Wrap Up Meeting-December 30, 2013 TOWNSHIP OF FRANKLIN Township Clerk Barbara Freijomil Deputy Clerk Marie Celia COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER State of New Jersey 1571 Delsea Drive FRANKLINVILLE, NEW JERSEY 08322 856-694-1234 Mayor Marge Pfrommer Deputy Mayor Joseph C. Petsch Township Committee David Deegan Vito Genna Edward Leopardi December 30, 2013 CALL MEETING TO ORDER FLAG SALUTE ANNUAL NOTICE STATEMENT MOTION TO APPROVE MINUTES December 10, 2013 Work and Regular Session MOTION TO APPROVE BILLS MOTION TO APPROVE CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS: Police Department MOTION TO APPROVE TRAILER PERMIT MOTION TO APPROVE FOOD HANDLING LICENSES FOR 2014 MOTION TO APPROVE PROCLAMATIONS: TOWNSHIP EMPLOYEES WITH 20 YEARS OF SERVICE OR MORE, GIRL SCOUTS, AND DICK FAMILY R-207-13 Appointing Alexander P. Fragoso Class II Special Officer 1ST PUBLIC PORTION- ANY QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS SOLICITOR’S REPORT Public Hearing on the following Ordinance: O-14-13 Ordinance to Permit Rezoning of Certain Properties from Residential-Agriculture to Highway Commercial and Light Manufacturing designations consistent with the Recommendations Contained within the 2013 Master Plan Reexamination Report and Master Plan Amendment/Addendum RESOLUTIONS: R-208-13 Authorizing Satisfaction of Tax Arrearages by Installment Plan R-209-13 Authorizing the Award of a Contract to Asphalt Paving Corporation for Resurfacing of Royal Avenue R-210-13 Reducing Performance Bond for Property Known as King Court, Block 5601 Lot 5, 6, and 6.01 R-211-13 Transfer to and From Specific Accounts in the 2013 Budget 2ND SECOND PUBLIC PORTION –COMMENTS ON ABOVE RESOLUTIONS OR ORDINANCES TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE AND MAYOR'S REPORT ADJOURN Wrap Up Meeting – December 30, 2013 The Wrap Up Meeting of the Township Committee of the Township of Franklin was called to order by Mayor Pfrommer at 5:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building. The following Committee members were in attendance: Mayor Pfrommer, Mr. Petsch, Mr. Deegan, Mr. Genna, and Mr. Leopardi were present. Mr. Moore, Mr. Ziegler, Solicitor, and Chief Rock were also in attendance. Mayor Pfrommer led the Salute to the Flag. The Clerk read the following: Pursuant to the Open Public Meetings Act, adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by adopting a schedule of regular meetings for the year 2013, which was posted on the Bulletin Board as well as the Township Website, forwarded to the Gloucester County Times, Camden Courier Post, and The Sentinel of Gloucester County, and was filed with the Township Clerk on January 3, 2013. This meeting is being videotaped and will be on Channel 9. Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan and carried the minutes of December 10, 2013 Work Session and Regular Meeting were ordered approved as presented. Leopardi-yes Genna-abstain Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Leopardi and carried all approved bills were ordered paid. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes BILLS PAID December 30, 2013 Check # Name 282 Comcast 419 Staples 420 Waterline Glassboro 1098 Michael Borrelli, Esq 1099 Fralinger Engineering 1100 Pennoni Assoc 1101 Alaimo Group Voucher 177.12 180.44 54.00 900.00 4484.79 830.84 80.00 Wrap Up Meeting-December 30, 2013 1102 1819 1820 1821 1822 1825 26907 26908 26909 26910 26911 26912 26913 26914 26915 26916 26917 26918 26919 26920 26921 26922 26923 26924 26925 26926 26927 26928 26929 26930 26931 26932 26933 26934 26935 26936 26937 26938 26939 26940 26941 26942 26943 26944 26945 26946 26947 26948 26949 26950 26951 26952 26953 26954 26955 26956 26957 26958 26959 26960 26961 26962 26963 26964 26965 26966 26967 26968 Pennoni Assoc Today’s Interiors Farmrite Triad Advisory GCSI Security Visual Computer Solutions Atlantic City Electric Stanley Dentinger Lawson Products South Jersey Welding Michael B. Borelli, Esq. Cert Speedometer Colucci Lumber Ken Crescitelli E C P Business Machines Joseph Fazzio Garoppo Stone & Garden Moore Medical MGL Printing Garden State Hwy Products RK Chevrolet Wheelabrator Glou South Jersey Gas T & F Camera West Group Riggins Edmunds & Assoc General Spring & Align Millville Rescue Carolyn Toy Service Tire Truck Ctrs Comp Solutions Corky Linardo South State, Inc. Chemsearch V E Ralph & Sons Fralinger Engineering R J Twitchell & Co. Thompson West Franklin Twp Youth Soccer The Press of AC Comcast Tekk Comm Universal Computing Snap on Industrial Linda Lawyer Aramark Northeast Mechanical E-Z Pass Staples Ace Plumbing Garoppos Feed Hoover Trucks DM Medical Billing Automotive Shop Equipment Lafayette Products Watch Guard Video Ward Shoemaker Alaimo Group Franklin Twp Little League Intercon Truck Equip Delaware Valley Pet Hospital Hess Corp Genna Electric Print & Mail Comm Virtua At Work Frank stapleton Edwin Burger & Son 460.64 5750.00 13500.00 202.50 10765.90 13073.38 6564.63 125.00 1032.57 10219.00 3800.00 578.00 151.25 592.80 463.50 1792.95 412.50 2493.99 322.00 195.00 51.78 37201.54 3431.05 305.00 720.66 19051.99 638.00 4289.44 13991.91 250.00 2785.41 4261.00 205.24 66.00 2043.75 3098.39 6238.75 6089.55 391.50 800.00 63.75 1094.33 252.00 256.20 451.62 116.00 125.84 570.50 100.00 1130.44 31.11 45.99 1213.73 1429.84 195.00 917.99 281.00 672.52 7217.10 800.00 20638.00 183.75 2204.28 1450.00 354.65 74.70 133.68 1881.00 Wrap Up Meeting-December 30, 2013 26969 26970 26971 26972 26973 26974 26975 26976 26977 26978 26979 26980 26981 26982 26983 26984 26985 26986 26987 26988 26989 26990 26991 So New Jersey Chapter NIGP Casa Payroll Atlantic Tactical Jamie Bonanno Center for Ed & Employ Clean Energy Fuels Comcast Deborah Fullerton Kimberly Korejko Lifesavers Matthew Gemenden Munidex One Source Imaging Philip Arsenault G & K Services Rodio Tractor Sales Security Detection The Sentinel of Glou Thompson West South Jersey Times United vElectric Waterline Glassboro City of Wildwood 40.00 181.25 535.90 24.00 263.70 2015.68 323.37 168.00 150.00 8400.00 129.99 2975.00 2201.47 400.00 181.20 127.44 3900.00 1779.00 229.00 268.20 299.45 42.00 2941 Correspondence: Letter from the Planning Board Solicitor recommending the request from Tyson Stell to vacate McCurdy Ave that is adjacent to Block 3701 lot 5 be approved in addition to Lot 4. Request from Mr. and Mrs. William Morris to vacate portions of 15th Street and Walnut Street abutting Block 4406 Lot 3. Letter from the Planning Board Solicitor acknowledging the proposed Master Plan Ordinance that is up for adoption tonight is consistent with the Master Plan. Letter from Fralinger Engineering recommending awarding a contract to the low bidder, Asphalt Paving, for resurfacing of Royal Avenue. Letter from Steven Polillo requesting that their mobile home be granted six additional months in order to start rebuilding. Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Leopardi and carried the reports and correspondence were ordered received and filed: Leopardi-yes Genna-abstain Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Leopardi and carried street vacation request from William Morris 15th Street and Walnut Street abutting Block 4406 Lot 3 was ordered sent to Land Use. Upon motion by Mr. Deegan seconded by Mr. Leopardi and carried 2014 Food Handling License was approved. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan three proclamations for Girls Scout Helpers, the Dick Family, and Employees who served 20 years or more was adopted. Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan and carried R-207-13 “Resolution Appointing Alexander P. Fragoso as a Class II Special Officer for the Township of Franklin Police Department” was adopted. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Mr. Petsch and Mr. Deegan swore Mr. Fragoso in to office while his father held the Bible. Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan and carried the First Public Portion of the Township Committee Meeting was ordered opened. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Mrs. Joan Wokoeck, 1851 Main Road, reported that she has requested Pension Reports and has not received them. Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan and carried the First Public Portion was ordered closed. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Mr. Ziegler reported that the Polk lawsuit was dismissed without judgment. Greenways is the only outstanding lawsuit left from Mr. Ziegler’s administration. Wrap Up Meeting-December 30, 2013 Upon motion by Mr. Deegan seconded by Mr. Petsch and carried Ordinance O-14-13 entitled “Ordinance to permit Rezoning of Certain Properties from Residential-Agriculture to Highway Commercial and Light Manufacturing Designations Consistent with the Recommendations Contained within the 2013 Master Plan Reexamination Report and Master Plan Amendment/Addendum” was ordered opened. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Mrs. Nancy Calabro and Mr. Joe Calabro, 860 East Avenue, reported on a water problem in that area of Hall Avenue, Delsea Drive, and East Avenue. She asked for the Committee to vote No on the ordinance. She feels the changes will impact the area more. Barbara Halpern, Harding Highway, commented on drainage issues. Mr. Petsch said that any developing of a property will require that water does not run off onto any other property. Barbara Halpern said that other properties on Delsea Drive and Harding Highway have not been reclassified as Highway Commercial. She questioned why. Mr. Kevin Kelton, Nicholas Drive, said there should be consistency with the Ordinance. He asked the Committee to vote no. Mr. Jason Brandt, Rosemont Avenue, agreed that the state highways should be commercial. Upon motion by Mr. Deegan seconded by Mr. Leopardi and carried Ordinance O-14-13 entitled “Ordinance to permit Rezoning of Certain Properties from Residential-Agriculture to Highway Commercial and Light Manufacturing Designations Consistent with the Recommendations Contained within the 2013 Master Plan Reexamination Report and Master Plan Amendment/Addendum” was ordered closed. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan and carried Ordinance O-14-13 entitled “Ordinance to permit Rezoning of Certain Properties from Residential-Agriculture to Highway Commercial and Light Manufacturing Designations Consistent with the Recommendations Contained within the 2013 Master Plan Reexamination Report and Master Plan Amendment/Addendum” was ordered adopted. Leopardi-No Genna-Abstain Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan and carried R-208-13 “Resolution Authorizing Satisfaction of Tax Arrearages by Installment Plan” was adopted. Leopardi-abstain Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan and carried R-209-13 “Resolution Authorizing the Award of a Contract to Asphalt Paving Corporation of Malaga for Resurfacing of Royal Avenue” was adopted. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion by Mr. Deegan seconded by Mr. Petsch and carried R-210-13 “Resolution Reducing Performance Bond For Property Known as King Court Being Block 5601 Lots 5, 6, And 6.01” was adopted. Leopardi-no Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan and carried R-211-13 “Resolution Authorizing the Treasurer of Franklin Township to Transfer Certain Funds From and To Specific Accounts in the 2013 Budget of the Township of Franklin” was adopted. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion by Mr. Deegan seconded by Mr. Petsch and carried R-212-13 “Resolution Approving a Six Month Trailer Extension with Conditions” was adopted. Leopardi-yes Genna-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Deegan and carried the second public portion was now opened. Leopardi-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Mrs. Cindy Merckx, Sentinel Newspaper, questioned Mr. Ziegler is Kiddie Kollege is still outstanding. He said yes it is still pending in Appellate Court. Mr. William Morris, Oak Avenue, asked about tax arrearages. He was referred to the Tax Collector. Mr. James Kelly, 2983 Dutch Mill Road, asked Mr. Leopardi why he abstained on the tax arrearages resolution. Mr. Leopardi said he doesn’t feel it is guaranteed they will pay. Mr. Genna said each one should be looked at individually. Upon motion by Mr. Petsch seconded by Mr. Leopardi and carried the second Public Portion was ordered closed. Leopardi-yes Deegan-yes Petsch-yes Pfrommer-yes Mr. Leopardi asked is the Township owes $800,000. Mr. Moore said three employees were bought out by the state. Mr. Leopardi wished the Community a Happy New Year. Wrap Up Meeting-December 30, 2013 Mr. Genna congratulated Mr. Fragoso. He wished everyone a Happy New Year. Mr. Deegan congratulated Mr. Fragoso. He thanked Mr. Ziegler for his service and wished everyone a Happy New Year. Mr. Petsch congratulated Mr. Fragoso. He thanked Mr. Ziegler, Mr. Moore, and Mrs. Freijomil. He said debate was good and it is best to meet somewhere in the middle. He was here to serve everyone. He felt positive things happened during his tenure: automation of trash, contained natural gas trucks, police staffing is up, tag readers, Meredith Farms rehabilitation and new Vehicles. He wished everyone a Happy New Year. Mayor Pfrommer was proud of accomplishments. She has a few to finish up, such as landscaping and benches. She thanked her colleagues, Mr. Ziegler, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Freijomil, and the residents of Franklin Township. Mayor Pfrommer adjourned the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Freijomil Township Clerk