Supplementary Information for: Mine water geochemistry and metal

Supplementary Information for:
Mine water geochemistry and metal flux in a major historic Pb-Zn-F orefield
Jones A1., Rogerson M2., Greenway G3., Potter H.A.B4., Mayes W.M1*.
Centre for Environmental and Marine Sciences, University of Hull, Scarborough, YO11
3AZ, UK.
Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, University of Hull, HU6 7RX, UK.
Department of Chemistry, University of Hull, HU6 7RX, UK.
Environment Agency, c/o Devonshire Building, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, UK.
*corresponding author: e:; t: +44(0)1723357292
Contains one figure and one table.
Figure S1. Sample stations and physical setting of the Hebden Beck catchment. Colour ramp
from green (lowland areas, minimum elevation of 167m AOD at catchment outlet) to
brown/white (peak elevation of 696m AOD).
Table S1. Key characteristics of sample stations in Hebden Beck
Duke’s Level (DL)
Major 5.33km mine gravity-drainage system discharging into lower
reaches of Hebden Beck. Previously used for potable water
Lanshaw Level (LL)
Minor drainage level in lower reaches of Hebden Beck.
Abstraction for potable water supply.
Bolton Haw Level
Piped discharge in lower catchment into Hebden Beck
Un-named (Sunken)
Level (SL)
Minor discharge into Hebden Beck in mid-reaches of catchment.
Discharge is submerged by stream under high flow conditions.
Gauging station (GS)
Catchment outlet with a permanent flow gauging station: thin-plate
V notch - half 90 degree - in parallel with 3.35m wide Crump
profile weir, for low and high flows respectively. Catchment area
22.2km2 although effective baseflow drainage area likely to be
substantially less due to headwater sinkhole.
Yarnbury (YB)
Yarnbury sub-catchment (area: 1.2km2) which drains former
expanse of Yarbury workings. Large expanses of waste rock and
tailings with no identifiable point discharges.
Eller Beck (EB)
Western tributary to Hebden Beck which drains the southern
margin of the Yarnbury workings.
Coalgrove Beck (CG)
Eastern tributary (drainage area: 0.5km2) of Hebden Beck which
drains numerous mines on Grassington Moor along with a former
smelt mill at Cupola Corner and extensive flue systems that
become inundated under high flow.
Bolton Gill (BG)
Eastern tributary in lower catchment with drainage area of 0.5km2.
Steep-sided valley with extensive spoil deposits around Bolton Gill
Pb mine. No observed perennial point discharge.
Upper catchment (UH)
Ephemeral headwater area draining the northern margin of the
catchment. Generally Fe-rich owing to peat deposits. Likely to
receive waters from full catchment area only during extreme flow
conditions. Sinkhole in karstified limestone at Mossdale Scar
(NGR: SE016697) diverts baseflow from upper catchment
(Mossdale Beck) directly into the river Wharfe near Conistone.