1 Phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in Xanthomonas campestris via a 2 yeast-like acylation pathway 3 4 Roman Moser, Meriyem Aktas and Franz Narberhaus* 5 Microbial Biology, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany 6 7 8 This file contains: 9 10 Supplementary table S1: Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study 11 Supplementary table S2: Oligonucleotides used in this study 12 13 Figure S1: S. meliloti and X. campestris PmtA sequence alignment (A) and 14 phylogenetic tree of sinorhizobial and rhodobacterial Pmt enzymes (B) 15 Figure S2: Verification of chromosomal pmtA deletion via Southern blot hybridisation 16 Figure S3: Motility of Xanthomonas WT and pmtA mutant strains and corresponding 17 lipid profiles (B) and growth curves (C) 18 Figure S4: Constructed Xanthomonas mutants and respective phenotypes 19 20 Supplementary references 21 22 23 * Corresponding author. Mailing address: Lehrstuhl für Biologie der 24 Mikroorganismen, Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie, Ruhr-Universität 25 Bochum, Universitätsstrasse 150, NDEF 06/783, D-44780 Bochum, Germany. 26 Phone: 49 (234) 322 3100. Fax: 49 (234) 321 4620. 27 E-mail: franz.narberhaus@rub.de 28 29 Table S1: Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study Relevant characteristicsa Source or reference JM83 Host for plasmid amplification (Vieira and Messing, 1982) S17-1 Donor for biparental mating (Simon et al., 1983) BL21(DE3) Host for expression (Studier and Moffatt, 1986) Wild-type; RifR U. Bonas, Halle-Wittenberg, Strain or plasmid E. coli strains X. campestris pv. campestris strains 8004 Germany R BO2612 Wild-type derivative, deletion of pmtA; Rif , BO2669 xc_3949 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR R This study This study BO2676 xc_0084 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO2677 xc_0174 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study R BO2678 xc_0762 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO2683 xc_0313 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study BO2684 xc_0952 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study R BO2685 xc_4211 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO2699 xc_0238 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study R BO3200 xc_0188 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO3201 xc_0517 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study R BO3202 xc_4099 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO3206 xc_0505 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study R BO3247 xc_0471 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO3249 xc_1129 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study R BO3250 xc_2748 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO3251 xc_3542 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study BO3252 xc_0231 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study R BO3253 xc_2692 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO3255 xc_0998 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study R BO3256 xc_1343 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO2668 xc_4097 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study R BO3294 xc_4230 plasmid-integration mutant; Rif , Km R This study BO3295 xc_4294 plasmid-integration mutant; RifR, KmR This study A. tumefaciens C58 Wild-type C. Baron, Montreal, Canada C58 ∆pmtA Wild-type derivative, deletion of pmtA (Wessel et al., 2006) C58 ∆pcs Wild-type derivative, deletion of pcs (Wessel et al., 2006) High-copy His tag expression vector; KmR Novagen, Darmstadt, A. tumefaciens strains Plasmids pET28b Germany pK19mobsacB mobilisable E. coli vector for construction of the (Schäfer et al., 1994) Xc_pmtA deletion mutant; KmR pBBR1MCS-5 Broad-host-range vector; GmR (Kovach et al., 1995) Plasmids for recombinant protein expression pBO801 pET24b derivative with At_pmtA; KmR (Klüsener et al., 2009) pBO803 pET24b derivative with At_pcsA; KmR (Klüsener et al., 2009) pBO2604 pET28b derivative with Xc_pmtA; Km R This study pBO3222 pET28b derivative with xc_0188; KmR This study pBO3272 pET28b derivative with xc_1417; Km R This study pBO3273 pET28b derivative with xc_0238; KmR This study pBO3274 pET28b derivative with xc_3542; Km R This study pBO3275 pET28b derivative with xc_1129; KmR This study pBO3276 pET28b derivative with xc_2692; Km R This study pBO3277 pET28b derivative with xc_0505; KmR This study pBO3279 pET28b derivative with xc_0517; KmR This study pBO3280 pET28b derivative with xc_0231; Km R This study pBO3281 pET28b derivative with xc_3949; KmR This study pBO3283 pET28b derivative with xc_4220; Km R This study pBO3284 pET28b derivative with xc_4294; KmR This study pK19mobsacB derivative carrying the up- and This study Xc_pmtA deletion pBO2612 downstream fragments of Xc_pmtA for pmtA deletion; KmR ∆pmtA mutant complementation pBO2634 pBBR1MCS-5 derivative carrying Xc_pmtA and This study the upstream region for complementation; Gm R Plasmid-integration mutagenesis pBO2668 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_4097 This study fragment from 126 bp to 815 bp; KmR pBO2669 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_3949 This study fragment from 136 bp to 955 bp; KmR pBO2676 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0084 fragment from 298 bp to 830 bp; Km pBO2677 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0174 fragment from 561 bp to 1130 bp; Km pBO2678 This study R pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0238 fragment from 41 bp to 420 bp; Km pBO2683 This study R pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0762 fragment from 563 bp to 1060 bp; Km pBO2699 This study R This study R pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0313 This study fragment from 271 bp to 940 bp; KmR pBO2684 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0952 This study fragment from 406 bp to 985 bp; KmR pBO2685 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_4211 This study fragment from 387 bp to 1016 bp; KmR pBO3200 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0188 This study fragment from 41 bp to 480 bp; KmR pBO3201 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0517 This study fragment from 24 bp to 423 bp; KmR pBO3202 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_4099 This study fragment from 131 bp to 551 bp; KmR pBO3206 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0505 fragment from 137 bp to 676 bp; Km pBO3247 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0471 fragment from 8 bp to 287 bp; Km R This study R This study pBO3249 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_1129 fragment from 10bp to 287bp; Km pBO3250 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_2748 fragment from 13bp to 410bp; Km pBO3251 This study R pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_3542 fragment from 5 bp to 272 bp; Km pBO3252 This study R This study R pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0231 This study fragment from 4 bp to 273 bp; KmR pBO3253 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_2692 This study fragment from 8 bp to 317 bp; KmR pBO3255 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_0998 This study fragment from 11 bp to 299 bp; KmR pBO3256 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_1343 This study fragment from 9 bp to 299 bp; KmR pBO3294 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_4230 This study fragment from 12 bp to 298 bp; KmR pBO3295 pK19mobsacB derivative carrying a xc_4294 fragment from 29 bp to 310 bp; KmR 30 31 a At, Agrobacterium tumefaciens; Km, kanamycin; Rif, rifampicin; Xc, Xanthomonas campestris. This study 32 Table S2: Oligonucleotides used in this study Oligonucleotide Sequence (5‘→3‘)a Xc_pmtA deletion Xcc0035-UR_up AAACCATGGGCTGTCGTCTAGTTGGC Xcc0035-UR_rv AAAGCTAGCCAATCCTCACACCGGTT Xcc0035-DR_up AAAGGATCCTGCCGCAAAGCCTACAT Xcc0035-DR_rv AAAGCTAGCTTCGCGCAATCCGGT Plasmid-integration mutagenesis Xcc_0188-AT-fw AAAGCGCGCTGCGTTGGTTCCGT Xcc_0188-AT-rv AAACTTGCCGCTGCGCAGGCGCA Xcc AT-0238_fw CCAACATCCTGTTGCAACCC Xcc_0238-AT-rvII GCCTTCCGGGGTGATCACGT Xcc_0505-AT-fw AAATCGACGCGGCGCAACGCACG Xcc_0505-AT-rv AAAGGGTCAGGCGCATGATCGCG Xcc AT-0517_fw GCGTGCCTGCAGTGGCGCCA Xcc_0517-AT-rvII CCGCGCCAGGTGGTACAGCC Xcc AT-3949_fw TTCTTCGTGCTGAGCGGGTT Xcc AT-3949_rv AGGTCTGGGTAACGTGGAAC Xcc AT-4097_fw CTTCCTGCTGGTGCGCGGGC Xcc AT-4097_rv CGCATGAGCACGGCCAGCAC Xcc AT-4099_fw CGGACCGGCTTCTGCGCATG Xcc_4099-AT-rvII CACCGGCACCACCTGCACAC xc0231-fw ACCGCGGCACAGTTGCGTGC xc0231-rv GTGCGCGGCAACCACGATGC xc0998-fw AGCGTTGCGGCGCTGCTGCA xc0998-rv CCCGCACGACGCAGCGCGAT xc1129-fw ATCCGCCGCGCCACGCCCGA xc1129-rv TAGAGCCGCTTGAGCTCCCC xc1343-fw CACCACCTTCCGCACCGCCA xc1343-rv ATACCGCCGCCCTGCAGGGT xc2692-fw TGCTGATCCGCGAGGCGAGC xc2692-rv AAGGTGGCCAGGGCCGCCTG xc2748-fw GGCCCGGCGCAGATCGTCAC xc2748-rv CCTGCTGGCACCTCCTCTGC xc3542-fw GCATCGCGTGCGTTGCCGAC xc3542-rv GCCTGCGGCTGCACGTACAG xc4230-fw GCCGGAGCACACCGTGACCG xc4230-rv CCGGCAAGGTGTCGCGGCAC xc4294-fw CGATTGACGCCATGCAGGGC xc4294-rv CGATCAGAAAGTCGGCGTCGC xc0084-fw GGTGATCGCTATGGCCGGCA xc0084-rv AACACCAGCACCAGGCCCAC xc0174-fw GGCCATCGAGGTCACCGATC xc0174-rv CCGGCATGCGTGTTACGCAC Xcc_0313-fw AAATTGCCGTTGTCGCTGGCGAC Xcc_0313-rv AAACCGCACCGGCCACTGATGAA xc0471-fw AGGCGCCGCTGCAGATCCGC xc0471-rv CGCGCTTGCGGCCGCACGAA xc0762-fw ACGGGCCAATCGGCTATACC xc0762-rv CCAGCACGAACTCGCGGATG Xcc_0952-fw AAAGCATGGTTTCCCACGGCCGA Xcc_0952-rv AAATGCCAACCACGATCGGCGTC Xcc_4211-fw AAACGCGTATGCGCTTGGCTTGC Xcc_4211-rv AAAATCAACGGCGCGCCCAGTTG Construction of expression plasmids 33 34 XccPmt_N-fw AAAACATATGGCGCGTTCGTACAG XccPmt_N-rv AAACTCGAGTCAGCAGGCGTACGA xc_0188 ohne His-fw AAACATATGAGCGAGTCATCCCTGCC xc_0188 ohne His-rv TTTAAGCTTTCAGGACTCCATCGCG xc0231-fw AAACATATGACCGCGGCACAGTTGCGT xc0231-rv AAAAAGCTTTTACAGCGATCTTTCCAGGTATTG xc0238-fw AAACATATGAGTGACACTGACCCGTCGTTG xc0238-rv AAAAAGCTTTCAAAGCGTATCGCGGTGCTTG xc0505-fw AAACATATGTCCGGTCACAGTCAGTTCGC xc0505-rv AAAAAGCTTTCAGGCGTGCTCCTGGCGT xc0517-fw AAACATATGATTGCCCGTTTGATCGCGCG xc0517-rv AAAAAGCTTTCATGCGCGCGCCTCCA xc1129-fw AAACATATGACCCGCATCCGCCGCG xc1129-rv AAAAAGCTTCTACGGTTCCGCGACCACC xc1417-fw AAACATATGGCCATCCGCAATCGCATGC xc1417-rv AAAAAGCTTTCAAGCATCCAACTCCAGCAC xc2692-fw AAACATATGAGTGTGCTGATCCGCGAGG xc2692-rv AAAAAGCTTTCAGCCCAGTCCGAAGGC xc3542-fw AAACATATGCGCATCGCGTGCGTTGCC xc3542-rv AAAAAGCTTTCACCGCACTACTGCCGGTT xc3949-fw AAACATATGCGCTATCCGGCTCTCGATCT xc3949-rv AAAAAGCTTCTACGCCGGCTCGGCCA xc4220-fw AAACATATGCCTGGTGTGTGTATGTGCTC xc4220-rv AAAAAGCTTTTACTCCGCCGGCGGCGAC xc4294-fw AAACATATGCGTTGTCTGGCACCTATCCAC xc4294-rv AAACTCGAGTCAACTGAGCGGCGTGG a Enzyme restriction sites are underlined. 35 36 Fig. S1. A. Comparison of PmtA sequences of S. meliloti (Sm) and X. campestris 37 (Xc). Identical amino acids are highlighted in black, similar residues in grey. 38 B. Phylogenetic tree of rhodobacterial- and sinorhizobial-type Pmt enzymes. The tree 39 was constructed using the MABL phylogeny program (http://www.phylogeny.fr). 40 Distances between sequences are expressed as 0.5 changes per amino acid 41 residue. Gene ID numbers (NCBI) are indicated in braces. The Xanthomonas PmtA 42 (Xc_PmtA) is marked by an asterisk. 43 44 45 Fig. S2. Verification of the chromosomal pmtA deletion. Chromosomal DNA from 46 Xanthomonas wild-type (WT) and pmtA mutant was isolated and 5 µg of DNA were 47 separated on a 2% agarose gel. DNA was transferred on a Hybond-C membrane. 48 The pmtA upstream region of Xanthomonas WT (3778 bp) or pmtA mutant (3149 bp) 49 was detected using a specific DNA-probe. For probe construction primers Xcc0035- 50 UR_up and Xcc0035-UR_rv were used. M, marker. 51 52 53 Fig. S3. A. Motility of Xanthomonas wild-type (WT) and pmtA mutant. Strains 54 carrying the empty vector (EV) were used as control. For complementation, plasmid 55 pBO2634 carrying the pmtA gene with its own promoter was transferred into WT and 56 ∆pmtA strains. Cells were cultured on NYG agar plates for 24 h at 30°C. With a 57 sterile tip, cell material was inoculated onto XOLN plates (Fu and Tseng, 1990) 58 containing 0.3% (w/v) agar. Plates were incubated in darkness for 96 h at 30°C. 59 Motility was measured in 3 independent experiments and 4 replicates per strain. 60 Diameters of swim rings were measured (right panel). Swimming diameter of the WT 61 strains were defined as 100%. Standard deviations are indicated. 62 B. Lipid profiles of the analysed strains grown in NYG medium for 24 h at 30°C were 63 analysed via TLC using solvent 2. MMPE of Xanthomonas WT is marked by a solid 64 arrow, lack of MMPE by a dashed arrow. 65 C. Growth of Xanthomonas wild-type (WT) and pmtA mutant. Xanthomonas WT and 66 pmtA mutant and the strains carrying the empty vector (EV) or the complementation 67 plasmid pBO2634 were grown in NYG complex medium for 24 h at 30°C. Cells were 68 transferred to fresh medium and the OD600 was adjusted to 0.1. The OD600 was 69 measured every 1.5 h-2.0 h. 70 71 72 Fig. S4. Mutagenesis of genes putatively involved in GPC-dependent PC production 73 in Xanthomonas. 74 A. Overview of mutated genes and respective phenotypes of the mutants. 75 B. Phospholipid analysis of selected mutants. Cells were grown in the presence of 1 76 mM GPC. Total phospholipids were analysed via one-dimensional TLC using solvent 77 2. Presence of PC is indicated by solid arrows, lack of lipids by a dashed arrow. Lack 78 of the yellow pigment xanthomonadin in the xc_4097 mutant is indicated by a 79 triangle. 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 References Fu, J.F., and Tseng, Y.H. 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