Requirements for Confirmation

Requirements for Confirmation:
8th and 9th Graders:
Class attendance
Continuing Education Requirements (15 hrs – in one year, September - September)
Service Requirements (15 hrs – same as above)
9th Graders interested in being confirmed:
All requirements listed above
1-2 page Faith Statement due two weeks before Confirmation Sunday
Attend Confirmation Rehearsal the Saturday before Confirmation
Attend Confirmation Sunday
Help supply snacks twice during the year (Sep – May) on Sunday nights – You will be
invited to sign up for a particular date by the snack coordinator.
Be involved with the process. Ask questions. Share your story.
Provide field trip transportation (This requires a background check)
Additional Information:
Class Attendance
We miss you if you’re not here! What you bring to the class is important. Plus, we’ll have
fun too! We are keenly aware that your life is busy. Students have more to juggle than
ever before – school, family time, time with friends, athletics, activities and just plain
hanging out time.
This is all the more reason to fit in Confirmation! You are guaranteed an hour and a half
to focus on developing your spiritual strength. In order to grow stronger in a sport, in an
activity, in a technical field we have to have practice time. No one can run a marathon,
and expect to do well, without ever training.
In Confirmation we’re in training for the marathon called life.
The parent/student meeting is Sunday night, September 20, 4:15 – 6:00pm
Class time begins Sunday, September 27, 4:15 – 6:00pm
Worship Notes
You are part of the Body of Christ – when we gather as a body we sing louder, prayer
longer, hear the Word and share love through sacrament, offering and presence. When
we are equipped to be the Body we are more able to go out into the world and shine the
light of Christ. When you take time to write down your worship experience it helps you
in your faith journey. Confirmation is only a first step on this journey.
Requirement is for a minimum of 8 completed Worship Notes forms, September –
May. It goes again everything I believe in to require a certain number of notes. But I also
know that the ambiguity of saying “what does God require of us?” (Look up Micah 6:8 in
your Bible) is not specific enough, so I’ve settled on the number 8.
Continuing Education Requirements
Each Confirmation student must complete a total of 15 worship hours + events of
continuing education. This means: submitting your 8 worship notes, attend a faith
formation class such as a Bible study that goes beyond what you’re learning in
Confirmation, or a movie discussion night. If you do the math: 15 hours – 8 worship
notes = 7 additional hours of study/worship/reflection time. Confirmation Retreat counts
as 1, Confirmation Gathering in March counts as 1 and attending the Celtic worship
service counts as 1. Now you’re down to only 4 additional hours of CE needed
Also planned are three field trips to other denominations/styles of worship. Times and
dates are still being determined, with the exception of the Celtic Service – info on that is
listed below.
Students should come prepared with a notebook (3 ring is best, but spiral will do) and their
Confirmation Bible. If your student does not have a Bible, ask – we have extras.
Eighth Graders new to Confirmation received their Bible on Sunday morning,
September 27 at the 10am worship service. Please make every effort to attend
Service Requirements
Each Confirmation student must complete 15 hours of service to Advent Church. Ways
to serve at Advent include: Faith Builder Workshop Leader or Faith Friend, ushering,
serving as an acolyte, working the sound booth, MACS coffee bar, recycling cans and
running projection. (This is not an exhaustive list).
Sunday Night Snack Chat
You will be asked to sign up to bring a simple snack for approximately 40 – 50 people.
Faith Statement
1-2 page typed faith statement due 2 weeks before Confirmation Sunday for 9th graders.
This should include what you believe about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the work of the
church and where you think God might be calling you. You can also explore other more
creative options like photos, video, scrapbooks, etc. We will spend class time exploring
our call to faith and outlining our statements of faith.
Attend yearly Confirmation Retreat – Scheduled for November 6/7. Be at Advent
by 5:30pm, return about 3pm on Saturday. The cost for the retreat is included in
your registration fee.
Attend the Confirmation Gathering scheduled for March 4/5 (details to come later)
Assist in Worship – Choose from:
Ash Wednesday, February 10, arrive at 6:30pm for instructions
Good Friday, March 25, arrive at 6:30pm for instructions
We attend the Celtic Worship Service at Pilgrim Lutheran Church on Sunday night,
January 10. We depart Advent after class time and return about 9:00pm. Adult
chaperones/drivers will be needed.
Plans are being made to attend two other styles of worship. Advance notice will be given
just as soon as details can be arranged.
For Confirmation Questions please contact: Rev. Cindy Yanchury, 651.454.3944 x 12 or
by email: