Unit Plan Template Math

Subject/Grade or Course: 3rd grade Math
Major (m) Common Core Standards for
the Unit:
 3.OA.1
 3.0A.2
 3.OA.3
 3.OA.4
 3.OA.6
Unit Name: Introduction to Multiplication/Division
Supporting and Additional (s/a) Common
Core Standards for the Unit:
(mathematical practices)
Pacing: 4-6 weeks
Bridging Common Core Standards from
Previous Grade(s):
 2.OA.3
 2.OA.4
Subject/Grade or Course: 3rd grade Math
Common Core Major (m) Standard # from
3.OA.1: Interpret products of whole
3.OA.2: Interpret whole-number
quotients of whole numbers
3.OA.3: Use multiplication and division
within 100 to solve word problems
3.OA.4: Determine the unknown whole
number in a multiplication or division
equation relating three whole numbers
3. OA.6: Understand division as an
unknown-factor problem
Unit Name: Introduction to Multiplication/Division
Common Core Supporting / Additional (s/a)
Standards # from above: (mathematical
 MP.1: Make sense of word problems and
Common Core Bridging Standards from Previous
Grade(s) # from above:
 2.OA.3: Determine whether a group of objects (up
persevere in solving them
MP.4: Model with mathematics
Structure of Math / Overarching Understanding(s):
 Learn multiplication facts within 100.
 Understand multiplication as a number of groups with an equal number
of objects in each group.
Learn multiplication/division number bonds.
Understand division as a number of objects partitioned into equal groups.
Understand division as an unknown factor problem.
Pacing: 4-6 weeks
to 20) has an odd or even number of members,
e.g., by pairing objects or counting them by 2’s;
write an equation to express an even number as a
sum of two equal addends.
2.OA.4: Use addition to find the total number of
objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5
rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to
express the total as a sum of equal addends.
Essential Questions:
 In what situations do we use multiplication and division to solve
What is the relationship between multiplication and division?
Learning Targets
3. OA.1: Interpret
products of whole
3. OA.2: Interpret
quotients of whole
3. OA.3: Use
multiplication and
division within 100 to
solve word problems in
situations involving
equal groups, arrays
and measurement
I know that in multiplication, the x symbol means “groups of”. So 5x3 means 5 groups of 3 things.
I can use division to find out how many objects are in one group. Ex. There are 15 cupcakes. If I put the cupcakes into 3 boxes, how
many cupcakes will be in each box?
I can use division as repeated subtraction to find out how many groups I can make. Ex. There are 15 cupcakes. If I put 5 cupcakes
into each box, how many boxes will I need?
I can use many different strategies to figure out multiplication and division word problems. Ex. Tables, arrays, pictures, number
lines, fact families, missing numbers.
I know that the = symbol means “the same as”.
Subject/Grade or Course: 3rd grade Math
Unit Name: Introduction to Multiplication/Division
Pacing: 4-6 weeks
3. OA.4: Determine the
unknown whole
number in a
multiplication or
division equation
relating three whole
3.OA.6: Understand
division as an unknownfactor problem.
I can use fact families and my knowledge that multiplication is the opposite of division to figure out missing numbers.
I can use part-part-whole and fact families to solve a division problem.
Assessment Tasks
that Provide
Evidence for Claims
including DOK
Teacher Notes
Claim #1/DOK 2, 3 Given a set of color tiles, student will be able to make an array on a piece of grid paper. Through their
own discovery they can understand the relationship of an array to multiplication.
 Claim #2/DOK 2, 3 Students will be able to explore the creation and use of factors and products through the use of cups
and beans.
 Claim #3/DOK 1, 2, 3 Using the book Six Dinner Sid and Two Dinner Tom by, Inga Moore, students will be able to
understand and draw conclusions about the identity property of one.
 Claim #4/DOK 4 Students will be able to synthesize their knowledge of arrays and their relationship to
multiplication/division by creating a “real life” array from a photograph, drawing or manipulative.
#1: Color tiles, grid paper
#2: Cups, beans, and dice
#3: Six Dinner Sid and Two Dinner Tom by, Inga Moore,
#4: Photographs, drawings or manipulatives
The idea for this third grade common core unit came from: