SUPPORTING INFORMATION Electronic structure and gas-phase chemistry of protonated α- and βquinonoid compounds: a mass spectrometry and computational study Ricardo Vessecchi1*, Flávio S. Emery2, Norberto P. Lopes1 and Sérgio E. Galembeck3 1 Núcleo de Pesquisa em Produtos Naturais e Sintéticos, Departamento de Física e Química, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil 2 Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil 3 Departamento de Química, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil *Correspondence to: R. Vessecchi, Núcleo de Pesquisa em Produtos Naturais e Sintéticos (NPPNS), Departamento de Física e Química, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Via do Café, S/N – CEP, 14040-903,Ribeirão Preto/SP, Brasil. E-mail:; Table S1. Bond lengths (in Å) for (1) obtained using the B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) model. * Values are experimental Bond C(1)-C(2) C(2)-C(3) C(3)-C(4) C(4)-C(4a) C(5)-C(4a) C(6)-C(5) C(7)-C(6) C(8)-C(7) C(8)-C(8a) C(1)-C(8a) C(4a)-C(8a) C(1)-O(1) C(4)-O(2) (1) (1)* 1.485 1.478 1.345 1.340 1.485 1.478 1.493 1.468 1.400 1.393 1.395 1.383 1.401 1.401 1.395 1.383 1.400 1.393 1.493 1.468 1.411 1.407 1.227 1.223 1.227 1.223 *P. J. Gaultier, C. Hauw. Structure de 1'α-naphthoquinone. Acta Crystallogr. 1965, 18, 179. K. E. Wise, A. K. Grafton, R. A. Wheeler. Trimethyl-p-benzoquinone provides excellent structural, spectroscopic, and thermochemical models for plastoquinone-1 and its radical anion. J. Phys. Chem A 1997, 101, 1160. Table S2. MK atomic charges, in arbitrary units Atom O(1) O(2) C(2) C(3) O(3) (1) –0.508794 –0.508791 –0.248312 –0.248288 - (2) –0.463437 –0.480321 (3) –0.484332 –0.533613 (4) –0.465186 –0.354924 –0.324233 - –0.313059 –0.459434 –0.217891 –0.490405 O1 C7 C8 C8a (A) C6 C5 C4a C1 (B) C4 H C2 C3 H O2 Figure S1. Atom labels for 1,4- and 1,2-naphthoquinone. ESI-MS/MS data Intens. +MS2(159.0000), 0eV, 11.3min #215 3000 159.0456 2000 1000 106.9919 0 116.9766 +MS2(159.0000), 5eV, 11.7min #221 3000 159.0452 2000 1000 106.9922 116.9760 131.0497 0 +MS2(159.0000), 10eV, 11.9min #225 600 159.0446 131.0491 400 106.9922 200 116.9764 72.9896 0 1000 +MS2(159.0000), 15eV, 12.2min #231 750 103.0554 500 131.0492 72.9906 250 159.0455 0 +MS2(159.0000), 20eV, 12.4min #236 600 103.0546 400 72.9912 77.0419 200 0 +MS2(159.0000), 25eV, 12.6min #239 600 77.0424 400 103.0526 200 72.9914 0 1000 +MS2(159.0000), 30eV, 12.9min #244 750 77.0427 500 250 103.0542 0 +MS2(159.0000), 35eV, 13.2min #250 800 600 77.0420 400 200 0 +MS2(159.0000), 40eV, 13.5min #256 600 77.0435 400 200 0 60 80 100 Figure S2. ESI-MS/MS spectra for [(1)+H]+. 120 140 160 m/z Intens. x10 4 +MS2(159.0000), 0eV, 8.9min #171 1.0 159.0444 0.5 131.0487 0.0 x10 4 +MS2(159.0000), 5eV, 9.1min #174 0.75 159.0449 0.50 131.0494 0.25 106.9919 0.00 +MS2(159.0000), 10eV, 9.3min #178 4000 131.0493 159.0432 2000 103.0545 0 116.9756 +MS2(159.0000), 15eV, 9.5min #183 4000 3000 131.0481 2000 103.0537 1000 159.0451 72.9896 0 +MS2(159.0000), 20eV, 9.9min #190 3000 103.0548 2000 131.0489 1000 77.0422 0 +MS2(159.0000), 25eV, 10.3min #198 2000 103.0546 77.0414 1000 131.0490 0 2000 +MS2(159.0000), 30eV, 10.9min #210 1500 77.0429 1000 103.0546 500 131.0498 0 +MS2(159.0000), 35eV, 11.3min #217 2000 1500 77.0428 1000 500 103.0568 0 +MS2(159.0000), 40eV, 11.7min #224 2000 1500 77.0430 1000 500 103.0536 0 60 80 100 Figure S3. ESI-MS/MS spectra for [(2)+H]+. 120 140 160 m/z Intens. x10 5 +MS2(243.0961), 0eV, 11.1min #211 243.1018 1.0 0.5 225.0913 187.0406 0.0 x10 5 2.0 +MS2(243.0961), 5eV, 11.2min #213 243.1017 1.5 1.0 0.5 187.0404 0.0 x10 5 201.0575 225.0914 +MS2(243.0961), 10eV, 11.4min #217 0.75 243.1014 187.0400 0.50 0.25 201.0571 159.0444 0.00 x10 5 1.00 225.0911 +MS2(243.0961), 15eV, 11.7min #222 0.75 187.0396 0.50 243.1011 159.0441 0.25 201.0568 0.00 x10 4 225.0901 +MS2(243.0961), 20eV, 11.9min #226 6 187.0400 159.0444 4 2 0 x10 5 103.0540 131.0486 201.0577 225.0909 243.1013 +MS2(243.0961), 25eV, 12.0min #228 0.75 159.0444 0.50 187.0400 0.25 0.00 x10 4 103.0540 131.0494 +MS2(243.0961), 30eV, 12.2min #232 6 159.0443 4 2 103.0537 131.0490 187.0400 0 x10 4 +MS2(243.0961), 35eV, 12.4min #236 3 159.0444 2 1 103.0534 131.0490 178.0781 187.0403 115.0551 0 x10 4 +MS2(243.0961), 40eV, 12.7min #240 1.5 1.0 103.0538 159.0447 0.5 131.0482 115.0535 0.0 100 120 178.0779 140 160 Figure S4. ESI-MS/MS spectra for [(3)+H]+. 180 200 220 240 m/z Intens. x10 5 2 +MS2(243.0970), 0eV, 13.9min #263 243.1011 1 0 x10 5 +MS2(243.0970), 5eV, 14.0min #265 3 243.1011 2 1 187.0396 0 x10 5 1.5 225.0908 +MS2(243.0970), 10eV, 14.2min #268 243.1008 1.0 187.0398 0.5 201.0563 159.0438 0.0 x10 5 225.0905 +MS2(243.0970), 15eV, 14.5min #273 1.0 187.0400 0.5 243.1013 159.0445 201.0570 0.0 x10 5 1.0 225.0912 +MS2(243.0970), 20eV, 14.7min #277 187.0393 159.0437 0.5 105.0329 0.0 x10 5 201.0576 225.0907 243.1010 +MS2(243.0970), 25eV, 14.9min #281 1.0 159.0436 0.5 187.0393 105.0330 131.0481 0.0 x10 5 +MS2(243.0970), 30eV, 15.2min #288 0.75 159.0437 0.50 0.25 103.0535 187.0393 131.0479 0.00 x10 4 +MS2(243.0970), 35eV, 15.5min #292 4 159.0442 103.0545 2 131.0488 77.0419 0 x10 4 4 187.0401 +MS2(243.0970), 40eV, 15.8min #298 3 103.0535 2 159.0438 1 77.0415 115.0535 0 60 80 100 120 131.0480 178.0776 140 Figure S5. ESI-MS/MS spectra for [(4)+H]+. 160 180 200 220 240 m/z COMPUTATIONAL RESULTS Geometries, vibrational frequencies and energies obtained using the B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) model neutral (1) Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1 C 0 -0.73907 -0.00021 0.13956 C 0 -0.72468 -0.00042 1.63275 C 0 0.60015 0.00008 2.30393 C 0 1.75277 0.00017 1.61129 C 0 1.78184 -0.00021 0.12641 C 0 0.47008 -0.00011 -0.58709 C 0 0.44114 0.00007 -1.98668 C 0 -0.78104 0.00014 -2.65919 C 0 -1.9815 0.00004 -1.93777 C 0 -1.96136 -0.00013 -0.5429 O 0 2.85346 0.00034 -0.47209 O 0 -1.75608 -0.00005 2.29816 H 0 0.57538 0.00032 3.39008 H 0 2.72349 0.00049 2.09915 H 0 1.38287 0.00014 -2.52567 H 0 -0.80057 0.00027 -3.74498 H 0 -2.93105 0.0001 -2.46471 H 0 -2.87929 -0.00022 0.03566 Zero-point correction= 0.132506 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.141206 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.142150 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.098387 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -535.014120 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -535.005420 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -535.004476 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -535.048239 (2) Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1 c c 1 cc2 c 2 cc3 1 ccc3 c 3 cc4 2 ccc4 1 dih4 0 c 4 cc5 3 ccc5 2 dih5 0 c 1 cc6 2 ccc6 3 dih6 0 c 4 cc7 3 ccc7 2 dih7 0 c 7 cc8 4 ccc8 3 dih8 0 c 8 cc9 7 ccc9 4 dih9 0 c 5 cc10 4 ccc10 3 dih10 0 o 10 oc11 5 occ11 4 dih11 0 o 9 oc12 8 occ12 7 dih12 0 h 1 hc13 2 hcc13 3 dih13 0 h 2 hc14 1 hcc14 6 dih14 0 h 3 hc15 2 hcc15 1 dih15 0 h 6 hc16 1 hcc16 2 dih16 0 h 7 hc17 4 hcc17 3 dih17 0 h 8 hc18 7 hcc18 4 dih18 0 Variables: cc2 1.39817 cc3 1.39716 ccc3 cc4 ccc4 dih4 cc5 ccc5 dih5 cc6 ccc6 dih6 cc7 ccc7 dih7 cc8 ccc8 dih8 cc9 ccc9 dih9 cc10 ccc10 dih10 oc11 occ11 dih11 oc12 occ12 dih12 hc13 hcc13 dih13 hc14 hcc14 dih14 hc15 hcc15 dih15 hc16 hcc16 dih16 hc17 hcc17 dih17 hc18 hcc18 dih18 120.229 1.40205 120.56 0. 1.41574 118.929 0. 1.39659 119.832 0. 1.46248 120.729 -180. 1.35118 123.513 179.997 1.4689 121.302 0. 1.48918 119.925 179.999 1.21755 122.911 -179.994 1.21992 123.006 -179.992 1.08557 120.146 180. 1.08589 120.061 180. 1.08662 119.989 180. 1.08526 121.218 -180. 1.08797 116.829 -0.002 1.08563 122.012 -179.999 Zero-point correction= 0.132289 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.141031 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.141975 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.097926 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -535.002483 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -534.993741 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -534.992797 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -535.036845 (3) Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1 c c c c c c c c c c o o c c c o c c h h h h h h h h h h h h h h 1 cc2 2 cc3 1 ccc3 3 cc4 2 ccc4 1 dih4 0 4 cc5 3 ccc5 2 dih5 0 1 cc6 2 ccc6 3 dih6 0 4 cc7 3 ccc7 2 dih7 0 7 cc8 4 ccc8 3 dih8 0 8 cc9 7 ccc9 4 dih9 0 5 cc10 4 ccc10 3 dih10 0 10 oc11 5 occ11 4 dih11 0 7 oc12 4 occ12 3 dih12 0 8 cc13 7 ccc13 4 dih13 0 13 cc14 8 ccc14 7 dih14 0 14 cc15 13 ccc15 8 dih15 0 9 oc16 8 occ16 7 dih16 0 15 cc17 14 ccc17 13 dih17 0 15 cc18 14 ccc18 13 dih18 0 1 hc19 2 hcc19 3 dih19 0 2 hc20 1 hcc20 6 dih20 0 3 hc21 2 hcc21 1 dih21 0 6 hc22 1 hcc22 2 dih22 0 13 hc23 8 hcc23 7 dih23 0 13 hc24 8 hcc24 7 dih24 0 14 hc25 13 hcc25 8 dih25 0 14 hc26 13 hcc26 8 dih26 0 17 hc27 15 hcc27 14 dih27 0 17 hc28 15 hcc28 14 dih28 0 17 hc29 15 hcc29 14 dih29 0 18 hc30 15 hcc30 14 dih30 0 18 hc31 15 hcc31 14 dih31 0 18 hc32 15 hcc32 14 dih32 0 Variables: cc2 1.39987 cc3 1.39597 ccc3 120.206 cc4 1.3981 ccc4 120.036 dih4 -0.07 cc5 1.40714 ccc5 119.737 dih5 0.003 cc6 1.39499 ccc6 120.062 dih6 0.055 cc7 1.49717 ccc7 119.712 dih7 179.509 cc8 1.47114 ccc8 118.668 dih8 179.795 cc9 1.36393 ccc9 120.695 dih9 -0.659 cc10 1.48967 ccc10 120.557 dih10 -179.646 oc11 1.22273 occ11 122.337 dih11 179.998 oc12 1.23283 occ12 dih12 cc13 ccc13 dih13 cc14 ccc14 dih14 cc15 ccc15 dih15 oc16 occ16 dih16 cc17 ccc17 dih17 cc18 ccc18 dih18 hc19 hcc19 dih19 hc20 hcc20 dih20 hc21 hcc21 dih21 hc22 hcc22 dih22 hc23 hcc23 dih23 hc24 hcc24 dih24 hc25 hcc25 dih25 hc26 hcc26 dih26 hc27 hcc27 dih27 hc28 hcc28 dih28 hc29 hcc29 dih29 hc30 hcc30 dih30 hc31 hcc31 dih31 hc32 120.704 -0.361 1.50504 118.536 178.407 1.53253 110.215 -162.319 1.53659 112.119 -45.253 1.34015 124.975 -178.802 1.53378 112.823 -63.443 1.52667 111.697 170.487 1.08596 120.065 -179.973 1.08608 119.984 -179.985 1.08488 121.445 179.844 1.08496 121.375 179.957 1.0982 109.967 74.692 1.09454 109.107 -40.256 1.09518 110.809 -167.29 1.09671 109.529 74.824 1.09357 110.079 178.978 1.09332 111.832 58.744 1.09517 110.008 -61.479 1.09373 110.425 -175.273 1.09471 110.08 64.837 1.09387 hcc32 dih32 110.701 -55.287 Zero-point correction= 0.257000 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.272007 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.272951 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.215373 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -805.503432 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -805.488425 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -805.487481 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -805.545059 (4) Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1 c c 1 cc2 c 2 cc3 1 ccc3 c 3 cc4 2 ccc4 1 dih4 0 c 4 cc5 3 ccc5 2 dih5 0 c 1 cc6 2 ccc6 3 dih6 0 c 4 cc7 3 ccc7 2 dih7 0 c 7 cc8 4 ccc8 3 dih8 0 c 8 cc9 7 ccc9 4 dih9 0 c 5 cc10 4 ccc10 3 dih10 0 o 10 oc11 5 occ11 4 dih11 0 o 7 oc12 4 occ12 3 dih12 0 c 12 co13 7 coc13 4 dih13 0 c 13 cc14 12 cco14 7 dih14 0 c 8 cc15 7 ccc15 4 dih15 0 c 13 cc16 12 cco16 7 dih16 0 c 13 cc17 12 cco17 7 dih17 0 o 9 oc18 8 occ18 7 dih18 0 h 1 hc19 2 hcc19 3 dih19 0 h 2 hc20 1 hcc20 6 dih20 0 h 3 hc21 2 hcc21 1 dih21 0 h 6 hc22 1 hcc22 2 dih22 0 h 14 hc23 13 hcc23 12 dih23 0 h 14 hc24 13 hcc24 12 dih24 0 h 15 hc25 8 hcc25 7 dih25 0 h 15 hc26 8 hcc26 7 dih26 0 h 16 hc27 13 hcc27 12 dih27 0 h 16 hc28 13 hcc28 12 dih28 0 h 16 hc29 13 hcc29 12 dih29 0 h 17 hc30 13 hcc30 12 dih30 0 h 17 hc31 13 hcc31 12 dih31 0 h 17 hc32 13 hcc32 12 dih32 0 Variables: cc2 1.39773 cc3 1.39722 ccc3 120.516 cc4 1.40115 ccc4 120.256 dih4 -0.259 cc5 1.41223 ccc5 119.111 dih5 0.231 cc6 1.39519 ccc6 119.604 dih6 cc7 ccc7 dih7 cc8 ccc8 dih8 cc9 ccc9 dih9 cc10 ccc10 dih10 oc11 occ11 dih11 oc12 occ12 dih12 co13 coc13 dih13 cc14 cco14 dih14 cc15 ccc15 dih15 cc16 cco16 dih16 cc17 cco17 dih17 oc18 occ18 dih18 hc19 hcc19 dih19 hc20 hcc20 dih20 hc21 hcc21 dih21 hc22 hcc22 dih22 hc23 hcc23 dih23 hc24 hcc24 dih24 hc25 hcc25 dih25 hc26 hcc26 0.052 1.47759 121.173 -179.898 1.36834 123.677 178.599 1.45769 120.285 1.899 1.48838 120.216 179.73 1.21789 122.56 -178.977 1.34869 112.764 -0.847 1.47237 119.805 -170.957 1.53475 108.936 -38.303 1.50638 121.342 -177.056 1.52671 104.255 -157.684 1.53336 107.367 84.282 1.22621 122.613 179.593 1.08572 120.275 -179.899 1.0861 120.024 179.969 1.0832 120.379 179.83 1.08517 121.387 -179.829 1.09681 108.168 -64.791 1.09529 108.969 179.127 1.09821 110.168 -106.649 1.09469 108.957 dih26 hc27 hcc27 dih27 hc28 hcc28 dih28 hc29 hcc29 dih29 hc30 hcc30 dih30 hc31 hcc31 dih31 hc32 hcc32 dih32 138.376 1.09453 109.983 -177.96 1.09396 110.758 62.093 1.09418 110.653 -58.295 1.09505 109.954 178.646 1.09383 110.225 59.194 1.09297 111.779 -61.193 Zero-point correction= 0.256946 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.271981 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.272925 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.215188 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -805.495642 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -805.480607 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -805.479663 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -805.537399 protonated (most stable molecules) (1) Charge = 1 Multiplicity = 1 C,0,-0.7785788586,0.0006566307,0.1452696864 C,0,-0.7748746052,0.0010445924,1.6416738471 C,0,0.548725009,0.0001741654,2.3254962348 C,0,1.7024807702,-0.0009196945,1.6228449287 C,0,1.6726288241,-0.0012688247,0.1781627082 C,0,0.44802345,-0.0004966499,-0.5769709133 C,0,0.4219191166,-0.0008428626,-1.9887942614 C,0,-0.7936917236,-0.0000627966,-2.6653843857 C,0,-1.9940093511,0.0010681043,-1.9448292528 C,0,-1.9860788257,0.0014273207,-0.54218405 O,0,2.8608797634,-0.0023863703,-0.3657684667 O,0,-1.8040372548,0.0020306282,2.2959080569 H,0,0.5326515531,0.0004632183,3.4112680519 H,0,2.6789818016,-0.0015713891,2.0966390933 H,0,1.3348686464,-0.0017118292,-2.5795916452 H,0,-0.8080007513,-0.000332919,-3.7498712668 H,0,-2.9408506963,0.0016743712,-2.4756056125 H,0,-2.9123198243,0.0023029443,0.0230791317 H,0,2.8606663684,-0.0026583707,-1.3387417263 Zero-point correction= 0.144814 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.153812 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.154756 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.110411 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -535.331628 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -535.322630 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -535.321686 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -535.366032 (2) Charge = 1 Multiplicity = 1 C,0,0.0028063594,0.0001113095,0.0056934106 C,0,-0.0016831862,0.0001761206,1.3987359723 C,0,1.2094978767,-0.0000161622,2.1070211643 C,0,2.4321651096,-0.0002855726,1.4160397057 C,0,2.4233917761,-0.0004831367,-0.0077071389 C,0,1.2201451252,-0.0001951035,-0.7045168159 C,0,3.6776950075,-0.000236367,2.1336140032 C,0,4.9295836959,-0.0000465726,1.5352320367 C,0,4.9809097903,-0.0001060431,0.143413851 C,0,3.7111404837,-0.0010574074,-0.7132969064 O,0,3.8855655156,0.0007952551,-1.9222638353 O,0,6.0944716522,0.0002023475,-0.5150737352 H,0,-0.9343781947,0.0002788645,-0.5412721551 H,0,-0.9414576263,0.0004209558,1.9407617529 H,0,1.2034946022,0.0001050317,3.1930998706 H,0,1.2285865112,-0.0003018284,-1.7899464235 H,0,3.6289428567,-0.0001039998,3.2202163706 H,0,5.8441372212,0.0001610243,2.1179921066 H,0,5.8932411557,-0.0001519533,-1.4829961481 Zero-point correction= 0.145162 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.153950 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.154894 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.111200 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -535.339982 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -535.331194 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -535.330250 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -535.373944 (3) C,0,-0.0159721158,0.0380166619,-0.0116947537 C,0,-0.014141723,0.059248613,1.3836337027 C,0,1.1948197206,0.0463609255,2.0848653712 C,0,2.4161000407,0.0119131975,1.3958109264 C,0,2.4031446592,-0.0129867065,-0.0194412632 C,0,1.1949366295,0.0017880698,-0.7131077386 C,0,3.707377336,0.0101687782,2.0856947464 C,0,4.9529351508,-0.0326252187,1.4404105905 C,0,4.9640327316,-0.0931384902,0.0473173093 C,0,3.6790229181,-0.0580894092,-0.7780171423 O,0,3.7403287986,-0.0719847067,-1.9901502953 O,0,3.7702710589,0.0492910291,3.4077439228 C,0,6.2559591751,-0.0057905447,2.2041198581 C,0,7.3939543543,0.4462746652,1.2787931998 C,0,7.4095184039,-0.2954607091,-0.0607873255 O,0,6.0315300049,-0.1790925211,-0.6778420857 C,0,7.676930597,-1.7959857253,0.0572937261 C,0,8.3170665482,0.3697826499,-1.086982167 H,0,-0.955342346,0.048095677,-0.5546016092 H,0,-0.9500713879,0.085555642,1.9314641317 H,0,1.1444354119,0.0625715957,3.171098287 H,0,1.2145915582,-0.0169335803,-1.7977304743 H,0,6.4594822373,-0.9962481864,2.6292452773 H,0,6.1731942483,0.6761911339,3.054801158 H,0,8.3601349507,0.2928678588,1.7681152897 H,0,7.3034038538,1.5210578506,1.0838096019 H,0,7.5977195378,-2.2766114227,-0.9208102917 H,0,6.983260623,-2.2900624423,0.7431058618 H,0,8.6933983977,-1.9488786934,0.432357826 H,0,8.2424336735,-0.1331629707,-2.0542182555 H,0,9.35440918,0.3079010348,-0.7449292637 H,0,8.0593494071,1.4240025836,-1.2184676362 H,0,2.9000432927,0.0880060478,3.8337553348 Zero-point correction= 0.269483 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.284863 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.285808 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.227507 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -805.846720 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -805.831339 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -805.830395 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -805.888696 (4) Charge = 1 Multiplicity = 1 C,0,-0.0076927687,-0.021087199,-0.0094371721 C,0,-0.0157847919,0.0368986723,1.3846790563 C,0,1.1863173838,0.0602601205,2.1029122672 C,0,2.4080717554,0.0218286527,1.4217898909 C,0,2.4098975159,-0.037507577,0.0067686778 C,0,1.2088616823,-0.0574591403,-0.7022213806 C,0,3.6861570368,0.0483286019,2.1504044431 C,0,4.956989031,-0.0139118333,1.5088874266 C,0,4.9561529687,-0.0628454486,0.1346661189 C,0,3.6943437313,-0.0765505411,-0.7024874424 O,0,3.8458643434,-0.1267510527,-1.9158282231 O,0,3.574761437,0.1320986234,3.4413615931 C,0,4.7650255159,0.2420271836,4.3838910693 C,0,5.9404529689,-0.5015612378,3.7496919533 C,0,6.2291914365,-0.0345853024,2.3190849267 C,0,4.2685571763,-0.4284701596,5.6575562002 C,0,4.9951821324,1.7406208571,4.5731002523 O,0,6.074578456,-0.1089546928,-0.5513278247 H,0,-0.9425589093,-0.0377999125,-0.5599079157 H,0,-0.9582640722,0.0649160056,1.9216462146 H,0,1.1728838323,0.1060440961,3.1853015356 H,0,1.2356938502,-0.1011473691,-1.7860438873 H,0,5.7227405157,-1.5758433459,3.7524720632 H,0,6.8212735031,-0.3544045453,4.3815088193 H,0,6.6884758909,0.9615338494,2.3129735698 H,0,6.9520793516,-0.701689758,1.8407534608 H,0,5.0548815145,-0.3812582203,6.4167198281 H,0,4.0239009868,-1.4796684053,5.4832593527 H,0,3.3854212909,0.0815941055,6.0507392055 H,0,5.7999744322,1.8880026438,5.299609679 H,0,4.0945994936,2.2221941603,4.9620699829 H,0,5.2811859269,2.2399664145,3.6437249111 H,0,5.8429185978,-0.1455319527,-1.5079017912 Zero-point correction= 0.269038 (Hartree/Particle) Thermal correction to Energy= 0.284422 Thermal correction to Enthalpy= 0.285366 Thermal correction to Gibbs Free Energy= 0.226999 Sum of electronic and zero-point Energies= -805.822335 Sum of electronic and thermal Energies= -805.806952 Sum of electronic and thermal Enthalpies= -805.806008 Sum of electronic and thermal Free Energies= -805.864374