Atlanta Regional Public Art Program Guidelines & Grant Application Deadline to submit is August 3, 2015 In 2014 a group of metro Atlanta civic and business leaders joined together to raise funds to create a public art program that would extend across the metro Atlanta region. The Atlanta Regional Commission’s new Atlanta Regional Public Art Program provides matching funding through a competitive grant process to help communities install public art across in their communities. Each work of art will celebrate a community’s unique identity while symbolizing the commonalities of our region. For each cycle of funding the program will provide a unifying regional theme. In the first cycle of funding, applicants will focus on interpreting the theme: “There is ample opportunity to participate in making history in our region.” Applicants will be asked to select their artists and design a community engagement process to interpret the theme for their communities. Eligible applicants include local governments, Community Improvement Districts, neighborhood associations, and nonprofit organizations located in the 10 county Atlanta region. Workshops Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend Grant Application Workshops, which will be held at the Atlanta Regional Commission offices at 40 Courtland Street, Atlanta GA, 30303 on June 18th and July 16th at 2pm. Workshops will include technical assistance for: o Additional local match funding sources for public art o Meaningful community engagement strategies, provided by WonderRoot o Navigating public art ordinances and how to document local jurisdictional support. o Grant application assistance. 2015 Atlanta Regional Public Art Program Application Guidelines All applications and support materials must be submitted by email no later than midnight on August 3, 2015 to: Application package should include: A completed copy of the application Photo of proposed location labeled as Attachment A Evidence of a public art ordinance for governing jurisdiction or a resolution from governing jurisdiction confirming commitment to approve public art installation labeled as Attachment B Permission letter from property owner as Attachment C A list of organization board of directors and businesses/community affiliation as Attachment D Application Format Applications must be submitted as electronic documents attached to an email. Applications must be typed using an 11 point font or larger. Instructions for Completing this Application This section provides the specific details of what information should be used to complete the grant application form. Section 1. Applicant Information Enter the organization’s name. Enter the name, title, department, address, telephone number and email address of the contact person for the application. Section 2. Public Art Location Information Enter the physical address of where the proposed piece of art will be located. Enter the exact location on that site where the proposed piece of art would be located (example: in center of traffic circle, on west facing wall) Enter the name and contact information for the property owner. Briefly explain how the location was selected, and who took part in the selection process. Attach a photo of the proposed location as Attachment A. Section 3. Community Engagement Provide a history of the sponsoring organization, including organization mission statement. Provide examples of organization’s engagement activities with the community in which the public art would be placed. Provide examples of tools used for community engagement. Section 4. Project Description Provide initial concepts around how the sponsoring organization would engage the community around the theme: there is ample opportunity to participate in making history in our region. This plan is not expected to be a complete community engagement plan. Technical assistance will be provided to establish a stakeholder plan. Provide information as to how you can educate artists and outside participants on the history of your community. Identify organization and community leadership and what their roles in this project will be. Focus should be on the roles sponsoring organization staff will take, and if any government staff will be related to this project. Provide a definition of success for this project for your community. What does a successful public art project and community engagement process look like? How do you intend to document the community engagement process, installation of artwork, and celebration of success for this project? Provide a project timeline including allotted time for: o RFP for Artist o Community engagement process including Developing community advisory committee Community engagement activities o Installation of artwork o Celebration of success Provide a total budget for the project. o Expense categories should include: Community Engagement Expenses Staff Time Materials Artist fees o Income categories should include: A minimum of 50% cash contribution from non ARC grant sources A maximum of 50% of cash budget contributed by the ARC grant, up to a maximum of $15,000 In kind contribution of staff and volunteer time does not count towards the cash match Budget Format: Expense Community Engagement Expenses Permit Fees Materials Artist Fees Total: Amount $ $ $ $ $ Total: Amount $ $ $ Income Sponsor Match (minimum 50% of cash expenses) Grant Request Provide a maintenance plan for how the public art will be maintained over time, and contingency plans in case of any destruction of the work. Section 4. Supporting Documentation Provide evidence of a public art ordinance for governing jurisdiction or a resolution from governing jurisdiction confirming commitment to approve public art installation. o For jurisdictions that do not have a public art ordinance, provide a resolution from governing jurisdiction confirming commitment to approve public art process and subsequent installation. o For jurisdictions with a public art ordinance, provide a copy of the ordinance and an explanation as to how the proposed artwork will meet the requirements of that ordinance. Provide a letter of permission from property owner of the proposed location to allow participation in the public art program. In the case of a local government the senior governing official would sign this letter. With this letter provide ownership evidence for the location. Provide a list of the board of directions of the sponsoring organization for this project. Selection of Grantees Finalists will be selected by September 4th. Grantees will be selected by a community selection panel made up of LINK committee members, community engagement professionals, and artist and design professionals who are based in the Atlanta region. Successful applicants will receive: Applicants selected will be eligible for grant funding not to exceed $15,000. Applicants are required to provide a cash 1:1 match. While the applicant total project cash budget can exceed or be lower than $30,000, grants will be limited to at most $15,000 per project. Applicants are required to provide a minimum match of $2,500. In addition to matching funds, the recipients will receive technical support from WonderRoot to create a community engagement program for developing the pieces of art. ARC will provide technical assistance support as needed to ensure successful project implementation. For questions, please contact 404-463-3217 or Suggested Public Art Resources Public Art Toolkits Public Art Best Practices Goals and Guidelines, Americans for the Arts: ouncils/public_art_network/PAN%20Best%20Practices%204%202011.pdf Public Art Aberdeen: olkit.asp Creative City Network: Blueprint for Public Art and Placemaking, Americans for the Arts: Community Engagement Forecast Public Art Community Engagement: Public Art Installation Forecast Public Art Fabrication and Installation: Public Art Maintenance Plans Public Art Aberdeen Funding Sources for Public Art Project for Public Spaces ouncils/public_art_network/Percent%20for%20Art%20Ordinance%20_SJ.pdf Public Art Ordinance San Jose Public Art Ordnance, Americans for the Arts ouncils/public_art_network/Percent%20for%20Art%20Ordinance%20_SJ.pdf Public Art in Private Development, Law Office of Sarah Conley Odenkirk Atlanta Regional Public Art Program Grant Application Deadline to submit is August 3, 2015 Inspired by the City of Philadelphia Mural Arts Program, the nation’s largest mural program, a group of Atlanta leaders joined together to raise funds to create a regional public art program in the Atlanta region. The Atlanta Regional Public Art Program provides matching funding through a competitive grant process to help communities install public art across the 10 County Metro Atlanta Region. The program aims to facilitate making beautiful and collaborative public art, creating meaningful community engagement opportunities in public spaces, and supporting a regional identity. Each work will celebrate a community’s unique identity while symbolizing commonalities of our region. For each cycle of funding, the program will provide a unifying regional theme. Participating organizations will select their artists and design a community engagement process to interpret the theme for their communities. The Atlanta Regional Commission will provide training and technical assistance to support the collaborative public art process. Projects should seek to convene a community to discuss a particular value statement with an artist participant, with the artist participant developing a piece of public art reflecting the community response to that statement in some way. The shared value the program seeks to elevate in 2015 is: Atlantans share the belief that there is ample opportunity to participate in making history in our region. Eligible applicants include local governments, Community Improvement Districts, neighborhood associations and nonprofit organizations from the Atlanta region. Applications are due on August 3, 2015. Grant workshops will be held at the Atlanta Regional Commission June 18th and July 16th at 2pm. Applicants selected will be eligible for grant funding not to exceed $15,000. Applicants are required to provide a cash 1:1 match. While the applicant total project cash budget can exceed or be lower than $30,000, grants will be limited to at most $15,000 per project. Applicants will also receive technical assistance services to develop community engagement activities and other services available from the Atlanta Regional Commission. For questions, please contact 404-463-3217 or Section 1. Applicant Information: Name of sponsor organization: __________________________________________________________ Eligible applicants include local governments, CIDs, neighborhood associations, and 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. Name of contact person: ________________________________________________________________ Title:_________________________________ Department: __________________________________ Address/City/State/Zip:_________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________ Section II. Public Art Location Information (all locations must be visible/accessible to the public): Proposed Location’s Address/City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________ The location of where art will be located: ________________________________________________ Name and contact information for property owner: Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Address/City/State/Zip: _________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________ Briefly explain why this location was selected (150 word maximum): Please attach a photo of the proposed location as Attachment A. Section III. Community Engagement: Provide a brief history of the organization applying, including an organization mission statement. (200 word maximum): Briefly describe your organization's past experience leading or participating in community engagement activities. These activities could include: community meetings, surveys, or other outreach initiatives. (250 word maximum): Section IV. Project Description: Briefly describe what the project sets out to achieve. (200 word maximum): Briefly describe the process you will use to engage community stakeholders around the theme there is ample opportunity to participate in making history in our region. (200 word maximum): Briefly describe the process you will use to provide artists with information about the history of your community. (100 word maximum): Identify proposed project personnel, including organizational titles and descriptions of the roles and responsibilities within the project. (200 word maximum): How would you define success in this project? (150 word maximum): How do you plan to document the public art process, installation, and celebration of success? (150 word maximum): Provide a project timeline: Provide a maintenance plan outline (200 word maximum): Provide Total Budget, including cost for community engagement, staff time & materials, representing both in-kind contribution, artist fees, and a cash match of at minimum $2,500.00, which will assist in covering artist fees and materials. This grant will provide 1:1 matching funds up to $15,000. Expense Community Engagement Expenses (list) Amount Permit Fees Materials Artist Fees / Commission Other Expenses Total: Income In Kind Staff and Volunteer Contribution Sponsor Match (minimum 50% of cash expenses) Grant Request Other $ Amount $ $ $ Total: $ Section V. Supporting Documentation: Provide evidence of a public art ordinance for governing jurisdiction or a resolution from governing jurisdiction confirming commitment to approve public art installation. Attachment B Provide permission letter from property owner. Attachment C Provide a list of organization board of directors and businesses/community affiliation. Attachment D Deadline to submit is August 3, 2015. Selected communities will be notified by September 4th, 2015. Submit this completed application along with all necessary attachments to: For questions, please contact 404-463-3217 or