EARTHBLOCKS IN THE SUDD: FINDING SOLUTIONS ON UNLIKELY TERRAIN Chris Rollins, P.E. Senior Engineer, AECOM International South Sudan John Thon N’gor Best Practices Engineer, AECOM International South Sudan Abstract South Sudan is an extremely difficult location for construction due to ubiquitous expansive clay soil, extreme dry and wet seasons, a very poor road system unusable for over half the year, and frequent tribal violence. Despite these obstacles, since 2010 USAID has funded the construction of remote government offices in an effort to promote governance and stability. The South Sudan Transition and Conflict Mitigation program has now built over a dozen structures using stabilized soil block technology in the seasonal swamp of the White Nile using the in situ Montmorillonite Clay ('black cotton soil') stabilized with cement and blended with locally available fine sand. In 2013, AECOM implemented a USAID funded grant to explore Best Practices to improve construction methods and costs, while improving building utility and thermal performance: • • • California Bearing Ratio, compression testing, and rupture testing of blocks made with alternative stabilizers, including lime, Claycrete™, ANSS™, and Earthzyme™, to optimize costs and durability Refinement of building detailing to promote passive cooling and reduce load from fans on PV system Piloting of Earthbags as an alternative to Stabilized Soil Blocks to achieve a lower cost and better durability This paper documents lessons learned and data collected, while mapping the way forward as USAID expands its program of remote construction toward better governance for the world's newest country. Keywords South Sudan, Sudd, Jonglei, Africa, compressed earth block, CEB, stabilized soil block, SSB, earth bag, earthbag, expansive clay, black cotton soil, Montmorillonite, vertisol, stabilizer, stabilization, stabilisation, cement, lime, passive cooling, confined masonry, Hydraform, Makiga, USAID, AECOM, OTCM, SSTCM. Introduction South Sudan suffers from a massive underinvestment in infrastructure and governance due to decades of civil war, a very rural and uneducated population, and geographical isolation. In addition, the introduction of cheap and plentiful light arms has made the traditional culture of cattle raiding more brutal and costly in terms of human life. The US Agency for International Development (USAID) administers the South Sudan Transition and Conflict Mitigation (SSTCM) program through implementing partner AECOM International South Sudan (AISS) in an effort to stabilize the main areas of conflict and facilitate a more orderly national transition from civil war to independent and viable statehood. A major part of this program is the construction of governmental offices and other municipal structures such as chambers of commerce, traditional authority centers, and judicial court buildings in rural areas far from urban centers. These engineered buildings include a reinforced concrete frame, rooftop rainwater harvesting to HDPE water storage tanks, lights and fans coupled to photovoltaic power systems, and CODAN radios. In 2013, SSTCM greatly increased both the quantity and quality of construction, and also conducted research to improve soil stabilization, to monitor passive cooling performance, to better size and specify photovoltaic systems, and to explore the viability of alternative water storage tank materials. This grant and lessons learned from the 2013 projects will drive 2014 construction, which aims to create a new standard by which other rural projects will be measured, as well as provide guidance to other organizations doing remote infrastructure. Figure 1 - Traditional Payam Headquarters in Wickol, Jonglei State. Figure 2- New Payam Headquarters in Alor, Lakes State. There are major constraints on this program. These include the difficulty of travel through the Sudd, a massive swamp formed by the White Nile River, expansive Montmorillonite clay in this wetland, seasonal fighting over resources, and an absence of skilled local labor for construction. Most importantly, the current program does not provide for extended operations and maintenance of the built infrastructure; coupled with the lack of skill and resources on the part of the local beneficiaries, this means that the building and its component systems have to be designed as robustly as possible to remain functional until some future date when South Sudan government partners will be responsible for their care and maintenance. Ultimately, we believe a building engineered with a holistic approach to materials, layout, energy, and water should cost less to build and maintain, while also delivering a higher standard of comfort and utility. Existing Design Figure 3 - Payam design showing foundation, gradebeam, compressed earthblock layout, doors and windows, and furniture for scale. The current Payam Headquarters building design, which is the standard for the other structures built by SSTCM, is a 6m x 16m reinforced concrete frame on pad foundations, with 250mm x 250mm grade beam, non-structural compressed earth block walls stabilized with 8-12% cement, steel doors and windows, a 200mm x 200mm ring beam, and a wooden trussed hip roof with steel sheathing. In 2013, this structure was designed on a 3m x 4m ‘module’ to make detailing throughout the building uniform: concrete and reinforcement specification for the 4m beams was also used in the 3m beams, and stirrup spacing is regular throughout the grade beams, ring beams, and columns respectively. Although there are two distinct soil types in the country (the far western and northern areas of Bahr el Ghazal have less expansive lateritic soils, locally called red murram), the foundation for each project is specified at an assumed worst case scenario on clay soil. This uniformity of the design greatly enhanced the management of the fourteen new buildings constructed, as the small team of four inspectors would expect the same dimensioning on each structure, and plan reading by less skilled construction personnel was eased with uniform rebar spacing throughout the structure. However, this also reduced structural efficiency and increased material costs. Figure 4 - Dablual Payam Headquarters, Unity State. Figure 5 - Manajoka Payam Headquarters, Unity State (CMU construction). Figure 6 - Jaac Payam Headquarters, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State. Figure 7 - Alor Payam Headquarters, Lakes State. Passive Cooling A significant new feature in the 2013 design is passive cooling. Three methods that contribute to human comfort in the built environment were identified as viable for the Payam projects: Ventilation: increase size of window openings and install vents above doors and windows. Reduce heat gain: increase the overhang of the soffit to 1350mm to achieve full shading of the south wall on 21 December1 to reduce radiant heat gain, and orient the building East-West to ensure that this overhang is most effective (lower sun angle in morning and evening is on smallest facades, not largest) Shed heat: introduce soffit and ridge venting to evacuate heated air in the attic through convection Due to lack of skill on the part of inspectors and construction personnel, as well as the difficulty to regularly travel to some sites due to weather and conflict, some features of the passive cooling design were not achieved: soffit venting on some projects was diminished by the inclusion of wooden blocking above the roof truss plate, some overhangs were as small as 80cm, and some buildings are not oriented exactly east west, meaning they receive oblique sunlight at a time when other buildings would be fully shaded. Luckily, this irregularity also resulted in the Dablual structure being built with galvanized iron sheathing, which returned remarkable results compared to the other buildings with blue and green roofs. Figure 8 – Blocking in soffit at roof truss plate, Majok Yith Thiou Payam. Figure 9 – Building orientation allowing oblique sunlight on the north wall, Dablual. Figure 10 – Mesh and soffit at Jaac Payam. The goal of passive cooling in these buildings is to solve several different issues: local staff may be more willing to come to work and stay if the building is cooler than any local structure (or even sitting under a tree, as many afternoons are spent in the villages); it will reduce the load on the photovoltaic system from fans; and ultimately, it may eliminate the assumption 1 When the angle of the sun is the closest to the horizon at noon. that modern buildings in South Sudan require air conditioning to be habitable. The buildings performed much better than expected, based on the results of the temperature and humidity data study (see next section), and further lowering of interior temperatures, beyond what could be achieved with proper venting, overhang, and the galvanized roof sheathing, may require active measures such as fans, evaporative cooling, or foundation ventilation. Temperature and Humidity Data Study Through the Best Practices grant, 30 Logtag™ HAXO-8 temperature and humidity data loggers were purchased and distributed to the various job sites for accurate measurement of building parameters at 15 minute intervals. Three of these devices were placed in each structure: one in the attic at the center of the building 50cm above the ceiling; one in a central room on the middle wall 200cm from the floor; and one on the back of the building at the center column, 50cm below the ring beam. Although a significantly lower indoor air temperature was achieved by all buildings during the day (see Figure 12 and Figure 13), several significant findings were identified: All structures were significantly cooler during the day than the ambient temperature, by as much as 12°C. All structures enjoy a lag between the hottest time of the day (approximately 2:30 p.m.) and the hottest time in the interior (4:30 p.m.), which is beneficial in an office facility where the building is not occupied in the evening. Nighttime interior temperatures are 2-3°C higher than ambient, suggesting that the design should be improved for use as an inhabited structure. This would also achieve a lower temperature at 7 a.m. when the building begins it heat gain cycle, which could possibly result in lower afternoon temperatures as well. The Dablual Payam has significantly lower interior temperatures than the other structures, and it also has a lower attic temperature throughout the day. This is apparently due to galvanized roof sheathing; all other structures have anodized blue or green colors. The Manajoka Payam is made with Concrete Masonry Units (CMUs). These have a significantly lower thermal mass, which may explain why interior temperatures are relatively high during the day; however the lag is similar to the CEB walls (one would assume that a lower thermal mass would have a lower lag time as heating and cooling would be relatively faster), and the interior temps are also very high at night, when it is assumed the lower mass walls would cool faster and to a lower temperature (see Figure 13). This is probably due to radiation from the walls toward the interior while the building cools. Presumably, a higher thermal mass, achieved by packing the voids with soil for example, would reduce interior temperatures. The following table details temperature and humidity averages in various buildings: Payam Dablual Manajoka Jaac Alor Paweng2 Rumaker Average Ambient Max Temp (˚C) 40.5 35.5 38.5 36.2 39.1 40.4 Average Internal Max Temp (˚C) 31.1 30.6 31.6 31.2 32.1 32.5 Max Differential (not average) (˚C) -12.2 -8.9 -9.6 -8.2 -15.0 -10.4 Average Ambient Min Temp (˚C) 27.0 24.0 27.5 26.1 26.3 27.3 Average Internal Min Temp (˚C) 29.6 28.3 29.5 28.5 29.6 30.0 Average Nighttime Differential (˚C) +2.6 +4.3 +2.0 +2.4 +3.3 +2.7 Average Ambient Min Relative Humidity (%) 31 46 32 39 32 28 Table 1 - Temperature and Humidity data for selected buildings. These nighttime differentials suggest that significant additional cooling may not be achieved with passive measures, as the differences between the minimum ambient temperature and the minimum internal temperature are very low, 2-4°C, and this small ΔT may not allow for additional heat shedding3. One avenue for exploration is the application of active cooling techniques, such as evaporative cooling during the day, when the relative humidity is the lowest, for example by trickling water down the interior of a hollow CMU or SSB wall. This design is currently under development, but considering the lack of maintenance to be expected by the occupants, and the possibility for mold growth within the wall due to the moist environment, it is not expected that this is a viable long term solution; however, it will be explored for research purposes and the data gathered as proof of concept as an alternative to air conditioning in rural areas, which would require both maintenance and significantly more electrical energy from the PV system. 2 Orientation is N-S, not E-W, meaning that structure receives full sun in morning and evening, resulting in higher ambient temperatures on the face where ambient was measured. 3 Note that actual ambient temperatures may be lower than the results given by data loggers affixed to the external surface of the building, however it was agreed that this location would minimize the chance of theft over the period of construction. Another option is the use of ventilation through tubes under the floor slab, where incoming air to the building could be cooled by the earth. This approach would require fans to push the cooler, denser air into the building, and this air may not be sufficient to achieve perceptible improvements in indoor comfort. This technique must be further researched and modeled to determine its viability in remote construction. Psychrometric Chart at 95.5 kPa 0.0220 0.0200 Manajoka 0.0180 Dablual 0.0160 Jaac 0.0140 0.0120 0.0100 0.0080 Humidity Ratio (kgw/kgda) Alor 0.0060 0.0040 ASHRAE Comfort Zone 0.0020 0.0000 0 10 20 30 40 50 Dry Bulb Temperature ( C) Figure 11 – Psychrometric chart at 95.5kPa showing building averaged temperature and humidity ranges. Figure 11 illustrates the temperature and humidity averages of the four different structures included in this study. Although the ASHRAE Comfort Zone, which is based on polling of North Americans on perceptions of indoor comfort, is arguably not applicable in a region where people are unaccustomed to modern comfort and have lived in much hotter conditions for generations, the chart illustrates the indoor conditions as a factor of humidity and temperature, and it also shows that to achieve a western level of comfort in this region, both temperature and humidity ratio must be reduced. Of the two, temperature is the easier to manipulate, but significant reductions (i.e. greater than 2-3˚C) will not be possible without some kind of active system, whether it is a fan, an evaporative cooling system, or some other mechanism to move air or water through the building. 40C Dablual Ambient 38C Dablual Attic Dablual Interior 36C Average Temperature Average of all buildings shown in black. Manajoka Ambient 34C Manajoka Attic Manajoka Interior 32C Jaac Ambient 30C Jaac Attic Jaac Interior 28C Alor Ambient 26C Alor Attic Alor Interior 24C 0:00 3:00 6:00 9:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 0:00 Time of Day Figure 12 – Average temperatures in selected buildings. 160 125% Dablual Ambient Percentage = Interior Index / Ambient Index 120% 150 Manajoka, with CMU walls, is worst performer 110% 105% 130 Jaac, with best venting, cools more at night than other buildings 100% 120 95% 90% 110 85% 100 Dablual (galvanized roof) has lowest relative daytime temperatures 6:30 - 7:00 a.m. typically the coolest time of day, Index = 100 80% 90 75% 3:00 6:00 Figure 13 – Indexed temperatures in same buildings. 9:00 12:00 Time of Day 15:00 18:00 21:00 0:00 Percentage = Interior Index / Ambient Index Indexed Temperatures 140 0:00 Dablual Interior 115% Manajoka Ambient Manajoka Interior Jaac Interior Jaac Ambient Alor Ambient Alor Interior Stabilizers The vast interior of South Sudan is comprised of a seasonal flood plain of the White Nile River, which over the millennia has deposited a deep layer of Montmorillonite clay, a decomposed basalt mineral from the volcanoes and mountains of the Rift Valley to the south. In some locations, fine sand can also be found, but neither of these materials is suitable for high quality construction4. However, due to the incredibly high cost of transport and the long distances to better materials, in many of the SSTCM construction locations there is no suitable alternative to using the in situ soil. This problem is also a huge impediment to road construction in the country, and to solve these two linked difficulties, SSTCM embarked on a study of soil stabilizer performance to potentially value engineer a cheaper and more durable stabilized soil matrix. Using a local black cotton soil source in Juba, California Bearing Ratio testing was first conducted, followed by a similar series of tests using compressed earth blocks made from a hydraulically powered Hydraform machine5. This testing is to be followed by a long term weatherization study and rupture testing over the current rainy season. Figure 14 – Main north-south highway in South Sudan at onset of rainy season. Road is murram base on black cotton soil subbase, resulting in base breakthrough under traffic from overloaded trucks in saturated conditions. Figure 15 – Making stabilized soil blocks from 12% cement and black cotton soil blended with fine sand, in Jonglei State. Figure 16 – Alor Payam wall construction with confined masonry technique. Reinforced concrete column is cast after wall masonry is in place to better lock walls in position. Figure 17 – Lekuangole Payam construction at ring beam level. Figure 18 – Traditional Authorities Center in Pibor (built in 2011) showing signs of surface deterioration on black cotton soil earth blocks. Figure 19 – Compression testing of stabilized soil block using Hydraform testing machine. Interesting results were found from this dual study of stabilizers: • • • A particular stabilizer, such as lime, may work very well as a subgrade material (according to CBR results), but it does not necessary produce a viable stabilized soil block. Enzymes appear to work well in combination with lime and cement. However, they can require very precise application in the field, and this may not be possible with local labor and minimal management oversight. Black cotton soil achieves 2 MPa when cured at 28 days, however this strength will change dramatically in the presence of moisture. This may have influenced the results from the other stabilized samples, so further testing should be performed to determine compression strength when soaked after stabilization. Unfortunately, some of the samples were not covered well during the curing process and were exposed to precipitation; this resulted in some samples showing a lower compression strength than they may have with a controlled, indoor stabilization. Further testing in 2014 will expand and confirm these preliminary results. 4 Extensive engineering literature can be found on both soil stabilization and black cotton soil in East Africa, Texas, and India, so the details of this concept and the basalt mineral will not be described here. 5 Unfortunately, due to access issues at the borrow site for the material used in the CBR site, a new site was identified, and the soil characteristics are slightly different between the CBR and the compression testing data sets. CBR Testing Results 98 100 88 90 88 Black Cotton Soil (BCS) 79 80 2% Cement + BCS 6% Cement + BCS 70 66 10% Cement + BCS 66 2% Lime + BCS 60 6% Lime + BCS 51 10% Lime + BCS 50 2% ANSS + BCS 43 6% ANSS + BCS 38 40 10% ANSS + BCS Claycrete + BCS 30 26 Claycrete + 1% cement + BCS Claycrete + 2% cement + BCS 20 15 10 10 8.5 11 Claycrete + 5% cement + BCS EarthZyme + BCS 3 0 Figure 20 - Graph of California Bearing Ratio test results from various stabilizers and combinations with Black Cotton Soil from Juba. 3 2.5 28 days 2 14 days MPa 7 days 1.5 1 0.5 0 Figure 21 - Compression testing results from various stabilizers in Black Cotton Soil, compressed with Hydraform testing machine. The low results from lime stabilization suggest that results from CBR testing cannot be correlated with masonry compression testing. Earthbags Earthbag construction is perceived as a viable alternative to SSB methods for several reasons: earthbags could partially or fully eliminate need for more costly cement stabilization; shipment of earthbags would be significantly cheaper than cement; bag fabrication could be fostered as a local job generation scheme; earth bag walls may exhibit better long term weather performance than stabilized blocks; and earthbag construction may prove affordable for local efforts at construction of nontraditional 'modern' structures. A pilot project is currently underway in Northern Bahr el Ghazal to explore the viability and costs of this method, and it is anticipated that in 2014 at least two additional Payam sized structures will be built with earthbags. Figure 22 – Earth bag house under construction in Rwanda. Figure 23 – Earth bag corner detail (mockup) using materials from Eternally Solar in Capetown. Figure 24 – Earth bag filling tools. In addition, it is hoped that temperature and humidity data logging in the earth bag buildings may yield better results than the existing performance from the best CEB structures. The earth bag wall is 340mm wide nominally, whereas the current CEB wall is 230mm, and the CMU wall 150mm (all dimensions without plastering). As the CEB wall clearly outperforms the CMU wall in interior temperature levels, it may be assumed that a wider wall structure, with a higher thermal mass, may return better interior temperatures than the CEB wall. This will be modeled during the 2014 energy study and also validated by data logger study after the buildings are completed in mid-2014. Conclusions Several significant conclusions were derived from three years of construction and data from the Best Practices grant: • • • • • Better laboratory conditions must be found to achieve reliable data, however decent facilities and equipment for testing do not exist in Juba. Unstabilized black cotton soil as well as most stabilizers achieve 2 MPa in compression testing at 28 days. As 2 Mpa is the target, according to the IBC, this suggests that compression testing may not be the best method to evaluate stabilizer efficiency. When stabilized with very high amounts of cement and blended with significant quantities of local sand, black cotton soil has proven a viable construction material in South Sudan. However the long term stability of this material is questioned, evidenced by deterioration on some early structures, and further research should be conducted on weatherization and material performance when subjected to wet-dry cycles. Implementation of passive cooling techniques results in significant reduction in indoor air temperature throughout the day. Further research should be conducted on active evaporative cooling or ground ventilation to reduce temperatures further and to make the design more viable for house construction with 24 hour occupancy. Earthbag construction may be a superior building method in areas where soil stabilization is costly and increased thermal mass is desirable, but this must be validated by constructability, value engineering, energy modeling, and temperature and data logging in built structures. Avenues for further study and effort are the following: • • • • • • Experimentation with different stabilizers in field conditions, to determine whether similar results can be achieved with mechanically operated block machines and local labor (January 2014). Weatherization study of stabilized blocks made for compression testing to determine durability characteristics (AugustJanuary 2013). Construction of a hollow CMU and/or CEB mockup wall for evaporative cooling (November 2013), implementation in a Payam project (January-June 2014), and temperature and humidity data logging of this design (June 2014). Research and design on floor ventilation to reduce interior temperatures by using the earth as a heat sink (August-January 2013). Use of galvanized sheeting on all projects and better quality control with venting details to achieve more consistent and favorable cooling results on 2014 projects (January-June 2014). Reduction in PV system sizing through elimination of fans in some rooms in structure.