MICA Exhibition Handbook - Maryland Institute College of Art

Exhibition Department
Updated 07/25/2014
Staff Directory – 2
Introduction – 3
Exhibition Deadlines – 4
General Installation Guidelines - 5
Gallery Maintenance – 6
Lighting - 6
Walls - 6
Floors - 7
De-installation Guidelines – 7
Exhibition Office Policies – 8
Vinyl - 8
Equipment Checkout – 8
Checkout Form – 9
Pedestals – 10
Labels - 10
LCD and Plasma Screens - 10
Sound Installation Policies - 10
Opening Receptions - 10
Truck Policy - 11
Publicity - 11
Photography - 11
Brown Center/Other Spaces Exhibition Policies – 12
List of Vendors – 13
Floor Plans – End of booklet
The policies in this guide may change at anytime without notice
Maryland Institute College of Art
Exhibitions Department
Fox Building, Room 100
The Exhibitions Department Office hours are 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday – Friday
Closed on major holidays
Staff Directory
Office Telephone…………………………410.225.2399
Office Fax…………………………………410.225.2396
Gerald Ross……………………..….410.225.2280
Assistant Director
Andrea Dixon……………………….410.225.2249
Office Manager
Carla Brown…………….…………..410.225.2259
Shop Telephone………………………….410.225.2524
Gallery Installation Manager
James Williams
Andrew Liang.
Jeffery Mcgrath
The following guidelines were created to help ensure that MICA’s galleries are properly cared for
during the academic year and that exhibitors leave the spaces in a quality state for the next
exhibitors. With cooperation, every exhibitor can have the opportunity for a successful exhibition.
The following galleries are under the direct supervision and scheduling of the Exhibitions
Department and are maintained under the policies in this handbook:
Fox Building Decker – First floor
Meyerhoff – First floor front
Fox 2 – Second floor
Fox 3 MFA Thesis Gallery – Third floor
Brown Center Rosenberg – Second floor
Bunting Center
Pinkard – First floor
Main Building
Main 0 Gallery – Lower level
Mt. Royal Station
Middendorf - First floor
Fred Lazarus IV Center - Riggs/Leidy Gallery
Please see the footprints of each of these galleries at the end of this handbook. Art installations and
exhibitions in the Brown Center’s Falvey Hall Lower Lobby, and Leidy Atrium are also scheduled
through the Exhibitions Department in conjunction with the Office of Events. Exhibitors must fill
out appropriate proposals for these spaces, available from the Exhibitions Department.
The Exhibitions Department does not schedule the following gallery spaces on MICA’s campus, yet
all rules and regulations found in this handbook apply to these spaces as well:
 Pinkard Student Space Gallery – First floor of the Bunting Center
 The Piano Gallery – First floor on the Meyerhoff House Residential Center
 Gateway Student Space Galleries – First floor Gateway
 Brown Center – Brown 3 & 4 galleries
For more information about these student run and organized galleries, please contact Student
Activities at: 410.225.2284.
Artists who would like to display or install performance, installation, or sound art on public spaces
on the MICA campus must obtain prior written authorization from the MICA Office of Events.
This is necessary to ensure that desired space is available and property damage and safety hazards
will not result. Installations or performances in classrooms during class time do not need
authorization; however, they must comply with the policies established in this manual.
All forms are available for download on the Exhibitions page, located on the MICA website:
You may also visit the Exhibitions Department located on the first level of the Fox Building, room
F120 to discuss your individual needs with our staff and to pick up any forms that you may be
required for your exhibition.
Exhibition/Administration Deadlines
• All pedestal and technical Request forms must be submitted two weeks in advance of installation
of exhibition
Pedestals are not stored on campus, so it is imperative that the Exhibitions
Department receives all pedestal requests two weeks in advance to arrange delivery.
Requests not received in that time period may not be honored at the discretion of the
• Individual requests or proposals for use of exhibition space are ONLY accepted by delivering
them to the exhibitions office or by submitting them to:
General Installation Guidelines
Students, faculty, and staff installing and de-installing in any of the galleries on MICA’s campus are
held accountable for all the information, policies and instructions within. The artist is solely
responsible for installation of his or her own artworks. If there are special installation needs not
covered in this manual, the artist is required to consult with the Exhibitions Staff in advance.
1. Hanging from pipes or electrical equipment, including lighting track is not allowed.
2. If objects must be hung from the ceiling, make sure it is hung securely and safely. OSHA
regulations specify that a five-foot distance from all sprinkler systems is required when
hanging from the ceiling. No “false” ceilings can be created in any of the galleries.
3. All artwork must be installed safely on the walls. Hooks and other hanging implements may
be available for individual needs from the Exhibitions Department. Please consult – ahead
of time – with the exhibitions staff, for any needs you may have.
4. Two-dimensional work may be hung at any height the artist may require for his or her own
specific installation. However, the Exhibitions Department, as a general rule, uses a midpoint line (or “sight line”) of 58”. It is a good idea to keep a consistent mid-point line
throughout an exhibition.
5. It is strictly prohibited to use MICA property, such as furniture, or other items that have any
utilitarian purpose in your installation without the consent of the Director of
Exhibitions/Director of Events.
6. Any building of temporary walls must gain approval of the Director of Exhibitions. Wall
building is generally not allowed. Any special needs by individual exhibiting artists must be
approved by the Department and must strictly align with all federal and local building and
safety codes. Please see under “Gallery Maintenance” for more policies on gallery walls.
7. Food, living organic material, animal or human blood or tissue, and soil are prohibited from
use for installation in any of the MICA gallery spaces. Any odorous materials such as
perfumes, incense, or other material that may affect viewers or other artists’ installations is
8. Please note the following requirements for technology installation by the Exhibitions
• All videos must be looped for exhibition display.
• You are required to install your own technology-based work
The Exhibitions staff will not install your technology-based work
Gallery Maintenance
The Exhibitions Department is responsible for all gallery lighting. Please do not attempt to adjust
the lighting yourself. If you have special lighting needs, please consult with an Exhibitions
preparator or the Gallery Installation Manager well ahead of installation time. We will make every
attempt to light your exhibition in the most professional and timely manner possible.
1. Pre-existing gallery walls cannot be manipulated in any way that would compromise the
long-term appearance or stability. This includes:
Any penetration over 1/2 inch in depth
Any large number of holes in a small area
Any removal of a section of a wall
Please check with the Exhibitions Department if you have special needs. Once again, all wall
manipulation or construction is subject to the approval of the Exhibitions Department. Proposals
for wall manipulation are required and should be delivered to the Director no later than two weeks
before the installation and should include a legible diagram of the proposed construction.
If the installation requires alteration of the color of the walls, the color must be approved by
the Exhibitions Department. In addition,
Paint must be water-based latex only.
Electrical outlets, light switches and baseboards may not be painted.
No permanent marker, pens or chalk can be used.
The Exhibitions Department will provide brushes, rollers, sleeves, and drop cloths for gallery
painting. Please request these items well before your project begins in order to be
accommodated. Drop cloth must be applied to prevent damage to the floor.
Painted gallery walls must be painted back to the original “white” color.
Installing artist must provide and use water based latex primer to restore the walls.
The Exhibitions Department will provide the topcoat paint.
1. Painting, removing, cutting, drilling, gluing, nailing, or screwing into existing floors is strictly
prohibited. Permission to manipulate the gallery floors must be secured through the Exhibitions
Department at least two weeks in advance of the start of installation.
2. Any non-typical substance placed on the floors of the campus galleries must be approved by the
Director of Exhibitions and the Director of Facilities.
3. If the installation requires the construction of a temporary floor of some kind, the artist is
responsible for the construction of it and all labor and material costs. This type of construction,
once again, requires the approval of the director of the department and permission must be secured
through a detailed and legible proposal – presented at least two weeks in advance of the start of
De-installation Guidelines
1. Artwork must be de-installed on the days scheduled by the Exhibitions department for deinstallation, as stated on the department’s installation calendar. The Exhibitions staff will remove any
artwork left in the galleries
2. Artists are responsible for the repair and painting of walls back to their prior condition. The
department of Exhibitions will provide spackle, sand paper, topcoat wall paint, brushes, rollers and
other tools needed. The Department will not provide primer.
3. All tools checked out from the Exhibitions Department must be returned immediately after deinstallation and during Check In/Out hours, (Monday - Friday, 10 AM-11 AM; 3 PM-4 PM). All
borrowed equipment is the sole responsibility of the borrower. The borrower accepts the financial
burden of replacing any lost items.
IMPORTANT: The Exhibitions Department is not responsible for art left in gallery spaces
after de-installation. While the department’s policy is to not destroy or discard artworks,
work left in exhibition spaces will be removed. Work left for an objectionably long time in
the department’s care will be removed and placed in deep storage. Any work left after the
end of classes in May, will be discarded.
It is important to remember that others will be using the gallery space after you are finished
with your exhibition. Please leave the gallery in exactly the same way in that you found it, if
not better. Penalties may be incurred if exhibitor does not adhere to this very important rule.
In some cases, the department may ask for a monetary deposit before allowing painting of
any kind in the gallery
Exhibition Office Policies
Vinyl Production and Installation
The Department of Exhibition provides vinyl lettering and text for scheduled installations in the
MICA campus galleries. Due to expense and time involved, the Exhibition Department does not
provide vinyl, or its installation for the following exhibitions:
1. Any “departmental” exhibition in “departmental” spaces (FOX 2, MAIN 0, BROWN 3, 4,
Middendorf Gallery)
2. Student Space Galleries (Bunting 1st floor, Gateway, Meyerhoff house/Piano gallery)
Vinyl production for these exhibitions can be completed at the print/resource studio in the Art
Tech Center located at 1206-08 Mount Royal Avenue, or at a local vendor (see listing at the back of
this guide).
Checking Out Equipment
1. Equipment (such as tape measures, levels, drills, hammers, etc.) may be checked out for your
installation through the Exhibitions Department.
You are required to secure any borrowed installation equipment. The department will supply
you with locks and/or other material to help to secure your equipment.
Equipment Check-Out/In time is Monday to Friday, 10AM to 11AM; 3PM to 4PM. A valid
MICA I.D. is required to check out any of the Departments tools and equipment.
Individuals requesting equipment must be present when checking in/out. A late fee
of $15.00 per day will be applied to each item that is not returned on the scheduled
check-in date. Equipment that is two weeks late is considered purchased and the student
will be billed for the full retail price of equipment.
If you must install your exhibition overnight and have obtained permission, you must pick up
your equipment and tools before 4:00 p.m. on the day you plan to install. If you need to
install over a weekend, you must pick up your tools and equipment before 4:00 p.m. on Friday
3. Ladders may only be used if you fill out a “Ladder Safety” form, available in the Exhibitions
4. Scaffolding in MICA galleries is strictly prohibited under MICA Health and Safety policies.
FOX Building F011
I, the undersigned, agree that by using this equipment I am accepting full responsibility for
it while in my possession. If it is damaged beyond what is considered to be ‘normal wear
and tear,’ I agree to monetarily compensate the MICA Exhibitions Department the costs of
repair, or the full value of its replacement as determined by the director of Exhibitions. I
authorize Payroll/Student Accounts deductions for this compensation.
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________
Print Name: ______________________________________
Exhibitions Representative signed:
PLEASE NOTE: You are entirely responsible for this equipment and fully responsible monetarily
for any damage. By checking out MICA’s equipment, you are acknowledging your responsibility for
its safety and upkeep.
The Exhibition Department offers tutorials on installing.
6. Pedestals are available for use in gallery space only. The department requires a 2-week notice
to reserve pedestals.
*Please keep in mind that there are many exhibitions on view simultaneously on campus.
Flexibility on your behalf is appreciated.
7. A label form template is available through the Exhibitions Department office and on the
department’s web page. All departmental exhibitions are responsible for producing their own
8. The Exhibitions Department has LCD flat-screen monitors available in 22” and 40” (diagonal)
sizes for use strictly by authorization and oversight by the Exhibitions Department. Exhibition
gallery needs supersede other requests/needs. These monitors may not be used for “departmental”
exhibitions unless approved by the director of the department.
Sound Installation Policy
The College fully supports students’ right to artistic expression and recognizes the merits of
performance and installation art; however, students must comply with MICA policies in order to
provide a safe and healthy learning and working environment. Students and other participants in
performance, installation, and sound art must comply with all MICA policies regarding drugs,
alcohol, weapons, explosives, and other hazardous materials.
Specifically prohibited in MICA buildings and on MICA property are:
Setting off fireworks, explosives or any similar device
Displaying or using a knife, gun, or other weapon
Possession or use of illegal drugs (including alcohol, if under 21)
Exposing others to blood, urine, feces, chemicals, or other hazardous materials
Any activity that has the potential to cause injury to the artist, any other participants
or performers, audience members, or others.
Opening Receptions
The Exhibitions Department provides tables for receptions in Decker, Meyerhoff, and Pinkard
galleries. Other needs for tables should be directed to Facilities Maintenance, located in the
Firehouse. Please request their services well in advance (at least a week) of the date of your
MICA’s in-house catering company must provide all food at gallery receptions. No exceptions.
This campus policy is strictly out of concern for campus health and safety standards. Catering
requests can be found on the Portal. No alcohol may be served at opening receptions.
Exhibitions Truck Policy
The Exhibitions Department truck may only be used for the purpose of picking up and delivering
artwork for scheduled non-departmental exhibitions. On no occasion may students use the truck
for moving personal items. A qualified member of the Exhibitions staff can only drive the truck.
For further information, please see the official MICA vehicle policy.
The Exhibitions Department recommends to individuals (who are not eligible to use the Exhibitions
truck) in need of a vehicle to move artwork, the renting of a van from either U-Haul or Ryder.
The Exhibitions Department is not responsible for any kind of publicity for individual or
departmental Exhibitions, including press releases, book signings, catalogs or announcement cards.
Any kind of publicity is handled by the Department of Communications. Please contact the
Communications Department directly for further information at 410-225-4217
Photography in the Galleries
The college understands that photographs and/or video might be taken in the galleries by visiting
public, and/or media. Exhibiting artists or lending institutions can choose not to have their works
videoed or photographed. If so, please contact the Exhibitions Department and we will make every
effort to ensure artist privacy.
If you submit images to the Communications Department for your exhibition, you may be asked to
complete and sign an Image Submission Agreement.
Submitted images by artists to MICA’s Communications office are to be used for editorial and
promotional purposes. It is the college’s intent to possibly republish the image(s) through a print or
electronic publication, and do so under the belief that you have the right to authorize use by the
College. MICA wishes to ensure that the content does not infringe on the copyright or other
property rights of any party. Instances of republish by MICA may include, but not be limited
to, Juxtapositions, a MICA-related website, through social media outlets, or for media relations.
Brown Center Exhibition Policies
Artwork is allowed to be installed in the Brown Center in Leidy Atrium, Rosenberg, or outside of
Falvey Hall under supervision and at the discretion of the Director of Exhibitions and the Director
of Events. Please read and understand the following before installing in any Brown Center areas:
It is strictly forbidden to adhere or attach anything to concrete, glass, or wood surfaces
without permission of the Director of Exhibitions or Director of Events.
Exhibiting artists or Faculty are entirely responsible for removal of artworks from any space
in Brown Center on the day(s) designated for de-installation. Any remaining works will be
removed and may be disposed of.
Exhibiting artists or Faculty are entirely responsible for wall maintenance
(paint/spackle etc.) in any gallery spaces or hallways, where the installation has been
Proposal forms for any artwork installation in the Brown Center are located in the
Exhibitions department offices and on the Exhibitions Department page on the MICA Web
The Director of Exhibitions and the Director of Events before installation must approve
these forms.
IMPORTANT: please note, the above policies apply for all installation areas of Brown Center,
including gallery spaces and hallways.
Good luck with your exhibition!
Hardware Store
Belle Hardware (Bolton Hill)
240 McMechen Street
Baltimore, MD 21217
(410) 728-4844
Hours: 9:00 – 6:00 Monday – Friday
9:00 - 5:30 Saturday
10:00 – 2:00 Sunday
Falkenhan’s Hardware (Hampden)
3401 Chestnut Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21211
(410) 235-7771
Hours: 8:00 – 6:00 Monday – Friday
10:00 – 5:00 Saturday
Walbrook Mill & Lumber Co.
109 Cockeysville Road
Cockeysville, MD 21030
(410) 462 - 2200
Hours: 7:30 – 4:30 Monday – Friday
8: 00 – 1:00 Saturday
Home Depot (around the Beltway)
2501 Cleanleigh Drive
Parkville, MD 21234
(410) 661-8555
6315 Eastern Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21224
(410) 631-4440
Glen Burnie
601 New Ordnance Rd
Glen Burnie, MD 21060
(410) 553-9600
6000 Baltimore Nat’l
Catonsville, MD 21228
(410) 719-9200
6620 Reisterstown Rd
Baltimore, MD 21215
(410) 358-4046
Lowes Home Improvement
Glen Burnie
6650 Ritchie Hwy Rt.2
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
1400 Taylor Ave.
Parkville, MD 21234
White Marsh
5300 Campbell Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21236
5900 Baltimore National Pike
Baltimore, MD 21228
Sirkis Paint and Hardware Co. (Hampden)
3827 Falls Road
Baltimore, MD 21211
(410) 235-0700
Hours: 8:00 – 5:00 Monday – Friday
8:00 – 3:00 Saturday
Ace Hardware
601 Homestead Street
Baltimore, MD. 21218
Hours: 8:00 – 8:00 Monday – Saturday
8:00 – 6:00 Sunday
Art Supplies
MICA Store
1200 Mount Royal Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217
(410) 225-2276
Hours: 8:30 – 8:00 Monday – Thursday
8:30 – 5:00 Friday
9:00 – 5:00 Saturday
Plaza Artists Materials (West Mount Vernon)
1009 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-5403
(410) 625-9000
Hours: 9:00 – 6:30 Monday – Friday
9:00 – 5:00 Saturday
11:00 – 5:00 Sunday
Blick Art Supply (West Mount Vernon)
229 W. Chase Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 727-7004
Hours: 9:00 – 6:30 Monday – Friday
9:00 – 6:00 Saturday
11:00 – 5:00 Sunday
Artist & Craftsman Supply
137 W. North Avenue
Baltimore, MD. 21201
(410) 528 – 0003
Hours: 9:00 – 8:00 Monday – Saturday
12:00 – 8:00 Sunday
Paint Supplies
Budeke’s Paints (Fell’s Point)
418 S. Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21283
(410) 732-4354
Hours: 7:00 – 5:00 Monday – Friday
8:00 – 12:00 Saturday
Sherwin – Williams
4625 Falls Rd.
Baltimore, MD.
(410) 243 – 7700
Hours: 7:00 – 6:00 Monday – Friday
8:00 – 2:00 Saturday
Vinyl Vendors
MICA Art Tech Center
Digital Print Studio
(410) 462-7597
Fast Signs
1589 Sulphur Spring Road, Suite 107
Baltimore, MD 21227
(410) 242-7661
1518 York Road
Timonium, MD 21093
(410) 825-1212
Signs by Tomorrow
10 Holiday Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
(410) 685-3447
6400 Baltimore National Pike
Catonsville, MD 21228
(410) 788-0366
This list is intended for information purposes only. It is not intended as an endorsement of a particular store or product.
We do not represent that the list is complete or accurate and it should not be relied on as such.
All information is subject to change without notice
Floor Plans