Coaching purpose statement

To extend a passion for teaching whether it is my favorite subject in the classroom or my favorite sport on
the field while fostering young athletes to achieve at their highest levels, both individually and as a
cooperative unit.
Coach Aaron Olivier
“To use the sport I coach and how I coach as vehicles that have meaningful effects on shaping the lives of
the players I coach in a positive way so as to make them understand the joy of being a better person”
Coach Dave Stearns
"To help boys become men while achieving both team and individual excellence."
Coach Tom Dasovich
“My coaching purpose is to help young females reach their potential as productive and future leaders.”
Coach Jeff Hopkins
“Coaching is the platform with which I hope to inspire, motivate, and educate young people. I hope to
help our students—athletes become great people in a structured, positive, competitive, and fun
environment .”
Coach Dan Berve
“To help students recap the countless social, mental and physical benefits of team sports.”
Coach Karl Katzenberger
“Teamwork. Motivation. Leadership. Compassion. Loyalty. Fun. Basketball is a sport not their life;
therefore, I feel it is vital to teach respect, responsibility, and integrity both on and off the courts.”
Coach Leah Dasovich
“Help players develop personal and hockey skills while providing a positive, learning an environment.”
Coach Brian Urick
I love seeing the improvement in each athlete during the season. I mean this in many ways, not just their
performances, but as they learn about themselves, their personal goals, working together with a team, and
realizing they are capable of so much more than they ever thought they could achieve. It is about being a
good human being, one who is kind, appreciative of others, and yet works hard and always gives their
Coach Jane Reimer-Morgan
I coach to take young men on the journey that high school football is to help them develop as young men
and become more mature, have more empathy, more caring for others, to toughen them and make them
confident in who they are.
Coach Dave Nelson
To prepare players for the successes and failures that they will have during their lives through the sport I
coach. As well as teaching that it is important to care about anything they choose to do.
Coach Paul Twenge
We are developing quality men for life. I hope what we do makes a difference in kid's lives. I would like
to think we are preparing them to be great husbands, fathers and contributors to society. We can
accomplish this by teaching an appreciation for discipline, toughness, consistency, resiliency,
selflessness and hard work!
Coach Greg Clough
I coach to help young men have a place to belong and be valued for their unique gifts. I coach to help
young men learn: how to live with integrity, commit to a cause greater than themselves, and to serve
others in a way that helps them find their purpose.
Coach Darren Best
"To promote the athletic abilities, interpersonal skills and positive character traits of young women trying
to be successful on the softball field and in life."
Coach Teresa Johnson
My purpose or the reason that I coach is to provide positive opportunities, teach proper skills, and help
influence young student/athletes in positive ways through the sport distance running, that can strongly
influence the rest of their lives in ways beyond the playing field.
Coach Jeff Renlund
I coach to equip young women with the technical and emotional skills they need to excel on and off the
field, and to ensure that every one of my players knows that they are cared for and appreciated as a person,
not just an athlete.
Coach Erin Larson
“To create an atmosphere that supports teamwork, individual skill development and winning in a fun,
structured and positive female environment while not losing sight of the STUDENT athlete.”
Coach MB Wiig
My purpose for coaching is to serve our youth and help them develop in school, activities and most
importantly as future leaders. All around development is my focus so helping them mature as leaders is
my purpose.
Coach Rob Ware
“To be a positive female role model. To encourage female athletes to be confident in their abilities as an
athlete and individual”
Coach Sarah Becher
Develop and enhance the leadership qualities within each student, in order to prepare them for success in
the real world.
Coach Dan Reich
“To help students recap the countless social, mental and physical benefits of team sports.”
Coach Karl Katzenberger
My coaching purpose is that I want to coach guys from boyhood into young men that are respectful,
honest and useful to their community. I want to teach them through adversity that will help them through
life. I want to encourage them in their mistakes to keep trying and make themselves better.
Coach Ian Newville
I coach for the journey that the sport and season bring us on. We define that experience by how we
approach and take on that journey, as well as what we learn and take from it as players and coaches. My
purpose is to guide the players, and myself, not to simply complete the journey, but to take it, experience
it, enjoy it, and make the most of everything it gives.
Coach Josh Bakke
Provide opportunities for all athletes to be successful. I want to teach my athletes sportsmanship and how
to have fun and to love the game. Winning is not the reason to play, it is to have fun with the experience
and getting to know your team mates.
Coach Gary Anderson
I Coach to help influence young athletes, overcome their obstacles, and use their potential. I was given a
gift, and have a passion to teach. Watching kids improve, and grow helps me love what I do.
Coach Bob Montague
The purpose of Boys Golf at Minnetonka High School is to provide an environment where student
athletes can improve their golf skills as well as becoming better people. Our goals remain consistent in
that we work to become State Champions. Through that goal we strive to learn the rules and proper
etiquette of golf. In learning these rules we are teaching life lessons on becoming productive
citizens. We want all of our athletes to adobt golf as a life sport. We will continue to offer instructions to
as many dedicated golfers as possible.
Coach John Coatta
Through my coaching I hope to guide young student athletes in their personal development, Learning
through sport, lessons in goal setting, planning, and perseverance as well how to deal with success and
shortfalls with class and dignity.
Coach John Steffen
I coach because I have a passion for the sport and enjoy sharing my wisdom and knowledge of the sport
with younger athletes. In addition, I love the individual and team growth that happens when I create an
environment where it is okay to fail and we learn and adjust from those mistakes. Lastly, I find the
relationships I develop with the athletes extremely rewarding as they learn to trust me and I learn to trust
them over the course of the season and thereafter.
Coach Tony Livorsi
My purpose for coaching is to help athletes continue to build their love and knowledge for the sport and
to have fun while participating. Sports are a lifelong endeavor, so my goal as a coach is to make it as
enjoyable as possible as they transition from the middle school to the high school.
Coach Kate Ohrt
I coach to pass on to young student athletes what was given to me by my coaches, an environment
offering mentorship and positive role modeling for young men. Players receive championship level
coaching, giving them the opportunity to reach their potential as athletes and people. The team and
individual accomplishments will foster enjoyment and pride for all involved.
Coach Cullen Nelson’s
I coach to help navigate the young with my passion to develop adolescents of integrity that can stand
alone, make a difference, and help others.
Coach Tom Courchene
I'm out of town and don't have it in front of me, but it was something to the tune of "To mold young men
into excellent athletes, but more importantly into gentlemen".
Coach Will Robinson
My purpose, when I look back on life, what football has done for me, is giving my players the same
opportunities that I had. By giving your players the opportunities and skills that would help them
throughout their life. Teamwork, sportsmanship, hard work ethics and respecting others. Instill the values
so they are all collectively on the same page to become one to become a great team. To make a difference
in an athletes life through success, instills in them the opportunities to be successful, and used in lessons
to be learned in every day life. The opportunity to know what success is all about and how it can be
obtained, by what I have taught them both on and off the field.
Coach Roger French
I coach to influence families in a positive way and to promote the student to be an honest and good
Coach Kesley
I coach to help kids grow as athletes and individuals and to help teach them how to help themselves
improve in everything they do.
Coach Joe Wollersheim
My purpose of coaching is to inspire young men and teach them that through hard work, perseverance
and commitment anything is possible. The same values of loyalty, teamwork, sportsmanship and
personal accountability transfer to the “real world” and will make them leaders for years to come.
Coach Dan Flood
I coach to help shape girls into confident young adults who can become leaders within society without
fearing failure, developing an understanding of resilience, and teaching responsibility to themselves and
others that will not only make them successful in sports, but more importantly in life.
Coach Kelly Taylor
I coach to instill in young women the value of hard work and the power of a strong mental attitude.
With these qualities, I hope that these women can identify how to become better teammates and
members of our community.
Coach Tia Bont
I lead to help and serve students, coaches, and community reach their high expectations for student
success, while valuing the participation of all students in the hope of establishing continuous
improvement in both program development and the conduct of all students and staff at MHS.
Ted Schultz