Word Version - The Devon and Exeter Institution

Issue No. 34 Autumn 2015
All our work and thoughts are literally overshadowed by the roof. I am pleased to be able to report that the
work has proceeded according to programme. The roof structure has now been exposed after the removal
of the lead covering and the two cupolas have been raised in order to lighten the load. Investigation by
our professional team has revealed no unexpected further damage. The next step is well under way and
involves planning and designing the restructuring of the roof and submitting application to Exeter City
Council for approval of the proposed repairs. Then we can ask for tenders from contractors and hopefully
start repairs in November.
Concurrent with all this work we have been heavily involved in preparing our Heritage Lottery Fund
round two application which was submitted on 22nd May. We were aided in this process by Emma Dunn
who was appointed Programme Manager in April.
Provided our Heritage Lottery application is successful, Emma will be with us for the next three years and
will be overseeing the various provisions outlined in our application, covering not only some of the roof
repairs but also the conservation of our collections and a detailed review of them by an outside body.
An unexpected change that has taken place is the recent departure of our Assistant Secretary Jenny
Dawson, who has left after 19 years with the Institution. Her work has touched us all and she has been an
invaluable member of the team. Her depth of knowledge cannot easily be replaced. We wish her well in the
future and look forward to hearing all about her successes in the world of bowling. The Trustees intend
making a presentation to Jenny at the Annual General Meeting and we invite all who
valued her work to make a donation at the office or library desk before l0th October.
The Trustees have appointed Susan Kaufman to the post of Assistant Secretary. I know you will all
welcome and assist her as much as you can.
Discussions have continued with the University about our ongoing relationship and it is hoped that the
library will continue to be used by students and staff.
There is a need for volunteers in all categories, including some new ones: please see the articles later in the
newsletter. The Cinema Club continues to thrive, for which we owe our thanks to Tony Rhodes and Su
Conniff. Please support our events: you will see a splendid series of evening lectures organised by Diana
Symes and our usual delightful miscellany of lunchtime lectures arranged by Julian Nowill. Mary our
housekeeper continues to provide us with excellent food on so many occasions and carries out her many
and varied duties, for which we thank her.
Su Conniff and I attended the Annual General Meeting of the Association of Independent Libraries (of
which our library is a founder member) at the Morrab Library in Penzance. We heard interesting talks
about conservation and digitisation together with a review of the contents of their library. It was a very
useful meeting and enabled us to exchange information with likeminded bodies. Any of our members
who happen to be in Penzance will be made most welcome at the Morrab and will find much to please the
eye and enliven the brain in their collections. In particular their photographic collection and digitisation
equipment is well worth looking at. John Manley-Tucker
The Trustees are pleased to welcome Susan Kaufman as the new Assistant Secretary replacing Jenny
Dawson. Susan is from Michigan. She was a career officer in the United States Air Force, and met and
married her husband, Charles Doble, while in England on active service. Their family home is in
Ashbrittle, Somerset. Susan has been the Managing Director of the West Somerset Railway Association for
the past 7 years. She enjoys train spotting (!!), needlework, and plays the 'cello with the Somerset County
Our Round Two application for £271,600 was submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund in May. This is the
final 37% of our target for completing the roof restoration, in addition to funds for conservation work and
associated activities. Emma Dunn was appointed as Programme Manager in March and has come from
The Geffrye Museum in London. She has a successful track record in delivering grant-funded projects
and is based in the office on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Emma has been working with Katharine
Chant and the Activity Planning Committee to make the best case for support for the DEI and will be
managing the programme if we are successful with our HLF Round Two application. A decision is expected
in mid-September.
The roof restoration is likely to be completed by Summer 2016 but associated 'non-capital' activity will
continue over the next three years and will include a full condition survey of the library, book
conservation and contemporary environmental monitoring; six travelling displays, to be sited both within
the library and out in the community; an upgraded website including digital resources for academics,
students and schools; a small scale education programme for schools, outreach sessions and Junior
Membership events; the recruitment and training of a pool of volunteers to support these activities.
The HLF planning process has revealed huge potential for the DEI's future and through exploring this we
have returned to the need to get the fundamentals right: a watertight building, collection conservation,
interpretation and a fledgling education programme. We understand that to fully release the potential of
the DEI we must manage change with care, maintaining its atmosphere and purpose as a working library
and reading rooms.
We will use the opportunity given us by this project to provide a secure foundation on which to build and
develop the Institution and enable its original vision to connect and contribute to contemporary needs.
An executive summary of the HLF application is available in the Outer Library. Follow us on Facebook
and Twitter for the latest news - links through the website. We welcome all comments and suggestions.
Please contact emmadunn@devonandexeterinstitution.org or pop into the office.
Our Guided Roof Tours are now in full swing and I think they have become a popular feature every
Wednesday, from 1.00 to 4.00pm: DEI members, their guests and members of the public are being
welcomed by our excellent team of Roof Volunteers. So far our many visitors have included the Lord
Mayor of Exeter, Councillor Olwen Foggin, key members of English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery
Fund Committee and Vic Morgan from Radio Devon. I'm pleased to say that feedback has been good and
the exercise is helping to improve awareness of our wonderful library among Exeter residents and
visitors, many of whom are looking forward to returning to follow the progress of the renovations. If you
have not yet visited the roof, pop along any Wednesday afternoon and our brilliant volunteers will make
sure you have an enjoyable and interesting time. If you would like to join the volunteer team please leave
your details at the Office and I will contact you with further information. Tony Rhodes
Organised as always by Su Conniff, will be held in the Lancaster Room during the week beginning 5th
Our popular monthly Cinema Club has produced an offspring, not "Cinema Club II," as you might expect,
but "World Cinema Club" where we show foreign films, usually sub-titled in English, also offering a
monthly screening. In the case of both clubs the films have all been suggested by club members; this year
offerings from our mainstream club have included Ealing Comedies such as Lavender Hill Mob, a
musical (Cabaret), drama (The Lion in Winter), the brilliant documentary Finding Vivian Maier and
many others. World Cinema screenings have included Seraphine, The Chorus, Babette's Feast and the
renowned Visconti film The Leopard. The forthcoming programme for both clubs will include many more
exciting offerings and, of course, our ever popular Christmas Matinee. We have a (very) few vacancies
in both clubs, at a cost of £15 per annum for one member, £25 for two members at the same address, or
join both clubs for £25 (single) or £40 (double). Membership includes admission to all films. Cinema
Club showings are on the fourth Wednesday of each month and World Cinema on the second Wednesday,
starting at 6.3Opm, doors open at 6.opm: members will receive an email newsletter each month. If you are
interested in joining please contact me on tonyandbrendarhodes@gmail.com or leave your contact details
at the desk in the DEI Library. Tony Rhodes
Do please let me know if you are interested in volunteering in the DEI office. I am normally in the office
from 9-1 on Monday to Friday, and office cover is generally provided by volunteers for the afternoon from
1-5, and to cover any other absences. You can ask for a specific place in the volunteer rota, or put your
name down on the rota as and when you are available. There are no special skills required, and you would
be primarily responsible for greeting visitors, answering the telephone, and answering enquiries from the
members and the general public. If you have other computer or administrative skills, you will be most
welcome to put those to use! If you are interested please drop by the office when you next visit the DEI or
contact me at office@devonandexeterinstitution.org. 01392 274727. I will explain more about the
volunteering programme, and how this vital activity benefits the members of the DEI. I will also
welcome your suggestions for the future of volunteering at the DEI, and suggestions on how it can be
improved. Susan Kaufman
If you have not forwarded your e-mail address so that we can include you on our instant messaging system
and agree that we can contact you by e-mail in future could you please send your address to
membership@devonandexeterinstitution.org. If you have sent us your address but have not been
receiving messages (several have been sent out in the last few months) please contact the office so that we
can check our records.
The Christmas Party has been arranged for Friday 4th December, at 6.00 for 6.3Opm. Once again, our
musical entertainment will be provided by Heloise West and her ensemble. Tickets are £16 each, payable to
the office in advance, to include a Christmas buffet and a glass of wine. Bookings open on Monday 2nd
The Institution will close for the Christmas Holidays at 1.00ipm on Thursday 24th December and will
reopen at 9.30 am on Monday 4th January.
Please note that, due to the editor's holiday commitments, the deadline for copy for this newsletter was
brought forward to 20th August. More recent developments, therefore, have not been reported.
The Devon & Exeter Institution Library & Reading Rooms, 7 Cathedral Close, Exeter EXi lEZ
(Registered Charity No 900104)
Website: www.devonandexeterinstitution.org
Email for bookings: booking@deiexe.eclipse.co.uk
Library email: deilibrary@exeter.ac.uk
Telephone: office 01392 274727
Library: 01392 251017
Housekeeper: 01392 423817