Kreutter: Physics Journal Club You should use the following rubric to evaluate your work before you send it to me. Your written summary/analysis should include evaluation of all aspects of the scientific method used in the paper. Remember there’s not just one “Scientific Method” but the process is always similar even if the authors say “hypothesis” instead of “prediction” and “procedure” instead of “testing experiment”. Objective 0 2 4 6+ The WHY: Question, Problem, Observation Unable to correctly identify question/problem, observations or no attempt is made to do so beyond paraphrasing the title of the article. Makes no attempt to identify methods/testing experiments used by the authors. Identifies question/problem/observations in own words but gives no further explanation. Identifies question/problem/observations in own words and makes an attempt to explain relevance of study. Identifies question/problem/observations in own words and explains relevance of study in detail. (Extra points for doing a background check.) Makes some attempt to identify methods/testing experiments but omits key details. Identifies and explains most details of methods/testing experiments. The WHAT: Results Unable to identify results of experiment/study Identifies results and relates them to methods/design of experiment/assumptions made by authors. More WHAT: Conclusion Unable to identify authors’ conclusions Identifies results but does not relate results to methods/design of experiment/assumptions made by authors. Identifies conclusion of the authors, but does not explain or interpret in own words. Mechanics Lacks appearance of thought and effort; very difficult to follow because of organization and errors Work is readable but disorganization and multiple errors prevent total clarity. Organization of summary and evaluation is logical and clear; few grammatical/spelling errors. Identifies and explains methods/testing experiments in great detail, including noting controls, assumptions made, and strengths/weaknesses of experiment. (Extra credit: suggestions for improvement in study’s methods.) Identifies results, relates them to methods/design of experiment/assumptions, and explains how the data analysis helps understanding of results. Identifies author conclusion, explains/interprets in own words, and clearly evaluates conclusions based on results and experimental design. (Extra credit: offers alternative model for observed results and suggests further testing experiments to differentiate between models and /or discusses implications/applications for the results and conclusion.) Well-organized , written clearly and concisely, with no significant grammatical or spelling errors. The HOW: Methods, Testing Experiment Design Identifies conclusion of the authors, explains/interprets in own words, and makes an attempt to evaluate the conclusions drawn based on results and experiment design. Total: ________________/30 Note: You can earn far more than 30 points on this assignment if you read the rubric and follow the guidelines.