Unit 4 Sensation and Perception Term Sheet Please THINK before you PRINT. Go Green 1. Opening Definitions Sensation Perception 2. Psychophysics Thresholds Absolute Threshold Difference Threshold (-JND-JustNoticeableDifference) Webers Law Signal Detection Theory Subliminal Perception Priming Sensory Adaptation Transduction 3. The Sense of Vision Electromagnetic Spectrum Light Waves Amplitude and Intensity Wavelength and Hue Purity Cornea Pupil Iris Lens Accommodation Acuity Nearsightedness/Myopia Farsightedness/Hyperopia Retina Fovea Photoreceptors Rods Cones Optic Nerve Ganglion Cells Optic Disk/Blindspot Optic Chiasm Thalamus Lateral Geniculate Nuclues Occipital Lobe Primary Visual Cortex Hubel and Wiesel Feature Detectors Parallel Processing Color Blindedness Three Color Theory Opponent Process Theory Afterimage 4. The Sense of Hearing Sound Waves Amplitude/Strength Decibles Wavelength/Frequency Hertz Purity/Complexity Tibre External Ear Pinna Auditory Canal Eardrum Middle Ear Ossicles Hammer/Mallus Anvil/Incus Stirrup/Stapes Inner Ear Oval Window Cochlea Basilar Membrane Hair Cells Auditory Nerve Semicircular Canals Vestibular Sense Thalamus Temporal Lobe Primary Auditory Cortex Conductive Hearing Loss Neural Hearing Loss Place Theory of Pitch Frequency Theory of Pitch The Volley Principle Auditory Localization 5. The Sense of Touch Cutaneous Receptors (Touch, Temp, Pain) Phantom Limbs Ramachandran Gate Control Theory Chronic Pain 6. The Sense of Taste Gustatory System Taste Receptors (Bitter Sweet Sour Salt) Supertasters Papillae Taste Bud Sensory Interaction 7. The Sense of Smell Olfactory System Olfactory Cilia Olfactory Bulb 8. Introductory Perception Concepts Bottom Up Processing Top Down Processing Subjectivity of Perception Ambiguous Figures Context Effect Perceptual Set Schemas Backmasking Selective Attention Stroop Effect Inattentional Blindness Neckers Cube Perceptual Adaptation Human Factors Psychologists 9. Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization Perceptual Organization Gestalt Figure Ground Proximity Similarity Continuity - Good Continuation Closure Common Fate Connectedness 10. Depth Perception Visual Cliff Binocular Cues Retinal Disparity Convergence Monocular Cues Linear Perspective Texture Gradient Interposition Relative Size Height In Plane/Relative Height Light and Shadow/Relative Brightness Relative Clarity Relative Motion 11. Perceptual Constancy Size Shape Lightness Brightness 12. Illusions Muller Lyer Ponzo Poggendorff Zollner Ames Impossible Figures Phi Phenomenon Visual Capture 13. Extra Sensory Perception Parapsychologistists Telepathy Clairvoyence Precognition Psychokinesis