HS Biofuel from Algae Lesson Plan v1.4

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Lesson Plan for Biofuel from Algae
A High School Life Science Lesson Featuring Engineering Design
Lesson Summary:
Grade Level: High School
Preparation Time:
Cost: $360-$445 initial cost
$5-$10 recurring cost
2 or more hours if you set up sample algae machine
and grow a supply of algae
Key Vocabulary: Phytoplankton,
Photosynthesis, Biofuel, Exponential Growth.
Additional time if you have students build and test
their designs
Activity Time: 100 minutes without extension.
Extension: 100 minutes to build improved design and a
few minutes each day to monitor progress.
Clean up Time: 1 hour
1—Lesson Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1—Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2—Lesson Breakdown with Engineering Design ............................................................................................ 4
1.3—Pre-Requisite Knowledge .......................................................................................................................... 5
2—Teacher Background Information ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.1—Glossary of Terms ...................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2— Scientific Concepts and Disciplinary Core Ideas...................................................................................... 6
2.3—Lesson Timeline ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1—Overview Timeline ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.3.2—Part 1 Timeline (30 minutes) .............................................................................................................. 6
2.3.3—Part 2 Timeline (45 minutes) .............................................................................................................. 7
2.3.4—Part 3 Timeline (45 minutes) .............................................................................................................. 7
2.4—Lesson Materials ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3—Preparation ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1—Preparation Part 1: Reading ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1—Printed Materials ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.2—Activity Materials ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3—Preparation Steps ................................................................................................................................ 8
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3.2—Preparation Part 2: Exploration.................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.1—Printed Materials ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.2—Activity Materials ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.3—Preparation Steps ................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3—Preparation Part 3: Engineering Design ..................................................................................................... 8
3.3.1—Printed Materials ................................................................................................................................. 8
3.3.2—Activity Materials ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.3—Preparation Steps ................................................................................................................................ 9
4—Activity Instructions........................................................................................................................................ 10
4.1—Part 1: Reading (30 minutes) ................................................................................................................... 10
4.2—Part 2: Exploration ................................................................................................................................... 10
4.3—Part 3: Engineering Design ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.1 Designing A Better Algae Machine ..................................................................................................... 11
4.3.2 Extension: Testing the Best Designs.................................................................................................... 12
Appendix 1A: 2009 Standards Met With This Lesson ......................................................................................... 13
Science Content ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Engineering Design ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Scientific Inquiry .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Appendix 1B: 2014(NSS) Standards Met With This Lesson ............................................................................... 14
Alignment to Next Generation Science Standards............................................................................................ 14
Performance Expectations ............................................................................................................................ 14
Science and Engineering Practices ............................................................................................................... 14
Asking Questions and Defining Problems ...................................................................................................... 14
Disciplinary Core Ideas................................................................................................................................. 15
Cross Cutting Concepts................................................................................................................................. 15
Appendix 2: Complete Materials Listing .............................................................................................................. 16
Printed Materials ............................................................................................................................................... 16
Part 1: Reading Activity................................................................................................................................ 16
Part 2: Exploration Activity .......................................................................................................................... 16
Part 3: Engineering Design Activity ............................................................................................................. 16
Activity Materials ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Part 1: Reading Activity................................................................................................................................ 16
Part 2: Exploration Activity .......................................................................................................................... 16
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Part 3: Engineering Design Activity ............................................................................................................. 16
Buyer’s Guide ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Buyer’s Guide Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Appendix 3: Resources and Extensions ................................................................................................................ 20
Setup Instructions.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Additional Reading ........................................................................................................................................... 20
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In this engineering lesson students will address the problems associated with algae growth for use as a biofuel.
Their ultimate goal is to design a “machine” that grows the most algae in the shortest period of time. The lesson
is divided into three parts.
 Part 1 is a reading activity to familiarize students with the algae growth process as well as its potential
use as a biofuel.
 Part 2 is a research activity which gives students algae growth data sets to analyze.
 Part 3 is an engineering activity in which students are presented with a prototype of a “machine” for
making algae and asked to improve upon its design by identifying its weakness and generating solutions
that address those problem areas.
Extension: Students will build a new prototype of the machine, which they will then use to collect data on and
analyze algae growth rate.
1.2—Lesson Breakdown with Engineering Design
Engineering Design Steps
1. Define a problem that
addresses a need
Part 3: Engineering
Biofuel from Algae Design
Handout Questions
2. Identify criteria,
constraints, and priorities
Part 3: Engineering
Biofuel from Algae Design
Handout Questions
3. Describe relevant scientific
principles and knowledge.
Part 1: Reading
Biofuel from Algae Article
Vocab Alert! Worksheet
Biofuel from Algae Vocab
Part 2: Research
Biofuel from Algae Data
Analysis Questions
Data Collection Methods
4. Investigate possible
solutions and use the concept
of trade-offs to compare
solutions in terms of criteria
and constraints.
Part 3: Engineering
Biofuel from Algae Design
Solution Proposal/Opinion Essay
5. Design and construct at
least one proposed solution.
Part 3: Engineering
Biofuel from Algae Design
Solution Sketch
Biofuel from Algae Extension
6. Test a proposed
solution(s), collect and
process relevant data and
incorporate modifications
based on data from testing or
other analysis.
Biofuel from Algae Extension
Data table and graph
7. Analyze data, identify
uncertainties, and display
data so that the implications
Part 2: Research
Biofuel from Algae Data
Analysis Questions
Data Collection Methods
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for the solution being tested
are clear
Biofuel from Algae Extension
Data tables and graph
8. Recommend a proposed
solution, identify its strengths
and weaknesses and describe
how it is better than
alternative designs as well as
identifying further
engineering that might be
done to refine the
Part 3: Engineering
Biofuel from Algae Design
Solution Proposal/Opinion Essay
Biofuel from Algae Extension
Evaluation Essay
1.3—Pre-Requisite Knowledge
 Students should basic familiarity with the process of photosynthesis.
 Students should be familiar with the engineering design process including the concepts of criteria,
priorities, constraints, and trade-offs.
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2.1—Glossary of Terms
Biofuel – Fuel produced from renewable resources such as plant biomass. The fuel’s energy is derived from
biological carbon fixation, which is the reduction of carbon dioxide into organic compounds by living
organisms doing photosynthesis.
Constraints: Limits on possible solutions. When we solve a practical problem we usually have limits on how
big the solution can be, how much it can cost, how much it can weigh, etc.
Criteria: The things your solution should be or do. Engineering problems are usually described in terms of a set
of goals; these are the criteria against which engineers judge possible solutions.
Exponential Growth – Any quantity that grows a fixed percent at regular intervals is said to possess
exponential growth. When a population grows exponentially, the birth rate alone controls how fast (or slow)
the population grows because the population is not limited by resources such as food. Once resources
become scarce, growth, if any, is no longer exponential.
Photosynthesis – A biochemical process used by plants, algae, and many species of bacteria that converts
captured light energy from the sun into stored chemical energy. Photosynthesis requires light, carbon
dioxide and water, makes sugar, and releases oxygen as a waste product.
Phytoplankton – Also known as algae, they are photosynthesizing microscopic organisms that inhabit the
upper sunlit layer of almost all oceans and bodies of fresh water. Certain species are also found in soil,
snow, and clouds.
Prototype - An early sample or model built to test a concept or process or to act as a model to be replicated or
learned from by observation and testing. Prototyping serves to provide and improve specifications for a real,
working system rather than a theoretical one.
2.2— Scientific Concepts and Disciplinary Core Ideas
See the Article Handout for the scientific concepts covered in this lesson.
Note: For a complete list of scientific concepts and disciplinary core ideas covered in this lesson, see Appendix
2.3—Lesson Timeline
2.3.1—Overview Timeline
This lesson consists of three activities (Reading, Exploration, and Engineering Design activities) which
will take approximately two hours of in-class time. If time permits, the lesson can be done in one class session,
as there are no waiting periods between parts of the lesson. It is recommended that, if the lesson must be split,
parts 1 and 2 be performed during the same day, with a brief re-familiarization period prior to starting part 3.
2.3.2—Part 1 Timeline (30 minutes)
This activity will take an estimated thirty minutes, during which the teacher will do the following:
Distribute materials to all students
Lead students in the Vocab Alert exercise, Part 1
Lead students in the Reading activity
Lead students in the Vocab Alert exercise, Part 2
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2.3.3—Part 2 Timeline (45 minutes)
This activity will take an estimated forty-five minutes. During that time, the teacher will do the
Distribute materials to all students
Let students complete the Exploration Handout
Lead students in the Exploration activity
Clean up (if Parts 2 and 3 are not on the same day)
2.3.4—Part 3 Timeline (45 minutes)
This activity will take an estimated forty-five minutes. During that time, the teacher will do the
Distribute materials to all students
Let students complete the Engineering Design activity
Have students clean up
Lead students in reflection on the Engineering Design activity
2.4—Lesson Materials
Note: For a complete and up-to-date listing of materials in a printable shopping list format, see Appendix 2:
Complete Materials Listing.
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3.1—Preparation Part 1: Reading
3.1.1—Printed Materials
Article Handout—one per student
Vocab Alert Handout—one per student
3.1.2—Activity Materials
3.1.3—Preparation Steps
1. Make one copy of the Article Handout and the accompanying Vocab Alert Handout for each student.
3.2—Preparation Part 2: Exploration
3.2.1—Printed Materials
Data Collection Methods Handout—one per student group
Data Worksheet—one per student group
3.2.2—Activity Materials
3.2.3—Preparation Steps
1. Make student copies of Data Worksheet and Data Collection Methods Handout.
3.3—Preparation Part 3: Engineering Design
3.3.1—Printed Materials
Light Fixture Construction Instructions—one per teacher
Algae Machine Set Up Instructions—one per teacher
Design Handout—one per student group
Design Answer Key—one per teacher
3.3.2—Activity Materials
Note: If an item is listed as Extension/Optional, you only need it if you are doing the extension activity with
your class.
Hand or power drill and various sized drill bits if you are using plastic bottles and caps
o For “standard” 3/16” airline tubing, use a ¼” drill bit for holing the bottle cap. The seal around
the tubing does not need to be airtight.
500ml Erlenmeyer Flasks (recommended over beakers) if you are not using plastic bottles
Rubber or Foam Stoppers with one and/or two holes if you are not using plastic caps
Glass stirring rods
Tape (masking and duct tape)
Graduated cylinders
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Extension/Optional: Turbidity measuring kit
Extension/Optional: Microscope and slides to take cell counts
3.3.3—Preparation Steps
1. Make student copies of the Design Handout.
2. Build a light fixture according to the Light Fixture Construction Instructions.
3. Set up a Biofuel from Algae system and grow your algae stock and according to the Algae Machine Setup Instructions. Consider growing large quantities of algae if your students will be doing the extension
to the Design Activity. See the note in Section 4.3.2.
Note: If the students are not going to do the extension to the design activity where students build some of
their proposed designs, it is not absolutely required that you construct and set up the prototype algae system
(steps 2 and 3 above), but it is highly recommended because doing so will add realism to the both the
exploration and design activities. By seeing the standard solution, they can treat it as the competitor’s
solution against which they can design improvements. If you do plan on doing the extension there are two
reasons you should construct and set up the algae system:
1. So that they students have a base solution to use from which they can propose improvements or
alternate solutions.
2. To provide a supply of algae for student samples of algae to test their solutions. The samples can be
from 5 ml to 100 ml. The advantage of providing larger samples is that students will begin to see
results sooner.
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4.1—Part 1: Reading (30 minutes)
1. Pass out the Vocab Alert Handout and have students rate their knowledge of the article’s key
2. Pass out the Article Handout for students to read and discuss.
3. Once students are finished with the article they should re-rate the vocabulary words as well as take notes
on their meaning.
4.2—Part 2: Exploration
1. For the first part of this activity arrange students into groups of two or three.
2. Pass out the Data Worksheet and Data Collection Methods Handout. Go over the introduction with the
students and explain how the data was taken using the Data Collection Methods handout as a reference.
If you are doing the extension activity, you should show students the machine you built.
3. Before they look at the data tables, students should make predictions in the space provided on the Data
4. Working in their groups, students should analyze the data tables by answering the associated questions.
5. Each member of a group should choose a different graph to create from the list below:
a. Algae Growth vs. Light Intensity
b. Algae Growth vs. Species Type
c. Algae Growth vs. Light Duration
d. Algae Growth vs. Temperature
e. Algae Growth vs. Starting Amount
f. Algae Growth vs. Fertilizer Concentration
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4.3—Part 3: Engineering Design
4.3.1 Designing A Better Algae Machine
1. Pass out Biofuel from Algae Design Handout.
2. Based on the information in the algae articles from Part 1 and their data analysis from Part 2, students
should identify problem associated with growing algae for use as a biofuel. Discuss student answers.
3. Working in groups of two or three, students should decide upon the criteria, priorities and constraints for
their solution as well as the trade-offs involved.
4. Working in their groups, students should sketch and label a redesign of the algae machine as well create
a list of its design features in the space provided on their Biofuel from Algae Design Handout.
Note: Here are some possible things that the student could propose:
a. Changing the type, amount or concentration of fertilizer.
b. Changing the type of fluorescent bulb.
c. Changing the distance of the fluorescent lamp to the algae containers.
d. Adding reflectors to cause more light to shine into the bottles.
e. Changing the shape of the bottles.
f. Changing the number of hours per day that the algae receive light
g. Changing the temperature.
h. Changing the species of algae.
i. Changing the rate that air is injected into the bottles.
j. Shaking the bottles at certain intervals.
k. Positioning the bottles so that they receive natural light in addition to or instead of artificial light.
While you should let the students come up with their own ideas, you may want to anticipate some of the
ideas and rule them out in advance. For instance, if you don’t want the students to try natural light, you
can make that a constraint. Similarly, if you don’t want to allow the students to suggest alternate types of
fluorescent bulbs, you can make that a constraint. You may also want to limit the species of algae to the
one that you initially provide. While increasing the number of hours of light per day may increase the
growth rate of the algae, you may want to restrict the number of hours to reflect that fact that producing
biofuel from algae cost-effectively would require the use of natural light because the energy used to
produce artificial light would be greater than the energy stored in the algae and resulting biofuel.
5. Arrange students into groups of six. Each original group within the new group should share their design
ideas other the other members. The entire group should then evaluate the designs using agreed upon
criteria, priorities, constraints, and trade-offs and decide which of the three solutions is the most
6. Each member in a group should write up an official design proposal in the form of a persuasive essay.
The essay should include an explanation of the problem as well as a description of the criteria, priorities,
constraints, and trade-offs involved. Students should then go on to describe their solution’s main
features and explain how these features address the previously established criteria, priorities, constraints,
and trade-offs. A scoring rubric for this essay can be found at
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4.3.2 Extension: Testing the Best Designs
1. Choose the best proposal(s) from all your classes to put into production.
2. Set up the machine according the proposal(s), provide the students with samples of the algae that they
will be growing and have students take an initial data set. Let the machine run for 1-2 weeks. Students
should continue taking data at regular intervals during this time.
Note: Algae will tend to grow exponentially until the nutrients in the solution are exhausted or the algae
in the bottles produce so much shade that further growth is inhibited due to lack of light reaching inside
the bottles. If you have the students start with small samples of algae, little or no progress will be
observed for several days or more. This can occur even if the amount of algae has doubled several times.
Consider the hypothetical doubling sequence 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, … If the presence of algae doesn’t turn
the liquid in a small bottle noticeably green until the count reaches 1,000,000, it can appear that no
progress is being made until doubling step 18 is reached with a count of 1,310,720. But note that the
doubling sequence reaches 343,597,383,680 – over 300 trillion – by step 36. One way to decrease the
number of days until progress can be measured by the students is to provide them with larger samples,
which would require that you purchase or grow larger quantities of algae in advance. You may want to
have your students do a mathematical exercise like the one above using a spreadsheet program or
graphing calculator to give them insight into exponential growth.
3. Once students have a complete data set, they should graph and analyze it in order to write an evaluation
essay, which recommends a proposed solution, identifies its strengths and weaknesses, and describes
how it is better than alternative designs. In their evaluation essays, they should also identify further
engineering that might be done to refine the recommendation.
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Science Content
H.1L.4 Explain how cellular processes and cellular differentiation are regulated both internally and externally in response to the
environments in which they exist.
 Students will make connections between available resources such as light, carbon dioxide, and nutrients and the rate
of photosynthesis in algae.
H.2L.1 Explain how energy and chemical elements pass through systems. Describe how chemical elements are combined and
recombined in different ways as they cycle through the various levels or organizations in biological systems.
 Students will understand the role of producers like algae within the carbon cycle and how that role can be exploited to
make bio-fuel.
H.2L.2 Explain how ecosystems change in response to disturbances and interactions. Analyze the relationships among biotic and
abiotic factors in an ecosystem.
 Students will make connections between limiting factors in the environment such as light, carbon dioxide, and
nutrients and the rate of algae growth.
H.2E.4 Evaluate the impact of human activities on environmental quality and the sustainability of Earth systems. Describe how
environmental factors influence resource management.
 Students will draw conclusions about the viability of growing algae to be used as a biofuel.
Engineering Design
H.4D.1 Define a problem and specify criteria for a solution within specific constraints or limits based on science principles. Generate
several possible solutions to a problem and use the concept of trade-offs to compare them in terms of criteria and constraints.
 Students will identify problems in the design of a prototype algae machine and brainstorm solutions.
 Students will evaluate their design ideas using the concepts of trade-offs, criteria, and constraints.
H.4D.2 Create and test or otherwise analyze at least one of the more promising solutions. Collect and process relevant data.
Incorporate modifications based on data from testing or other analysis.
 Students will build an algae machine and collect data on its effectiveness by determining algae growth rate.
 Students will analyze pre-generated data on an algae machine prototype. They will then use their analysis of this data
to incorporate modifications in their own designs.
H.4D.3 Analyze data, identify uncertainties, and display data so that the implications for the solution being tested are clear.
 Students will present their data in an easy-to-read graph format, and write an analysis which clearly communicates
both the uncertainties in the data as well as its implications.
H.4D.4 Recommend a proposed solution, identify its strengths and weaknesses, and describe how it is better than alternative designs.
Identify further engineering that might be done to refine the recommendations.
 After building and evaluating their first solutions, students will write paragraphs detailing its strengths and its
 Students will propose modifications to their solutions based on their evaluations as well as identify further engineering
that might be done to refine their recommendations.
Scientific Inquiry
H.3S.2 Design and conduct a controlled experiment, field study, or other investigation to make systematic observations about the
natural world, including the collection of sufficient and appropriate data.
 Students will design an experiment to test the effectiveness of their algae machine.
 Students will collect data on the growth rate of algae.
H.3S.3 Analyze data and identify uncertainties. Draw a valid conclusion, explain how it is supported by the evidence, and
communicate the findings of a scientific investigation.
 Students will present their data in an easy-to-read graph format, and write an analysis which clearly communicates
both the uncertainties in the data as well as the implications for their prototype.
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Alignment to Next Generation Science Standards
Performance Expectations
HS-ETS1-1. Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria and
constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.
HS-ETS1-2. Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more
manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.
HS-ETS1-3. Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and tradeoffs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, as well as
possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.
HS-ETS1-4. Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a complex real-world
problem with numerous criteria and constraints on interactions within and between systems relevant to
the problem (Optional Online Simulation Activity)
HS-LS1-4 Use a model to illustrate how photosynthesis transforms light energy into stored chemical
energy. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on illustrating inputs and outputs of matter and the transfer and
transformation of energy in photosynthesis by plants and other photosynthesizing organisms. Examples of models
could include diagrams, chemical equations, and conceptual models.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does
not include specific biochemical steps.]
HS-ESS3-4. Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on
natural systems.* [Clarification Statement: Examples of data on the impacts of human activities could include the
quantities and types of pollutants released, changes to biomass and species diversity, or areal changes in land
surface use (such as for urban development, agriculture and livestock, or surface mining). Examples for limiting
future impacts could range from local efforts (such as reducing, reusing, and recycling resources) to large-scale
geoengineering design solutions (such as altering global temperatures by making large changes to the
atmosphere or ocean).]
Science and Engineering Practices
Asking Questions and Defining Problems
Asking questions and defining problems in 9–12 builds on K–8 experiences and progresses to formulating,
refining, and evaluating empirically testable questions and design problems using models and simulations.
Analyze complex real-world problems by specifying criteria and constraints for successful solutions. (HS-ETS1-1)
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Constructing explanations and designing solutions in 9–12 builds on K–8 experiences and progresses to
explanations and designs that are supported by multiple and independent student-generated sources of evidence
consistent with scientific ideas, principles and theories.
Design a solution to a complex real-world problem, based on scientific knowledge, student-generated sources of
evidence, prioritized criteria, and tradeoff considerations. (HS-ETS1-2)
Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem, based on scientific knowledge, student-generated sources of
evidence, prioritized criteria, and tradeoff considerations. (HS-ETS1-3)
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Disciplinary Core Ideas
ETS1.A: Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems
Criteria and constraints also include satisfying any requirements set by society, such as taking issues of risk
mitigation into account, and they should be quantified to the extent possible and stated in such a way that one can
tell if a given design meets them. (HS-ETS1-1)
Humanity faces major global challenges today, such as the need for supplies of clean water and food or for
energy sources that minimize pollution, which can be addressed through engineering. These global challenges
also may have manifestations in local communities. (HS-ETS1-1)
ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions
When evaluating solutions, it is important to take into account a range of constraints, including cost, safety,
reliability, and aesthetics, and to consider social, cultural, and environmental impacts.
Both physical models and computers can be used in various ways to aid in the engineering design process.
Computers are useful for a variety of purposes, such as running simulations to test different ways of solving a
problem or to see which one is most efficient or economical; and in making a persuasive presentation to a client
about how a given design will meet his or her needs. (HS-ETS1-4)
ETS1.B. Designing Solutions to Engineering Problems
When evaluating solutions, it is important to take into account a range of constraints, including cost, safety,
reliability, and aesthetics, and to consider social, cultural, and environmental impacts. (secondary to HS-ESS32),(secondary to HS-ESS3-4)
ETS1.C: Optimizing the Design Solution
Criteria may need to be broken down into simpler ones that can be approached systematically, and decisions
about the priority of certain criteria over others (trade-offs) may be needed. (HS-ETS1-2)
ESS3.A: Natural Resources
Resource availability has guided the development of human society. (HS-ESS3-1)
All forms of energy production and other resource extraction have associated economic, social, environmental,
and geopolitical costs and risks as well as benefits. New technologies and social regulations can change the
balance of these factors. (HS-ESS3-2)
Cross Cutting Concepts
Systems and System Models
Models (e.g., physical, mathematical, computer models) can be used to simulate systems and interactions—
including energy, matter, and information flows— within and between systems at different scales. (HS-ETS1-4)
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Printed Materials
Part 1: Reading Activity
Article Handout—one per student
Vocab Alert Handout—one per student
Part 2: Exploration Activity
Data Collection Methods Handout—one per student group
Data Worksheet—one per student group
Part 3: Engineering Design Activity
Light Fixture Construction Instructions—one per teacher
Algae Machine Set Up Instructions—one per teacher
Design Handout—one per student group
Design Answer Key—one per teacher
Activity Materials
Part 1: Reading Activity
Part 2: Exploration Activity
Part 3: Engineering Design Activity
Note: If an item is listed as Extension/Optional, you only need it if you are doing the extension activity with
your class.
Hand or power drill and various sized drill bits if you are using plastic bottles and caps
o For “standard” 3/16” airline tubing, use a ¼” drill bit for holing the bottle cap. The seal around
the tubing does not need to be airtight.
500ml Erlenmeyer Flasks (recommended over beakers) if you are not using plastic bottles
Rubber or Foam Stoppers with one and/or two holes if you are not using plastic caps
Glass stirring rods
Tape (masking and duct tape)
Graduated cylinders
Extension/Optional: Turbidity measuring kit
Extension/Optional: Microscope and slides to take cell counts
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Buyer’s Guide
Class size
Item Information
Item to purchase
(item it
Store Type
Local Retail Ext
Costs: Class size of…
Online Ext Costs:
Class size of…
Live Algae & Containment
1 vial of live algae
in culture;
Scenedesmus is
the organism we
tested; most freeswimming green
algae suitable
Containers, e.g.
12 to 20 oz. water
bottles, wide
mouths preferable
(promotes air
exchange), with
Variety, Home
Improvement, grocery
variety, grocery
$26.48 $29.80
$25.38 $28.70
Air System
100 Gallon Pump
aerates up to 16
3/16" air line
4-Way Gang
Amazon; Pet
Pet, Amazon
$83.39 $99.39
$69.75 $81.73
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Light Fixtures — 2 lights on stands support 16-bottle setup with room to maneuver
4 ft shop light
48" T12 blulb, 34
Watt Cool White
3/4" PVC pipe,
10 ft long
3/4" PVC T
fitting, threaded
in middle only
aka "3/4" S x
3/4" S x 3/4"
3/4" PVC right
angle elbows
3/4" PVC male
threaded adapters
— 3/4" S x 3/4"
3/4" PVC female
threaded adapters
— 3/4" S x 3/4"
3/4" PVC caps
3/4" 3/4 pipe Ubolts
All purpose PVC
Light Timer
Plastic Sheeting
Home Imp, Hardware,
Home Imp, Hardware,
Home Imp, Hardware,
Home Imp. Store or
Home Imp. Store or
Home Imp. Store or
Home Imp. Store or
Home Imp, Hardware,
Home Imp, Hardware,
Home Imp, Hardware,
Home Imp, Hardware,
Home Imp, Hardware,
Home Imp, Hardware,
Live culture surcharge $5-$28; average
$16.50 for budgeting
Amazon, PetCo, PetSmart, Lowe's and Home
Depot often offer free shipping or free instore pickup
$265.47 $295.29
$249.55 $273.51
$391.84 $440.98
$361.18 $400.44
Parts to purchase if building low-cost light stand that doesn't use threaded connectors
3/4" PVC T
Home Imp, Hardware,
For Teachers
Engineering Design in Oregon Science Classrooms
Page 19 of 20
Buyer’s Guide Notes
Item to purchase (item it
Live Algae & Containment
1 vial of live algae in culture;
Scenedesmus is the organism we
tested; most free-swimming green
algae suitable
Containers, e.g. 12 to 20 oz. water
bottles, wide mouths preferable
(promotes air exchange), with lids
carolina.com -- Scenedesmus 15210 (shipping $28); also enasco.com; wardsci.com; culture
may be propagated to serve several classes and/or refrigerated and maintained for several
months; may need feeding
We tested Miracl-Gro All Purpose 24-8-16 (NPK ratio); something without dye would be
even better
500 ml; 1 and 2 liter bottles; Erlenmeyer flasks; test tubes all work well. Beakers have too
wide an opening. Smaller may be better because of space issues; fewer needed if running as
demo rather than group experiments
Have students collect and bring clean bottles about a week in advance
Air System
100 Gallon Pump aerates up to 16
3/16" air line tubing
4-Way Gang Valves
One pump aerates up to 16 bottles
Buy atabout 50 ft.
Make sure T adaptors match the size of tubing purchased.
Need 4 total for a set up of 16 bottles
Light Fixtures — 2 lights on stands support 16-bottle setup with room to maneuver
4 ft shop light
48" T12 bulb, 34 Watt Cool White
3/4" PVC pipe, 10 ft long
3/4" PVC T fitting, threaded in
middle only aka "3/4" S x 3/4" S x
3/4" Fips"
3/4" PVC right angle elbows
3/4" PVC male threaded adapters -3/4" S x 3/4" Mips
3/4" PVC female threaded adapters -3/4" S x 3/4" Fips
3/4" PVC caps
3/4" 3/4 pipe U-bolts
All purpose PVC Cement
Light Timer
Plastic Sheeting
Online Shipping
takes 2 T12 linear fluorescent bulbs; amazon.com
The more expensive "grow light" bulbs are not necessary to grow successfully grow algae
For building a stand to hold the shop light close to the bottles; no reasonable online source
See Light Fixture Construction Instructions
Used to connect chains which suspend shop light from PVC stand; online source is
Plumbers also use a primer but it’s not needed as pipe assembly will not be subject to water
Controls when light is on/off over 24 hours
Used to create a tent that holds the lamp heat so that algae bottles ambient temperature is
higher than room temp.
Live culture surcharge $5-$28; average $16.50 for budgeting
Amazon, PetCo, PetSmart, Lowe's and Home Depot often offer free shipping or free in-store
Parts to purchase if building low-cost light stand that doesn't use threaded connectors
3/4" PVC T couplings
See instructions for assembling stand
For Teachers
Engineering Design in Oregon Science Classrooms
Page 20 of 20
Setup Instructions
To see examples of machine setups, watch the following YouTube videos:
Growing Algae for Fuel – Getting Started (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAYnZbsIhY8)
Growing Algae for Fuel – Supplies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWyZlo1FWBg)
Harvest your Algae. YouTube video: Algae Harvest: Part 1
Additional Reading
Relevant and recent published articles related to algae and biofuel.
e! Science News—“Going green: Nation equipped to grow serious amounts of pond scum for fuel”
Popular Mechanics— “Pond-Powered Biofuels: Turning Algae into America's New Energy”
Note: This article is currently attached to this lesson’s Article Handout.