Interact Court w/Others

Interact Courteously with Others
Are You A Psychological Time Bomb Behind the Wheel?
How easily do you become enraged by the actions other drivers take? How often do you get angry while
driving? When you do get angry, do you take retaliatory, hostile actions? Do you engage in “road rage”
There is a lot of stress in our lives that needs to be “nipped in the bud” as they say. One way to
minimize stress is to eliminate some of the competitive situations that occur while driving. If you
attempt to be courteous and considerate with others, it can put you into a win-win situation. Helping
someone gives you a good feeling, as compared to trying to compete with someone and losing. Practice
random acts of goodwill, be courteous to your fellow drivers while out on the road.
How to be Effectively Courteous
To be courteous often times means to merely maintain an attitude of consideration for the other driver.
It means giving them the “friendly wave” and allowing them to get into traffic. It means issuing the
friendly wave when another driver allows you into line.
When a driver with a competitive attitude cuts in front do not allow yourself to get upset. You will be in
control of traffic situations – rather than victimized by them – when you focus on what truly matters to
you at the point. Not the uncooperative behavior of another driver. Cooperative behavior begets
cooperative behavior. If you treat others the way you want to be treated the roadways are becoming
safer on driver at a time!