Molecules Around Me Project

Molecules Around Me
Taylon Ashby
Food and nutritional Supplements
Product: Powerade
Compound (1)
Name: Citric Acid
Molecular Formula: C6H8O7
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: Citric acid is a natural preservative. It is normally used in foods and soft
drinks. Citric acid has a sour taste to it and is mostly found in sour fruits. Some
examples of where Citric acid can be found are: Grapefruits, lemons, oranges, and
Compound (2)
Name: Magnesium Chloride
Molecular Formula: MgCl2
Organic/inorganic: Inorganic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: Magnesium Chloride is most commonly used for ice control on roads. It is
also found with the brine shrimp in the Great Salt Lake. We also use magnesium
chloride as a fertilizer and as a mineral supplement for animals. Magnesium chloride is
also used for water purification.
Compound (3)
Name: Calcium Chloride
Molecular Formula: CaCl2
Organic/inorganic: Inorganic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: Calcium Chloride is mostly used as an ice and dust control method. It can be
used in food and when it does it is normally used as a thickening agent. Calcium
chloride is also very salty and has been used to help cucumbers to become pickles and
give them their salty taste.
Compound (4)
Name: Mono-Potassium Phosphate
Molecular Formula: KH2PO4
Organic/inorganic: Inorganic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: Monopotassium Phosphate is a soluble salt that is used as a food additive. It
is a main source of phosphorus and potassium. It is most commonly used in gatorade
and powerade. Monopotassium phosphate is also a nutrient and can help replenish
necessary electrolytes.
Compound (5)
Name: Ascorbic Acid
Molecular Formula: C6H8O6
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: Ascorbic Acid is found everywhere and is one of the necessities that our
bodies need. Another name for ascorbic acid is vitamin c. Our bodies cannot produce
vitamin c so we need to have it in our regular diet. Many other animals can produce
vitamin c.
Health Care and Medicinal Products
Product: Kirkland Daytime Cold Multi-Symptom
Compound (1)
Name: Croscarmellose Sodium
Molecular Formula: C12H10Ca3O14*4H2O
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure
Summary: Croscarmellose sodium is used to allow a medication pill to not disintegrate
until it has reached the intestinal tract. It is also very water soluble and can form a solid
at room temperature. It was first used as a stabilizer in horse supplements.
Compound (2)
Name: Magnesium Stearate
Molecular Formula: Mg(C18H35O2)2
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: Magnesium Stearate is considered safe for human consumption but only at
low levels. It can be used to bind sugars in hard candies like mints. It is also a common
ingredient in baby formulas. Magnesium is also found in many vegetable oils.
Compound (3)
Name: Polyethylene Glycol
Molecular Formula: C2nH4n+2On+1
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: Most of the time Polyethylene Glycol is used as a laxative. It can also be
used to help restore electrolytes in the intestines and bowel area. When heated
Polyethylene Glycol can also act as a catalyst.
Compound (4)
Name: Stearic Acid
Molecular Formula: C18H36O2
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: This is a type of fatty acid. It is very wax like and is found in solid state.
Stearic acid is found in soaps and shampoos. This helps the shampoo and soap to
become solid like.
Compound (5)
Name: Titanium Dioxide
Molecular Formula: TiO2
Organic/inorganic: Inorganic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: Titanium dioxide is a very widely used substance. It can be found in paint
and also sunscreen. It is also used as a suspension so that a protein can cleave onto it.
With the protein cleaved now it can affect the amino acid proline.
Personal Hygiene and Cleaning Products
Product: Suave Hair Gel
Compound (1)
Name: Propylene Glycol
Molecular Structure: C3H8O2
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: It is a colorless, odorless, clear viscous liquid. However it does tend to have
a semi-sweet taste to it. Propylene Glycol can also be used as a preservative for food
and many tobacco products
Compound (2)
Name: Tetra Sodium EDTA
Molecular Structure: C10H16N2O8
Organic/Inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: It is colorless and very water soluble. By adding EDTA to a solution the metal
ions in the solution begin to wear down until the reactivity of the metal ions have been
completely diminished.
Compound (3)
Name: Tiethanol Amine
Molecular Formula: C6H15NO3
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: It contains an alcohol base and it is used in cement production. Also many
ear infections can be treated by using triethanolamine in the ear. As another example it
is one of the ingredients in the solvent for electroless plating.
Compound (4)
Name: Propylparaben
Molecular Formula: C10H12O3
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: Propylparaben is a natural substance and is found in natural plants and in
insects. It is mostly used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and foods. It is a preservative
so it is mostly found in water-based cosmetics such as creams, lotions and hair gels.
Compound (5)
Name: Butylene Glycol
Molecular Formula: C4H10O2
Organic/inorganic: Organic
Molecular Structure:
Summary: This is found mostly in cocoa butter and in Ruta graveolens. Butylene Glycol
is also helpful in gas chromatography. During World War II this was being researched
and helped create the molecular compound of synthetic rubber.