Application form: works approval / licence Division 3, Part V, Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act) Environmental Protection Regulations 1987 (EP Regulations) To the Chief Executive Officer This is an application for [select only one option] ☐ Works approval ☐ Concurrent works approval and licence ☐ Licence (works approval already obtained) Works approval number: [______] ☐ Renewal Licence or works approval number: [______] ☐ Amendment Licence or works approval number: [______] ☐ Clearing Permit ☐ Application for a clearing permit already submitted Clearing permit application number: [______] This application is for the category/categories of prescribed premises ☐ Single category of prescribed premises (specify category number): _______________________ ☐ Multiple categories of prescribed premises (specify category numbers): _______________________ ☐ All activities on the premises within category of prescribed premises of Schedule 1 to the EP Regulations have been specified above (tick if Yes) Part 1. Applicant details 1.1 Applicant name (full legal name) ACN number 1.2 Directors details (if applicant is a corporation) 1.3 Registered business address 1.4 Address for correspondence Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) Department of Environment Regulation 1.5 Contact person details Name Position Telephone Email 1.6 Authorised representative (if any) Name Telephone Email 1.7 1.8 Occupier status Proof of occupier status Registered proprietor on certificate of title ☐ Lease holder (please specify) ☐ Public authority that has care, control or management of the land ☐ Other (please specify) ☐ Attachment 1 completed ☐ Attachment 2 completed ☐ Part 2. Premises 2.1 Premises legal description Land description: volume and folio number, lot or location number(s), Crown lease or reserve number, pastoral lease number or mining tenement number of all properties 2.2 Local government area 2.3 An aerial photograph and map of premises 2.4 GIS coordinates (if required) 2.5 Proposed clearing area (hectares and/or number of trees) - only required if application includes clearing 2.6 Proposed method of clearing Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 2 Department of Environment Regulation 2.7 An aerial photograph / map marking area proposed to be cleared Attachment 2A completed ☐ Attachment 3 completed ☐ Part 3. Proposed activities 3.1 Description/overview provided 3.2 Estimated operating period (based on estimated infrastructure life) 3.3 Period within which clearing is proposed to be undertaken (e.g. May 2015 – June 2015) years Part 4. Other approvals No Yes 4.1 Is the proposal a Major Resource Project (formerly known as a State Development Project? ☐ ☐ 4.2 Has the proposal been referred to the Environmental Protection Authority? ☐ ☐ 4.3 Is the proposal subject to any Ministerial conditions under the EP Act? ☐ ☐ 4.4 Has the proposal been referred or assessed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth)? ☐ ☐ 4.5 Has the proposal obtained all relevant planning approvals? ☐ ☐ 4.6 Has the proposal obtained all other necessary statutory approvals? ☐ ☐ ☐ Attachment 4 completed Part 5. Fit and competent operator No Yes 5.1 Has the applicant ever been convicted of an offence under the EP Act or its subsidiary legislation or similar legislation in Australia? ☐ ☐ 5.2 Has the applicant been issued with one or more penalty infringement notices or compliance orders under the EP Act or its subsidiary legislation? ☐ ☐ 5.3 Has the applicant ever breached any conditions of licence or works approval under the EP Act or its subsidiary legislation? ☐ ☐ 5.4 Has the applicant ever had an equivalent works approval or licence from this State or elsewhere that was suspended and/or cancelled? ☐ ☐ 5.5 Does the applicant have previous experience, or are there key personnel with previous experience, in relation to activities in the proposal? ☐ ☐ Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 3 Department of Environment Regulation If Yes to any of the above, Attachment 5 completed Note: For an applicant that is a company, each director must complete this section as individual, and include their previous history as directors of other companies. ☐ Part 6. Public health and environmental risks 6.1 No Yes ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Are there emissions to air from the activities that pose a risk to public health or the environment? (includes emissions from stacks, chimneys, baghouses, tank vents or blow offs, dust, noise and odour emissions) 6.2 Are there emissions to surface water from the activities that pose a risk to public health or the environment? (includes end of pipe or outfall emissions to river, lakes, estuary or seas and contamination from containment leakage) 6.3 Are there emissions to land from the activities that pose a risk to public health or the environment? (includes point source emissions to groundwater including direct aquifer reinjection, as well as emissions to land through irrigation, infiltration and seepage pits and contamination from containment leakage) 6.4 Is there a risk of other incidents arising from the activities that pose a risk to public health or the environment? (includes risk of a pollution incident or unplanned event related to hazardous materials or dangerous goods stored, used or handled) 6.5 Is there waste accepted or stored on the premises? ☐ Attachment 6 completed Part 7. Siting and location No Yes 7.1 Are there premises located within specified separation distances for sensitive receptors? ☐ ☐ 7.2 Are the premises located within or adjacent to any sensitive surface water, groundwater or terrestrial areas? ☐ ☐ Attachment 7 completed ☐ Part 8. Assessment Framework 8.1 All modelling information required under the Assessment Framework provided. ☐ 8.2 All monitoring information required under the Assessment Framework provided. ☐ Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 4 Department of Environment Regulation 8.3 Compliance with relevant environmental standard or supporting information for variation from environmental standard. ☐ Attachment 8 completed ☐ Part 9. Submission of proposed fee calculation All information and data used for the calculation of proposed fees provided. ☐ Attachment 9 completed ☐ Part 10. Submission of application All information considered exempt from public disclosure has been separately placed in Attachment 10. Grounds for claiming exemption in accordance with Schedule 1 to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 must be specified. ☐ A full electronic copy has been submitted via ☐ A full hard copy has been sent to: APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS Department of Environment Regulation Locked Bag 33 Cloisters Square PERTH WA 6850 ☐ Acknowledgement and signature To the Chief Executive Officer: I, (name) (position) I confirm I am authorised on behalf of the applicant to submit this application. I confirm that the information contained in this application is true and correct and I acknowledge that knowingly providing information which is false or misleading in a material particular commits an offence under section 112 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 and may incur a penalty of up to $50,000. I acknowledge that this application (excluding Appendix 10) is a public document and may be published. I confirm that information considered exempt from public disclosure has been placed in Appendix 10 with reasons as to why the information should be exempt in accordance with the grounds specified in Schedule 1 to the Freedom of Information Act 1992. I acknowledge that the decision to not publish information will be at the discretion of the Department of Environmental Regulation and will be made consistently with the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 1992. ________________________________ (Signature) Date Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 5 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 1: Proof of occupier status Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 6 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 2: Map for proposed premises Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 7 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 2A: Aerial photograph or map marking the area proposed to be cleared Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 8 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 3: Proposed activities Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 9 Department of Environment Regulation Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 10 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 4: Other approvals Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 11 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 5: Fit and competent operator Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 12 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 6: Public health and environment risks Potential risk source 1 Emissions to air 2 Emissions to water 3 Emissions to land Waste type Specific emission (type and quantity) Receptor and proximity Proposed control Quantity Storage Location Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 13 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 7: Siting and location Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 14 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 8: Assessment Framework Information required in Assessment Framework Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) Annexure number 15 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 9: Proposed fee calculation Summary of proposed fees Proposed works approval fee (see Schedule 3 of the EP Regulations) Fee component Proposed fee Cost of works: $ $ Proposed licence fee (see Schedule 4 of the EP Regulations) Part 1 Component Part 2 Component Part 3 Component Total proposed licence fees: Note: $ (1) DER has a fee calculator available on its website. (2) Different fee units apply for different fee components. Fee units may also have different amounts depending on the period in which the calculation is made. Detailed breakdown of proposed licence fees Premises component Proposed licence fee: Part 1 Premises (see Part 1 of Schedule 4 of the EP Regulations) Premises: Sub total $ Discharges to air, onto land, into waters Proposed licence fee: Part 3 Discharges to air (see Part 3 of Schedule 4 of the EP Regulations) Discharges to air Discharge quantity Discharges to air Carbon monoxide Nickel Oxides of nitrogen Vanadium Sulphur oxides Zinc Particulates Vinyl chloride Volatile organic compounds Hydrogen sulphide Inorganic fluoride Benzene carbon oxysulphide Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) Discharge quantity 16 Department of Environment Regulation Aluminium Carbon disulphide Arsenic Acrylates Chromium Beryllium Cobalt Cadmium Copper Mercury Lead TDI (toluene-2, 4-di-iso-cyanate) Manganese MDI (diphenyl-methane di-iso-cyanate) Molybdenum Other waste Subtotal $ Proposed licence fee: Part 3 Discharges onto land or into waters (see Part 3 of Schedule 4 of the EP Regulations) Discharge quantity Discharges onto land or into waters 1. Liquid waste that can potentially deprive receiving waters of oxygen (for each kilogram discharged per day)— (a) biochemical oxygen demand (in the absence of chemical oxygen demand limit) (b) chemical oxygen demand (in the absence of total organic carbon limit) (c) total organic carbon 2. Biostimulants (for each kilogram discharged per day)— (a) phosphorus (b) total nitrogen 3. Liquid waste that physically alters the characteristics of naturally occurring waters— (a) total suspended solids (for each kilogram discharged per day) (b) surfactants (for each kilogram discharged per day) (c) colour alteration (for each platinum cobalt unit of colour above the ambient colour of the waters in each megalitre discharged per day) Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 17 Department of Environment Regulation (d) temperature alteration (for each 1°C above the ambient temperature of the waters in each megalitre discharged per day)— (i) in the sea south of the Tropic of Capricorn (ii) in other waters 4. Waste that can potentially accumulate in the environment or living tissue (for each kilogram discharged per day)— (a) aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, vanadium and zinc (b) pesticides (c) fish tainting wastes (d) manganese 5. E coli bacteria as indicator species (in each megalitre discharged per day)— (a) 1 000 to 5 000 organisms per 100 ml (b) 5 000 to 20 000 organisms per 100 ml (c) more than 20 000 organisms per 100 ml 6. Other waste (per kilogram discharged per day)— (a) oil and grease (b) total dissolved solids (c) fluoride (d) iron (e) total residual chlorine (f) other Subtotal Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) $ 18 Department of Environment Regulation Information and data used to calculate proposed fees The detailed calculations of fee components, including all Information and data used for the calculations are provided in the specified annexures to this application. Proposed fee for works approval Annexure number Details for cost of works Proposed fee for licence Annexure number Part 1: Premises Part 2: Waste types Part 3: Discharges to air, onto land, into waters Prescribed fee for clearing permit (if applicable) Please indicate the clearing permit application fee Area Permit: ☐ $50 for an area of less than one hectare ☐ $100 for an area between one hectare and 10 hectares ☐ $200 for an area of more than 10 hectares Purpose Permit: ☐ A $200 fee is required for all purpose permit applications Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 19 Department of Environment Regulation Attachment 10: Request for exemption from publication Application form: Works approval or licence (September 2015 V2) 20