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Which of the following approach was preferred by Lazarsfeld to theory construction?
a) Inductive approach
b) Deductive approach
c) Casual approach
d) Indirect approach
__________________ propounds that media have minimal effects because those effects
are mitigated by a variety of mediating or intervening variables.
a) Social Categories Theory
b) Limited Effects Theory
c) Media dependency Theory
d) Indirect Effects Theory
All of the following are the assumptions of Elite Pluralism, except:
a) Media have little ability to directly influence people.
b) Media alone cannot alter politics.
c) Media, in the name of stability, should not reinforce political party loyalties.
d) Media shouldn’t be expected to lead public opinion but rather reinforce it.
__________________ assumes that every one must be well informed and politically active.
a) Classical democratic theory
b) Political economic theory
c) Spiral of silence theory
d) Klapper’s Phenomenistic Theory
All of the following are a part of five innovation-adoption categories proposed by
communication scholar Everett Rogers, EXCEPT:
a) Innovators
b) Late comers
c) Early majority
d) Laggards
Identify the correct option.
According to W. Weaver, __________________ is all of the procedures by which one mind can
affect another.
a. Communication
b. Feedback
c. Globalization
d. Internationalization
Process-oriented conceptualization of communication suggests that it is continuous and
____________ and cannot be arbitrarily isolated.
a. Complex
b. Simple
c. Easy
d. Effortless
Westley-MacLean model differs from the Shannon-Weaver model in what sense?
a. Feedback
b. Gate keeping
c. Feedback and gate keeping
d. Feedback and criticism
Video games, virtual reality and CD-ROMS are examples of which of the following types
of media?
a. Telematic/ new media
b. Mass media
c. Electronic media
d. Print media
Which of the following in NOT correct about mass communication?
a. Mass media is the tool used for mass communication.
b. Process of mass communication is synonymous with the mass media.
c. Mass communication is sharing information at mass level.
d. It is not possible without the use of mass media.
The Chicago School opposed the notion of:
a. Free marketplace of ideas
b. Free marketplace of automobiles
c. Free marketplace of consumer goods
d. Free marketplace of Hi-tech
________________ is a movement to steer journalism towards reinvigorating public life,
which many see as excluding ordinary citizens and devaluing the need to inform them.
a. Radio journalism
b. Civic journalism
c. Yellow journalism
d. Free press
Many critics consider ______________ an updated version of authoritarian theory.
a. Social responsibility theory
b. Libertarian theory
c. Development media theory
d. Democratic participant theory
_________________ defied the Pope Paul IV and used the printing press to spread
Reformation literature to the masses.
a. Marshal McLuhan
b. Martin Luther
c. Ferdinand Tonnies
d. Emile Durkheim
Who among the following gave the concept of four kinds of theories i.e. social scientific
theory, normative theory, everyday theory and operational theory?
a. Dennis McQuail
b. Wilber Schramm
c. Claude Shannon
d. Albert Einstein
Seeing a model punished from a behavior is sufficient to reduce the likelihood that the observer
will make that behavior. This is the ___________ effect of modeling
Which of the following includes the concepts of motivation and evaluation?
Symbolizing capacity
Self-regulatory capacity
Self-reflective capacity
Vicarious capacity
Which of the following term is also used for catharsis
_________________ is the direct, mechanical reproduction of behavior
Agenda setting
Which of the following is the process by which an innovation is communicated through
certainchannels over time among the members of social system?
All of the following are a part of five innovation-adoption categories proposed
by communicationscholar Everett Rogers, EXCEPT
Late comers
Early majority
__________________ assumes that every one must be well informed and politically active.
Classical democratic theory
Political economic theory
Spiral of silence theory
Klappers Phenomenistic Theory
All of the following are the assumptions of Elite Pluralism, except:
Media have little ability to directly influence people.
Media alone cannot alter politics.
Media, in the name of stability, should not reinforce political party loyalties
Media shouldn’t be expected to lead public opinion but rather reinforce it.
__________________ propounds that media have minimal effects because those effects are
mitigated by a variety of mediating or intervening variables.
Social Categories Theory
Limited Effects Theory
Media dependency Theory
Indirect Effects Theory
Which of the following approach was preferred by Lazarsfeld to theory construction?
Inductive approach
Deductive approach
Casual approach
Indirect approach
_________________ defied the Pope Paul IV and used the printing press to spread Reformation
literature to the masses
Marshal McLuhan
Martin Luther
Ferdinand Tonnies
Emile Durkheim
Many critics consider ______________ an updated version of authoritarian theory.
Social responsibility theory
Libertarian theory
Development media theory
Democratic participant theory
_______________ is a movement to steer journalism towards reinvigorating public life, which
many see as excluding ordinary citizens and devaluing the need to inform them.
Radio journalism
Civic journalism
Yellow journalism
Free press
The Chicago School opposed the notion of:
Free marketplace of ideas
Free marketplace of automobiles
Free marketplace of consumer goods
Free marketplace of Hi-tech
Which of the following in NOT correct about mass communication
Mass media is the tool used for mass communication
Process of mass communication is synonymous with the mass media.
Mass communication is sharing information at mass level.
It is not possible without the use of mass media.
Video games, virtual reality and cd-roms are examples of which of the following types of media?
Telematic/ new media c
Mass media
Electronic media
Print media
Westley-MacLean model differs from the Shannon-Weaver model in what sense?
Gate keeping
Feedback and gate keeping c
Feedback and criticism
Process-oriented conceptualization of communication suggests that it is continuous and
____________ and cannot be arbitrarily isolated
According to W. Weaver, __________________ is all of the procedures by which one mind can
affect another.
________________ theorists believe that reality is not ‘out there’ but in the minds of the people.
Which of the following leads to fears of loss of creative independence and cultural diversity?
Freedom of expression
Who among the following summarized the basic principles of Social responsibility theory?
Denis McQuail
The term ‘mediation of social relations’ mean:
The role of mass communication in society
_____________ occurs when real world supports the distorted image of reality shown on
Which of the following process was described by one of the first linear models i.e. ShannonWeaver model of communication?
The theory of ‘Behaviourism’ was given by ________________.
Jhon B.Watson
According to W. Weaver, __________________ is all of the procedures by which one
mind can affect another.
a. Communication
b. Feedback
c. Globalization
d. Internationalization
Process-oriented conceptualization of communication suggests that it is continuous and
____________ and cannot be arbitrarily isolated.
a. Complex
b. Simple
c. Easy
d. Effortless
Westley-MacLean model differs from the Shannon-Weaver model in what sense?
a. Feedback
b. Gate keeping
c. Feedback and gate keeping
d. Feedback and criticism
Video games, virtual reality and CD-ROMS are examples of which of the following types
of media?
a. Telematic/ new media
b. Mass media
c. Electronic media
d. Print media
Which of the following in NOT correct about mass communication?
a. Mass media is the tool used for mass communication.
b. Process of mass communication is synonymous with the mass media.
c. Mass communication is sharing information at mass level.
d. It is not possible without the use of mass media.
The Chicago School opposed the notion of:
a. Free marketplace of ideas
b. Free marketplace of automobiles
c. Free marketplace of consumer goods
d. Free marketplace of Hi-tech
________________ is a movement to steer journalism towards reinvigorating public life,
which many see as excluding ordinary citizens and devaluing the need to inform them.
a. Radio journalism
b. Civic journalism
c. Yellow journalism
d. Free press
Many critics consider ______________ an updated version of authoritarian theory.
a. Social responsibility theory
b. Libertarian theory
c. Development media theory
d. Democratic participant theory
_________________ defied the Pope Paul IV and used the printing press to spread
Reformation literature to the masses.
a. Marshal McLuhan
b. Martin Luther
c. Ferdinand Tonnies
d. Emile Durkheim
Who among the following gave the concept of four kinds of theories i.e. social scientific
theory, normative theory, everyday theory and operational theory?
a. Dennis McQuail
b. Wilber Schramm
c. Claude Shannon
d. Albert Einstein
According to W. Weaver, __________________ is all of the procedures by which one mind
can affect another.
Process-oriented conceptualization of communication suggests that it is continuous and
____________ and cannot be arbitrarily isolated
Westley-MacLean model differs from the Shannon-Weaver model in what sense?
Gate keeping
Feedback and gate keeping c
Feedback and criticism
Video games, virtual reality and cd-roms are examples of which of the following types of
Telematic/ new media c
Mass media
Electronic media
Print media
Which of the following in NOT correct about mass communication
Mass media is the tool used for mass communication
Process of mass communication is synonymous with the mass media.
Mass communication is sharing information at mass level.
It is not possible without the use of mass media.
The Chicago School opposed the notion of:
Free marketplace of ideas
Free marketplace of automobiles
Free marketplace of consumer goods
Free marketplace of Hi-tech
_______________ is a movement to steer journalism towards reinvigorating public life,
which many see as excluding ordinary citizens and devaluing the need to inform them.
Radio journalism
Civic journalism
Yellow journalism
Free press
Many critics consider ______________ an updated version of authoritarian theory.
Social responsibility theory
Libertarian theory
Development media theory
Democratic participant theory
_________________ defied the Pope Paul IV and used the printing press to spread
Reformation literature to the masses
Marshal McLuhan
Martin Luther
Ferdinand Tonnies
Emile Durkheim
The concept of four kinds of theories i.e. social scientific theory, normative theory,
everyday theory and operational theory was given by which of the following
communication scholar?
Dennis McQuail
Wilber Schramm
Claude Shannon
Albert Einstein
Which of the following approach was preferred by Lazarsfeld to theory construction?
Inductive approach
Deductive approach
Casual approach
Indirect approach
__________________ propounds that media have minimal effects because those effects are
mitigated by a variety of mediating or intervening variables.
Social Categories Theory
Limited Effects Theory
Media dependency Theory
Indirect Effects Theory
All of the following are the assumptions of Elite Pluralism, except:
Media have little ability to directly influence people.
Media alone cannot alter politics.
Media, in the name of stability, should not reinforce political party loyalties
Media shouldn’t be expected to lead public opinion but rather reinforce it.
__________________ assumes that every one must be well informed and politically active.
Classical democratic theory
Political economic theory
Spiral of silence theory
Klapper’s Phenomenistic Theory
All of the following are a part of five innovation-adoption categories proposed by
communication scholar Everett Rogers, EXCEPT
Late comers
Early majority
Which of the following is the process by which an innovation is communicated through
certain channels over time among the members of social system?
_________________ is the direct, mechanical reproduction of behavior
Agenda setting
Which of the following term is also used for catharsis
Which of the following includes the concepts of motivation and evaluation?
Symbolizing capacity
Self-regulatory capacity
Self-reflective capacity
Vicarious capacity
Seeing a model punished from a behavior is sufficient to reduce the likelihood that the
observer will make that behavior. This is the ___________ effect of modeling
Which of the following approach was preferred by Lazarsfeld to theory construction?
a) Inductive approach c
b) Deductive approach
c) Casual approach
d) Indirect approach
__________________ propounds that media have minimal effects because those effects
are mitigated by a variety of mediating or intervening variables.
a) Social Categories Theory
b) Limited Effects Theory c
c) Media dependency Theory
d) Indirect Effects Theory
All of the following are the assumptions of Elite Pluralism, except:
a) Media have little ability to directly influence people.
b) Media alone cannot alter politics.
c) Media, in the name of stability, should not reinforce political party loyalties.
d) Media shouldn’t be expected to lead public opinion but rather reinforce it.
__________________ assumes that every one must be well informed and politically
a) Classical democratic theory c
b) Political economic theory
c) Spiral of silence theory
d) Klapper’s Phenomenistic Theory
All of the following are a part of five innovation-adoption categories proposed by
communication scholar Everett Rogers, EXCEPT:
a) Innovators
b) Late comers c
c) Early majority
d) Laggards
Which of the following is the process by which an innovation is communicated through
certain channels over time among the members of social system?
a) Diffusion c
b) Induction
c) Osmosis
d) Feedback
_________________ is the direct, mechanical reproduction of behavior.
a) Imitation c
b) Framing
c) Identification
d) Agenda setting
Which of the following term is also used for catharsis?
a) Kindness
b) Sublimation c
c) Sympathy
d) Support
Seeing a model punished from a behavior is sufficient to reduce the likelihood that the
observer will make that behavior. This is the ___________ effect of modeling.
a) Inhibitory
b) Disinhibitory
c) Positive
d) Negative