Common Assessment 6: 11-1-2013 EQ/DBQ

2012-2013 Week of___10-28-2013 – 11-01-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 11-1-2013
EQ/DBQ: How do the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition form a river system?
SIOP Format
AKS/CC Objectives:
17. - describe processes that
cause gradual changes in
Earth's surface (GPS, ITBS)
17c. - explain the effects of
physical processes
(weathering, erosion and
deposition) on geological
features (GPS)
17. - describe processes
that cause gradual
changes in Earth's
surface (GPS, ITBS)
17c. - explain the
effects of physical
processes (weathering,
erosion and deposition)
on geological features
17. - describe
processes that cause
gradual changes in
Earth's surface (GPS,
17c. - explain the
effects of physical
processes (weathering,
erosion and deposition)
on geological features
17. - describe
processes that cause
gradual changes in
Earth's surface (GPS,
17c. - explain the
effects of physical
(weathering, erosion
and deposition) on
geological features
17. - describe
processes that cause
gradual changes in
Earth's surface (GPS,
17d. - discuss the
effects of human
activity on the erosion
of the Earth’s surface
Lesson Title:
Soil Formation
Shake and make
Erosion & deposition
2012-2013 Week of___10-28-2013 – 11-01-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 11-1-2013
EQ/DBQ: How do the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition form a river system?
At end of class
SWBAT describe the
composition of soil as
effected by physical
SWBAT explain why soil
is important and the
processes by which it
takes long periods of
time to create new soil
SWBAT explain how
weathering, erosion
and deposition are all
linked with soil
SWBAT determine
which type of stone is
best suited for the
creation of a
monument in a
climate with very low
and very high
Soil samples to show the
PPT from resources and
cloze notes, stones,
gravel, sand, 2 liter
bottles of water, hot
seat questions taped
under student chairs
Materials for
“Whether it weathers
(or not) lab”,
Online textbook,
textbooks for students
Materials for
CA 8, Discovery
“Whether it weathers Education: “Getting to
(or not) lab”
know: Soil”
Chips of Marble,
granite limestone,
Anticipatory Set :
Student will observe soil
horizons and make
observations about texture
Using online textbook, Teacher will review
Teacher will show
students stones, gravel, teacher will display
lab room procedures
sand and 2 liter bottle
with students
SWBAT demonstrate
mastery of CA8 with
an 80% or higher
Teacher will review
erosion, weathering,
and soil Brain pop
2012-2013 Week of___10-28-2013 – 11-01-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 11-1-2013
EQ/DBQ: How do the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition form a river system?
Guided Practice: (I do,
we do, you do,
and color. Students will be
asked to categorize samples
based on utility for agricultural
usage and discuss how this
information could be applied
in Canadian Provinces.
half filled with water.
Students are to first
make observations
about what they see,
and then they will
hypothesize the
implications of putting
all the materials into
the bottle to be shaken
up. Students are then
to infer how this model
demonstrates physical
process that lead to the
creation of soil.
interactive visual.
Students will discuss
each process as teacher
goes through the steps
Teacher provides soil samples,
and orally instructs students of
the vocabulary associated with
each horizon using
demonstrable models. Teacher
will circulate the room to use
Teacher will show PPT
on Soil from resources.
Teacher will describe
the processes that lead
to the formation of soil.
Teacher will review
vocabulary for this
unit: ice wedging,
abrasion, etc.. Teacher
will then visually
present the virtual lab
videos to ensure
mastery of key
concepts. Teacher
will then answer any
questions related to
Working with science
instructional coach,
teacher will facilitate
the following lab from
“Whether it weathers
Teacher will facilitate
After assessment
students will watch
the following
2012-2013 Week of___10-28-2013 – 11-01-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 11-1-2013
EQ/DBQ: How do the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition form a river system?
proximity as a means of
classroom management and to
provide any help or answers to
any student questions.
In groups, students will
complete interactive
workbook pages 167-186
Students will write the key
elements of each horizon of
In whole group
discussion, students will
talk about how their
earlier understanding of
weathering leads to the
formation of soil.
Students will fill out
cloze notes from
resources that goes
along with PPT
simulator from online
textbook teachers’
(or not)”
In groups, students
will complete orally
In groups, students will discuss steps on lab
predict the type of
sheet and follow
rocks that will best
instructions as
withstand the various identified by lab and
types of weathering.
They will try to predict
from charts of climate Students will
which areas will allow complete graphing
the smallest amount of element and answer
weathering for a
questions on lab
Students will write
their predication on a
small sticky note.
Teacher will then
reinforcement video:
Discovery Education:
“Getting to know:
2012-2013 Week of___10-28-2013 – 11-01-2013________
Grade Level __6th___ Content___Science ___
Common Assessment 6: 11-1-2013
EQ/DBQ: How do the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition form a river system?
compare their answers
with the correct
answer from the
virtual lab.
With elbow partner,
students will discuss the
components of soil and its
HOT SEAT: Teacher will
place sample soil
questions under
teacher selected
students chairs prior to
class. Teacher will then
ask students to look
under their chair to
read it orally for class
Teacher will begin
necessary steps for the
implementation of the
1st step of following
day lab.
Students will check
each other’s’ lab
report to assess and
reteach each other as
Students will Think
about what they
viewed in the video,
discuss it in pairs, and
share with neighbors
what they have