San Francisco State University CHILD AND ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT MAJOR Planning Worksheet Bulletin Year 2013-2014 Name: _________________________________________ Last First Student ID#: _____________________________ Middle Address: _________________________________________________________________________________ Street City Zip Home Phone #: ______________________________ SFSU Email: _______________________________ Cell Phone #: _______________________________ Fax #: _____________________________________ Core Courses (Required for all majors) Course Prefix & Title No. I. Foundations - 9 units (Each of the following courses is required) Trans. From Units CAD 210 Introduction to Applied Child and Adolescent Development 3 CAD 260 Child, Family, and Community: An Ecological Perspective 3 CAD 410 Applied Child and Youth Development 3 II. Grade Family Systems - 3 units (Choose one) CAD 450 Understanding and Working with Diverse Families 3 CAD 460 Globalization and Family Relations 3 III. Sem. Taken Research - 3 units (Required) Action Research Methods in Child and Adolescent Development CAD 500 (GWAR - Upper division writing requirement) 3 IV. Special Topics 3 units (Choose one course from the following; if taken here, do not select for concentration CAD 625 Child and Youth Policy 3 CAD 650 Child Advocacy 3 Total Units in Core – 18 Department Policies (Please read) All core and concentration courses for the Child and Adolescent Development major must be taken for a letter grade (except for fieldwork courses which are offered only for CR/NC). A grade of C or better is required for all courses in the major CAD 210, 260 and ENG 214 (or community college equivalents) must be completed with grade of C or better before enrollment in CAD 410, CAD 450, 460, CAD 625, and CAD 650. No concurrent enrollment allowed. Proof of community college equivalent courses is required. CAD 410 and ENG 214 must be completed with grade of C or better before enrollment in CAD 500GW. No concurrent enrollment allowed. Proof of community college equivalent for ENG 214 is required. Internship Applications – Must be submitted one semester prior to one’s projected internship semester. See CAD website for specific deadline dates. A minimum of 30 units must be completed in CAD core & concentration to apply for fieldwork. Name: __________________________________________ Bulletin Year 2013-14 Policy, Advocacy, and Systems Concentration: 22-26 Units Course Prefix & Title Trans Units Sem. Grade No. From Taken I. Policy for Children, Youth, & Families (3-4 units) Choose one CAD 625 Children, Youth, and Policy (do not select if taken in core) 3 C J 475 Intervention Policies in Juvenile Justice 3 HED 450 Policy Issues in Health Education 3 PLSI/USP 560 Urban Poverty & Policy 4 USP 565 Social Policy & Family Systems 4 II. Political and Policy Processes (3-4 units) Choose one PLSI/PA 400 Public Policy Processes 3 PLSI/USP 480 Policy Analysis 4 PLSI/USP 512 Urban Politics & Community Power 4 III. Systems and Organizations (3-4 units) Choose one PLSI/URBS/SW 660 Roles of Nonprofit Org in Urban Life 3 SOC 452/CJ 470 Juvenile Justice 4 SW 302 Intro to Social Service Organizations 3 SW 350 Services to Children, Youth, and their Families 3 IV. Program Development, Evaluation, & Administration (3 units) Choose one CAD 400 Community Youth Development 3 CAD 510 Adult Supervision and Leadership in Early Childhood 3 Programs H ED 660 Developing Healthy Youth in Schools and Communities 3 RPT/PA 370 Principles of Nonprofit Administration 3 RPT 400 Theory of Program Planning in Recreation, Park, and 3 Tourism RPT/PA 570 Developing and Managing Resources in Nonprofit 3 Agencies TPW 490 Grantwriting 3 V. Advocacy and Community Organizing (3 units) Choose one CAD 650 Child Advocacy (do not select if taken in core) 3 H ED 455 Community Organizing and Community Building for 3 Health RRS/SOC 410 Grassroots Organizing for Change in Communities of 3 Color SW/USP 456 Urban Community Organizing and Citizen Action 3 VI. Research and Statistics (3-4 units) Choose one PLSI/USP 493 Data Analysis 4 SOC 371 Introductory-Psychological Statistics 3 VII. *Culminating Experience (4 units) CAD 640 Policy, Advocacy, and Systems Capstone 4 *Note: Temporary change - Students should sign up for both CAD 600 and CAD 601 instead of CAD 640. Each course is 2 units. Total units in concentration: 22-26 RFD 03/06/2013 CAD > Advising > Advising Worksheets & Handouts > 2013-2014 > 2013-2014 Policy Worksheet 3.6.13 Name: __________________________________________ Bulletin Year 2013-14 General Education – Segment III Upper division courses must be taken in residence at SFSU The three courses (9 units) no longer need to be taken from one only cluster. Students still can select their courses from one cluster or from two or three different clusters. One course must fulfill the university’s Cultural, Ethnic, or Social Diversity (CESD) requirement. That class will be designated with “(CESD).” Course Prefix & # Title Used in Major Units Sem. Taken Grade RFD 03/06/2013 CAD > Advising > Advising Worksheets & Handouts > 2013-2014 > 2013-2014 Policy Worksheet 3.6.13