894 Brookside Island Ironbridge Road, Madeley Madeley Bank Waterloo Street Ironbridge Free Bridge, Jackfield Jackfield, Calcutts Road Much Wenlock, William Brookes 07:45 07:55 08:05 08:10 08:12 08:15 08:30 Much Wenlock, William Brookes Jackfield, Calcutts Free Bridge Ironbridge, Waterloo Road Madeley Bank Ironbridge Road, Madeley Brookside Island 15:45 16:00 16:03 16:05 16:10 16:20 16:30 895 Shepard Lane, Telford The Rock, Telford Dawley Bank, Milners Lane Lawley Doctors Heath Hill, White Horse Aqueduct, Castlefields Way Jiggers Bank, School Road Coalbrookdale, Dale Road Ironbridge Visitor Centre Much Wenlock, William Brookes 07:45 07:50 07:55 08:00 08:05 08:12 08:17 08:20 08:25 08:45 Much Wenlock, William Brookes Ironbridge, Museum of the Gorge Coalbrookdale Jiggers Bank, School Road Aqueduct, Castlefields Way Dawley, Heathill Industrial Estate Lawley Doctors Milners Lane, Dawley Bank Rock Road, The Rock Shepard Lane, Telford 15:45 16:05 16:10 16:13 16:18 16:25 16:30 16:35 16:40 16:45 896 Horsehay Roundabout Wellington Road, Horsehay Much Wenlock, William Brookes 08:10 08:20 08:40 Much Wenlock, William Brookes Horsehay, Wellington Road Horsehay Roundabout All journeys are £1.50 per single journey payable on the bus. 15:45 16:05 16:15