Meeting – Planning Commission - Forward Township, Butler County

Meeting - May 26, 2015 @ 7:00 PM
Attendance (Planning Commission): Jim Rape, Roland Herb, Steve Longwell, Carl Powell,
John McElhinny, Paul McElhinny, Tom Pferdehirt, Tom Hartwig, Engineer, Debra Rajchel,
Attendance (Visitor’s): Anne & Ron Cress, Leroy Drushel Jr., Frank Shipley, John Schleicher
– Gibson-Thomas Engineering, Larry Walters, Edward Colosimo, Tom Zoelle, Mark Wilson
Call to Order: Chairman, Jim Rape called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
Approval of Minutes: Tom Pferdehirt moved to approve the minutes of the April 28, 2015
meeting as presented. Paul McElhinny seconded the motion, motion passed.
Visitor Comments:
Harold Leroy Drushel - Drushel Farm Sub-Division – preliminary request to sub-divide
property for approximately 10 acres to include his house, water and sewage.
Planning Commission gave an approval to proceed with plans of sub-division and to return once
the plans and paperwork is in order for approval.
Ed Colosimo, Auto Sales located on Route 68 asked Planning Commission for
instruction to proceed with moving the dirt from hillside behind building and filling an area
on property to level parking and eventually build onto garage service and storage area.
Tom Hartwig, Engineer stated that he needed to:
Obtain an engineering firm to survey and prepare plans for project. Plans
to include soil erosion and sedimentation plans.
Obtain a copy of the Stormwater Management Ordinance from the
township to follow for development.
Present plans to township and engineer for review and approval once
Township Secretary emailed the Stormwater Management Ordinance to Mr. Colosimo and will
follow up with other forms to proceed in development.
New Business:
Ron and Anne Cress – Storm Water Management Plans were presented and reviewed
by Engineer Hartwig of Arcadis Engineering.
Tom Hartwig, Engineer stated that after review of plans he recommends approval and
permission to move forward with the building permit request.
Hidden Acres – Development Plans
Tom Hartwig, Engineer stated that after review of plans that correspondence has been sent to
Forward Township and gave a copy to Gibson-Thomas, regarding suggested changes. He
further explained the suggested changes with Engineer Schleicher and Mr. Shipley. He
recommended approval of the preliminary sub-division plans subject to said changes. He stated
that a quick look at the Stormwater Plans appears to have no significate problems and they will
begin the formal Stormwater Review upon approval from the Planning Commission.
Tom Pferdehirt moved to approve preliminary sub-division plans subject to the revisions stated
in the correspondence of Arcadis May 18, 2015. Steve Longwell seconded the motion, motion
Old Business:
Blight Ordinance – Planning Commission will review various documents gathered on
blight resolutions and prepare to consider at next meeting, June 23, 2015 options for
dealing with the abandoned structure problems within the township.
Open discussion with board members and visiting Mark Wilson on situations facing the
township, complaints from residents, residential issues as a result of growth, all being reasons
to consider either an ordinance to resolve problems or consideration of a potential zoning
Consensus of the board was that perhaps they need to bend a little bit in this decision to avoid
the possibility of legal suits in the future. The avoidance of a decision at this time could lead to
the potential of newly elected individuals making radical changes in the near future vs. policies
being put into place now that would protect the rural community as a whole. Mr. Wilson
suggested that they try to find the shades of grey and adopt a policy to meet the immediate
needs for abandoned properties with the risk of public safety and welfare that includes an
exclusion of agricultural structures. He further stated the uniqueness of the township presently
includes industrial, commercial, agricultural and residential housing and the new ordinance
needs to protect all. He stated that law vs. justice is not the same thing and recommends they
consider this further.
Chairman Rape introduced Tom Zoelle who is considering a position on the Planning
Commission board.
Next Meeting: June 23, 2015 @ 7:00 PM
Paul McElhinny moved to adjourn at 8:10 PM Tom Pferdehirt seconded the motion, motion
Respectfully Submitted
Debra Rajchel, Secretary