Cornell Pump Company eCatalog Write-Up About... The eCatalog is a webpage primarily based on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS with some minor PHP. It was created to improve upon the previous eCatalog. Specifically, more support for mobile devices, more share functionality, more print functionality, and embedded PDFs were added. Development was done primarily by Graham Smith (intern), with supervision and direction provided by Michele Lukowski and Michael Roberts. Directories and Files... Root Directory: Critical PHP Files: catalog.php, print/print.php, print/thankyou.php documentation: editingguide.docx – A guide to editing the eCatalog. writeup.docx – This document. images: logo.png – Logo used as a background image in the header of catalog.php. pageBackground.jpg – Background image for catalog.php. other: devfiles – Contains files used during development. buildingfile.html – For the convenience of updating the eCatalog. Contains precompressed versions of catalog pages. pdfs: Contains PDFs used as part of the eCatalog. Note that said PDFs need to be version 1.3 to allow for proper printing. print: Contains files used in the printing of PDFs embedded in the eCatalog. doc – Used by FPDF (see below). font – Used by FPDF (see below). FPDF – Contains files that generate PDFs using PHP. Capable (with 1 extension) of automatically printing said PDFs. FPDI – Contains files that act as an extension to FPDF. Generates PDFs from existing PDF files. makefont – Used by FPDF (see above). print.php – Prints a specific PDF with the help of FPDF and FPDI (PHP classes). thankyou.php – Thanks the user for printing and contains a link (generated by PHP) to the specific PDF in case it didn’t print properly. scripts: library.js – Used with catalog.php and script.js to make the eCatalog function. It contains arrays, variables, and functions used to create catalog pages, among other tasks. library_uncompressed_commented.js – An uncompressed version of library.js with comments. script.js – Used with catalog.php and library.js to make the eCatalog function. It contains various functions. script_uncompressed_commented.js – An uncompressed version of script.js with comments. stylesheets: styles.css – Used with catalog.php to define its styles. styles_uncompressed_commented.css – An uncompressed version of styles.css with comments. thankyoustyles.css – Used with thankyou.php to define its styles. thankyoustyles_uncompressed_commented.css – An uncompressed version of thankyoustyles.css with comments. catalog.php – The main PHP file for the eCatalog (doesn’t actually contain PHP). How It Works... Names in quotes refer to HTML IDs catalog.php Page Structure: There are three links on the “upperNavigation” (the top navigation bar): Pumps, Info, and Cornell Pump Homepage. Pumps is the meat of the catalog, and allows for access to all of the entered pump models. This is where the page starts out on default. Info is an introduction page for the eCatalog; clicking on it calls a few 2 functions to go to said introduction. Cornell Pump Homepage is the only actual link on the “upperNavigation” that generates an HTTP request; it takes the user back to “lowerNavigation” only expands when the user is in the Pumps section. It includes Search and Share Buttons in addition to a Search Box. With the Search Button and Search Box, the user can type a model number into the box and press the button to go to that model. The Share Button calls a function to generate a mailto link which opens in the user’s email client. This link creates an email which includes a URL to a specific page within the application. How this works is on page load, a function searches for variables within the URL (hence why it is catalog.php; no PHP is in the file, but it has to have that extension to present a GET Method URL) and uses said variables to go to a specific page. For example, the generated URL would be appended with, “?pagecode=1&sectioncode=0” to get to the first model page (pagecode 1) in the Pumps section (sectioncode 0). “aside,” like “lowerNavigation,” only expands when one is in the Pumps section. It holds navigation to all of the pump models. By user choice, said models can be organized by model number or application, facilitated by the top buttons in “aside” (Models and Application). “article” holds the main content of the page, whether it is an introduction or a pump model page. It contains tables and embedded PDFs. “aside” and “article” are almost entirely generated by JavaScript. PDFs are embedded using iFrames containing Google Docs Viewer. This service can be found here. JavaScript: Essentially, the JavaScript is designed to get the page content from a single variable 3 called baseSource (located in scripts/library.js). It then takes strings from this variable and distributes them to other arrays, organizing information. This works through custom markup within baseSource (see below). Moreover, it then uses these arrays to create navigation and pages (once that navigation is clicked) to make a functioning eCatalog. In addition, the JavaScript fulfills other functions such as browser and mobile device detection (through user agent detection), style adjustment based on browser and device, etc. PHP: PHP is used in printing PDFs off of the catalog pages. Essentially, print.php uses two classes (FPDF and FPDI) to print the PDFs. The file, thankyou.php, which opens slightly after print.php opens, generates a download link to the printed PDF using the GET Method. baseSource Markup: CONTENT [Entire Model (including other markup) Goes Here] CONTENT MODEL [Model Number Here] MODEL APPLICATION [Application Name Here] APPLICATION HTML [HTML Markup for the article section here] HTML PDFLOCALURL [Relative Link for a PDF Here] PDFLOCALURL [Another Relative Link for a PDF Here] PDFLOCALURL PDFNONLOCALURL [Partial Absolute URL for a PDF Here] PDFNONLOCALURL [Another Partial Absolute URL for a PDF Here] PDFNONLOCALURL PDFCOUNTNUMBER [Starting Number for PDFs Here] PDFCOUNTNUMBER PDFLIMITNUMBER [Ending Number for PDFs Here] PDFLIMITNUMBER CONTENT: Holds an entire model. MODEL: The model number of the pump. APPLICATION: The application the pump should be filed under. One cannot input multiple applications. HTML: The HTML markup for the “article” section. PDFLOCALURL: The relative links for PDFs relating to the pump model (they refer to 4 the pdfs/ directiory). These links are used as a backup in case the embedding of PDFs fails (they’re also used in printing functionality and download links). One can (and often should) put in multiple links. Remember that one has to include, under HTML, a number of “pdfHolder”s corresponding to the number of PDFs. PDFNONLOCALURL: The absolute links for PDFs relating to the pump model. Note that the PDFs these links link to should stay in the same folders and place (ecat/pdfs/). These links are used for embedding the PDFs. One can (and often should) put in multiple links. Remember that one has to include, under HTML, a number of “pdfHolder”s corresponding to the number of PDFs. PDFCOUNTNUMBER: A number used by a JavaScript function. It should be the number of the previous array item’s PDFLIMITNUMBER. If one is editing the second array item (the one after the introduction, essentially the first model), it should be 0. PDFLIMITNUMBER: A number used by the same JavaScript function. It should be the PDFCOUNTNUMBER of this array item plus the number of PDFs one is using in this array item. “baseSource” uses this markup to place content into the following arrays in order: “contentSource” (holds all content) “modelNumberArray” (holds MODEL content) “applicationArray” (holds APPLICATION content) “articleArray” (holds HTML content) “pdfLocalArray” (holds PDFLOCALURL content) “pdfNonLocalArray” (holds PDFNONLOCALURL content) “pdfCountNumberArray” (holds PDFCOUNTNUMBER content) “pdfLimitNumberArray” (holds PDFLIMITNUMBER content) The point of this is to allow future edits, additions, and removals to be easily facilitated. This way, there only has to be an edit in a few places, barring any serious changes, to update the eCatalog. 5 buildingfile.html has more hints on how to create and edit content (so does editingguide.docx). Note that once one builds or edits a page in this file, one will have to remove all excess whitespace and line breaks before and after the HTML markup (but, if APPLICATION content consists of multiple words, be sure to leave a space between them) and compress the HTML markup. My suggestion is to use this web tool to do so. Finally, one can copy and paste the entirety into one’s desired array item in contentSource (contained in library.js). Other... Compression: library.js, script.js, styles.css, and thankyoustyles.css are compressed to reduce loading time and server costs. If updating the eCatalog, it is recommended that one update both compression levels (compressed, and uncompressed and commented) to maintain the compression. To compress the JavaScript go here (leave “shrink variables” unchecked for library.js and checked for script.js). Go here to compress CSS. Code Quality and Validation: All uncompressed JavaScript was checked for code quality using JsHint (it mostly passed). In addition, all CSS and HTML was validated (all but font-awesome.min.css, a linked stylesheet, passed). 6