several strategies

MassRecycle NorthEast Municipal Recycling Council 12/14/2010
Carolyn Dann- Effectiveness of various Waste Reduction Options
Recession is a factor, tracked towns with no program change for baseline. Tonnage ticking up FY10,
economic recovery?
Basing on tons per houshehold (TPH). Some towns don’t know exact # of HH, is a weakness in data.
Waste Ban Enforcement (WBE) (no visible recyclables): in high trash towns, 5-13% redux; less if <1
TPH to start
Municipal Recycling Enforcement Coordinator (MREC): net redux of 0-4%; much more effective
coupled with another program change
Automated plus MREC: huge in Tewksbury, nearly 30%
Barrel limit plus MREC: Chelmsford 21% redux (2 barrel limit)
3-4 barrel limit: 4-15%, to 1 TpH
2 barrel limit: 11-20% (best if barrel size specified); even worked at MFDs (gave stickers based on # of
units); additional bags cost $
Automated, 64 gallon limit: redux depends on starting point: reduction to about 1 TPH; if start lower,
less redux
Some towns are looking at smaller barrel; additional barrels at cost. Conversely, larger barrels (i.e
Springfield at 96 gal, trash increased)
Single Stream (SS): carts make a big difference, call attention to program. Very small difference
without carts. Newton 19% redux with both SS, Carts, also no more bulk or cleanouts.
There is a risk to going SS, can’t go back, processing costs are higher than DS, but hauling costs less.
Different processors have different cost differentials between SS and DS.
Basic PAYT with one “free” barrel- generation goes to 0.7-0.8 TPHH
Full PAYT: generation 0.4-0.7 TPHH; bags work better than stickers (abuse)
Ideal: PAYT with SS barrels- give residents something to be happy about
Boston implementation of Automated, SS: get barrel size right, do lots of publicity; more trash
disappears than appears in the recycle bin, several possibilities (i.e. donations, no more business trash,
no more out of town trash, no more bulky or moveouts …)
Lowell lessons: see PPP. Well orchestrated, lots of savings. Get RFiD chips, even if just for inventory
control. Lowell carts were found in other towns. Plan ahead by 6-8 months.
Malden: use Turnkey bag distribution, not in-house
Concerns about aesthetics: brightly colored carts left outside due to large size
Metrics: TPH needs accurate HH data, whether muni bldg trash is included
Gunther will post his one-year report on automated online
14 Big Belly kiosks in Lexington (both trash and recycling), are making a huge difference; collection
efficiency, quality of recyclables. Downtown and athletic fields. May get wireless collection, now p/u
2x/wk, works well. Need some maintenance, cleaning. Resistance to ads on sides. Bad idea to have a
mismatched recycling container next to, kiosk is best. MassCor recycling bins get a lot of trash contam.
Need special trash bag liners, kind of expensive. Can use generic bags for recycling. Get together for
group bag purchase?
Parks and fields are a problem, some carry in-carry out. More trash barrels encourage more trash.
Access to pick up trash cans at fields is a challenge.
Litter: some fugitive recycling blown out of bins.
Kids are effective ambassadors to get their parents to recycle. Poster contest >> parade.
Trash pickers are back. People are buying stickers but the items are being taken before the trash, want
their money back. Stopped giving it back due to abuse. Pickup is Tues, put out on weekend Reduce
cost from $15 to 5, people won’t care so much to go back and get a refund.
Cite pickers for permit requirements? Only if a business. All waste haulers must register with BOH, all
recycling at curb is “owned” by the city. (anti-scavenging). Metals are valuable now.
Have residents deal directly with hauler.
Sharon is looking for mandatory recycling ordinance covering all generators, incl residents, businesses,
etc. Devens, Cambridge, Lowell
Contamination- plastic bags: CA- plastic bag collection in schools, win a bench.
Rules too complicated,
Processors should find a better way to prevent equipment jams.
Residents are making up rules, need more frequent and clear instructions. Need message printed
in a way worthy of refrigerator door.
Closed toters, automated and PAYT invite contamination.
Need pushback from processors, haulers, and help with education. Teach proper behavior before
going to closed toters.
Enforcement at the curb takes time,
Inconsistency between/among towns confuses residents.
If hauler tags and leaves, don’t send them back. Need backing of muni to enforce.
Adjourn 12:50.