WT 2 outlines

1. How could the text be read and interpreted by two different readers?
- One interpretation- Kafka’s representation of himself
o Metaphorical, transformation into a vermin references his mental illness and the
effect that this had on his family
o Metamorphosis of Kafka- becoming into a burden on his family and the
relationship it produced as such
 His sister having to look/care for him
 The economic, social burden
- Another interpretation- the novella can be read using the Marxist theory
o The representation of Samsa as a member of the working class in a bourgeoisie
o Samsa was only valued by his family for his economic contribution to the family
 He provided money for the family and for that reason, he had value to the
rest of the family
- Samsa’s transformation/metamorphosis occurs when he transforms into an undesirable
o The transition of a valuable member of society- to something/someone worthless
and less than human
o Once he is unable to earn money, he no longer has value and his family allows
him to die- the metamorphosis into something of minimal value to
someone/something undesirable
 Value of the person was based on the ability to produce for society
 One Samsa was unable to produce, he was no longer a valuable
- Different interpretations if Samsa really transformed into an insect or if he imagined it as
a symbol of his alienation from society
G2 Outline Guideline
Prescribed question has been chose
Title of text(s) for analysis
Part of course to which the task refers
three or four key points that explain the particular focus on the task
If the text had been written in a different time or place or language or for a different audience,
how and why might it differ?
Metamorphosis, the novella written by Franz Kafka, has a resounding theme that parallels the time-line
that Gregor Samsa lives in. Because of the context and theme revolving around the worker class’ conflict
against the bourgeois based on the time period, the purpose and the audiences perception might have
changed in regards to the context changing as well, be it the time of the novella, where it was based, the
authors language and origin, and some other factors as well. The culture that a story is in, embodies the
ideals and thoughts of the mass at the time. Because of this, and the correlation of culture to geographic
location, the novella would be produced with a different angle in mind, relevant to the author’s location
as well as the intended audience and the current events that
Context of Metamorphosis (Dehumanization): What happened during that time, why is it important,
The time period of this book was between late 1800s to early 1900s although the time period is
unspecified. Furthermore, the setting is mostly in Samsas’ apartment; however, the city is also
unspecified. Time and setting follow the concept of dehumanization. The fact that time and setting are
unspecified suggest the readers the insignificance in Samsas’ life (environment, etc?). During this time
period, workers and the bourgeoisie group had conflicts which further emphasizes dehumanization
between classes.
If Metamorphosis had been written in a different time and place, how and why might it differ?
TIme: 1960s (Feminist Movement)
Place: United States
The main character (Gregor Samsa) would instead be a woman (Jennifer) , who would turn into a Barbie
doll (and not a vermin). This symbolism represents the objectification of women at the time
experienced, similar to the commodification of Gregor Samsa in Metamorphosis.
Women in 1960s were considered weak minded, and only viewed as sexual objects. This is similar to the
way the working class felt during the early 1900s, who were often treated as less than human.
The mother would assume a similar role to Jennifer, and wouldn’t change much through time as
motherly figures assume similar roles in both time periods.
The sister of Metamorphosis could be, in this version, a boy, who represents the stereotypical teenage
male at this time (football playing, “popular”, womanizer). Who has never had a single responsibility,
much like the sister. He dreams of playing football in the NFL (like the sister dreams of going to a
conservatory for her music)
1. How and why is a social group represented in a particular way?
The Capitalist Perspective (Proletariat vs. Bourgeoisie, Capitalist vs. not)
● Alienation
○ Not being able to leave the house or connect with friends. Even the family is
condemned to this fate as Gregor is unable to provide for his family. They
become more concerned about finances like Gregor (father getting a job to
replace him and consistently checking lockbox)
○ “His room, a proper room for a human being, only somewhat too small” (Kafka),
reference to human showing his alienated feelings and small living space that
he has to live in due to the excessive debt he must pay off from the capitalistic
investments of his parents.
○ His physical form becomes alien to match his personality (or lack of), and thus
the specific division of labour (in this case, Samsa as the breadwinner) causes
Gregor as a whole to become estranged to society.
○ Samsa appears to be so consumed by his work and providing for his family that
he has become alienated, in a sense, from the world. He does not detail any
hobbies or friends or even any significant human relationships other than with
his sister.
● A replaceable cog in the machine
○ ^^^ Gregor faces unemployment and his boss is surprised at his stubbornness,
even though he displays a lot of passivity and helplessness as he pays for his
parents’ debt, even though for many times over he has been nothing but a
dedicated worker and if he didn’t show up for one day of work he was seen as
replaceable and worthless. He even considers that he STOLE the money that
he was supposed to deliver to his bossshowing
extreme distrust and
○ “He [Gregor] would often hear them say how they appreciated all the new work
his sister was doing even though, before, they had seen her as a girl who was
somewhat useless and frequently been annoyed with her,” the family values
Grete once she can offer them something of value whereas before she was
seen as annoying.
○ “ I thought I knew you as a calm, reasonable person, and now you appear
suddenly to want to start parading around in weird moods. The Chief indicated
to me earlier this very day a possible explanation for your neglect—it
concerned the collection of cash entrusted to you a short while ago—but in
truth I almost gave him my word of honour that this explanation could not be
correct. However, now I see here your unimaginable pig headedness, and I am
totally losing any desire to speak up for you in the slightest. And your position is
not at all the most secure.”
○ “‘He is not well, believe me, Mr. Manager. Otherwise how would Gregor miss a
train! The young man has nothing in his head except business. I’m almost
angry that he never goes out at night..’”, Gregor is completely dedicated to
work cannot have time for leisure except for the fretwork he does in his room
which is still an independent and antisocial activity
○ (“Oh, God", he thought, "what a strenuous career it is that I've chosen!“) as
necessary to provide for his family, to his attitude surrounding the lack of
upwards mobility (proletariat vs. bourgeoisie), and the fact that he relies that he
is a replaceable cog in a large machine. compare
to a quote by Karl Marx “the
laborer’s work is external to the worker, i.e. it does not form part of his essential
being … he abuses his body and ruins his mind”
● Freedom from the monetary values that define capitalism
○ The freedom that is allowed when the family is freed from the pressures of
finances allows them to realize the better aspects of life, such as marriage,
enjoying the external environment, and the emphasis on their individual dreams
and aspirations “They had the tram, filled with warm sunshine, all to
themselves. Leant back comfortably on their seats, they discussed their
prospects and found that on closer examination they were not at all bad until
then they had never asked each other about their work but all three had jobs
which were very good and held particularly good promise for the future.”
○ The breakdown of the relationship between the family and Gregor once his
wages are removed shows that the relationship was solely based on money.
○ “Travelling day in and day out. Doing business like this takes much more effort
than doing your own business at home, and on top of that there's the curse of
travelling, worries about making train connections, bad and irregular food,”
Gregor dislikes his job but must continue working because of his family’s debts.
The Ambiguity of Gregor’s ‘Craziness’
● The story is told primarily from Gregor’s perspective, and the viewpoint is highly
subjective in that it describes the environment as Gregor would feel it the
can only feel, taste, hear, and touch what Gregor can. This type of viewpoint
encourages the reader to adopt a closer readernarrator
relationship, allowing the
reader to empathize with him; we feel and experience the things he experiences as
well, from emotions such as alienation to experiences such as hearing his parents
discuss their position.
● Kafka is ambiguous in specifying whether the physical form of the ungeziefer is
physical (as in he was physically transformed into a large cockroach) or whether it is
Grace Welch
Ostin Kurniawan
Isaiah Bedell
Angela Lee
Yapascha Meluka
Celina Hipolito
Which social groups are marginalized, excluded or silenced within the text?
In the novella Metamorphosis, the author Kafka uses various literary techniques to convey that
unproductive individuals are marginalized within society.
Paragraph 1: Character Development
Topic Sentence:
Throughout the novel, each character is given a role which further leads to the alienation and
depreciation of Gregor Samsa
Minor Character: Three boarders
● Physical manifestation of the effects of Samsa transformation which causes him to
become unproductive and deemed “useless” in society
Static Character: The Clerk
● Symbolizes that the greed and structure of imperialist society is ever-present and never
Dynamic Character: Family
● Shows the limits of sympathy and other forms of love when economic means are
diminished and stopped
Paragraph 2: Connotation
Topic Sentence:
Vermin/insect: Usage of the word vermin implies the key message of the novella-- a vermin is
defined to be a harmful difficult animal, implying to societies that Samsa who has turned into a
vermin is useless, difficult and harmful towards his surroundings.
Incapable of Work
● The individual is deemed useless because he is valued for his economic function
Resembles the society within the novella
● The economic system is the fundamental base of any society
● Change in material and physical conditions can lead to changes in the way humans think
and can cause sweeping social and political change
Paragraph 3: Perspective/Change of emotion
Topic Sentence:
Towards the end of the novel the perspective of the family towards Gregor changes, at first they
show him compassion but as their hardships continue these emotions quickly fade away
Strains of Compassion
● Because a persons usefulness is measured by their ability to work and contribute to
society, the compassion for them is also conditional
Economy, Money and Financial Burden can replace all
● Individuals and society are controlled by monetary and material desires and is one of the
driving forces of how people act and think
Claire Olson, Ben Weed, Annee Luu G5
IB Lang/Lit
Period 3
Merchant of Venice Outline
Thesis: The play The Merchant of Venice would be interpreted differently between a reader from
Shakespearean England and a reader from modern day America. This is due to the contrasting
views on the role of women in society, and the attitude toward people of different religions.
Role of women
Shakespearian Time: 1605 first stage Performance
o Meant to be comical
o Powerful women not taken seriously/seen as strange
o Confinement and passivity of female characters would not be questioned
o find Jessica dressed up as a boy to be funny and strange
 “Cupid himself would blush / To see me thus transformed to a boy”
(Shakespeare 71).
Modern Day
o Equalized as men
o Less confined and able to have same jobs
o Strange that Portia would stand to have her father’s chosen by a game designed by
the father.
o Would interpret Jessica being told to stay at home by Shylock differently
 “Do as I bid you. Shut doors after you.” (Shakespeare 67)
o Would not find humor in the fact that women had a role in court
 More confused of why they had to dress up as men in order to participate
in court ruling
o Would find this kind of behavior unusual for a woman
 Vice versa for Portia’s role in court
II. Portrayal of the Jews
 Shakespearean Time
o Understandable that Jessica was ashamed of her father simply because he is a
o Portrayal of jew comical
 Jews had been banned from england and there were many misconceptions.
o Shameful to be a Jew.
 Represented by Jessica actions
 Dressed as a boy
o Jessica justification for leaving is not supported as much
 Shylock is somewhat kind, he keeps the servant despite the fact that he is
 Home life does not seem like “hell”pg 59
Jessica’s flight and theft of her father’s money create sympathy for the position it
puts her father in. (Broke)
 His rant against her and anguish about his lost money is somewhat
 In shaperian time it would have been seen as a jew being a money grubber
o Portrayal of Shylock is offencive and may incur sympathy of the reader.
 Symphony when he point out they are all human
 “If you prick me do I not bleed”
 Retribution of treatment is understandable, while the treatment in
shakespearian time would just be comical.
III. Portrayal of Christians
 Shakespearian time they would be seen as kind
o Christians dominant english society had to be portrayed as positive
o Christian in court are merciful.
 Act of mercy that shylock converts
 Deserved to have money taken.
Modern day controlled capitalism
o Everybody more or less capitalists
o Stupid to lend more money to a friend or go into debt to help a friend out.
o Odd that they would make a deal for flesh
G6 Natalie, Emily, Jonah
The Merchant of Venice
If the text had been written in a different time or place or language or for a different
audience, how and why might it be different?
If Shakespeare wrote this play today, he would probably change the way he writes, as in the
play he uses Iambic Pentameter along with an older form of English in his dialogue. He also
uses some words that he makes up on his own, which might not have a place in today’s writing.
He would write the dialogue as if it were an actual conversation that would use modern english
and be more understandable for readers today.
It wouldn't be as discriminatory towards Jews because today there is more of a variety of
religions practiced and accepted in society and the treatment of characters would be completely
different. For example, Shylock wouldn't be made fun of and him losing his money and forced to
become Christianity wouldn't be looked at as a comedy.
Today, women actors would portray the characters in the play rather than men dressing up as
Everyone knew Venice was a capital for trading whereas today it would involve for stocks and
bonds so the idea of trading would be diminished and turned into a Wall Street Journal type of
play if taken place in New York.
Different connotations would be used if different languages would use because different words
would have to create the same idea that the Merchant of Venice is achieving.
This play is entertaining Christians of England who find this a comedy/romance. So if this was
spoken to a different place or different religion, it would no longer be funny and would be found
as offensive.
When Shakespeare wrote the play, it was a common belief that Jews would require blood
sacrifices. So the whole pound of flesh incident might not translate that well to a different time
without context.
Set in 21st century America, it would not be as big of a deal for Jessica and Lorenzo to elope,
because marriages between religions aren’t as frowned upon as they were in Elizabethan
G 7 Mohammed, Ethan, Caroline, Keiva
Merchant of Venice
How and why is a social group represented in a particular way?
The Women
Why: to convey the comedic aspect of a “tragic comedy”
Men and women are portrayed as following the other’s gender role in order to create a
comedic effect
How: Woman travel outside of their sphere – acting like men and challenging gender roles
In essence, Shakespeare conveys one group as the other
Men (namely Antonio and Bassanio) are feminine
Women (namely Portia and Nerissa) are rational – usually characteristics of men
Shock value within comedy
Men fall under certain stereotypes
Irrationality, Passivity, Piety
For comedic value
The Jews
Why: to further advocate for negative mindset towards Jews and add a comedic effect
How: Portrayal of Shylock and Tubal (stereotypes of Jews are funny)
Money focused
When his daughter was kidnapped and he could only think of money
Jews are merciless
Blood sacrifice – reason for wanting pound of flesh
The Christians
Why: to exemplify tragedy aspects – built up and punished in the end
How: characteristics of all Christian characters (Antonio, Bassanio, Portia)
Kind, loyal, trust worthy, don’t charge interest
Alexis, Kunjan, Adam, Jacob G8
2. Which social groups are marginalized, excluded or silenced within the text?
Thesis: In The Merchant of Venice, both women and Jews are marginalized
A. Shown as evil
‘The slaves are ours.’ So do I answer you.
The pound of flesh which I demand of him
Is dearly bought. ‘Tis mine, and I will have it.
a) Ties in to how the Jews were thought to give blood sacrifices
b) portrayed as malicious,evil, and merciless
B. Treatment of Jews
1. “Signior Antonio, many a time and oft
In the Rialto you have rated me
About my moneys and my usances;
Still have I borne it with a patient shrug,
For sufferance is the badge of all our tribe”
(II, vii)
a) Shows how Christians tried to ruin his business, while he silently
endured it-- “patient shrug”
(1) Suggests that Jews are used to suffering these abuses
C. Act IV, Scene 1
Shylock loses all of his money, his daughter, and is forced to convert to Christianity
a) He becomes a defeated man and is physically being suppressed/silenced
by the Christians
(1) Again, he is portrayed as ruthless and merciless for not forgiving
Antonio, creating less sympathy for all that Shylock has lost
A. Portia is an object of trade between her father and the man she marries
“Therefore the lottery that he hath devised in these three chests of gold, silver, and lead,
whereof who chooses his meaning chooses you, will no doubt never be chosen by any
rightly but one who shall rightly love.”
a) Marginalization because is unable to make independent decisions
B. Jessica becomes worth the same as merchandise
1. A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats,
Of double ducats, stol'n from me by my daughter!
And jewels!- two stones, two rich and precious
stones Stol’n by my daughter! Justice! find the girl!
She hath the stones upon her, and the ducats! (II, viii)
a. shows how women are of less worth than human beings in this context,
because Shylock finds more value in the money than his daughter