Ke Qiang Ye Philosophy 152 Term paper Danny need help (Moral Dilemma) Why does evil exist in the world? This was the question Saint Augustine wants to answer since he was a student. He has many struggles in his life that filled with turmoil and loss. He lost his mistress, his mother, and his son. He believes in God, but he has to find an answer to why, if God is all-powerful and also purely good, he still allows suffering to exist. Through his basic concept, he stated that evil exists because of free will. God allows humans to freely choose their actions and deeds, and evil will inevitably results from these choice. For example, the natural evil such as diseases are not related to human action, but only become evil when men and women put themselves in harm ways. Saint Augustine also emphasizes that we cannot understand the mind of God, and what appears evil to us many not be evil at all. With the concept of evil, according to St. Augustine, evil is the absence of good. He says that evil is not a thing in itself, but rather a negative, just the absence of good. In Augustine's dialogue with Evodius in the On Free Choice of the Will, he introduces us to the concept of inordinate desires. To him, these desires are the cause of all wrong-doing. What makes a desire ordinate or inordinate is the object of that desire. The object of an ordinate desire is something that cannot be taken from you without your consent. The object of inordinate desires is things that can be taken from you without your consent. Augustine offers several examples to prove this claim. The initial analogy that leads Augustine and Evodius to this conclusion came from adultery. Throughout history, there was another philosopher called John Stuart Mill. In his essay, Utiliarianism, he provides support for the value of utilitarianism as a moral theory, and to respond to misconceptions about it. Mill defines utilitarianism as a theory based on the principle that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; it is wrong then it tends to create the inverse effect on happiness. Mill also defines happiness as pleasure and the absence of pain. In Utilitarianism, Jeremy Bentham is regarded as the father of classical utilitarianism. He argues that what is good for the individual is right for human society and for all sentient creatures. He noted three points: first, the principle of utility has a universal application which action should be calculated on the basis of what is good for the world and not what maximizes the pleasure of particular class. Second, every human being counts and all are equal. Third, Sentient animals are equally under the same of pain and pleasure. Mill also introduces rule utilitarianism which is the correctness of a rule in determined by the amount of good it brings about when followed. Through these two philosophers, their ideas will be applying to Denny needs help moral dilemma. In this scenario, the image presented was a social worker named Richard was trying to help a poor boy named Danny who was abused by his parents. Richard’s job is trying to persuade the state to accept custody for Danny. Unfortunately, Richard’s supervisor, named Janice, views this case differently. She emphasizes that Danny is not in imminent danger of physical injury and state will not accept Danny’s custody as fat as she know. After hearing Janice’s view, Richard realizes the difficulty of Janice because the state budget was cutback. To Richard, he has another option which is to communicate over Janice position to her boss because that way he will be able to help Danny. However, by doing this, Richard will be risking his relationship with Janice because they were working together under the same job to help children like Danny. If he jumps over Janice to her boss, he would likely lose his friendship and would affect his future career in this business with Janice. If Richard going to ignore Danny’s welfare, he will still have good relationship with Janice, but Danny will continuously receive abusive from his parents. It is really struggle Richard whether he should challenge Janice’s decision or not. The first philosopher will be discuss about this dilemma would be Saint Augustine. Saint Augustine’s view of ethic is main the point view of God. He believe that human being have free will to decide what they want to do, and by doing so, they will have to accept the consequence. In applying Saint Augustine’s view toward Danny’s case, Saint Augustine would most likely explain Richard’s action by applying concept of ordinate and inordinate desire. As mentioned, the object of an ordinate desire is something that cannot be taken from you without your consent. The object of inordinate desires is things that can be taken from you without your consent. Therefore, in this situation if when Richard jump over Janice to her boss to save Danny from further abuse, his action forms an inordinate desire because he would be able to taken Danny from his parents without their consent. In result of that, he would probably lose relationship with Janice. In the other hand, the object of ordinate desire would be when Richard ignores Danny’s case and accept Janice’s decision because this way Danny’s parents would not have anything taken away without their consent. In result of that, Danny wills continuously being abuse by his parents and grown up to be like them to abuse his children. Saint Augustine explains that our actions are base on our free will because whatever we do, the evil will come with it. The second philosopher will be discuss is John Stuart Mill. Mill argues that our actions should be toward the happiness; it will be wrong with when there is pain. With Mill, Jeremy Bentham also emphasizes that our action should be calculated on the basis of what is good for the world and not what maximizes the pleasure of particular class. By that he mean, you should not be selfish that only concern about your welfare when you know the other choice would have impact to the society. In looking at Danny’s scenario, Mill and Bentham will most likely encourage Richard to jump over Janice to her boss in order to promote Danny with a healthy and better live, and also provide opportunities for Danny to impact society in a positive way. The reason why to Mill that Richard’s will be wrong if he ignore Danny is because if he ignore Danny’s welfare, most likely when Danny grow up he would be just like his parents abusing his children. This scenario would likely to pass on. If Richard can save Danny now from his parents, he would have better opportunities to function in this society. Through Mill, we would be able to correct our selfishness. After researching and analyzing how Saint Augustine and Mill respond to the scenario, I would most likely to agree with Mill and Bentham’s argument because of the following reasons. First, Danny is still 15 years old boy. In age of 15, the child still in its growing period and mental constructive period. It would have very strong impact on child’s behavior because this is usually the teenage rebellion period when without direction, the fires of youth are wasted at best, while at worst, they can become a dangerous, destructive force. Second, the relationship between Janice and Richard is not really important compare to Danny because Janice and Richard are not in any life-threatening danger. It would just be a relationship where he can find different person to have the same relationship. If Richard be so selfish that would only care about him, he would have created a destructive force for the future generation. In discussion of Danny need help scenario, one controversial issue has been whether Richard should help Danny or stay with his relationship. On the one hand, Saint Augustine argues that Richard’s action is base on free will. On the other hand, Mill contends Richard should help Danny because it is for the good of the society. My own view is hoping Richard would put his relationship aside and help Danny develop into the right for the society.