List of publications This thesis consists of an overview of the following five publications, which from here on are referred to as Roman numerals in the text: I Aalto A., Manu M., Dun O. (2010) Use of industrial residues from the steel, paper and pulp industries - a preliminary study. Prog Ind Ecol Int J 7(3), 185-204. DOI: II Manu M., Aalto A., Pyökki R., Niemi H., Dun O. (2012) Utilization of steel, pulp and paper industry solid residues in forest soil amendment: relevant physicochemical properties and heavy metal availability. J Hazard Mater 207-208, 21-27. DOI: III Manu M., Laine A., Aalto A., Myrsky A., Virta A. (2012) Analytical evaluation of fibre residues for industrial scale recycling. Int J Mater Eng Innov 3(1), 1-16. DOI: IV Manu M., Oksa M.L., Aalto A. (2012) Feasibility assessment of interindustry solid residue utilization for soil amendment - trace element availability and legislative issues. Resour Conserv Recycl 67, 1-8. DOI: V Manu M., Aalto T., Aalto A., Hyöky A., Dun O. (2012) Evaluation of trace element availability from secondary metallurgical slag generated in steelmaking by sequential chemical extraction. Submitted to Int J Env Sci Technol. i Author’s contribution I MM carried out the literature review in collaboration with AA and OD and wrote half of the manuscript. II MM was responsible of devising the conceptual approach with AA, processing the industrial samples, manufacturing the investigated materials, devising the experimental plan in collaboration Dr Pyökki and Dr Nurmi, interpreting the results and writing the manuscript. III The author MM had the main responsibility for planning the work, interpretation of the results and writing the publication under the supervision of Prof. Ari Aalto and D. Sc. (Tech.) Ari Laine. The author performed the laboratory work and fibre analyses with AFM and XPS. Dr. Aimo Myrsky had the main responsibility for the ESCA analysis of fibre material. M.Sc.(Tech.) Anni Virta assisted in the experimental work, as the fibre separation method was based on a patent developed by him. IV The author MM was responsible of manufacturing the investigated materials, devising the experimental plan and interpreting the results. The article manuscript was written in collaboration (50-50%) with Dr Oksa, who was responsible of the legislative part of the investigation. V The author MM had the main responsibility for planning the work, interpretation of the results and writing the publication under the supervision of D. Sc. (Tech.) Ari Laine. The author carried out the pilotscale trials and chemical analyses. M.Sc.(Tech.) Anna Hyöky and the personnel from ABC AG (Michael See and Alfred Aalto) assisted in the industrial scale trials. D.Sc.(Tech.) Tuuli Aalto assisted in the extraction studies, as the evaluation of slag generation was part of her doctoral thesis research.. ii Nomenclature Abbreviations BCR Community Bureau of Reference BF blast furnace BOF basic oxygen furnace CRM certified reference material CVAAS cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry EAF electric arc furnace EU European Union FAAS flame atomic absorption spectrometry GGBFS ground granulated blast furnace slag IC ion chromatography ICP-OES inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry IRMM Institute of Reference Materials and Measurements NPEs non-process elements PCR post-column reaction SEM scanning electron microscopy USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency UV/VIS ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy XRD X-ray diffraction iii Chemical compounds and minerals Al2Ca(SiO4)2 anorthite (mineral) Al2O3(CaO)3(H2O)6 hydrogarnet (mineral) Al(OH)3 gibbsite (mineral) Al2Si2O5(OH)4 kaolinite (mineral) aqua regia a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acid (3:1 v/v) Ca12Al14O33 mayenite (mineral) Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 grossular (mineral) Ca2Al2SiO7 gehlenite (mineral) Ca3Al2(SiO4)1.25(OH)7 hibschite (mineral) CaF2 calcium fluoride CaCO3 calcium carbonate Ca3Mg(SiO4)2 merwinite (mineral) CaO calcium oxide; ‘burned lime’ Ca(OH)2 calcium hydroxide; portlandite (mineral) 3CaO∙SiO2 tricalcium silicate; ‘alite’ (cement nomenclature) 2CaO∙SiO2, Ca2SiO4 dicalcium silicate; larnite (mineral); ‘belite’ (cement nomenclature) CO2 carbon dioxide H-citrate hydrogen citrate (C6H8O7); citric acid HCl hydrochloric acid HClO4 perchloric acid HF hydrogen fluoride HNO3 nitric acid H2O water H2O2 hydrogen peroxide HOAc acetic acid (CH3COOH) MgAl2O4 spinel (mineral) MgCl2 magnesium chloride iv MgO periclase (mineral) Na-citrate sodium citrate (C6H5Na3O7) Na2CO3 sodium carbonate NaOAc sodium acetate (CH3COONa) NaOH sodium hydroxide Na2EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (Na2C10H14N2O8) Na2S sodium sulphide Na2SO4 sodium sulphate Na2S2O4 sodium dithionate; sodium hydrosulphite NH4OAc ammonium acetate (CH3COONH4) NH2OH hydroxylamine NH2OH∙HCl hydroxylamine hydrochloride; hydroxylammonium chloride SiO2 quartz (mineral) v Symbols E0 standard electrode potential [V] EC electrical conductivity [mS cm-1] Eh redox potential [V] F Faraday constant [C mol-1] ∆G0f Gibbs free energy change [kJ mol-1] LOI loss on ignition M molarity n number of experimental repetitions n number of electrons transferred in a redox half reaction NV neutralizing value R universal gas constant RV reactivity value T absolute temperature TOC total organic carbon vi [mol dm-3] [J mol-1 K-1] [K] Contents List of publications .............................................................................................................. i Author’s contribution.......................................................................................................... ii Nomenclature ..................................................................................................................... iii 1 Introduction................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 2 Thesis objective .................................................................................................. 2 Background ................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 2.1.1 Integrated carbon steelmaking slag residues....................................................... 4 2.2 Slag residue utilisation ................................................................................ 4 2.2.1 Pulp and papermaking residues .......................................................................... 7 2.3 Pulp and paper residue utilisation ............................................................... 8 2.3.1 Environmental considerations ........................................................................... 12 2.4 3 4 5 Single vs. sequential extraction procedures .............................................. 12 Summary ........................................................................................................... 15 Materials and methods .............................................................................................. 16 3.1 Soil amendment manufacture ........................................................................... 16 3.2 Relevant physicochemical properties ............................................................... 17 3.3 Easily-available plant nutrients ......................................................................... 17 3.4 Pseudo-total element concentrations................................................................. 17 3.5 Sequential extraction of trace elements ............................................................ 18 3.6 Method evaluation ............................................................................................ 18 Results and discussion .............................................................................................. 19 4.1 Relevant physicochemical properties and easily-available nutrient concentrations ................................................................................................... 19 4.2 Pseudo-total element concentrations and trace element availability................. 20 4.3 Method performance ......................................................................................... 22 4.4 Legislative perspectives .................................................................................... 23 Conclusions............................................................................................................... 24 5.1 Significance of this work .................................................................................. 24 5.2 Limitations and future research recommendations ........................................... 24 References......................................................................................................................... 25 Errata for appended publications vii 1 Introduction Waste utilisation is an attractive alternative to disposal as it can reduce reliance on landfill practices, the extraction of virgin raw materials and possibly enable savings in valuable materials and energy resources otherwise consumed in the process of converting raw materials to products. As recent regulatory development has increased the costs of landfill disposal and the difficulty in acquiring new sites, an emerging waste disposal problem is arising for traditional process industries in Finland and abroad (Cabral et al. 2008; Dippenaar 2005; Monte et al. 2009). However, for large manufacturers such as the forest and ferrous metals industries, the quality of waste streams is often reflective of the quality of the main product and it is thus beneficial to strive towards the stability of process conditions and the homogeneity of waste streams promoting respective utilisation. In manufacturing systems, elements which are detrimental to the quality of the main product or to the stability of production are willingly removed from the process by various alternatives thus generating environmental burden. As in any unit process, decisions for decreasing environmental burdens into a specific environmental media, such as atmospheric or waste-water emissions, can with the current technologies only be performed at the expense of solid waste generation (Fig. 1). This has relevance regarding forest and steel industry operations, which have increasingly been concentrating on the respective control of waste-water and atmospheric emissions during the past decades (EC 2001a, 2001b). Prior to the new Waste Act (646/2011), enforced in May 2012, Finnish environmental legislation did not recognise the concept of ‘residue’ or ‘by-product’ and thus all residues, which were not labeled as products, were treated as wastes (Sorvari 2008). Fig. 1 A schematic illustration of the environmental burdens generated by a unit process (modified from Dahl 2008) 1 To respond to the increasing pressures related to the environmental burdens generated by different industrial sectors, society as a whole needs to consider industrial wastes as valuable resources and encourage further utilisation in subsequent processes, industries or even the surrounding ecosystems. Practical efforts are required to transform the current linear resource use and disposal models to more cyclical ones (Fig. 2) possibly enabling increased environmental efficiency on local, national and global levels. For individual industrial actors this could be realized as greater competitiveness through the optimisation of materials and energy consumption and thus represent a continuation of the inevitable drive towards efficiency (Curran and Williams 2011). Fig. 2 Linear and cyclical material flows (modified from Curran and Williams 2011) 1.1 Thesis objective The objective of this thesis was to find applications for the inter-industry utilisation of forest and carbon steel industry residues. The volume of operations and increasing regulatory pressures further support the already existing need for utilisation. As a consequence of high calcium equivalents present in these residues, the pH values of certain soils could be raised significantly through the neutralization of soil acidity. Additional nutrient contents could enable utilisation for soil fertilization purposes in certain acidic soils, acting as amendments by increasing soil pH and nutrient content, thus enhancing seed germination and seedling growth. By a combination of pulp and paper, and steel industry residues processed into pellets, the risk of physiological shock effects from easily-soluble salts could be attenuated and potential alkaline contaminant release (Mahmoudkhani et al. 2004) controlled. The research tasks for achieving this were: 2 (i) To find candidate mills and experimentally manufacture potential soil amendment materials. (ii) To evaluate the performance of a sequential extraction method in providing the necessary environmental assessment data. (iii) To investigate whether the attained residue combinations would allow an end of waste legal definition. As illustrated in Fig. 3, paper I provided background to the operations of these separate industrial sectors with a suggestion of relevant candidate facilities and discussed the characteristics of individual residue streams. Papers II and III respectively addressed the utilisation of primary and secondary slag residues from the suggested carbon steel mill in tandem with residues from the suggested pulp and paper mill complex in the experimental manufacture of potential soil amendment materials. Paper IV discussed the possibilities of inter-industry residue utilisation from a legislative perspective based on national and EU regulatory frameworks, the definition of waste and the end of waste criteria. Finally, paper V attempted to evaluate the suitability of the operationally defined sequential extraction method, used in papers II-IV, in the analysis of industrial solid samples, such as secondary steel ladle slag. Fig. 3 Fields of research work described in this thesis 3 2 Background In manufacturing systems, elements which are detrimental to the quality of the main product or to the stability of production are willingly removed from the process by various alternatives thus generating environmental burden. 2.1 Integrated carbon steelmaking slag residues The carbon steel and forest industries ---- 2.1.1 Slag residue utilisation ---. As illustrated in Fig. 5, the utilisation rate of BOF steel slags is generally lower than that of BF slags as secondary desulphurisation and steel ladle slags lack commercial applications. Fig. 4 Final use of primary a) BF and b) BOF slag residues within the European Union (EC Furthermore, Lampris et al. (2008) used ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) to solidify air pollution control residues, a mixture of lime, fly ash and carbon, to prevent ------ In summary, the available investigations concerning the utilisation of carbon steelmaking residues are further compiled in Table 1. 4 Table 1 Available research literature regarding the utilisation of integrated carbon steelmaking slag residues Ref. Residue(s) Potential application(s) Advantage(s) Limitation(s) Experimental conditions Adolfsson et al. (2011) Secondary ladle slag Blended cements Cementitious properties Insufficient properties for commercial use Laboratory Abou Seeda et al. (2002) Primary BOF slag Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction Need for organic matter additions Laboratory and greenhouse Ali and Shahram (2007) Primary BOF slag Soil amendment pH correction Potential trace element contamination Laboratory Altun and Yılmaz (2002) Primary BOF slag Blended cements Satisfactory properties Strength inversely related to slag quantity Laboratory Barth et al. (2007) Primary BF slag Soil amendment Trace element immobilization in dredged sediments Trace element contamination Laboratory Khan et al. (2007) Basic slaga Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction - Laboratory Kim et al. (2005) Primary BOF slag Solidification of digested sewage sludge Structural properties and contaminant leaching - Laboratory Lampris et al. (2008) Primary BF slag Solidification of air pollution control residues Structural properties Chloride leaching Laboratory Levonmäki and Hartikainen (2007) Primary BF slag Soil amendment Pb immobilization in shooting range soils Trace element contamination Laboratory Manso et al. (2005) Secondary ladle slag Masonry mortars and road construction Suitable properties - Laboratory a Source process not specified 5 Table 1 (continued) Ref. Residue(s) Potential application(s) Advantage(s) Limitation(s) Experimental conditions Motz and Geiseler (2001) Primary BOF and EAF slags Road aggregates, hydraulic engineering, fertilizers Advantageous/comparable to virgin alternatives - Theoretical Munn et al. (2005) Primary BF and BOF slags Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction - Greenhouse Nozoe et al. (1999) Primary BOF slag Soil amendment Fe source and pH correction Possible decrease in redox potential Laboratory Peregrina et al. (2008) Primary BOF slag Soil amendment Mg source for gypsumamended acidic soils Potential Al-F toxicity (phospho-gypsum) Greenhouse and field Setién et al. (2009) Secondary ladle slag Construction products Potentially cementitious in the presence of activators Volume instability Laboratory Shi (2002) Secondary ladle slag Construction products Highly cementitious in the presence of activators Weakly cementitious under normal conditions Laboratory Shi (2004) Primary BOF and EAF slags Blended cements Advantageous properties in the presence of activators Weakly cementitious, free CaO hydration Review Shi and FernándezJiménez (2006) Primary BOF slag Alkali-activated cements (solidification/stabilization) Advantageous properties to commercial alternatives Potential cracking and alkali leaching Review Shi and Hu (2003) Secondary ladle slag Construction products Highly cementitious under hydrothermal conditions Cracking due to free CaO hydration Laboratory Wang and Cai (2006) Primary BOF slag Soil amendment Fe source for Fe chlorosis Need for further trials Laboratory 6 2.2 Pulp and papermaking residues ---- As illustrated in Fig. 6, the aforementioned combustion, causticizing and calcination stages generate respective green liquor dregs, slaker grits and lime waste residues, which are withdrawn from the chemical recovery circuit mainly for the removal of so-called non-process elements (NPEs) (Doldán et al. 2010; Martins et al. 2007). These NPEs, e.g., potassium, magnesium, manganese, barium, iron, aluminium, copper, nickel, chromium and zinc, are non-reactive or insoluble elements and possibly detrimental in the fibre line and chemical recovery (Grace and Tran 2009). Fig. 5 The chemical recovery circuit of a pulp mill (modified from Järvensivu et al. 2001) As pulp and papermaking is ----- Indicative values of the aforementioned chemical recovery circuit, ash and waste-water treatment sludge residues are presented in Table 2. 7 Table 2 Residue generation (t a-1) at certain Finnish pulp and paper mill complexes (Dahl et al. 2010; Nurmesniemi et al. 2007, 2010a, 2010b) Residue Green liquor dregs Slaker grits Lime waste Fly ash Bottom ash Biosludge Paper mill sludge Source process Recovery boiler Causticizing Lime kiln Solid fuel boiler Solid fuel boiler Biological waste-water treatment Chemical waste-water treatment Generationa (d.w.b) 3700c 670d 120c 14,000c 2600e 8700c 22,000c aProduction capacity in 2004: 400,000 t a-1 bleached soft- and hardwood pulp; 550,000 t a-1 uncoated fine paper; 500,000 t a-1 coated magazine paper (Northern Finland Environmental Permit Authority 2007) bd.w. = dry weight cData from 2004 (Nurmesniemi et al. 2007) dData from 2008 (Nurmesniemi et al. 2010a, 2010b) eData from 2009 (Dahl et al. 2010) 2.2.1 Pulp and paper residue utilisation Available literature regarding the utilisation of pulp and papermaking residues has mainly concentrated on use in the construction industry or application to soil. As illustrated in Fig. 7, the landfill disposal of these residues within the European Union (EU) has declined in recent years due to ---- (Monte et al. 2009). Fig. 6 Utilisation of pulp and papermaking residues within the EU (modified from Monte et al. 2009; originally by the Confederation of European Paper Industry 2004) 8 ----- In summary, the utilisation of pulp and papermaking residues based on the aforementioned publications is further compiled in Table 3. 9 Table 3 Available research literature regarding the utilisation of pulp and papermaking residues Ref. Residue(s) Potential application(s) Advantage(s) Limitation(s) Experimental conditions Ahmadi and AlKhaja (2001) Bio-chemical sludge Concrete aggregate Decreased density, suitable properties Water absorption, reduced strength Laboratory Augusto et al. (2008) Wood (fly) ash Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction Potential trace element contamination Review Cabral et al. (1998) Pulp mill sludge Soil amendment Organic matter and nutrient source, pH correction Potential trace element, organochlorine and nitrate contamination Review Cabral et al. (2008) Fly ash, green liquor dregs, slaker grits Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction - Laboratory Camberato et al. (2006) Pulp and paper mill sludge Soil amendment Organic matter and nutrient source, pH correction Potential nutrient immobilization Review Castro et al. (2009) Green liquor dregs and slaker grits Cement production Alternative waste management Potentially increased sulphur emissions Industrial Demeyer et al. (2001) Wood (fly) ash Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction Limited application rates Review Hackett et al. (1999) Pulp and paper mill biosludge and fly ash Compost soil application Nutrient source and pH correction Potential dioxin contamination Laboratory and soil application Jordan et al. (2002) Ashes, green liquor dregs, slaker grits Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction Trace element contamination Greenhouse Jordan and Rodriguez (2004) Ashes, green liquor dregs, slaker grits, primary sludge Soil amendment Organic matter and nutrient source, pH correction Trace element contamination Laboratory and greenhouse Lundström et al. (2003) Wood (fly) ash and lime Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction Additional perturbations Review 10 Table 3 (continued) Ref. Residue(s) Potential application(s) Advantage(s) Limitation(s) Experimental conditions Meiwes et al. (1995) Wood (fly) ash and lime Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction Nitrification and nitrate leaching Theoretical Muse and Mitchell (1995) Paper mill fly ash and lime Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction - Laboratory and field Nurmesniemi et al. (2010a) Slaker grits Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction Potential trace element contamination Laboratory Nurmesniemi et al. (2010b) Slaker grits Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction - Laboratory Pöykiö et al. (2005) Pulp and paper mill fly ash Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction Potential trace element contamination Laboratory Rato Nunes et al. (2008) Secondary paper mill sludge Soil amendment Organic matter source and pH correction Limited Mg content Greenhouse Ritter et al. (1992) Paper mill sludge and fly ash Soil amendment Closure of landfill and sludge lagoons - Greenhouse and field Sutcu and Akkurt (2001) Paper mill sludge Brick production Decreased density and thermal conductivity Compressive strength Laboratory Tulonen et al. (2002) Wood (fly) ash Soil amendment Nutrient source and pH correction Potential increase in plankton growth of nearby lake systems Laboratory and field Wang et al. (2008a) Pure wood and coincineration fly ash Concrete additive Comparable properties Increased water demand and decreased strength Laboratory Wang et al. (2008b) Pure wood and coincineration fly ash Concrete additive Increased reactivity with increased Fe content Non-reactive particle cores Laboratory 11 2.3 Environmental considerations ---- As a result of a driving gradient, potential trace element release from environmental solid samples can occur via two distinct mechanisms, i.e., desorption or dissolution. As these two processes (Fig. 8) are often hard to distinguish from one another, and in highly heterogeneous samples often take place concomitantly, the former generally involves the degradation of surface bonds (e.g., van der Waals forces, electrostatic or covalent bonds) as the latter inherently relates to the decomposition of a solid phase (Linge 2008). Fig. 7 A schematic illustration of the mechanisms governing potential trace element release from environmental solid samples (modified from Linge 2008) 2.3.1 Single vs. sequential extraction procedures To attain quantitative information --In principal, sequential extraction procedures ----- As illustrated in Fig. 9, the main objective of sequential extraction is to sub-divide the total or pseudo-total trace element content to distinct fractions, as the elements recovered in the first fractions are generally those more weakly bound to the solid phases and hence have a greater potential mobility and environmental impact (Bacon and Davidson 2008). 12 Fig. 8 An illustrative example of the characteristic recoveries of various extraction procedures (modified from Ure and Davidson 2002) Similar to the Tessier et al. (1979) procedure, the original and revised BCR procedures --- As opposed to the Tessier et al. (1979) procedure, the justification for the BCR extraction procedure lies in simulating possible natural and anthropogenic modifications of prevailing environmental conditions (Gleyzes et al. 2002; Ryan et al. 2008). In comparison, the reagents and extraction conditions of the original Tessier et al. (1979) and revised BCR (Rauret et al. 1999) procedures are further illustrated in Table 4. 13 Table 4 Reagents and extraction conditions of the original Tessier et al. (1979) and revised BCR sequential extraction procedures (Rauret et al. 1999) Tessier et al. (1979) Step 1 2 Reagents (per 1 g dry sample) 8 mL MgCl2 (1 M; pH 7.0) or NaOAc (1 M; pH 8.2) 8 mL NaOAc (1 M; adjusted to pH 5.0 with HOAc) 20 mL Na2S2O4 (0.3 M) + Na-citrate (0.175 M) 3 4 5 b Revised BCR (Rauret et al. 1999) Shaking time and temperature Nominal target phases 1 h, room temp. Exchangeable 5 h, room temp. 2 h, room a + H-citrate (0.025 M) or NH2OH∙HCl (0.04 M in 25% v/v HOAc) temp. or 6 h, 96±3 °C 3 mL HNO3 (0.02 M) + 5 mL H2O2 (8.8 M; 2 h, 85±2 °C adjusted to pH 2 with HNO3), 3 mL H2O2 (8.8 3 h, 85±2 °C M; pH 2 with HNO3), 5 mL NH4OAc (3.2 M in 20% v/v HNO3) 30 min, room temp. 10 mL HF + 2 mL HClO4, 10 mL HF + 1 mL digestion Carbonates 1 Reagents (per 1 g sample) 40 mL HOAc (0.11 M; pH 2.9) Shaking time and temperature Nominal target phases 16 h, 22±5 °C Acid-soluble; exchangeable; carbonate-bound Fe and Mn oxides Organic matter 40 mL NH2OH∙HCl (0.5 M; 2 3 adjusted to pH 1.5 with 25 mL 2 M HNO3) 10 mL H2O2 (8.8 M; adjusted to pH 2-3), 50 mL NH4OAc (1.0 M; adjusted to pH 2 with HNO3) Residual HClO4, 1 mL HClO4 a Step 4 21 mL HCl (12.0 M) + 7 mL HNO3 (15.8 M) 16 h, 22±5 °C Reducible 1 h, room temp. 1 h, 85±2 °C 1 h, 85±2 °C 16 h, 22±5 °C digestionb Oxidisable Residual Anderson and Jenne (1970) ISO 11466 (1995) Soil quality – extraction of trace elements soluble in aqua regia b 14 2.4 Summary Based on the discussed literature, the utilisation of --Taking into consideration the shortcomings of --- 15 3 Materials and methods Afdjfkdjgbhjmgfnm ghkndnlöghnmöfhkgfnlghmn ölfnölf ----. 3.1 Soil amendment manufacture The experimental manufacture of potential residue-derived soil amendments was carried out by combining individual residue streams (e.g., Fig. 10) from two different industrial facilities (discussed in paper I). The work was carried out in the two subsequent phases (paper II and papers III & IV, respectively) --- Fig. 9 Scanning electron microscope images of a) desulphurisation slag, b) fly ash, c) lime waste and d) dried paper mill sludge residues used for manufacturing potential soil amendments discussed in papers III & IV (unpublished data) The manufacturing method for the amendment samples was adopted from conventional cement testing and consisted of dry mixing the individual constituents (see Table 5) in a laboratory mixer prior to admixing water to enable slag/fly ash hydration. Water addition was followed by a second mixing period before respective quantities of the attained slurries were cast in cubic 1 dm3 (paper II, see Fig. 11), or cylindrical moulds of approx. 25 mm in width and 35 mm in height (papers III & IV), vibrated and cured in room temperature and humidity. 16 Table 5 Soil amendment compositions (expressed as mass fractions prior to water addition a) Residue Paper II Matrix I Matrix II Paper III Matrix I Paper IV Matrix II Binder GGBFS 0.15 BOF steel slag 0.15 Desulphurization/ mixer slagb Steel ladle slag Fly ash 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 Green liquor dregs 0.10 0.10 Lime waste 0.30 0.30 0.25 0.25 0.45 Paper mill sludge 0.30 0.30 0.45 0.45 0.25 Reactive alkali a Detailed water/binder ratios presented in papers II-IV The terminology (in, e.g., the Finnish language) regarding the secondary desulphurization slag fraction is somewhat ambiguous, as the samples taken from the slag pit at the mill in question generally include fractions of slag excavated from the subsequent mixer process b 3.2 Relevant physicochemical properties The --- 3.3 Easily-available plant nutrients For the evaluation of --- 3.4 Pseudo-total element concentrations The pseudo-total element concentrations of the --- Further details regarding the instrumentation are presented in papers II-IV. 17 3.5 Sequential extraction of trace elements Trace element availability was investigated by the original three-step BCR sequential extraction procedure described in detail by Ure et al. (1993) with an additional residual fraction determination by calculation (Moćko and Wacławek 2004; Pardo et al. 2004; Smeda and Zyrnicki 2002; paper II) or acid digestion by the equivalent USEPA 3051A method (papers III-IV). Trace element concentrations in the attained extracts were quantified as per section 3.4. 3.6 Method evaluation As opposed to papers II-IV, the objective of paper V was to evaluate the suitability of the sequential extraction approach ---- 18 4 Results and discussion Addjfkbhnfhj kjhfgkhjnklbgfmn gifgs -----. 4.1 Relevant physicochemical properties and easily-available nutrient concentrations As supported by the data presented in Table 6, the manufactured soil amendments (papers II-IV) ----. Table 6 Relevant physicochemical properties and easily-available nutrient concentrations of the manufactured soil amendments (papers II-IV) and respective average concentrations in local organic and coarse mineral soils located in the Ostrobothnia Region of Northern Finland (Nurmesniemi et al. 2010a, 2010b) Paper II Parameter Unit pH Paper III Paper IVa Matrix Ia Matrix IIa Matrix Ia Matrix IIa - 12.9 13.0 12.1 12.2 12.2 EC mS cm-1 8.8 9.8 7.8 8.8 10.7 Dry matter content % 97.1 97.0 97.3 97.2 98.4 LOI % (d.w.) 6.3 5.1 5.2 3.4 <0.5 Soil Organic; mineral -1 g kg 18 20 10 8.0 5.0 (d.w.) % (Ca NV equiv., 36.6 35.8 35.6 34.9 38.3 d.w.) % (Ca RV equiv., 34.1 33.3 35.5 32.8 37.6 d.w.) mg kg-1 Ca 180,000 201,000 154,000 199,000 198,000 3340; 960 (d.w.) mg kg-1 K 950 750 720 730 680 130; 770 (d.w.) mg kg-1 Mg 10,200 5000 4400 4400 850 520; 135 (d.w.) mg kg-1 Na 4900 4100 3000 4900 4700 35; 14 (d.w.) mg kg-1 P 8 2 21 12 <5 180; 120 (d.w.) mg kg-1 S 3000 2700 1700 4300 2600 130; 23 (d.w.) mg kg-1 Cu 20 22 7 4.8 2.3 8.5; 3.3 (d.w.) mg kg-1 Mn 1390 700 250 610 140 94; 28 (d.w.) mg kg-1 Zn 110 96 13 16 3.1 11; 3.8 (d.w.) a Individual matrix components discussed in papers II-IV are described in detail in Table 5, pp. 25 TOC 19 n=1 4.2 Pseudo-total element concentrations and trace element availability Based on the ----. The measure of the oxidising/reducing conditions in, e.g., soils is the redox potential, Eh (Sposito 2008; Ure and Davidson 2002), which relates the standard electrode potential, E0, of a redox half reaction (Equation 1) by the Gibbs free energy change of that redox reaction, ∆G0red (Equation 2), and the relative activities of the oxidant and reductant through the Nernst equation (Equation 3): oxidant + 𝑛e− ↔ reductant E0 = ∆Go red −𝑛F = RT ∑ ∆G0f (reductants) −∑ ∆G0f (oxidants) Eh = E 0 − 𝑛F ln −𝑛F {reductants} {oxidants} (1) (2) (3) where n denotes the number of electrons transferred in the redox half reaction, ∆Gof the specific free energy of formation, F the Faraday constant, R the universal gas constant and T the absolute temperature. Hence, high Eh values depict the ability of a system to accept or transfer electrons, and thus favour oxidation, as low Eh values favour respective reduction. However, in addition to ----. Furthermore, as the -----. 20 Fig. 10 Individual fraction recoveries (% of the respective pseudo-total concentration) of trace elements As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, V and Zn in fractions 1-4 during the modified BCR approach with respective pseudo-total concentrations (in parentheses, d.w.) (modified from paper IV) 21 A background value of ----. As discussed by Gleyzes et al. (2002), efficient extraction of reducible sample components requires the use of both a reducing agent and a ligand able to retain released ions (see, e.g., Equations 4-5 according to Linge 2008) in a soluble form. It must be noted that the concentration of NH2OH∙HCl was revised from 0.1 to 0.5 M for the revised BCR procedure (Rauret et al. 1999) with a fixed volume of dilute HNO3 due to uncertainties related to the selectivity of extraction and respective rise in pH (Davidson et al. 2004; Sahuquillo et al. 1999). However, the original reagent concentration and acid addition (0.1 M NH2OH∙HCl adjusted to pH 2 with HNO3) were used in the experiments discussed in papers II-IV. + MnO2,(𝑠) + 4H(𝑎𝑞) + 2e− ↔ Mn2+ (𝑎𝑞) + 2H2 O, Eh = 0-0.450 V (4) + FeOOH(𝑠) + 3H(𝑎𝑞) + 2e− ↔ Fe2+ (𝑎𝑞) + 2H2 O, Eh = 0-0.100 V (5) 4.3 Method performance As illustrated in Fig. 15 and discussed in paper V, the ----. Finally, as illustrated in Table 8, the standard deviations of attained results ------. 22 4.4 Legislative perspectives The general ----. 23 5 Conclusions New approaches are needed to jdshfdifgjjbfgbjobj kldfgjfkljbfbj. 5.1 Significance of this work The presented work describes -----. 5.2 Future research recommendations Even though the presented work reports significant findings ------. 24 References Abou Seeda M., El-Saila H.I., El-Ashry S. (2002) Assessment of basic slag as soil amelioration and their effects on the uptake of some nutrient elements by radish plants. Bull Natl Res Cent Cairo 27, 491-506. 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