
WC 1. If two electrodes are both placed just outside the membrane of a resting
neuron, what will be the potential difference will be measured?
a. 0
b. -70 mV
c. +70 mV
d. -65 mV
e. +50 mV
WC 2. Action potentials begin by the
a. Opening of sodium channels
b. Closing of chloride channels
c. Closing of potassium channels
d. Opening of potassium channels
e. Closing of calcium channels
WC 3. The sodium-potassium pumps
a. Initiate the action potentials.
b. Speed up postsynaptic potentials.
c. Retrieve neurotransmitters after they are expelled by receptors.
d. Contribute to the unequal distribution on either side of the resting
e. All of the above
WC 4. At rest, a neuron has a higher concentration of _______ ions just _____the
neuron than just _____the neuron.
a. Chloride; inside; outside
b. Sodium; outside; inside
c. Potassium; outside; inside
d. Protein; outside; inside
e. Calcium; outside; inside
WC 5. What causes the absolute refractory period?
a. The inactivation of the sodium ion channels.
b. The inactivation of the potassium ion channels.
c. The inactivation of the voltage-gated potassium channels.
d. The opening of the potassium ion channels.
e. The opening of the sodium ion channels.