Course Outline 6th Grade Math 3rd ed.

BJU Press
Course Outline
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 1:
Students will:
 demonstrate an understanding of place
value, decimal place value, and the inverse
relationship between addition and
 express numbers in standard, word, and
expanded form, and in expanded form with
 identify the value of digits in a number
 compare numbers using <, >, and =
 round numbers and decimals to the place of
greatest value or to a given place
 apply addition strategies for mental math
 add and subtract whole numbers and
 estimate sums by rounding or using frontend estimation
 solve addition and subtraction word
 apply the Zero Principle of Subtraction
 check subtraction problems using addition
and addition problems using subtraction
 express decimals in standard, word,
fraction, and expanded form and expanded
form with multiplication
 compare and order decimals and positive
and negative numbers
 apply addition properties to decimals:
Commutative, Identity, and Associative
 estimate sums and differences
 use a part-whole model to solve addition
and subtraction word problems
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 4-25
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Student Worktext
Pages 2-27
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Christian behavior as
showing God’s love to
Man created in God’s
Fall of man
God’s provision for
man’s sin
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
write equations for word problems
solve multi-step word problems
identify the number that is 1 more or less
plot and add positive and negative numbers
on a number line
 read and write Roman numerals
 complete sequences of Roman numerals
 use logic to identify number patterns
 use patterns to solve problems
Practice and Review Objectives:
 review addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division facts
 identify place value
 read and interpret bar and line graphs
 solve addition and subtraction word
 order decimals
 add and subtract decimals
 review the part-whole model
 round to the greatest place to estimate a sum
or difference
 order and compare positive and negative
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole
 solve equations with variables
 determine the perimeter and area of
 add decimals
 identify the mathematical expression for a
word phrase
 identify the fraction represented by a picture
or number line
 measure to the nearest inch or half-inch
 identify the standard form of a whole
number or a decimal written in expanded
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 2: Multiply by a Whole Number
Students will:
 demonstrate an understanding of
multiplication and the terms factor, product,
and multiple
 write mathematical equations for word
 solve multiplication equations with a
multiplication dot, parentheses, or variables
 identify prime and composite numbers
 identify the GCF and the LCM of a pair of
 apply properties of multiplication to
numbers and variables: Commutative,
Associative, Identity, and Zero properties
 multiply multiples of 10
 apply the Commutative and Associative
Properties and the Distributive Property of
Multiplication over Addition to multiply
factors that are multiples of 10
 identify the applied addition or
multiplication property
 develop an understanding of exponents,
squares, and finding perfect squares and the
square root of a perfect square
 write numbers in expanded form with
multiplication using exponents
 multiply whole numbers and decimals by 1and 2-digit mulitpliers
 estimate products by rounding to the place
of greatest value and by front-end
 solve multiplication word problems
 solve decimal word problems, including
money problems
 solve multi-step word problems
 multiply a decimal by a power of 10
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 30-47
Student Worktext
Pages 28-49
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man’s use of God’s
Goal setting
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
multiply by 3-digit numbers
determine the number of partial products
apply strategies to multiply mentally
list the first 20 perfect squares and their
square roots
use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the
measurement of the hypotenuse of a right
Practice and Review Objectives:
 identify place value
 compare numbers
 round to the greatest place
 add and subtract decimals and whole
 solve related addition and multiplication
 round to the greatest place to estimate sums
and differences
 write numbers in standard and word form
 order decimals
 round decimals to the greatest place
 compare, add, and plot positive and
negative numbers
 complete multiplication and division facts
 review the stem-and-leaf plot
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 3: Divide by a Whole Number
Students will:
 demonstrate an understanding of division,
the terms dividend, divisor, and quotient,
and the inverse relationship between
multiplication and division
 divide by 1-digit divisors to find 2- or 3digit quotients solve division word
 interpret remainders
 check division problems using
 recognize numbers divisible by 2-6, 9-10
 divide multiples of 10 using mental math
 divide by 2-digit multiples of 10
 estimate quotients
 divide by 2-digit divisors
 adjust quotients in division problems
 divide decimals by 1-, 2-, and 3-digit whole
 annex zeros to rename decimals
 divide to find quotients less than 1
 express fractions as equivalent decimals
 determine an average or unit rate
 divide by powers of 10
 divide whole numbers by 1-, 2-, and 3-digit
 use the Order of Operations to simplify an
 complete an expression to make an equation
 solve multi-step problems
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 52-71
Student Worktext
Pages 50-73
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man’s God-given
God’s use of creation for
His purposes
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Practice and Review Objectives:
 review multiplication terms and properties
 multiply by 3-digit multipliers
 review fraction terms
 compare fractions
 identify lines, line segments, rays, and
parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting
 review perimeter, area, and volume
 measure to the nearest inch and half-inch
 review customary conversions
 read and interpret line graphs
 determine the range
 use number sense to complete word
 add and subtract 2- and 3-digit numbers
 multiply and divide by 2- and 3-digit
multipliers and divisors
 determine the exponent form for repeated
multiplication equations
 determine the GCF and LCM of 2 numbers
 identify the multiplication expression for an
exponent form, an array, a picture, or a partwhole model
 identify the value of a digit in a number
 determine the standard form of a decimal
written in word form
 compare and order whole numbers and
 identify the decimals form of fractions
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 4: Fraction Theory
Students will:
 determine the GCF and LCM of two or
more numbers by listing the factors or
multiples, by creating and analyzing a Venn
diagram, and by constructing factor trees to
find and evaluate prime factorizations
 apply the GCF and LCM to problemsolving situations
 write prime factorizations using exponential
 demonstrate an understanding of fractions
 write fractions to name parts of a whole,
points on a number line, and parts of sets
 draw models of whole shapes, whole sets,
and number lines to represent fractions
 identify fractions equivalent to 1
 complete fraction models
 rename mixed numbers, improper fractions,
and whole numbers
 estimate the value of improper fractions
 draw models to solve word problems
 apply strategies to rename fractions to
higher, lower, and lowest terms
 use cancellation to rename fractions to
lowest terms
 write an inequality to express unequal
 apply fraction number sense to compare and
order fractions
 compare and order unlike fractions by
renaming to fractions with common
denominators, by cross-multiplying, and by
renaming as decimals
 determine equivalent fractions using the
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 76-95
Student Worktext
Pages 74-97
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man’s knowledge and
wise application of God’s
Word to help his fellow
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
compare and order mixed numbers and
improper fractions
use fraction models to represent percents
rename fractions and percents
use a circle graph to solve problems and
make a circle graph to communicate data
Practice and Review Objectives:
 identify prime and composite numbers
 write numbers in exponent form
 multiply by 3-digit multipliers
 review the divisibility rules, the Order of
Operations, and the long division process
 review fractions
 identify right triangles, radii and diameters,
and shapes
 use number sense to solve problems
 identify positive and negative numbers
 review perimeter and area
 read and interpret bar graphs
 add positive and negative numbers using a
number line
 determine the equation represented by a
part-whole model or array
 recognize the expanded and standard forms
of exponents
 apply multiplication properties
 determine the average
 identify all factors of a number
 solve word problems
 read and interpret charts, stem-and-leaf
plots, and double line graphs
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 5: Add & Subtract Fractions
Students will:
 identify fractions equivalent to 1 and ½
 write an inequality to express unequal
 estimate the sum or difference of mixed
numbers and fractions by rounding to the
nearest whole number or ½
 add and subtract fractions and mixed
numbers with like and unlike denominators
 rename improper fractions as mixed
 simplify fractions by renaming to lowest
 solve fraction word problems
 apply addition properties to fractions:
Identity, Commutative, and Associative
 apply the Identity Property of Multiplication
to rename fractions to higher terms
 multiply unlike denominators to find a
common denominator
 determine the LCD by listing multiples, by
creating and analyzing a Venn diagram, and
by constructing factor trees to evaluate the
prime factorizations
 write prime factorizations using exponential
 compare fractions and mixed numbers
 round fractions to 0, ½, or 1
 solve problems with 3 addends
 solve word problems using the LCD use the
guess-and-check strategy to solve problems
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 100-115
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Student Worktext
Pages 98-117
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
God’s perfect design
God’s knowledge of each
Man’s responsibility to
glorify God
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Practice and Review Objectives:
 rename improper fractions and mixed
 write fractions in lowest terms
 identify the GCF
 review the Order of Operations
 add with 3-, 4-, and 6-digit numbers
 subtract with 2-, 3-, and 4-digit numbers
 multiply and divide
 identify shapes, faces, edges, vertexes, and
curved surfaces
 identify place value
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals
 review measurement and customary
 identify the best unit of measurement
 identify addition and multiplication
 demonstrate an understanding of part-whole
 use fractions to show probability
 read and interpret bar graphs
 identify the mathematical expression for a
given word phrase
 identify multiples of a given number
identify prime and composite numbers
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 6: Plane Figure Geometry
Students will:
 identify, name, and draw points, lines, and
 distinguish between collinear and
noncollinear points identify the location of a
point on a coordinate plane by naming the
coordinates and quadrant
 graph points on a coordinate plane
 recognize representations of points, lines,
and planes in everyday life
 graph points on a coordinate plane to form
lines and intersecting, perpendicular, and
parallel lines
 identify intersecting, perpendicular, and
parallel lines
 use variables to represent coordinates on a
coordinate plane
 complete an input/output table
 relate lines to real-life situations
 identify and name rays, angles, line
 classify and recognize angles: right, acute,
obtuse, and straight
 use a protractor to measure and draw angles,
angles in a triangle, and angles in a
 relate geometry to everyday life
 develop an understanding of supplementary
and complementary angles
 find the unknown measure of an angle in a
pair of supplementary angles, a pair of
complementary angles, in triangles, and in
 demonstrate an understanding of regular
and irregular polygons
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 120-145
Student Worktext
Pages 118-147
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man’s demonstration of
God’s love
Man as steward of God’s
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
identify the number of sides and interior
angles in polygons
 graph points to form polygons
 develop the understanding that the sum of
the measures of the angles in a triangle
equals 180°, and that the sum of the angles
in a quadrilateral equals 360°
 classify triangles by their angles (right,
acute, obtuse) and sides (equilateral,
isosceles, scalene)
 distinguish between regular and irregular
 develop an understanding of the
classification of quadrilaterals
 identify congruent and similar polygons
 identify corresponding angles and line
 write a ratio for corresponding sides in a
pair of polygons
 draw congruent and similar polygons
 develop an understanding of
transformations: translation, rotation,
 identify a transformation
 draw a transformed figure
 identify symmetrical figures
 draw lines of symmetry on a figure
Practice and Review Objectives:
 solve word problems
 read and interpret circle graphs
 connect fractions with percents
 identify place value and order numbers
 round to the greatest place
 write the equivalent unit of time and
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
read a calendar
review weight and capacity
add and subtract fractions and mixed
review perimeter, area, and volume
add positive and negative numbers
use number sense with fractions
compare fractions and integers
solve word problems with decimals
use a chart to find the average, range, and
read and interpret line graphs
multiply and divide decimals by a multiple
of 10
identify kinds of angles and lines
find the unknown measure of an angle in a
multiply by 2-digit multipliers
identify prime numbers
determine a common factor
find the missing subtrahend in a subtraction
add decimals and whole numbers
use a chart to answer questions and solve
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 7: Multiply Fractions & Decimals
Students will:
 multiply whole numbers and fractions,
mixed numbers, and decimals by decimals
 multiply to find fractions of whole numbers
and fractions
 rename whole numbers as an improper
 write and solve equations for multiplication
word problems
 use cancellation when multiplying fractions
and mixed numbers
 identify the reciprocal of a fraction
 rename improper fractions and mixed
 apply the Distributive Property of
Multiplication over Addition when
multiplying mixed numbers and decimals
 estimate products of mixed numbers and
 demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between decimals and fractions
 estimate a decimal product by rounding to
the nearest whole number or to the place of
greatest value
 use mental math to multiply a decimal and a
power of 10
 annex zeros in the product
 multiply money by a decimals
 develop an understanding of our infinite
number system
 identify fractions and decimals that come
between two numbers
 solve multi-step word problems
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 150-165
Student Worktext
Pages 148-167
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man’s responsibility for
his actions
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Practice and Review Objectives:
 review addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division facts
 complete input/output tables
 list factors of numbers to find the GCF and
LCM rename fractions to lowest terms
 add and subtract fractions
 graph points on a coordinate graph
 choose the best unit of measure
 review Celsius temperature
 solve word problems
 write ratios
 write fractions in decimal form and percents
in fraction form
 connect fractions with percents
 find the unknown measure of an angle in a
 identify the parts of a circle
 classify triangles: equilateral, isosceles,
 solve money word problems
 add and subtract mixed numbers
 identify the values of a digit in a decimal
 multiply fractions and decimals
 read and interpret double line graphs
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 8: Divide Fractions
Students will:
 demonstrate an understanding of dividing
whole numbers by fractions, dividing
fractions by fractions, dividing fractions to
find quotients with remainders, dividing
mixed numbers, and of the Order of
 divide mixed numbers by fractions
 use a number line or draw a diagram to
solve division equations with fractions and
mixed numbers
 check division problems with multiplication
 write and solve equations for word
 identify the reciprocal of a fraction
 divide by multiplying by the reciprocal of
the divisor
 divide fractions by whole numbers
 write related multiplication and division
equations for division problems with
 solve fraction word problems
 write and solve multi-step equations for
multi-step word problems
 apply mathematical properties to evaluate
expressions with fractions
 use the Order of Operations to evaluate
expressions and to write and solve multistep equations for multi-step word problems
 substitute a given value for a variable in an
 determine whether a multi-step problem has
too much or too little information
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 170-187
Student Worktext
Pages 168-189
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man’s use of God’s
Man’s demonstration of
God’s love
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Practice and Review Objectives:
 classify triangles
 find the measure of the unknown angle
 estimate the product and quotient
 add and subtract fractions
 solve mathematical expressions
 multiply fractions and mixed numbers using
cancellation and the Distributive Property
 solve fraction, decimal, measurement, and
temperature word problems
 identify quadrilaterals
 chart using mass
 read and interpret line graphs and double
line graphs
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide with
 add integers
 complete number sequences
 determine equivalent expressions
 evaluate expressions with more than one
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 9: Divide Decimals
Students will:
 divide decimals by 1- and 2-digit whole
 estimate the quotient of a decimal division
 check division problems using
 annex zeros to rename decimals
 divide decimals by powers of 10 using
mental math
 divide whole numbers by whole numbers to
find decimal fractions in the quotient
 solve decimal and money word problems
 develop an understanding of terminating
and repeating decimals
 recognize repeating decimals in the quotient
 write equations for word problems
 rename fractions as decimals by renaming
the denominator as a power of 10
 rename fractions as decimals using division
 identify quotients as repeating, nonrepeating, or non-terminating decimals
 compare decimals and fractions
 divide whole numbers by decimals and
decimals by decimals
 complete an input/output table
 develop an understanding of real numbers
 apply addition and multiplication properties
to real numbers
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 192-209
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Student Worktext
Pages 190-211
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Purity of a Christian’s
Christians as faithful
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Practice and Review Objectives:
 partition figures to find the quotient
 divide fractions
 multiply by the reciprocal
 review the Order of Operations and the partwhole model
 solve for n
 find the unknown measure of an angle
 compare, add, subtract, multiply, and divide
 solve decimal word problems
 review perimeter, area, and volume
 solve volume and perimeter word problems
 identify congruent and similar shapes
 review percent
 identify the probability: certain, equally
likely, impossible
 read and interpret pictographs and line
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide money
 solve word problems
 read a Venn diagram
 demonstrate an understanding of the parts of
a circle
 find the perimeter of a square
 identify a triangle according to its angles
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 10: Equations
Students will:
 write numerical or algebraic expressions for
word phrases
 demonstrate an understanding of algebraic
expressions with more than one operation
 evaluate expressions using substitution and
the Order of Operations
 demonstrate an understanding of equations
 write equations with 2 equal expressions
 determine the unknown in word problems
and write it as a variable in an equation
 evaluate and relate expressions using <, >,
and =
 demonstrate an understanding of the
Commutative and Associative Properties of
Addition and of Multiplication
 use manipulatives and apply the
Commutative and Associative Properties to
simplify algebraic expressions
 solve equations using inverse operations
 check addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division equations using substitution
 write equations with variables to solve word
 demonstrate an understanding of
 picture inequalities on a number line
 determine whether a given number is a
solution to an inequality
 demonstrate an understanding of the
Distributive Property of Multiplication over
Addition and apply it to find equivalent
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 214-233
Student Worktext
Pages 212-235
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man’s responsibility for
his actions
God’s Word as the only
true source of guidance
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
calculate distance traveled given the rate
and time, rate of travel given the distance
and time, and time traveled given the
distance and rate
complete tables and create line graphs
relating to the formula d = r * t
Practice and Review Objectives:
 use mental math to solve problems
 rename fractions as decimals
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals
and fractions
 make a factor tree
 find the prime factorization in exponent
 find the GCF
 make a Venn diagram
 multiply and divide using mental math
 round to the nearest hundredth
 determine the place value of whole numbers
 review volume, area, and perimeter
 divide fractions and whole numbers
 solve measurement and fraction word
 identify lines and points
 classify polygons
 classify triangles by the length of their sides
 draw a circle graph
 read and interpret bar graphs
 identify plane figures when given the
 find missing factors
 identify the reciprocal of a fraction
 determine the value of an expression
 determine the lowest terms of fractions and
mixed numbers
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 11: Perimeter & Area
Students will:
 calculate the perimeter of polygons using a
 calculate the unknown length of a side of a
 solve an algebraic expression to find the
perimeter of a rectangle
 develop an understanding of the relationship
between the diameter and circumference of
a circle
 calculate the circumference of a circle using
a formula and the diameter given the
 calculate the area of rectangles, squares,
parallelograms, triangles, and circles using a
 calculate the area of a complex figure
 calculate the unknown side (length or
width) of a rectangle or square
 calculate the unknown height or base of a
 estimate the area of a circle
 name the 3-dimensional figure that can be
formed from a net
 calculate the surface area of rectangular,
square, and triangular prisms and cylinders
using formulas
 construct triangular prisms
 construct cylinder nets
 recognize that perimeter can vary for a fixed
 calculate the area and perimeter of a
 create a basic floor plan from a fixed area
 relate circumference, area, surface area, and
geometry to real-life situations
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 238-257
Student Worktext
Pages 236-259
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
God’s loving care
God’s provision for man
Man’s use of his Godgiven dominion and
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Practice and Review Objectives:
 write word phrases as numeric or algebraic
 compare expressions
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide money,
whole numbers, decimals, and fractions
 apply properties to find an unknown
 simplify expressions
 solve using the inverse operation
 read and interpret circle and line graphs,
pictographs, and Venn diagrams
 solve money, percent, fraction, and decimal
word problems
 identify prime and composite numbers
 use the guess-and-check strategy to solve
 identify equivalent expressions
 estimate products and sums
 identify all factors of a number
 determine the value of a variable.
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 12: Volume
Students will:
 develop an understanding of volume and the
volume of a cube
 find the volume of a rectangular prism,
cube, and irregular prism using a model
 calculate the volume of a cube, triangular
prism, and cylinder using formulas
 calculate the unknown measurement of a
rectangular prism
 relate volume to real-life situations
 recognize that surface area can vary for a
fixed volume and volume for a fixed lateral
surface area
 calculate the volume and lateral surface area
of a rectangular prism and cylinder using
Practice and Review Objectives:
 simplify expressions write word phrases as
algebraic expressions
 solve for the variable
 write the equivalent measure
 compare and choose the best unit of
 read and interpret line graphs and plots
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole
numbers, decimals, and fractions
 rename fractions as decimals
 identify the ordered pair for a point on a
coordinate plane
 determine the radius and diameter of a
 identify the formula used to find the area of
a circle
 identify geometric figures: parallelogram,
parallel and perpendicular lines
 classify angles as acute, obtuse, or right
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 262-273
Student Worktext
Pages 260-275
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
God’s orderly design
God’s creation for man’s
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 13: Ratios, Proportions, & Percents
Students will:
 write ratios in 3 forms: word, ratio, and
fraction form
 write ratios to describe part-to-part, part-towhole, and whole-to-part comparisons
 find equivalent ratios
 determine the unit rate
 find an equivalent ratio using the unit rate
 use ratios to represent real-life situations
and to solve problems
 complete and make ratio tables
 solve problems using ratio tables
 develop an understanding of proportions
using models, proportions in similar figures,
and percent using models
 determine whether 2 ratios are proportional
 solve for missing terms in proportions
 find the unknown measure in similar figures
using proportions or indirect measurement
 find actual measurement using a scale and
scale drawing, map, or model
 determine the unknown measure on a scale
drawing given the scale and actual
 solve word problems using ratios and
percent word problems using proportions
 express percents as ratios, decimals, and
fractions in lowest terms, and decimals and
fractions as percents
 compare percents to decimals and fractions
using <, >, and =
 find a percent of a number and the unknown
whole in a percent problem using an
equation, model, and proportion
 calculate distance given the rate of speed
and time, the rate given distance and time,
and the time given distance and rate
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 278-299
Student Worktext
Pages 276-301
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man as steward of God’s
Man’s use of wisdom to
serve his fellow man
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
rename to calculate distance, rate of speed,
or time
 find equivalent rates using proportions
Practice and Review Objectives:
 review perimeter, area, and volume
 solve word problems
 compare decimals
 solve money word problems
 write equations for word phrases
 multiply and divide fractions and mixed
 rename to lowest terms
 classify a triangle by its angles or sides
 find the unknown measure of an angle in a
 find the measure of a complementary or
supplementary angle
 identify the diameter, chord, and radius of a
 write fractions as decimals
 complete division equations with repeating
 use given values to evaluate expressions
 write the time
 indicate the temperature in °F
 write the equivalent measurement
 plot ordered pairs on a coordinate plane
 round to the nearest tenth
 read and interpret circle graphs
 simplify square roots, exponents, and
 solve for missing terms in proportions
 calculate the area of a complex figure, the
circumference of a circle, and the volume of
a cylinder
 identify the equation for the area of a
rectangular prism and a triangle
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 14: Measurement
Students will:
 demonstrate an understanding of linear units
(inch, foot, yard, and mile) and units of
weight (pound, ounce, and ton) and capacity
(fluid ounce, cup, pint, quart, and gallon)
 estimate measurements using bench marks
 measure to the nearest inch, half-inch,
fourth-inch, eighth-inch, and sixteenth-inch
 convert linear, weight, and capacity
measurements to smaller and larger units
 find fractions of measurement units
 add and subtract linear, weight, and capacity
 read a spring scale
 develop an understanding of the metric
system, of metric linear units (kilometer,
meter, centimeter, and millimeter), and of
the metric units of capacity (liter and
milliliter) and mass (gram, kilogram, and
 estimate and measure to the nearest meter,
centimeter, and millimeter
 determine the appropriate linear unit
 convert metric linear, capacity, and mass
measurements to smaller and larger units
 compare metric linear measurements using
< and >
 add and subtract metric linear, capacity, and
mass measurements
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide
 solve measurement word problems
 recognize degree as a measuring unit for
temperature and that °C represents degrees
Celsius and °F represents degrees
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 304-329
Student Worktext
Pages 302-331
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Interrelationship of the
parts of creation
Man as steward of God’s
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
identify standard Celsius and Fahrenheit
determine the more reasonable temperature
read and set Celsius and Fahrenheit
determine the amount of increase or
decrease between 2 temperatures
measure and convert temperatures
recognize approximate equivalencies
between customary and metric units of
compare and estimate conversions between
customary and metric measurements
identify equivalent units of time
tell and write time to the minute
differentiate between A.M. and P.M.
develop an understanding of a 24-hour
convert units of time to smaller and larger
find fractions of units of time
add and subtract time
demonstrate an understanding of world time
determine the elapsed time
estimate customary and metric
measurements of objects
determine mileage using a map scale
write an equivalency as a unit multiplier
determine the missing term in a unit
convert measurements using a unit
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Practice and Review Objectives:
 write ratios as fractions in lowest terms and
fractions as decimals
 write ratios from given data
 make a ratio table
 compare fractions
 find the unit rate
 identify equivalent ratios
 write numbers in decimal, percent, and
fraction forms
 find the percent of a number
 find the volume of a prism and cylinder
 solve volume, probability, and fraction
word problems
 order, compare, and add positive and
negative numbers
 find the average
 divide fractions, mixed numbers, decimals,
and fractions with repeating decimal
 plot ordered pairs on a coordinate plane
 read and interpret line graphs
 round numbers to a given place
 estimate a quotient or sum
 simplify expressions using substitution
 determine the value of a variable in an
expression or equation
 identify common factors and multiples of 2
 demonstrate an understanding of a circle:
diameter, radius, and chord
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 15: Statistics
Students will:
 complete frequency tables using given data
 determine the range, median, and mode and
calculate the mean for a set of data
 read and interpret double bar graphs, double
line graphs, stem-and-leaf plots, line plots,
histograms, and box-and-whisker plots
 complete stem-and-leaf plots
 record data on line plots
 demonstrate an understanding of clusters,
gaps, and outliers
 determine the effects of an outlier
 complete frequency tables and construct
histograms using given data
 develop an understanding of box-andwhisker plots
 determine the lower, middle, and upper
quartiles of a set of data
 construct box-and-whisker plots using given
 choose a graph to display a set of data
Practice and Review Objectives:
 write ratios in word, ratio, and fraction form
 write ratios as fractions in lowest terms
 determine equivalent ratios and
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide ratios
 identify similar figures
 write proportions to find unknown measures
 solve proportion and fraction word
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 334-353
Student Worktext
Pages 332-355
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Giving God the best
Man as a steward of time
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
write percents as decimals and fractions in
lowest terms
write ratios and decimals as percents
complete a frequency table/tally chart
convert, add, and subtract measurements
read and interpret circle graphs
write improper fractions as mixed or whole
add and subtract fractions and mixed
add positive and negative numbers
solve for the variable
add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole
numbers, decimals, and fractions
identify the value of digits in decimals
round to estimate differences
measure lines to the nearest sixteenth-inch
identify a chord and diameter in a circle
find the unknown measure of an angle in a
pair of supplementary angles and in a
calculate the volume of cylinders
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 16: Probability
Students will:
 develop an understanding of probability
 write probabilities as fractions, decimals,
and percents
 find the theoretical probability of an event
and its complement
 find the sample space for and the
probability of an event
 make a tree diagram to list the sample space
for an event
 determine the number of possible outcomes
using the Multiplication Counting Principle
 predict the results of an experiment using
the theoretical probability of an event
 conduct a probability experiment
 find the experimental probability of an
 create a line plot for the results of an
 determine whether a game is fair or unfair
using probability
 make predictions using probability
 differentiate between independent and
dependent compound events
 find the probability of compound events
using a formula
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 358-371
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Student Worktext
Pages 356-373
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man exercising dominion
over the earth and its
Man showing love to
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Practice and Review Objectives:
 complete a stem-and-leaf plot
 find the range, mean, mode, and median for
a set of data
 write a ratio for the picture
 write ratios as fractions in lowest terms
 compare fractions
 find the unknown measurement
 find equivalent fractions and ratios
 write fractions and decimals as percents
 find the percent of a number
 solve percent, measurement, and money
word problems
 plot ordered pairs and quadrants on a
coordinate plane
 identify the standard from of numbers
written in exponent form
 round decimals to a given place
 estimate the location of fractions on a
number line
 estimate the sum of mixed numbers
 classify figures as congruent
 identify the type of triangle
 determine the LCM
 divide fractions and whole numbers
 simplify expressions using the Order of
 multiply decimals
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math Grade 6 (3rd edition)
Chapter Content and Objectives
Chapter 17: Integers
Students will:
 demonstrate an understanding of integers
 find the absolute value of a number
 compare and order integers
 add and subtract integers using
manipulatives and a number line
 write addition and subtraction equations for
word problems
 demonstrate an understanding of the
relationship between subtracting an integer
and adding its opposite
 solve real-life word problems
 multiply and divide integers using
 subtract integers by adding the opposite
 apply the order of operations to integers
 graph points on a four-quadrant coordinate
 write ordered pairs to identify points on a
four-quadrant coordinate plane
Practice and Review Objectives:
 compare and order numbers
 round to the greatest place
 write numbers in word, standard, expanded
and expanded with multiplication forms
 add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions
and mixed numbers
 measure an angle using a protractor
 classify angles: acute, obtuse, right, straight
 find the diameter of a circle
 find the unknown measure of an angle
 identify a rhombus
60 min.
per day
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping
Math 6 for Christian
Read and discuss materials in
Use interactive and hands-on
activities outlined in Teacher’s
Assign Worktext pages to
provide practice.
Provide activities and
worksheets for reinforcement
and enrichment as indicated by
student’s mastery of skills.
Evaluation Techniques:
 Teacher observation of students
 Class participation
 Worktext pages
 Reinforcement and enrichment
Teacher’s Edition
Pages 376-397
Student Worktext
Pages 374-399
Student Materials
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Visual Packet
As specified in the
Teacher’s Edition
Various manipulative
materials as specified
in Teacher’s Edition
Man’s wise use of money
Chapter Content and Objectives
use mental math to add, subtract, multiply,
and divide
write fractions as decimals, and percents as
decimals and fractions in lowest terms
write word phrases as algebraic expressions
simplify expressions
review perimeter, circumference, and area
find the unit rate
find the distance traveled in a given time
review ratios
write proportions to find equivalent ratios
review experimental probability
write probability as fractions and percents
identify possible combinations
order, compare, add, and subtract integers
read and interpret double line graphs
identify geometric figures
find the area of a parallelogram
find the surface area and volume of a
rectangular prism
estimate an answer
solve fraction problems
Methods, Activities, and Evaluation
Books and Materials
Christian Worldview Shaping