. The grants only cover travel within North America.. Amount: $2,000. URL: http://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/foundationgrants.asp Deadlines: March 15 and September 15 Harry S. Truman Library Institute / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Research Grants Research grants are offered biannually and are intended to enable graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and other researchers to use the library’s collections for one to three weeks. Awards can be used to offset expenses for travel and lodging while in-residence only. Preference is given to projects that have application to enduring public policy and foreign policy issues and have a high probability of being published or otherwise publicly disseminated. The potential contribution of a project to an applicant's development as a scholar is also considered. Amount: up to $2,500. URL: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/grants/#ress Deadline: April 1 and October 1 Dissertation Year Fellowships Fellowships are offered to support graduate students working on some aspect of the life and career of Harry S. Truman or of the public and foreign policy issues that were prominent during the Truman years. Amount: $16,000. URL: http://www.trumanlibrary.org/grants/#ress Deadline: February 1 The Institute for Political History (IPH) Hugh Davis Graham Grant. The IPH provides support for interdisciplinary projects and forums for scholars, including professors, graduate students, and independent scholars concerned with the application of historical perspectives to American political development. Preference will be given to doctoral students and non-tenured faculty. URL: http://www.politicalhistory.org/Hugh%20Graham%20Fund%20Procedures.html Deadline: November 2 (last known deadline) James Madison Memorial Foundation Fellowship Program This program offers fellowships to junior and senior applicants. Junior Fellowships are offered to students who are about to complete, or have recently completed, their undergraduate course of study and plan to begin graduate work on a master’s degree in American history, Political Science/Government, or Teaching/Education with an emphasis on American history or American government, political 5 institutions, and political theory. Applicants must be US residents and either must be a teacher, or plan to become a teacher, of American history, American government, or social studies at the secondary school level (grades 7-12). Amount: $24,000. URL: http://www.act.org/madison/ Deadline: March 1 John Carter Brown Library Fellowships The John Carter Brown Library is a center for advanced research in history and the humanities located on the campus of Brown University. Sponsorship of research at the John Carter Brown Library is reserved exclusively for scholars whose work is centered on the colonial history of the Americas, North and South, including all aspects of the European, African, and Native American involvement. Short-term fellowships for pre- and post-doctoral research: $2,100 per month for two to four months. URL: http://www.brown.edu/academics/libraries/john-carter-brown/fellowships Deadline: December 15 John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library and Museum The Kennedy Library and Museum invites scholars and students to apply for support of their research in the archival, manuscript, and audiovisual holdings of the Library. Fellowship awards vary up to $5,000. URL: http://www.jfklibrary.org/Research/Research-Grants-and-Fellowships.aspx Deadline: Various (see website for details) Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum / National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Harry Middleton Fellowship in Presidential Studies The Harry Middleton Fellowship supports scholarly work in Presidential studies. Middleton Fellows will be able to study at any Presidential library or other facility in the National Archives and Records Administration system, but must develop at least a portion of their work from original research in the collections of the LBJ Library in Austin, Texas. Post-doctoral fellows may apply, but preference will be offered to doctoral candidates whose dissertation research highlights how history can illuminate current and future policy issues. Amount: $5,000. URL: http://www.lbjlibrary.org/page/foundation/initiatives/harry-middleton-fellowship-inpresidential-studies/ Deadline: March 15 and September 15 Moody Research Grants A limited number of grants are available for research at the LBJ Library, which are underwritten by The Moody Foundation of Galveston, Texas. Grants may be used for research for dissertations, theses, senior papers, publications and other projects. Grant periods are June 1 through December 31 for the Fall term, and January 1 through August 31 for the Spring term. Amount: ranges from $600 to $3,000. URL: http://www.lbjlibrary.org/collections/grants-and-awards/grant-in-aid-award/ Deadline: March 15 and September 15 McNeil Center for Early American Studies Dissertation Fellowship Program The McNeil Center offers several different dissertation fellowships; see website for specific details of each program. Fellows receive office space in the Center’s building on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus and library, computer, and other privileges at the University. Limited travel funds for research are also available. While no teaching is required for most fellowships, all McNeil Center fellows are expected to be in residence in Philadelphia during the academic year and to participate regularly in the Center’s program of seminars and other activities. Amount: $21,000. URL: http://www.mceas.org/dissertationfellowships.shtml Deadline: February 2 6 Organization of American Historians The Organization of American Historians sponsors several small grants and awards for graduate students. In total, 22 different grants are given by OAH. URL: http://www.oah.org/awards/ Deadlines: Various Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) SHAFR offers several prizes, fellowships, and grants to graduate students studying American foreign relations. Most awards are dissertation fellowships (up to $20,000) or grants for research and travel. See website for specific awards. URL: http://www.shafr.org/members/fellowships-grants/ Deadline: April 1 Thomas Jefferson Foundation / Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies Short-term fellowships for periods of up to four months are offered to doctoral candidates and postdoctoral scholars from any country working on Jefferson-related projects. At least one fellowship is for related research topics in African-American History and archaeology for fellows using the Digital Archaeological Archive of Chesapeake Slavery. Fellows must be in residence. The short-short term awards carry a stipend of $2,000 plus pre-approved travel costs for scholars from the US and Canada. URL: http://www.monticello.org/research/fellowships/index.html Deadline: April 1 and November 1 Ancient/ Medieval History American School of Classical Studies at Athens The M. Alison Frantz Fellowship Fields of study include Late Antiquity, Byzantine Studies and Modern Greek Studies. PhD candidates and recent PhD 's from a US or Canadian institution are eligible and must demonstrate their need to work in the Gennadius Library. Fellowship offers a stipend of $11,500 plus a room at Loring Hall on the school grounds, board, and waiver of school fees. URL: http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/index.php/gennadius/fellowships Deadline: January 15 Cotsen Traveling Fellowship for Research in Greece These are short-term travel-to-collections awards of $2,000 for senior scholars and graduate students for projects and research at the Gennadius Library. At least one month of residency required. URL: http://www.ascsa.edu.gr/index.php/admission-membership/grants Deadline: January 15 Medieval Academy of America Birgit Baldwin Fellowship The Baldwin Fellowship provides a grant of $20,000 to support a graduate student in a North American university who is researching and writing a significant dissertation for the PhD on any subject in French medieval history that can be realized only by sustained research in the archives and libraries of France. The fellowship helps defray research and living expenses for the equivalent of an academic year of study. It may be renewed for a second year upon demonstration of satisfactory progress. Applicants must be members of the Medieval Academy. URL: http://www.medievalacademy.org/?page=Baldwin_Fellowship Deadline: November 15 (last known) 7 Medieval Academy Dissertation Grants Dissertation grants support advanced graduate students who are writing PhD dissertations on medieval topics. The $2,000 grants help defray research expenses. All graduate students whose primary research focuses on an aspect of medieval studies are eligible. URL: http://www.medievalacademy.org/?page=MAA_Grants Deadline: February 15 Schallek Fellowship and Awards The Schallek Fellowship provides a one-year grant of $30,000 to support PhD dissertation research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350-1500). The five Schallek awards support graduate students conducting research in any relevant discipline dealing with late-medieval Britain (ca. 1350-1500). The $2,000 awards help defray research expenses such as the cost of travel to research collections and the cost of photographs, photocopies, microfilms, and other research materials. The cost of books or equipment (e.g., computers) is not included. Applicants to both Schallek programs must be members of the Medieval Academy. URL: http://www.medievalacademy.org/?page=Schallek Deadline: October 15 for Fellowship; February 15 for Award Warburg Institute: Research Fellowships in Cultural and Intellectual History The Warburg Institute is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the classical tradition - in the sense of those elements in European thought, art and institutions that have evolved out of the cultures of the ancient world. Its Library and Photographic Collection are designed and arranged to encourage research into the processes by which one culture learns from another and by which different fields of thought and art act on each other. They are particularly concerned with continuities between the ancient Mediterranean civilizations and the cultural and intellectual history of post-classical Europe, especially in the period to c. 1800. The Institute offers a number of short-term Fellowships of two, three, or four months are available. URL: http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/fellowships/short-term/ Deadline: November 27 British/ Imperial History Kanner Fellowship in British Studies This three-month fellowship supports research at the Clark Library in any area pertaining to British history and culture. The fellowship is open to both postdoctoral and pre-doctoral scholars. Amount: $7,500 for the three-month tenure. URL: http://www.c1718cs.ucla.edu Deadline: February 1 North American Council on British History Dissertation Year Fellowships NACBH Fellowship is awarded to support dissertation research in the British Isles on any topic of British (including Scottish, Irish and Imperial) history or British Studies. The Fellowship consists of a $10,000 stipend. The runner-up will receive a $5,000 travel grant. Nomination for the fellowship must be made by the student’s dissertation advisor. URL: http://www.nacbs.org/prizes/nacbs-dissertation-year-fellowship Deadline: April 1 Yale University: Visiting Fellowships The Lewis Walpole Library has significant holdings of eighteenth-century British prints, drawings, manuscripts, books, and paintings. It is able to support advanced research in most aspects of British 8 eighteenth-century studies. The library offers one-month visiting fellowships, as well as travel grants of lesser duration, to students pursuing an advanced degree and to scholars engaged in postdoctoral or equivalent research. The visiting fellowships, which support travel to Farmington, provide a stipend of $2,100 per month in addition to free accommodation on site. URL: http://www.library.yale.edu/walpole/research/visiting_fellowships.html Deadline: January 11 East Asian History Association for Asian Studies (AAS) AAS offers several grants and scholarships to graduate students studying East Asia (China and Inner Asia, Japan, Korea). The site also provides links to non-AAS awards in the area of Asian studies. URL: http://www.asian-studies.org/grants/main.htm Deadline: varies by award (please see website for details) The Center for Historical Studies, University of Maryland Research Awards The Center for Historical Studies and McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, invites applications for a $1,500 grant to support research in the library's Prange Collection and East Asia Collection on topics related to the period of the Allied Occupation of Japan and its aftermath, 1945-1960. Holders of the PhD or an equivalent degree are eligible to apply, as are graduate students who have completed all requirements for the doctorate except the dissertation. Grant funds will be disbursed in the form of reimbursement for travel, lodging, meals, photo duplication, and related research expenses. URL: http://www.lib.umd.edu/prange/research-awards/research-awards Deadline: November 18 (last known deadline) History of Women and Gender Coordinating Council for Women’s History Ida B. Wells Award and Berkshire Award Note: Students who apply for the Berkshire Award will be automatically considered for the Ida B. Wells Award. To be awarded to an A.B.D. woman graduate student working on a historical dissertation, not necessarily in a history department. Applicants working on issues of race are particularly welcome; must be a member of the Coordinating Council for Women in History (CCWH). Amount: $1,000. URL: http://theccwh.org/ccwh-awards/ Deadline: May 15 Massachusetts Historical Society The Massachusetts Historical Society offers approximately 20 fellowships each year for researchers who need to use the collections to complete a major project; typical applicants include but are not limited to independent scholars, advanced graduate students, and college and university faculty in all disciplines. Each of the fellowships includes a stipend of $2,000 for four weeks of research. URL: http://www.masshist.org/fellowships/short_term.cfm Deadline: March 1 National Women's Studies Association (NWSA) The NWSA offers $1,000 scholarships to students who will be engaged in the research or writing stages of a Master's Thesis or PhD dissertation in the interdisciplinary field of women's studies in the fall of the year of the award. Applicants must be US citizens and members of NWSA at the time of application. URL: http://www.nwsa.org/content.asp?pl=16&contentid=16 Deadline: May 15 9 Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies The Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship in Women’s Studies encourages original and significant research about women that crosses disciplinary, regional, or cultural boundaries. The Women’s Studies Fellowships are provided to PhD candidates at institutions in the United States who will complete their dissertations during the fellowship year. Amount: $5,000. URL: http://woodrow.org/fellowships/womens-studies/ Deadline: October 15 Indigenous Nations/Native American History American Philosophical Society Phillips Fund Grant for Native American Research—The Phillips Fund of the American Philosophical Society provides grants for research in Native American linguistics, ethnohistory, and the history of studies of Native Americans, in the continental United States and Canada. The committee distinguishes ethnohistory from contemporary ethnography as the study of cultures and culture change through time. Amount: $2,500 to $3,500. URL: http://www.amphilsoc.org/grants/phillips Deadline: March 1 John Carter Brown Library Fellowships The John Carter Brown Library is an independently administered and funded center for advanced research in history and the humanities located on the campus of Brown University. Sponsorship of research at the John Carter Brown Library is reserved exclusively for scholars whose work is centered on the colonial history of the Americas, North and South, including all aspects of the European, African, and Native American involvement. The short-term fellowship is for 2 to 4 months, with a stipend of $2,100 per month. The long-term fellowship is for 5 to 10 months, with a stipend of $4,200 per month. URL: http://www.brown.edu/academics/libraries/john-carter-brown/fellowships/description-fellowshipprogram Deadline: December 15 Jewish History Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies The Center awards fellowships for significant research and writing about the Holocaust by students working on their dissertations (ABD), postdoctoral researchers, and senior scholars. The Center welcomes applications by scholars in history, political science, literature, Jewish studies, philosophy, religion, psychology, comparative genocide studies, law, and other disciplines. Individual awards range from three to nine months of residency with stipends of up to $3,500 per month. URL: http://www.ushmm.org/research/center/fellowship/ Deadline: February 17 (last known deadline) Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives The Center sponsors several month-long fellowships for PhD candidates and postdoctoral scholars for research in areas related to the history of the North American Jewish experience. Research must be performed at the Archives in Cincinnati, Ohio. There are no citizenship restrictions. Amount: stipend is sufficient to cover transportation and living expenses while in residence in Cincinnati. URL: http://www.americanjewisharchives.org/programs_fellowship.php Deadline: February 23 10 Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture International Doctoral Fellowship for Studies Specializing in Jewish Fields The purpose of the Foundation's Doctoral scholarship program is to help train qualified individuals for careers in Jewish scholarship and research, and to help Jewish educational, religious, and communal workers obtain advanced training for leadership positions. Any graduate student specializing in a Jewish field who is officially enrolled or registered in a doctoral program at a recognized university is eligible to apply. Only applicants who have had their dissertation approved can apply. Applications can be obtained on individual written request from the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture. Amount: up to $10,000. URL: http://www.mfjc.org/support/howto.html Deadline: October 31 Latin American History Conference on Latin American History James R. Scobie Memorial Award For Preliminary PhD. Research The purpose of the award is to permit a short, exploratory research trip abroad (normally four to twelve weeks) to determine the feasibility of a Ph. D. dissertation topic dealing with some facet of Latin American history. The grant must be used during the summer following the award, unless there is prior approval from the Award Committee and the Secretariat of the Conference on Latin American History. Under no circumstances is the award to be combined with a research grant for an extended stay. Scobie awards may be used in combination with other funds as long as they are not for international travel. The final report should indicate sources and amounts of all awards received. Amount: up to $1,500. URL: http://clah.h-net.org/?page_id=135 Deadline: April 8 Lydia Cabrera Awards in Cuban Historical Studies Lydia Cabrera Awards are available to support the study of Cuba between 1492 and 1868. Awards are designed specifically to support: 1) original research on Cuban history in Spanish, Mexican, and U. S. archives; 2) the publication of meritorious books on Cuba currently out of print; and 3) the publication of historical statistics, historical documents, and guides to Spanish archives relating to Cuban history between 1492 and 1868. Applicants must be trained in Latin American history and possess knowledge of Spanish. Successful applicants will be expected to disseminate the results of their research in scholarly publications and/or professional papers delivered at scholarly conferences and public lectures at educational institutions. Applicants for original research are to be currently engaged in graduate studies at a U. S. institution or be affiliated with a college/university faculty or accredited historical association in the United States. Amount: up to $5,000. URL: http://clah.h-net.org/?page_id=147 Deadline: June 1 Indiana University Lilly Library Mendel Fellowship The Lilly Library of Indiana University invites applications for fellowships during the academic year in support of research in the library's Bernardo Mendel collections. The Mendel Fellowships are intended to support research by scholars from around the world in areas of particular interest to the Mendels, including: the history of the Spanish Colonial Empire; Latin American independence movements; European expansion in the Americas; voyages, travels and exploration; geography, navigation and cartography. The amount of the stipend is based on the length of stay, which may range from one week to 11 a full academic year. The fellowship is intended to cover travel to the Lilly Library and living expenses while in residence. Amount: up to $40,000, depending on length of stay. URL: http://www.indiana.edu/%7Eliblilly/fellowships.shtml#mendel Deadline: September 30 John Carter Brown Library Fellowships The John Carter Brown Library is an independently administered and funded center for advanced research in history and the humanities located on the campus of Brown University. Sponsorship of research at the John Carter Brown Library is reserved exclusively for scholars whose work is centered on the colonial history of the Americas, North and South, including all aspects of the European, African, and Native American involvement. The short-term fellowship is for 2 to 4 months, with a stipend of $2,100 per month. The long-term fellowship is for 5 to 10 months, with a stipend of $4,200 per month. URL: http://www.brown.edu/academics/libraries/john-carter-brown/fellowships/description-fellowshipprogram Deadline: December 15 The Stansifer Fellowship The Stansifer Fellowship is awarded each year to a graduate student working on a thesis or dissertation about Central America. Fellowship recipients can be seeking degrees in any area of study or degree program. Amount: $5,000. URL: https://latamst.drupal.ku.edu/graduate-funding Deadline: March 11 (last known deadline) Modern European History American Council on Germany Goldman Fellowship and Hunt Fellowship The American Council on Germany supports the work of promising American scholars who are studying important elements of the transatlantic relationship from both historical and contemporary standpoints. The two fellowship programs are identical in structure, with both covering transatlantic travel and preapproved inter-city travel, and providing a per diem of $200 for up to 28 days, but they differ slightly in terms of their focus. URL: http://www.acgusa.org/index.php?section=fellows Deadline: July 1 Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) DAAD offers many awards and fellowships to both beginning and advanced graduate students who need to research and study in Germany. Awards help fund research, travel, and language acquisition. You must apply through KU’s DAAD coordinator. See website for specific awards and deadlines. KU Contact: Dr. Lorie Vanchena, Associate Professor of Germanic Languages & Literatures; 2078 Wescoe, University of Kansas; Lawrence, KS 66045. Phone: (785) 864-9174. Email: vanchena@ku.edu URL: http://www.daad.org/?p=50410 Deadline: Varies by program (please see website for details) French Embassy, United States Chateaubriand Fellowships: France offers Chateaubriand Fellowships to doctorate students in the humanities and social sciences, including anthropology, art history, economics, history, linguistics, literature, musicology, philosophy, political science, sociology, etc. Applicants must be PhD students enrolled in an American university. No particular level of French is required to apply. Amount: €1,500/month, health insurance, book allowance, and a round-trip ticket to France. URL: http://humanities.chateaubriand-fellowship.org Deadline: October 1 (last known deadline) 12 Institut Français de Washington The Institut awards four $1500 awards for maintenance (not travel) during research in France for a period of at least two months. Projects are to be French studies in the areas of: art, economics, history, history of science, linguistics, literature and social sciences. URL: http://institut.unc.edu/application/ Deadline: January 15 Institute for European History—Residential Fellowships The Institute offers Residential Fellowships to promote research in the history of occidental religion at the Institute in Mainz, Germany. The Fellowship is open to scholars holding the PhD and to graduate students at an advanced stage in their dissertation. Amount: Stipends vary with educational level; includes travel allowance and a family allowance, if applicable. Duration of fellowships is from six to twelve months. URL: http://www.ieg-mainz.de/02-Zielsetzung/Index.htm Deadline: Varies by program (please see website for details) Leo Baeck Institute The Leo Baeck Institute supports research of German Jewish history. The LBI/DAAD fellowship is available for doctoral students affiliated with an accredited US institution of higher education. They provide financial assistance to students for dissertation research work. Extensive use of LBI New York resources is to aid research projects falling within the field of study served by the LBI, namely the social, communal and intellectual history of German-speaking Jewry. The fellowship consists of a stipend of $2000, paid in two installments of $1000, and is normally used within one calendar year. URL: http://www.lbi.org/about/fellowships/lbidaad-fellowships/ Deadline: Rolling Russian / East-European History Kennan Institute The Kennan Institute offers paid research assistanceships for undergraduate, graduate, and prospective graduate students who are US citizens or permanent residents. Each intern works with a scholar in residence at the Institute over a period of three to nine months. Applicants should have a good command of the Russian language and ability to conduct independent research. This internship offers a flexible schedule of 15 hours per week and a metro subsidy for conducting off-site research. URL: http://www.wilsoncenter.org/fellowship-opportunities-and-internships Deadline: Rolling 13