Group 4 Sessions 1 – 3

Group 4: Session 1
Criteria: transparent, standardization; communicable; standard test species; matrix models for
screening, IBMs for more detailed assessment; 5 parameter honey bee model vs 120 parameter
honey bee model
 How to put it into practice? Incentives.
 Who needs to understand how the model works?
 Adaptive management
 Repository of models
 Parameterize is not the same as validate
 Is the hitch between the modelers or the link between modelers and decision makers?
Goals: standard ecorisk; awareness of cost/benefit of complexity; reduce redundancy; capture
synergy and feedback loops; ideally all levels of biological organization; one model fit for
Challenges: Jargon; time needed to get population-level data; how to model ecosystem services;
registrants are going to submit the fewest data points possible; too many models – don’t want to
look at it; momentum vs resistance to change; conflict of interest – people doing research are the
people who profit from product; cost-benefit between first principles and one based on a specific
Integration: Weighting – site-specific results should weigh more than literature; mechanisms are
conserved (multispecies); tradeoff between accuracy of data and generalizability; mismatch
between measurement and assessment endpoints; T&E species – endpoint is known; endpoint of
ecosystem services?; deciding what matters – top down vs bottom up; resources for each
problem; compensatory mechanisms; indicators/proxies – Eguidance from Australia; What is it
all about? Theoretical endpoints: lowest observed effect, percent lambda, extinction; goal is to be
protective – but what does that mean? FIFRA: always have cost/benefit analysis; ESA: not
allowed cost/benefit analysis; Is there agreement in the US on protection goals?
Group 4: Session 2
What can AOP do for the diversity of contaminants? Mechanism is less clear; AOP Wiki;
How do AOPs handle multiple stressors? Limitation – links to one thing; life-history
tradeoffs require feedback, more tractable
Is the AOP community diverse enough?
Vitellogenin AOP (e.g., Irv’s model) is one of few mechanisms that link across scales;
standardization in AOP framework; Vitellogenin correlates with egg production (Miller
paper), but not mechanistic.
Can we use the same framework to model across levels of biological organization?
Is the goal of AOP to be a platform for screening thousands of chemicals? Toxcast
Why this workshop now? If it is not moving quickly now, it will be. Merging between
biomed and ecotox resources.
Why not use animals more widely? Cost of subcellular vs organismal tests. How does
cost scale across levels of biological organization?
Mitigate organismal level is hitched to correlative; starvation? Interactions?
Semi-empirical/virtual model could be a proof of concept to demonstrate added value
Not every model should be individual based
Group 4: Session 3
Network analysis
Individual-based movement models
Trait-based approach; how often do functional groups exhibit similar toxicities?
Null model
Linking biodiversity management – ecosystem services
Feasible to do demo model virtual case study; proof of concept; determine added value or
is it ok that groups carry on
Demo models
Trace documents – standardization
Textbook on modeling
If regulators are skeptical, get them to see the population model first
Molecule to population
Population to community & ecosystem?
ODEs can represent space
Fate models are not validated
Biodiversity – ecosystem services literature
Null model with course predictions
What are standards for when the model works well enough?
Structured decision making
Ecosystem-based management decisions
Interaction strengths
Network analysis – cross-pollinate general principles
Complexity or missing data? More complicated output to explain