Evaluation Criteria for Assets of Community Value in Sheffield- The Castle Inn at Bolsterstone Assets of Community Value Nomination-Assessment DATE OF SUBMISSION 25th February 2014 DATE DECISION TO 22nd April 2014 BE MADE BY: NOMINATED ASSET The Castle Inn at Bolsterstone, Sheffield NOMINATION SUBMITTED BY: Bolsterstone Castle Inn Group When a nomination for an asset of community value is received, Sheffield City Council will consider the nomination using a staged process. STAGE 1 Part A and B criteria for assessing whether an asset is of community value is in accordance with that set out in the Assets of Community Value (England) Regulations 2012. Each section contains a reference to the relevant legislation but please refer to the guidance notes accompanying this document when assessing the nomination. The paragraph numbering (e.g. A1 etc.) links between this assessment form and the guidance notes. Page 1 of 12 PART A-CRITERIA SPECIFIED IN THE ASSET OF COMMUNITY VALUE REGULATIONS 2012 CHECKLIST (PASS/FAIL) A1. Is the nominating organisation an eligible body to nominate? (Section 5 of the Regulations) Pass A2. Does the nominating body have a local connection to the asset nominated? (Section 4 of the Regulations) Pass A3.Does the nomination include the required information about the asset? (Section 6 of the Regulations) Pass A4. Is the nominated asset outside of one of the categories that cannot be assets of community value? (Schedule 1 of the Regulations) Pass IF ‘YES’ TO ALL OF PART A, MOVE TO PART B Pass IF ‘NO’ TO ONE OR MORE OF PART A, FOLLOW PROCESS FOR UNSUCCESSFUL NOMINATIONS PART B -ESTABLISHING THE CURRENT OR RECENT NON-ANCILLARY (PRIMARY) USE CHECKLIST THAT THE APPLICATION IS BASED ON Page 2 of 12 B1. Does the nomination form establish the current or recent usage of the asset which is the subject of the nomination to be an actual and non-ancillary usage? (Part 5, Chapter 3, Section 88 (1) and (2) of the Localism Act 2011.) Pass IF YES, NOMINATION SHOULD BE ASSESSED BY PANEL Pass IF NO, FOLLOW PROCESS FOR UNSUCCESSFUL NOMINATIONS Page 3 of 12 STAGE 2 Part C and D criteria for assessing whether an asset is of community value has been developed by Sheffield City Council based on Part 5, Chapter 3, Section 88 of the Localism Act 2011. Section 88 of the Localism Act states that the asset will be considered to be one of community value if: a) its actual current use furthers the social wellbeing and interests of the local community, or a use in the recent past has done so. (the legislation does not provide for a specific period, but as a general rule use in the past five years is considered to be relevant) b) that use is not an ancillary one; and c) for land in current community use it is realistic to think that there will continue to be a use which furthers social wellbeing and interests, or for land that has been in community use in the recent past, it is realistic to think that there will be community use within the next five years (in either case, whether or not that use is exactly the same as the present or past); and d) it does not fall within one of the exemptions. PART C CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING WHETHER THE USAGE CURRENTLY OR IN THE RECENT PAST FURTHERS SOCIAL WELLBEING AND INTERESTS OF THE LOCAL COMMUNITY C1. What is the ‘local community’ of the asset as defined by the geographical area? Evidence provided by nominee Communities and individuals from Bolsterstone; Ewden Valley; Stocksbridge; Deepcar; Bradfield; isolated farms and houses in the area. People who visit the Castle Inn will include people from further afield but will be walkers and others visiting the above areas Page 4 of 12 specifically. C2. What is the current/recent use of the asset? (types of activities) Evidence gained from other relevant sources (owner, Ward member etc.) Evidence provided by nominee Public house, including serving meals, and function room (use includes choir practice, meetings and celebrations). C3. How well is/was the asset used? (evidence of the building/property/land use) Evidence gained from other relevant sources (owner, Ward member etc.) Evidence provided by nominee The Castle Inn is the social focal point for the village and surrounding communities, individuals and isolated farms and houses. Specific events, eg harvest festival auction, summer fayre, Christmas and new years, and good weather (walkers and visitors to the area), lead to the pub being full, often standing room only. It supports other events and functions, for example refreshments following weddings, funerals and christenings, and consequently other assets such as the village hall and church, in the village. People of all ages use the pub thereby supporting community and inter generational cohesion. Page 5 of 12 The following gives a flavour of the wide ranging support given to different communities and groups: Bolsterstone Choir – use for practice, meetings and for socialising. With photographs and trophies displayed the pub promotes the choir. Summer Fayre – offering shelter in the rain and refreshment in the heat ensuring people stay around and support the fundraising of the summer fayre which supports Sheffield charities. Attracting people to the village providing opportunity for additional people just coming to the pub to then go around events/activities in the village, eg the summer and Christmas fayres, when they may not have come to/known of the fayres alone. Harvest Festival auction held annually in the pub – raising funds for Sheffield charities, for example Sheffield Childrens Hospital, Air Ambulance, McMillons, St Lukes. Church – including wedding, christening and funeral functions. The pub, village hall and church mutually support each other as people hear of events/functions while socialising in the pub, also moving on to the pub following events/functions and seasonal Page 6 of 12 celebrations and services. Meeting place for local groups, for example the Fishing club and Community Garden Group for planning meetings; village volunteers for refreshments during ‘work days’. Continuing traditions of many years such as the gathering on Christmas day when choir members go in the pub and people from miles around come along for a sing a long. It is historically one of the few pubs where traditional north Sheffield carols are sung, thus keeping alive a tradition and songs that are unique to the area. Providing refreshments for walkers and others enjoying the local countryside Having lost a shop and school the Castle Inn is an important part of the social fabric of the village and surrounding communities. C4. What will the impact be if the usage ceases? If usage has ceased already, what has the impact been? Evidence gained from other relevant sources (owner, Ward member etc.) Evidence provided by nominee The local meeting place for people will disappear. It is the only place some individuals come to socialise and should it cease as a public house those individuals will become isolated for much, possibly all, of the time. This did happen to individuals when the pub closed for 5 weeks from April 2013. Page 7 of 12 As well as being a place where local people meet to organise local events the pub also supports those events, eg the summer and Christmas fayres, harvest festival auction and choir members go in after practice and performances. Should the pub close there would be less attendance at local events and there is a strong chance the number of members of the choir could dwindle as socialising is a large part of the experience of being in the choir. The consequences would be that historic local traditional events would cease. The village and local area are very proud of the association of the Bolsterstone Choir but dwindling membership would weaken the choir performances and may eventually lead to the loss of this longstanding and important organisation. The more local events that are lost the greater the chances of isolation of individuals. Local people are employed at the pub, therefore closure would mean loss of jobs for local people. Evidence gained from other relevant sources (owner, Ward member etc.) Page 8 of 12 C5. Does it/did it meet the social Evidence provided by nominee interests of the community as a whole and not the users/customers of a specific service? (examples would include use by local community groups or sporting clubs) C6. How is the building/property/land regarded by the community? (community consultation, evidence of support) The pub is a social meeting place for the communities and isolated farms/houses around the area. Additionally it supports local social activities, for example the Bolsterstone Choir, Summer Fayre and Village Hall and Church events. Specific events lead to the pub being full, eg harvest festival auction, summer fayre, Christmas and new years. It is open to all. Evidence gained from other relevant sources (owner, Ward member etc.) Evidence provided by nominee The ongoing use of the pub shows peoples support for it. Strength of feeling was demonstrated when the pub closed in April 2013 and 39 people came to a meeting at a days notice to discuss the future of the pub. There was then/is now a strong commitment from local people to form a co-operative that would wish to bid to buy the pub should it come up for relevant disposal. Numbers grew to nearly 60 people at a second meeting arranged to give an update following a meeting with the pubs owners. During this time a facebook page was created to keep people informed of developments about when the pub would re-open. While live Page 9 of 12 there were more than 150 members. This facebook page was closed when the new lessee created their own. Evidence gained from other relevant sources (owner, Ward member etc.) RATIONALE PASS IF THE NOMINATION PASSES PART C, GO TO PART D. IF THE NOMINATION FAILS PART C, FOLLOW PROCESS FOR UNSUCCESSFUL NOMINATIONS (PROCESS TO BE CONFIRMED) PART D: This section considers whether it is realistic to think that there can continue to be non-ancillary use of the building or other land which will further (whether or not in the same way) the social wellbeing or social interests of the local community). CRITERIA FOR DETERMINING WHETHER (FOR ‘CURRENT’ USES) THERE WILL CONTINUE TO BE SOCIAL USE OF THE ASSET OR (FOR ‘RECENT’ USES) THAT IT IS REALISTIC TO THINK THERE WILL BE COMMUNITY USE AGAIN WITHIN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS. D1. What is the proposed future Evidence provided by nominee Public house, including serving meals, and use of the asset? (types of function room (available for use including activities) choir practice, meetings and celebrations). This was confirmed by the Business Manager for Trust Inns, Mr Alan Bensa, in a meeting on 05 April 2013. The meeting was organised following the announcement of the then current landlord leaving and concerns as to the future of the pub. Page 10 of 12 Evidence gained from other relevant sources (owner, Ward member etc.) D2. Will it meet the social interests of the community as a whole and not the users/customers of a specific service? Evidence provided by nominee Yes – the pub would remain open to all and supporting many events as described within this nomination form. Evidence gained from other relevant sources (owner, Ward member etc.) RATIONALE PASS IF THE NOMINATION PASSES PART D, FOLLOW PROCESS FOR ELIGIBLE NOMINATIONS (PROCESS TO BE CONFIRMED) IF THE NOMINATION FAILS PART D, FOLLOW PROCESS FOR UNSUCCESSFUL NOMINATIONS (PROCESS TO BE CONFIRMED) RECOMMENDATION The Castle Inn at Bolsterstone is listed as an Asset of Community Value REASON FOR DECISION This is a commercially viable pub business operating in Bolsterstone. However in addition it also facilitates community activities on a regular basis. The applicants have provided evidence to support this community use and the owners have raised no objection. In reaching this recommendation, consideration was given as to whether this use was merely ancillary. Whilst in some circumstances community use of a public house could be ancillary, the evidence provided shows that the pub provides a number of community uses and that these community uses could legitimately be considered to contribute to its viability. This therefore indicates that Page 11 of 12 the community uses are more than just ancillary to the running of a viable pub business. The evidence provided supports the assertion that the social use of the public house will continue. In conclusion, it appears that the evidence provided demonstrates that this property’s actual and current use furthers the social wellbeing and interests of the local community and satisfies the statutory tests set out in sections 88 a) to d) of the Localism Act 2011 DECISION TAKEN BY Councillor Mazher Iqbal, Cabinet Member for Communities and Inclusion DATE Page 12 of 12