Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Thursday, September 10th, 2015
Dr. Courtney, Music Teacher
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This year, Brandon Elementary will have a combined 4th/5th grade chorus. Chorus will rehearse every Thursday
morning from 7:30-8:00 am in the music room at the Main Campus, beginning next Thursday, 9/17/15. Any student in
4th/ 5th grade interested in chorus may join, and rehearsals will not affect students on the jump rope team. The
permission slip below must be returned asap to Dr. Courtney in order for your child to participate in chorus for the
2015-2016 school year.
 Student Attendance: Student attendance during chorus rehearsals is mandatory because we only meet
once a week. Thus, after three absences, students are withdrawn from chorus. However, if a severe medical
condition has caused the absences, please email me to let me know, and accommodations can be made.
 Choral Performances: Choral performances will consist of a winter and spring concert-dates TBA, as well
as possible field trips that support the Georgia Performance Standards for Chorus.
 Chorus Shirts: In order to provide a uniform choral appearance for programs, all students must have a
black polo shirt (short sleeve) and blue jeans. If you are interested, I have an account set up with where you can purchase a black polo shirt with the Brandon Chorus logo on it-Go online or
call if you would like to order one. Students may also wear their shirts during morning
rehearsals if interested, but this is not a requirement.
 Permission Slip: Please fill out the form below if your child would like to participate in the chorus this year.
 Email Address: Please provide your email address very clearly on the permission slip, as all
announcements regarding chorus performances will be made by email.
 Dr. Courtney’s Website: On the APS website, if you click on Brandon Elementary, and
then Faculty/Staff-click on my name, Michelle Courtney, and you can check out all music and choral
activities/lessons we are working on
 Thank you so much!!! I look forward to a great year!!
Dr. Courtney (
***Brandon Chorus 2015-2016 Permission Slip:
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________
Student’s Homeroom Teacher: ____________________________________________Grade:_________
I hereby give permission for _____________________________________to participate in the Morris Brandon Chorus, and I
agree to the attendance requirements listed above. I understand the black polo shirt/jeans requirement, and will ensure my child
has one for performances. The following phone numbers are contacts in case of emergency during rehearsals or performances:
Contact’s Name
Contact’s Phone Number
Contact’s Name
Contact’s Phone Number
***Parent/Guardian’s email address
***Parent/Guardian’s Signature