eLTSS Plan Content SWG Homework 2: Validate Initial State Domain Mappings Issue Date: May 14, 2015 Due Date: May 18, 2015 by 12:00pm Eastern Assignment: Use the document below to validate the initial domain mapping of your state’s domains to the domains defined by the eLTSS Community. While performing the mapping, use the Mapping Feedback column to provide feedback on the mapping. Example statements include 1:1, broad to narrow, narrow to broad, sub-domain under particular domain, etc. When you have completed the domain mapping exercise, then list the population(s) to which the domains correspond below the table. This exercise is a preliminary high-level mapping of your state’s domains to those defined by the eLTSS Community and will serve as a basis for discussion during subsequent SWG meetings. Homework 2: Validate Initial State Domain Mappings Due Date: May 18, 2015 by 12:00pm Eastern Definitions for eLTSS Community Identified Domains: Domain Brief Person-Centered Profile/My Personal Story Clinical Information Care Team Functional Status Cognitive Function and Memory/Learning Behavior Concerns Service Information Social Support, Engagement, and Integration Financial/Payer Information Definition Interests, goals, preferences, and priorities of a patient written by the patient in their own words. Medical conditions or diagnoses (e.g., cerebral palsy, HIV/AIDS, stroke, epilepsy, quadriplegia, autism, schizophrenia) can potentially impact an individual’s daily functioning. Common categories of medical conditions/diagnoses for exploration include eating disorders, skin conditions, heart disease, musculoskeletal disease, neurological/cognitive disease or diagnosis, respiratory disease, behavioral diagnoses, gastrointestinal disease, autoimmune disease, and cancer. Group of individuals that are responsible for the care of a patient, including patients, their caregivers, and clinicians proposed by multiple providers and disciplines for multiple conditions to coordinate care of the patient during the continuum of care for a patient. These items include screening items on impairments (e.g. bladder, bowel, swallowing, vision, hearing, weight-bearing, grip strength, respiratory status, and endurance), as well as measures of self-care, mobility, and safetyrelated functions (medication management, phone management), and other items relevant to less impaired populations. Problems with memory or cognitive functioning can interfere at home, school, work, or in the community. Areas to explore might include: limitations with cognitive functioning attributable to a diagnosed condition (e.g., intellectual disability, traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease) or noted difficulties in the areas of attention/concentration, learning, perception, task completion, awareness, communication, decision-making, memory, planning or problem-solving. For children, these skills must be assessed against age-appropriate developmental expectations for children of a similar age. Challenging behaviors are commonly characterized as those behaviors that are self-injurious, hurtful to others, destructive to property, disruptive, unusual or repetitive, socially offensive, uncooperative, or withdrawn or inattentive. Includes items that are important for the transfer of information between facilities but were not otherwise captured, such as information on allergies. These items target social support issues, including information on structural barriers in the home, living situations, caregiver availability, and the need for assistance, as well as issues related to discharge complications. Financial information typically includes individual or household income (including wages, benefits, and other income) and general assets. 2 Homework 2: Validate Initial State Domain Mappings Due Date: May 18, 2015 by 12:00pm Eastern Georgia Domain Mappings: eLTSS Community Brief Person-Centered Profile/My Personal Story Clinical Information Care Team Functional Status Cognitive Function and Memory/Learning Behavior Concerns Service Information Demographic/Background Information ADLs IADLs Social Support, Engagement, and Integration Financial/Payer Information Georgia Beneficiary Identifying Information Beneficiary Background Care Team Contact Info Equipment and Supplies Required for Month Home Modifications Plan Information and Important Dates, Service Information Beneficiary Background ADLs/IADLs ADLs/IADLs Beneficiary Background Beneficiary Goals Signatures and Dates Notes/Comments Target Populations: 3 Mapping Feedback