Weather policies

According to Constitution & Rules 6/12/11
1. Opposing captains to be notified no later than 11.00am for Seniors & 8.00am for Juniors
(16, e) of wet weather. Junior games can be changed to another venue if agreed by both
2. When raining at commencement time then 2.00pm be the cut off time for starting
competition (16, g) for seniors.
1. No tennis to be played on catastrophic days. If by 9.00am on Saturday morning the Bureau
of Meteorology via the Internet shows the expected maximum for Clare is 37 or more
senior tennis is cancelled (16, k). Will be notified by Association President.
2. If at 7.00pm Friday night the Bureau of Meteorology via the Internet shows the expected
max temp for Clare is 40 or more Junior competition is cancelled for the following morning
(19, e).
3. If at 9.00am on Friday morning the Bureau of Meteorology via the Internet shows the
expected max temp for Clare is 37 or more junior matches scheduled for Friday night
cancelled.(19, e). If both teams agree the match can be postponed until later in evening or
rescheduled for Saturday morning (19, e)
From Mid North Tennis Association Constitution
Updated 6-11-2011
Should a minor round match be cancelled on account of hot weather or
catastrophic conditions (as per rule16j & 16l) no points will be awarded to
any teams and this match cannot be used for qualifying purposes.
Should a match in the minor round not commence on account of wet weather
(play has been cancelled before prescribed starting time) it shall be deemed
a tie for all purposes and each team shall be credited with 2 points. This
match can not be used for qualifying purposes (ie a player using that match
as a qualifying game for the finals).
Should a minor round match be cancelled on account of rain after the
prescribed starting time and both teams are present, the match may be
counted as played for qualification purposes provided a list of players signed
by both captains is forwarded to the Association Recorder by 10.00am the
following Monday. Both captains must mutually agree to abandon the match.
Points can be scored when one side has won an unbeatable number of sets
and games and rain prevents further play. Percentage will then be calculated
by dividing the sets won by the total completed and multiplying by 100. No
percentage will be recorded if a decision is not reached.
The responsibility of the abandonment of matches due to rain prior to the
commencement time shall be left to the home team captains. Opposing
captains to be notified no later than 11.00am for Seniors and 8.00am for
If a match is called off due to wet weather at a given venue, then all matches
at the same time at that venue to be called off.
When it is raining at commencement time, then 2.00 pm be the cut off time
for starting a competition.
If playing conditions become dangerous (i.e. weather / court surfaces) play is
to be abandoned for 15 minutes. If after 15 minutes the conditions have not
improved the match is to be abandoned and points can be scored when one
side has won an unbeatable number of sets and games, otherwise it shall be
deemed a tie for all purposes and each team shall be credited with 2 points.
The match may be counted as played for qualification purposes provided a
list of players signed by both captains is forwarded to the Association
Recorder by 10.00am the following Monday
In the case of a final being postponed due to rain or heat, it should be
completed as soon as possible the following day (Sunday) if fine or the next
Saturday with the rest of the finals following as soon as possible, using
Sundays if necessary but excluding Easter. The final is to continue with
same players, the scores exactly as they were when the match was
abandoned. Both captains must mutually agree to abandon a match and if an
agreement cannot be reached the groundsman of the courts being used shall
have the final say.
If emergency service volunteers playing tennis get called out, their unfinished
sets are automatically cancelled and will not form part of the final score.
No tennis to be played on CATASTROPHIC DAYS.
If by 9.00am on Saturday morning the Bureau of Meteorology via the internet
shows the expected max temp for the Clare Valley is 37 degrees or more,
senior competition to be cancelled. The Association President or allocated
person to notify secretaries of all clubs. (