Weekly Reading Log

Name______________________Week of _________________________
You are required to read nightly Monday-Thursday for at least 15 minutes and respond to at least
2 different prompts below in complete sentences on separate lined paper each week. Make sure
to label your written responses with the number you choose and staple your written responses to
this reading log before you turn it in to your teacher. A parent must sign your reading log each
week. Reading logs are due on Friday.
Day of week
# of pages read
# of minutes read
Response choices (you must complete at least 2 each week)
Give a brief summary of what you read today. (should be at least 4-5 sentences long)
Who is a character you can relate to and why? (should be about 3-4 sentences long)
What is your favorite part of the story so far and why? (should be at least 4-5 sentences
4. Describe the setting of the story. (should be about 2-3 sentences long)
5. What is a problem in the story? (should be about 3-4 sentences long)
6. What do you think is the author’s purpose for writing this story? Explain. (should be
about 3-4 sentences long)
7. What are some questions you have about what you are reading? (should be about 2-3
sentences long)
8. What connection can you make to what you are reading? (should be about 3-4 sentences
9. Give the main events of the story that happened while you read today in the correct
sequence. (should be about 3-5 sentences long)
10. Do you enjoy what you are reading? Why or why not? (should be at least 3-4
sentences long)
Parent signature
Grading Checklist
______(3) completed required weekly reading/chart (at least 15 minutes Monday-Thursday)
______ (10) completed at least 2 different responses on separate lined paper attached to log in
complete sentences that are thoughtful and neat
______ (2) all work handed in by Friday with parent signature
TOTAL (out of 15) _______________